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12 Dawns Vol. 2: Chapter 3 - Twin Souls


Have you ever heard of the concept of twin souls? They say there are two unique souls in this world that are connected to each other. People call them soulmates. Others call them twin flames. It is a concept I have always wondered ever since I met him. Markle Moore.

Light brown hair, green eyes. He is an inch taller than me. I met him during my police academy days. Among all us new cadets, he was the one who got the highest scores in the aptitude test. I was instantly drawn to him. He smiles like the sun but his eyes were sad. It bothered me so at that time and I couldn't understand the very reason why. 

I remember entering our classroom at that time and he was sitting near the window. He looked so lost in thought and he didn't even notice he entered his space. He only noticed my presence when I introduced myself.

“Hello. Cadet Everett Winston.” I said as I extend my hand towards him

Markle turns towards me. That is the first time I saw that sunny smile. 

“Moore, Markle.” he said as he shook my hand.

After that day, Markle and I became inseparable. We were rivals and best of friends in the academy.   We supported each other during that time. It made my academy days brighter and easier. I was glad Markle was with me. Being gay in the police academy can be a problem but for Markle it wasn't. I didn't peg him to be one like myself. But our sexuality is not the one the draws me towards him. It is something else. 

I admit that graduation was a sad moment for me. I know we will be separating ways. He would be assigned to a different precinct than I do. We cannot stay together all together all the time.

Markle promised that he would keep in touch and he did. It was not too often. He was assigned to another precinct far from mine. We would call and text but the meet-ups are so rare because our day off are so different. 

Eventually, I rose from my ranks. I was relocated to Precinct 12 of Dawn City. A city much farther away. I lost contact from Markle after a few weeks when I settled there. Despite that, I felt like he has never left. Like he took a back seat in my mind. I could not explain it also. 

"Everett Winston!" a girl called out to me. I looked up from where I am sitting. "God, you looked like you haven't slept in days."

"Hello there Anda." I greeted. 

Anda, my dear Anda is my best friend. She was the first person I befriended here in Dawn City. I remember rescuing her from a pervert in a club and we hit off after that. I usually meet her for coffee during my work breaks like this one. 

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"Jeezus, Winston, have you even taken bath?" Anda asks as she slides into the chair in front of me. 

"Of course I did. I just haven't slept okay?" I said frowning.

Anda chuckles as she ruffled my hair, "I guess this case you are handling is giving you a headache huh?"

I sighed. Where is the lie in this? I am dealing with a serial killer case. Again. I don't understand why Dawn City has quite a lot? 

"You should catch some shut-eye instead of drinking coffee with me Win." Anda replied. A waitress approached our table and placed a hot steaming cup of cappuccino in front of her. "Aww, Win. You ordered again for me."

I smiled weakly and said, "Both you and I know we don't have much time during this time. Besides this is nothing." 

Anda sighs and said, "Win, I am serious. I have money to spend and again, you need to get a shut-eye."

"I will." I said taking a sip of my brewed coffee. I then give her a look and said, "Your eyes are red. You and Ray been fighting again?"

"Nothing escapes you huh?" Anda replied.

I point to her eyes. "Your eyes, you have been crying. No amount of concealer can hide it." 

Anda rolls her eyes at me and sad, "Oh shut up. We just made up this morning." 

"And I bet my 3rd cup of coffee that you will fight again soon." I remarked.

"Win!" Anda exclaimed. "That is your 3rd cup of coffee today?"

I laugh. "Wow, you commented on that? So I am right?" 

"Shut up Win." Anda replied pouting.

I yawned. Wow. The coffee I am drinking is not even working. Anda is right. I do need a shut-eye but I will be meeting my new partner today so sleeping is not an option at the moment.

"So you are meeting your new partner this afternoon?" Anda quipped. I nod my head. My old partner was transferred to a different precinct. 

"Yeah. Maybe if I have a new partner, the load I have on this case will lighten" I said yawning again.

Anda sighs. "I can't believe your former partner just requested a transfer in the middle of the investigation."

"Hey, give him a break. He is obviously cannot handle the stress of the investigation." I remarked. 

"I am actually impressed that you have held out this long Win." Anda replied.

Indeed. The job is very stressful. I barely had a social life except this coffee breaks with my best friend. For the past weeks, I have been working my ass to get this case to a close. I even sacrificed my day off. I yawned again. 

"Win, please get some sleep. I feel like you might faint anytime soon." Anda replied giving him a worried look.

I nod my head. "Definitely. Let me just survive meeting my new partner okay?"


12th Precinct is a very busy precinct and it is the biggest. It is also considered the best out there here in Dawn City. I have always wanted to be transferred to this precinct. I have been working myself really hard to get here.  I am also excited to also see him again. I lost contact with him when he transferred here two years ago. 

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Why did I stop communicating? He also stopped communicating? That doesn't matter. We were both in the force. We became busy in our respective jobs but even that, I always have him in the back of my mind. He was my best friend in the academy. He was such an undying spirit. When I first saw him, I felt this certain connection with him. 

Winston Everett. I wonder how are you? How have you been? Are you well? You have always been hard working. Working yourself to the bone to the point you forget to take care of yourself. 

I looked at my watch. Any time now, I would be seeing him again. I wonder how he will react? It will definitely surprise him. 

I hear footstep approaching me. Ah, I still know his strides, the sound of it and all. I didn't dare turn around to face him. It will ruin the surprise.

"You must be my new partner. Hi, I am Inspector Winston Everett." he said.

I smiled. I turned around extending my hand saying. "Hello there Inspector. Moore, Markle at your service." 

I watch his eyes widen. I wanted to laugh but I couldn't. Winston, looked so different now. His short silver hair is quite long, it's messily tied into a low ponytail. His blue eyes still sparkle but I could see eyebags threatening to over power his beautiful eyes. He looks exhausted.

"Oh my god! Markle! You're my new partner?" he exclaimed. 

"Yes I am." I said. 

Winston shook my hand vigorously. His hand is still warm as ever. I don't know what came over me. I pulled him into a hug. "I am so happy to see you again Win." I whispered.

I feel him slowly wrapping his arm around me and he whispered back, "Same. I-I missed you."


I admit, I did not expect him to give me a hug. A very tight one to be in fact. I don't know why but I found comfort that. We used to hug like this way back in our academy days. How I missed this. He even called me by my nickname. Win. 

Markle released me from the hug saying, "You look damn tired."

"Ahhh yeah" I replied scratching my head. 

"You haven't been sleeping that much huh?" he asks. "You haven't changed a bit Win."

I chuckled. "Come on, partner, let's go to my office. There is a case waiting for us." 


Winston's office is in somewhat in a disarray. He definitely hasn't changed a bit. He is till the same Winston I know. When he gets to work and focus, his room will be just like this. Papers all over, empty cups of coffee stacked on his desk and of course his cork board where he post his theories and what nots. 

"You have been working on this hard." I said. 

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"Yeah. I have leads but nothing matches." he said looking exasperated. He ten stifles a yawn. He walks over the white board and pointed to several notes on it saying. "The victims are below 18 of age. Minors."

I looked at the notes he pointed. "They were all... raped. Mutilated." I exclaimed bitterly.

Markle yawned saying, "Yes, all victims also comes from the same neighborhood. Those are my leads but I haven't made any connection since these girls are from different economic background. The unsub choose his victims randomly also but definitely targets minors"

Another yawn.

This won't do. This bad habit of his. 

"Win. Have you slept?" I asked.

"Huh?" he gave me this confused look.

I sighed. "Win. You obviously  haven't slept. Please take a rest."

"I want to but this case-"

"Rest Win. Catch some sleep." I said. I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him to the long couch. I forced him to sit down on it. "Sleep Win. I'll take over for awhile."

He gives me this wide-eyed stare. I know that look. He is about to rebut. I wave my index finger at him saying, "I am here now Win. I am your partner now right. Let me do my job as your partner."


"Yeah. Also, I really wanna catch up with you but with a case like this on our hands and with you too focused on this, I don't think we would. Besides, your sleep deprivation is getting in the way of your thinking. So sleep."

Winston sighed in defeat. He flops on the couch saying, "Thanks Markle. I am so glad you are here with me now."

I smiled as I watch him close his eyes. In matter of seconds, he was fast asleep. I turn to the white board and the folder of files on his table. There is a lot for me to catch up on. Better start working.


I could hear rustling of papers, I slowly open my eyes. My eyes darts towards the window. It was already dark. That got me into panic mode. I was supposed to take a quick nap but it looked like I fell into a deep sleep. I got up noticing a fleece blanket on me. Who on earth?

"Oh you are awake."

I looked at my desk and there sat Markle. Oh yeah, he is my new partner. The person who for some reason I am drawn to even after many years. 

"Markle, why didn't you wake me up?" I asked standing up from the couch. 

"You obviously needed sleep. Not just a nap but hours of sleep. " Markle answered without batting an eye.

Markle Moore. You haven't change a bit. You always worry about my well being. Somehow, that made my heart  beat a little bit faster. 

"Have you been just reading there?" I asked.

"That and analyzing." Markle replied. "The unsub changes his dump site only three times. Have you noticed that?"

I approached him saying. "Wait, I didn't noticed that. Good job Markle."

"We might find some clues on those dump sites Win. We should visit them tomorrow."  Markle replied standing up from my chair.

I stretched my arms above saying, "We could start now."

Markle shook his head, "I would like that but you still need to rest and I need to meet my landlord."

"This late?" I asked looking at my watch. 7PM it says. Well not that late.

"I told him I would be late because I have to report here first." Markle replied.

This piqued my interest. I also live near here. "Where are you currently staying?" I asked 

"Dawn Towers Apartments." he answered. 

I could feel my jaw dropping down. What are the odds? 

"Uhhh... I live there." I said.

Markle grins and said.  "What a coincidence."


Something in me says that this is not just a mere coincidence.

I breathe a sigh of relief when Win agreed to have our investigation continued tomorrow. He needs to rest. That sleep he has in the office is not enough. I remember back in the academy, he didn't sleep for 48 hours for our exams and after the exams he fainted. I remember him slumping into my arms looking so pale. I had to haul him up to infirmary. He needed to be hospitalized for two days because he was also severely dehydrated. This bad habit of him not taking care himself when he is too focused in his job perturbs me so back in the academy and he is still doing it until now.

What do I with you Win?

The walk from the precinct to the apartment was like 20 minutes top. We chatted about the current case still. I really wanna ask more about his life. Like is he dating or does he have a boyfriend already. 

Wait what?

Really Markle? That is the first thing you wanna know? Well, I am not gonna lie, I kinda sorta have this crush on Win. I mean look at him. Despite the haggard look, Win still looks pretty. Yes, I called him pretty. Doesn't help he grew his hair this long that enhanced his feminine features. Way back in the academy, some cadets teased him looking like a girl. It didn't faze Winston. He didn't give a damn of what people think of him. Well, if we ignore his physical attractiveness, I like how grounded and passionate he is. I solidified my so-called crush? on him back then.

Back then. Do I still have a crush on him? I mean we both swing that way. I admit, when I found out he way when we were in the academy was a relief. There was someone like me. I was not alone.

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"So Markle, please don't tell me your apartment is on Tower 1." Winston remarked at me. We were now near Dawn Tower Apartments.

"Ahahaha no. Tower 2. I am on the 8th floor." I replied fishing out my phone. I need to inform my landlord that I will be at his office in 10 minutes.

I noticed Winston's eyes going wide again. "8th floor? Ahahaha what the... I'm on Tower one but 8th floor too." he says.

"What a coincidence." I just said. 

Is it? That is like the second time in a row now.


Markle bid goodnight to me as he enters walks towards Tower 2. He even reminded me to eat dinner and then sleep. He has always been the caring friend. He is kind of like Anda. Constantly reminding me to the point of nagging that I should take care of myself. 

I can't blame them, I do have a habit of not taking care of myself whenever I am busy or to focused. I even fainted way back in the academy because of dehydration and lack of sleep. I didn't realize I fainted. I woke up in the hospital. Markle was with me and berated to heavens for what happened. I saw how worried he was. His tone was angry but his eyes says otherwise. 

At that point, Markle became the nagging mom-friend. It was cute. I think that was the time I started to like him.


Well, it was a crush. I mean, Markle is good-looking. He has this handsome jock-type charm on him. His green-eyes are so expressive. I could read it like a book. His light-brown hair is so soft once you feel it on your hand. I even asked him once if he uses a special shampoo. He just laughed at me at that. Markle is also kind. Very selfless if I may say. He has an air of calmness that I lack since I am all over the place most of the time. He feels warm too. So you see? It's not hard to like him or even has a crush on him.

Yeah. I did have a crush on him but it was a light crush. 

Then why does my heart beating so loudly as the thought of that?

As I entered my apartment, I went straight to my refrigerator. I still have some left-overs from my breakfast. I'll just re-heat that as my dinner. It is not much but I am not that hungry anyway. I am actually more sleepy than hungry.

As I wait for my food to heat-up, I removed my coat and hang it up on the coat rack. I opened my window curtains. The skies are so clear today and you could see the crescent moon above shining. Not a lot of stars which is normal. Stars don't shine brightly in the city. I find that fact a bit depressing.

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I looked at the apartment in front of me. The lights closed. It has been empty for quite some time now. The last person who stayed there was a couple who moved after having a baby. 


Ah yeah, my food, 

I loosened up my tie and opened my top buttons. What a day. Even if I did catch up some sleep in my office, I still feel exhausted. I popped the microwave open and took my food. They're just basically left-over bacons and scrambled eggs. I grabbed a fork from the drawer. 

I grab a chair from my dining table and drags it towards my window. The moon looks nice tonight. Very relaxing. Reminds me of Markle. 

Ahh, Markle. Why is he suddenly on my mind right now? I know we are partners for this case but really?

As I sit down on my chair, I noticed that the light in the apartment in front of me is now open. So, there is a new tenant. Cool. I take a bite of my bacon and I nearly spit it out because the tenant appeared from the window. Green eyes staring at me.

Markle Moore is the new tenant of the apartment room in front of me.

This is seriously beyond coincidence now.


What a coincidence. Is it just a coincidence? I chuckled as I watch Win almost spit his food out when our eyes met. My apartment is right in front of his. This is too much but it is something that I am for some reason happy about.

I waved at him from my window. He waved back. He points to his plate. I nod my head. 

He kept his promise and is eating dinner. I can't see what he is eating. It doesn't look much but at least he is eating. Reminder to myself to buy big breakfast for the both of us tomorrow.

Funny, despite us not having communication for what two years? It was so easy for us to fall back to our usual. Like, there was no awkwardness at all. Which is good, since we'll be working together now. 

I lift up a plastic container up to let him know I will be eating my dinner also. He grins at me and gives a thumbs up sigh. 

I walk away from the window and strides towards my dining table. As I sit down on the chair, I looked around the room. Boxes upon boxes. This will take time, with the case we are handling it would be difficult for me to unpack and make this room liveable. I should have moved two weeks before not a day before. 

My phone chimed. I fished it out my pocket. Win has send me a message. So, he hasn't changed his number all this time.

"I am glad you haven't changed numbers.  After this case, I'll help you unpack, if that is okay with you."

The message says. 

Win. You always know what I have on my mind. I don't know how he does it but he seemed to know what is on my mind and it is vice versa for me. I also seemed to know what is on his mind too. This is why our class mates in the academy calls us two peas in a pod or wonder twins.

Wonder twins. I chuckled at the thought. I take a big bite of my dinner and responded back to Win.

"Thanks Win. I appreciate it."

Tomorrow, will be a busy day. We will be visiting three crime scenes. The dumpsites of the unsub. 

"Yep, definitely, two big breakfast plus two steaming hot brewed coffee." I muttered to myself thinking how grueling the day tomorrow will be. 


The morning the next day seemed like predicting how grim the day will be. The sun decided to hide and allowed the gray clouds to dominate the sky.  I checked my the weather forecast and it says that it might rain. Great. I did not brink my umbrella. I sighed. I woke up too early this morning. I got a little bit excited I guess. 

I looked at my phone and saw that Markle send me a message. He is already awake.

"I'll meet you in the office."

I simply responded back with an OK. 

So here I am in the office. My messy office. I should throw out my empty coffee shop. Yeah, yeah I am starting to feel a bit shy. If I am going to work with Markle, I have to clean up a bit. Between us, he is the cleanest and most organized. 

I noticed  that they placed another desk inside the office. Markle's desk.

I smiled. I'll be working with Markle now. He is now my partner.

Okay, heart. Stop beating too fast.

I sit down on my chair and starts arranging the files on my desk. I grabbed the dirty and empty coffee cups and threw them in the water basket beside my desk. 

My office door opened and Markle came in carrying a two plastic bags and two cups of coffee. 

"Morning Win! Bought us breakfast." Markle replied. He placed one of the plastic bag on my desk and one cup hot steaming hot coffee.

"I hope you still take your coffee the same." he replied as he walks towards his desk.

I take a sip of the coffee. Black, no cream but lots of sugar. I smiled. "You got it right. "

Markle chuckled saying, "There are some things doesn't change."

I take out the plastic container out of the plastic bag. It is still pretty hot. Newly cooked. I opened the plastic container and I felt my heart beating faster again. Markle remembered my favorite breakfast food. I had this thing for spicy Chinese noodles. 

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"You remembered" I muttered. 

"Of course. How can I forget?" Markle replied. I turned towards him, I didn't intend for him to hear that but he did . As our eyes met, I could feel my heart beating hard twice as it is already.

Oh God. Please, don't tell me.

"Eat your noodles Win, we have a long day remember?" He points out as he takes a sip of his coffee.

The beating of my heart didn't slow down.

Shit. That crush that I thought was a thing of the past? It is obviously not over.


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We arrived at the first crime scene. It was a park near a residential area, 5 blocks way from where Markle and I live.  The park was quite small but filled with tall trees. It's no wonder the unsub chose this park as hi dumping site. The group of trees in the park looks like a mini forest. You can hide a dead body there and it can go unnoticed for a few days.

I lead Markle towards where we found the body. All victims were found wrapped in plastic wrapping. The bodies that were found here. The interval was  one week apart.  The state of the bodies of each victims were severely mutilated. There were cuts all over the bodies. The ring fingers were all cut off. The unsub definitely took it as a trophy. All victims throats were slashed and that was the cause of the death. 

Markle looked around the area where the bodies were found by joggers in the area. He looked so deep in thought. The sun shining on his hair making his crown glow like he is wearing a halo.

Hold that thought Winston, Everett. What on hell are you thinking about? Focus on the case!

"The unsub is highly intelligent. He made sure that he dumped the body in an area where there is stony path. Based on the report, there were no footprints found right?" Markle commented crouching down.

"Yeah. He made sure not to leave any fingerprints also. Not even body hair." I said slipping my hands inside my trouser pockets.

Markle stands up. He looks at me and said, "Looks like this one is a dud. He was too careful here despite dumping two bodies."

"You are expecting him to slip up?" I asked,

"Well, no matter how careful you are, you will make a mistake. This is evident for our unsub." Markle replied.

I frowned. Evident? How?

Markle looks at me. I could feel his stares on me. I suddenly feel hot. My heart starts to speed up again. 

"Evident...: I muttered under my breathe. 

Something clicked in my brain. Why haven't I seen this before? You idiot Winston!

"Unsub changes his dumpsites. He changes so that he won't make a mistake." I said looking at Markle.

Markle winked at me saying, "Bingo!"

I could feel my cheeks burning. Markle Moore, how dare you wink at me like that.

"Most killers especially like this one has a pattern of dumping their victims in one place over and over. Not unless, they dump in different places every kill. But this one. He kills, dumps in one place. He repeats. But the changes again." Markle rants on. "The first and second victim were found here. The 3rd and fourth in another park. This part is like 7 blocks away from here." 

I nod my head. I can see another pattern now. He moves dump sites every two kills. Every two victims. 

"He doesn't want to mess up. He doesn't want to get caught. He is still enjoying this." I said clenching my fist.

Markle pats me on the shoulder. "We will catch him. "

I looked at him. Wait. Why are you so close?

"Come on, I want to see the second dump site."


The second crime scene is similar to the first one. Albeit a bit bigger.  Win lead me to the group of trees where the bodies where found this time by kids, since there is a play ground in this park.

I crouched down looking where the bodies lay. The area has a stony path again. I am not expecting to see more physical evidence since the CSI has obviously gathered all needed evidence already. The area has been cleaned up too. I am hoping to see something that could make things more clear. We have already established that the unsub changes his dumpsite every two kills. He doesn't want to be caught and making a mistake is not an option for him. 

"He likes parks huh." Winston muttered.

I raised my eyebrow at this. Win has a habit of muttering his thoughts out loud. Nothing wrong about this, but his mutters can be unintelligible. I, for some reason can catch it quickly. Like this morning, when he muttered that I remember his favorite breakfast food. He thought I didn't hear it but I did. I wonder when he will realize that I can? 

"I did notice that." I said,

Win turns towards me, giving this wide-eye look of surprise again. I want to laugh. You are so cute Win.

"You know, I could hear you mutter." I point out.

"Ahhh ahahaa sorry. But yeah, he likes parks, he likes trees. Even the third crime scene is a park similar to this." Winston replied. "Similar... to... this." his voice trails off. 

I could see the gears in his head turning. He realizes something about the crime scene. Win's mind is a marvel. There is a reason why he is my rival way back in the academy. He is very sharp and he can notice details very quickly. One reason why he rose to his rank now is because of his mind add his other skills as a police officer.

"Markle, what if the first victim was not the first victim?" Win replied. He walks over me, grabbing me by the shoulders he rambles, "All of the victims were minors. There is a reason for that. The unsub is stuck in the past. He probably had someone in the past that he fancied, same age as the victims. This person must be the first."

"A-and? What is the connection with the parks?" I asked.

Winston's eyes shone and said, "The crime scenes must have reminded him of this person. This is why he chooses parks."

See. His mind is indeed a marvel. If I can only kiss that brain of his.

"You are amazing Win." I said and this has Win blush. 

Win can be cute like this. How can I not miss these moments. I used to see and experience this moments before, before we parted ways.  I didn't even realize how I missed this until I received the notice that I would be transferred here. 

"I-I am that amazing, I mean, if you didn't suggest we visit the crime scenes I wouldn't realize the connection." Winston replied his tone soft.

Ahh yes, he is also quick to share the recognition even if it is all him. I am happy you haven't change a bit Win.

"We finally made another connection but we still don't have any idea who is the unsub." he says frowning. 

Of course back to the problem of who is the unsub. We need at least one suspect to start somewhere. 

"Maybe in the third crime scene we will see something that can help us." I point out. 

Win nods his head and said, "Can we grab some coffee on the go?"

"You know your penchant for caffeine is unhealthy." I said playfully.

He pouts. Cute. 

"Come on! Coffee helps me think!" he exclaims. 

I laugh and said, "Yeah. yeah. Come on." 


As expected the third crime scene was a park. This one is near a residential area. Markle and Winston with hot steaming coffee in their hand sat down on a bench near the where the last two bodies were found. 

"Same looking park, almost same area. His dumpsite is really part of his pattern" Winston replied taking a sip of his coffee. He frowns. It's almost a week since the last victim was found. The unsub definitely has another victim in his mind. Based on the bodies of the victim, they were not abducted for a long time. No sign of dehydration or anything that speaks that they were held captive. So it means, they were abducted, violated and murdered all in one day.

"Win, there were no missing reports of the girls when they disappeared right?" Markle asked.

Winston nod his head. "None of the family thought they were abducted because all of them disappeared on a school day. All victims were member of a club.  So they tend to go home a bit late but not too late."

"Members of a club huh?" Markle said in a whisper. Winston sighed and said, "Every victim came from a different club. One is a varsity, the other one one is part of a debate team et ecetera. All came from different schools. So the unsub definitely not within the school premises."

"But he definitely stalks the schools for his victim" Markle points out.

The clouds in the sky starts to get darker. sound of thunder and lighting can be heard from a far.

Winston stands up saying, "He stalks schools. Beside school buses that parks outside schools waiting for students, what else do you know that does that?"

"Uhhh vendors?" Markle asks.

Winston gives Markle a serious look. "Exactly. I think I know who is our unsub Markle."


Markle and I are back in the office cross-referencing all the information we learned. We needed to pinpoint now, which school will the unsub will stalk. Among the six victims, two of them came from the same school. The rest came from different schools in the area.

"The first and 2nd victims were schoolmates but didn't know each other." I pointed out. "Could it be this school has a special thing for him?" 

Markle looked over my shoulder peeking into the document I was holding. I could feel his breathe on my on my cheek and I could smell his faint cologne. We were out the whole day, why dos he smells so good?

Focus Winston!

"You have a point there. Knowing that the first and second victim came there." Markle agrees.

"After the two he moved his hunt to different schools but notice, the schools are just within the vicinity of the three parks." I point out at the map on my table. 

I could hear Markle snaps his finger behind me. "I think this is his comfort zone. Like this whole area."

"Exactly! Because of that, if my theory is correct, the unsub would go back to the first hunting ground. The first hunting ground is special to him." I said. I turned around and my lips almost grazed Markle's cheek.

So close! Also my heart!

"You hit the mark here" Markle replied. He then looks at me and winked.

I feel like I am going to combust. Markle is too close for comfort. 

"So do we go visit the first hunting ground?" He asks his eyes still boring to mine. 

"Ah, y-eah. Let's go." I said moving my head away so that my eyes is no longer meeting his.  I feel Markle making a step back. I straightened my back. I looked at the board before me. The pieces are falling into place now. It's really something when you have someone to brainstorm with.

But.... Markle. Markle made with brainstorming thing way easier than my my former partner. Stephen, bless him wherever he is now, is highly good and intelligent too. We worked together very well but we didn't jive like how Markle and I do. Our brainwaves just seem to be on the same level.  

"You ready Win?" Markle asks. 

I nod my head. "Let's get this unsub shall we?"


Rising Dawn High is just like a normal high school in Dawn City. It's one of the oldest schools in the city. It is by far the biggest also. It both caters to junior and senior high. Security wise, the school is vey safe and it never had problems of its students getting in danger until now. Or is it?

We are now currently in the Principal's Office. Mrs. Burton is gracious enough to accommodate us even without prior appointment.

"I don't know what else you need to know officers." Mrs. Burton replied.

I smiled asking, "This might sound weird but the two girls, are they only one who went missing and later turned up murdered?"

Mrs. Burton looked taken a back with my question but there is no point of beating around the  bush. Each victims are one week a part. It is almost a week now. The unsub is definitely scouting a new victim and if my theory is right, he will come back here. Why have two victims here and move to another place? 

"What are you hinting at sir?" Mrs. Burton ask.

"Mrs. Burton, you know what we mean." Markle replied his tone serious.

Mrs. Burton sighed. She clasped her hands on the table saying, "Mirabel Cruz. A year ago, she went missing for a whole day. She was found the next day in a park near here. She was raped and murdered. Her throat slashed."

Bingo. I knew it. 

"How come this was never investigated?" I asked.

"Oh it was. Officers from Precinct 10 investigated it but no one was convicted. There was a suspect but there were not evidence to even arrest him. The case remained open until now."

I frowned. "Him?"

"He used to be a teacher here. He taught Senior High students and there were limited interactions between them. We let him go after that."

"If that is the case, then why fire him? " I ask.

Mrs. Burton sighed. "Mirabel's parents doesn't want to believe that he is innocent. The other parents followed suit. So, we didn't have a choice."

"May we get the name of this teacher?" Markle asked.

"Mr. Dennis Vickers. He used to teach Physical Education." Mrs. Burton answered.

I thanked Mrs. Burton. Finally, we have a name. A frickking name. He may or not be our unsub but damn it, a fucking lead.

"Do you have an address?" I asked 

"You can ask him yourself."

Markle frowns at this. "What do you mean?"

"He has a food truck business now and every Monday and Friday, he would be here selling to the kids at the free space at the parking lot." Mrs. Burton replied.

It's a Friday today. What a timing. 


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A relatively medium sized food truck is indeed parked in the school's parking lot. There were students and some staff queuing to buy.

"The truck is big enough to abduct a kid, even an adult" Markle whispered to me.

"If he is the unsub, he will abduct someone today." I whispered today. Markle and I flashed our badge at the line and without a question they dispersed. It must be the aura that me and Markle emanating at that time. We are not playing games. Six girls are dead and there would be a seventh one if we don't catch this person.

A middle aged man, welcomed us from inside the food truck. He looked  bit pissed. He seemed to be as  tall as Markle, black hair, has a goatee and looks clean.

"Dennis Vickers?" Markle asks flashing his badge. 

"Yes, what can I do for you sir?" 

"This is about the case of Mirabel Cruz" I replied loud enough for the onlookers to hear.

Vicker's face paled. Ah hit a nerve.

"That case is closed and I am proven innocent." He exclaimed his voice quivering a bit.

"No, definitely not Mr. Vickers. We have taken over the case." Markle commented. 

This is what I like about Markle, he doesn't question my sudden decisions and he is quick to jump into whatever I am planning. Like he knows what goes through my brain.

"W-wait let me close my truck." Vickers replied turning his back on us.

I take a step forward saying, "No need Vickers."

"If you could please step out of the vehicle please." Markle replied.

Vickers faces us again saying. "Do I need to?"

"Sir, we are not arresting you. We just need to talk to you" I insisted.

Vickers takes a deep breathe as he steps out of his food truck.  My guess was right. He is about as tall as Markle. He is wearing this black khaki pants, topped with a black loose shirt and an apron with some food stains. My eyes dart towards the surgical gloves he is wearing.

"We just need to clarify some things Mr. Vickers." Markle replied  

"What do you need to know about?"

I crossed my arms as him and said, "Mirabel has no interactions with you, well not  100%, there were some interactions but very minimal. Why do you think the police at that time think you did it?"

Vickers shrugged his shoulders. " I don't know. My only interaction with that kid when I substituted for their PE teacher at that time."

Fact. That is the first time he encountered Mirabel. 

"But you had other interactions according the case." I pointed out.

Vicker's frowned. "Huh?! I don't exactly call those interactions. " 

"Well, those I pass by my student along the hallways and casual visits in the junior high gymnasium, I call those interactions." I quipped.

"I don't like your tone." Vickers exclaimed taking a step forward at me. I see Markle stepping up in front of me saying, "Calm down Vickers. He is just making a point. Those are facts and reason why you were accused."

There is something about Dennis Vickers. He acts very guarded and  fidgety. Mirabel Cruz's case really did a nerve. I find it suspicious why would he decide to do business here. The mere fact this school fired him for something he said he didn't do.

"Vickers, this school fired you, why do you do business here?" Markle asks.

My eyebrows shot up. He thought of the same thing. 

"Yeah, if I were you I wouldn't come back here because of shame." I replied stepping to Markle's side.

Vickers scoffs, "This school is shit for firing me the but I can make money out of these idiots."

Point taken.

"Is that all officers?" he demands.

"Vickers, who do you think killed and raped Mirabel?" I asked.

"I don't know. That poor child." he said his tone getting soft. 

I then stared at him and went for it, "Do you think Mirabel's case is connected to current killings? After all, she was also found in one of the parks where two of the victims were found."

Vickers eyes widened. "W-what?"

"The similarities had us thinking. Mirabel was raped and her throat slashed. Similar to the current victims." Markle commented.

"No, Mirabel is not missing a finger when found." Vickers exclaimed looking panicked.

Bingo! Got you, you unsub!


As soon I heard that, I unclasped my gun in my holster. I gave a look at Winston who has his gun out and pointed at Vickers. 

"Dennis Vickers, you are under arrest for murder and rape!" Winston exclaimed. 

At this point the onlookers starts to panic, some of the staff ran grabbing some of the kids away from the parking lot. The teen-agers took out their smartphones and started recording. 

Vickers raised his hands up saying, "W-what?"

"No point lying Vickers. How did you know that the victims are missing a finger?" I said. 

That information was left out for the media to write and report. It is something we do to catch our suspect and now we have it. What are the odds?

"It was never reported in the media that the victims were missing a finger Vickers." Winston replied. He gives me a signal to move.

I take out a pair of hand cuff and quickly approached Vickers. I grabbed his raised right arm and twisted it back, as I cuff him I read out his Miranda Rights,

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. "

As I lead Vickers away, I see a teacher running at us screaming, "We have a missing student!"

This had Winston looking like he wanted to pull the trigger right then and there. 

"Where is she Vickers?!" Winston demanded.

I hear Vickers chuckling saying, "You are all no fun."

"The truck Win. Check the truck." I said as I lead Vickers away from the truck. 

Winston grabs his radio and started speaking to it, "10-35! I repeat 10-35! We need back-up. 10-33! 10-33!This is Officer Everett with Officer Moore at Rising Dawn High"

I gripped my hold on Vickers saying, "I don't know why you did what you did but you are one sick, sick man."

Credits: Google Image


Winston opens the door of the Food Truck. The insides is particularly clean. The floor is spotless and smells of bleach. This  alarmed Winston. The smell of bleach is strong.  He noticed a large steel cabinet below just below where you prepare the food. He crouched down and opened the steel cabinet. 

Credits: Google Image

A young girl, probably 14 to 16 years of age lies there unconsciously. Her feet and hands are bound by rope. Her mouth gagged by a fabric, seemingly a handkerchief. He put his gun back into his holster, he grabs his radio and said, "10-18! 10-18! 10-52! Here at Rising Dawn High! We have an unconscious kid here, possible victim of the unsub"

He grab a knife and cut the ropes on the girl's hand and feet. He removed the gag also. He carefully takes the girl out and carries her in his arms. 

As he got up with the girl in his hands. He hears Vickers screaming, "No! Let her go! She is mine! Mine!"

Vickers is trying to get out of Markle's grip. Markle knocks Vickers down by the leg. The man stumbled down to his knees. Markle pressed his arm and half of  his body down on the man's back down saying, "Stay down!"

Sound of police sirens can be heard. The wail of an ambulance can also be heard. Winston heaved a sigh of relief hearing it. He carefully got out of the food truck carrying the young girl in his arms.

"How is she Win?" Markle asks.

"She seemed fine but I can't say." Winston replied.

The teacher who came rushing at us cries as soon as she sees the girl. "Oh my God! Stacy!!!"

Three police officers with paramedics appeared behind Markle. Two of the police officers, took hold of Vickers, relieving Markle. The paramedics walks towards Winston. They laid out a stretcher on the ground and instructed Winston to lay down the girl there.

As Winston laid the girl on the stretcher, his eyes meets with green eyes. Markle is giving him a victorious smile. Winston can't help but to simply smile back.


He didn't mean to kill Mirabel but Mirabel threatened to tell and call the police, so he had no choice but to slash her throat. That first kill woke something in him. He dumped Mirabel's body in the park  near his house. The same park of the first and second victim of his serial killings. 

After a year, he decided to strike again, this time with careful planning. Using his food truck, he would choose his victim and once he has chosen, he would abduct and do his evil deed inside the food truck. That's the insides smells of strong bleach. 

Stacy Lorde is safe. Nothing happened sexually and I was grateful for that. 

I yawned. The paper work is gonna be a pain. My eyes hurt. Why did I decide to start working on the report right after the questioning?

"Hey Win?" I hear Markle say. I look where the voice came from and he is there standing besides me. He has removed his coat, the three buttons of his top unbuttoned. He looks tired but still handsome. I wish I could look good looking while being tired.


"Let's have dinner. If we're going to do overtime because of our reports, might as well we grab some food." Markle replied. 

I nod my head. "Yeah, I do need something to eat and coffee."

"You could try tea you know?" Markle replied in a teasing voice.

I playfully shove him as I stand up from my seat. "Do you know what you are implying?"

Markle laughs as that.

Ah his laugh. Still the same laugh. I like his laugh.

Seriously Winston. Stop.

"Come on. My treat."

"What? No! You are the one who is new here. I should be the one to treat you." I replied .

Markle shakes his head. "Nope. Not happening Win. Come on."


The diner we went to was five minutes walk from the precinct. It's the diner I usually go for dinner if I am doing overtime. The staff and servers all knew me by now. Anda would join me here eat dinner but because she has Ray as a boyfriend who has a penchant with fine dining, my dinner diner time moments with my bestfriend became rare now. God, Anda is such a nice girl, but the boyfriend can be a snob.  

Credits: Pinterest

"So, who is Anda?" Markle asked.

Oh shit, did mutter again?

"You muttered her name while reading your text messages." he points out.

Ughhh. I have to keep in mind that Markle has the ability to understand and hear  my nonsensical mutterings. 

"Miranda Schwartz. My best friend. One of the first people I befriended when I moved here. You should meet her. She is awesome. She used to eat dinner with me here when I do overtime. We also have coffee breaks from time to time." I explained.

Markle  takes a bite of the burger he ordered and said, "I feel a bit jealous"

"Huh? What?"

"I used to your best friend." Markle replied his voice a bit sad.

I suddenly felt a lump in my throat. 

"Markle... I..."

Markle suddenly smiled saying, "Hey I am teasing Win. Don't take it too heart."

I rubbed the back of my head saying, "You are still my best friend Markle. I think that will never change."

"Really? Even the fact that I was not able to stay in touch for a long time?" Markle asks his eyes wide.

I sighed. "Both of us lost out of touch with each other. I got busy and you got busy too. The life we choose is not easy."

"True, but you made effort Win. Admit or not, you did." Markle replied.

I cannot deny that truth he sad. I continued texting him when I relocated here but he seldom respond back. I admit, I grew tired of waiting for a response but I didn't blame him. I mean, being a police officer takes a lot our time. Plus, we were assigned to different precincts, he is bound to meet someone new there. A new friend and probably a lover.

Lover. I feel a sudden tinge in my heart at that thought.

Winston. What the fuck?

"Look, what is important is that we are here now. We are together again. Look, we are partners again!" I exclaimed trying to lighten the mood. 

"Speaking of partners, do you have a lover? boy friend?" Markle asks.

I feel my cheeks burning. "Uh.. one night stands? Nothing permanent." I took a huge drink of my water trying not to choke the question I am about to ask, "H-how about you?"

"I just got out of a relationship." he answered back.

"I am sorry." I said biting my lips.

Markle wave his hand at me saying, "Don't be. It's my fault. I could not give time, I could not spare time for him. I was always too busy. I would miss monthsaries and worst, I missed our 2nd year anniversary. He planned so well for it. Romantic dinner, plane tickets to Hawaii and I fucked up."

He takes a drink of his water and continued, "There was no case for me to be that busy on those days but I was so ambitious. I wanted to become and inspector here in Dawn City. I missed the dinner because I volunteered to help a fellow investigators so solve a crime. I totally forgot about it."

I could feel the sadness in Markle's voice. Not just sadness but regret.

"He didn't break up with me at that night. He actually forgave me but the last straw was me trying have him cancel our trip to Hawaii because I wanted to accept another case. We had a huge fight and that was it. I tried to win him back, but he was tired of waiting for me all the time." Markle finished.

"I guess this is why I just go for one night stands. This line of job is just too demanding. I am really sorry it didn't work out for you and him, Markle." 

Markle gives me this sad smile and said, "It's okay. This transfer is actually a blessing a disguise. I can move on and forget since I am far away from him now. I just hope he would find someone who can love him  better and give the attention he needed better than me."

He then looks at me intently and said, "And you Win, yes one night stands works for you right now but for how long?" 

I gulped. "I don't know. To be honest I haven't thought about it yet. " 

"You know, I haven't asked you this before way back in the academy. Have you ever fallen in love?"

Fall in love? Uhhh... how to answer this? 

"I guess... I guess not? Aahahah what is this question Markle?" I replied nervously chuckling.

"You know, the person, whoever he is, the person who you are going to be in love with, will be lucky." Markle replied.

I laughed at this. "I doubt it." 


I doubt it. Somehow, that answer made me sad. Winston, is such a great guy. I wouldn't have a crush on him if he wasn't.  I won't deny that I feel a little bit of joy when he said he doesn't have any lovers, I guess I still have a crush on him.

However, we are co-workers now. We just met again after all this years and I am still getting over with my break-up. I don't want to make Winston my rebound. Win doesn't deserve that.

He calls the waitress again to order coffee to go for the both of us. Well, tea for me. He still remembers that I don't drink coffee that much, only in the morning. 

"Thanks Win." I said.

"By the way Markle. Congratulations! You solved your first case here and welcome!" Win exclaimed looking so happy.

Oh Win. 

"Thanks Win." I said smiling at him.


Oh fuck. That smile. 

I remembered the concept of twin souls again. The concept of connectedness, like two souls in synch. I have always felt that with Markle. Even those times we were not communicating, he has always been on my mind. Could it be Markle is my twin soul? My soulmate?

I don't know the answer yet. I, myself is still confused. Well, I have all the time to see and observe. Markle is now my partner here. This is an opportunity for me to re-connect to him and build whatever I wanted with Markle. Friendship or more, I will leave that up to fate.

"Come on, we still have a report to finish." I said, grabbing my hot coffee for-to-go. Markle stands up with his cup of tea. I followed suit.

We walked out of the diner and then suddenly, rain starts to fall. Great. I suddenly feel, Markle's hand wrapping on around my free hand. I looked at him. Markle's eyes smiled at me.

"Come on!" Markle exclaimed as he sprints with me in tow. 

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As I ran behind him, my hand on his, I can't help but to think of twin souls. I know I am not sure yet if Markle if my twin soul, but something in me prays that he is. Under this rain, as we ran back to the precinct. I am hoping that he is. 

The End


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