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12 Dawns Vol. 1: Chapter One - The Red Witch

She looked at the pair of scissors on the sink. She has been staring at it for the last 30 minutes now. She takes a glance at her reflection on the mirror and grimaced. Her long red hair lazily cascading down her shoulders up to her waist.

It’s now or never.

“So, Jenny what do you think?” she asks.

Now or never.

She picks up the scissors and did like people won’t expect her to do. Soon, strands of hair starts to fall on the sink. She looks at it and bit her lips.

“No turning back now.” she then looks at the mirror and said, “Goodbye long hair.”


“Your hair.”

“Looks horrible?” she asks.

“Not really. It’s just, it’s so short. What gives Harper?”

Harper shrugs her shoulders and said, “I needed the change and this term is so stressful.”

“That’s so true. I mean we’re freshmen, shouldn’t things be a lighter a little bit? I don’t get all these term papers.”

“My dear Grizzy, our professors are bad asses and they don’t care.” Harper replied.

Grizzy gives Harper a stare and said, “That’s so true. Then again, you seemed to be doing okay. So really, why the short hair?”

Harper gives a small smile and said, “I need to move on.”

“Oh. It’s the day huh?” Grizzy asks.

“Yes. It’s been a year now. I can’t grieve forever for her, and knowing her, she wouldn’t want me to be grieving forever.”

Grizzy smiles and said, “I’m really amazed how you survived your best friend’s death. It’s no secret you know. The whole thing was on the newspaper.”

Harper chuckles sadly and said, “Yeah.”

Grizzy grabbed her pen, she gives Harper a look and asks, “Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask.”


“News travel fast. How true that you’re good in magic?” Grizzy asks in a whisper. Harper’s eyes widened a bit and demands, “Who told you that?”

“Well, some girls and a few boys in our major has been talking about you being a witch, like you know? You cast spell and stuff.” Grizzy replied knowingly.

Harper sighed. She didn’t expect her reputation in High School will follow her in her college years. She has been avoiding people finding about it but it seemed to come out since she can’t help but use her special ability to help people.

“I’ve been telling them not to talk about it.” she muttered to herself.

“Them?” Grizzy asks hearing what her friend muttered.

Harper gives her a look said, “Them. Those girls and boys you mentioned in our major, I’ve kinda helped them with their love life, exams and well… other things through the power of wicca.”

“So you are a witch?” Grizzy asks.

“Call me whatever you want Grizzy.” Harper replied.

Grizzy grins and said, “So do you get paid for you know, doing spells for others?”

Harper shakes her head and said, “I never asked for money.”

“But why? Girl! You could make money out of it!” Grizzy exclaimed looking surprised.

“Well, I don’t monetize it because it’s against my principles. Besides, I believe it increases my good karma which is good for spell casting as well. My good karma, acts like a protective spell on me too.” Harper exclaims.

Grizzy sighs and said, “You’re a wonder you Red Witch.”


“Oh you didn’t know? Those people you helped? They call you the Red Witch.” Grizzy replied. She then points to Harper’s hair and said, “It’s your red hair.”

Harper heaved a sigh.

“Red Witch? Ugh! These people! What were they thinking?”


She is Harper Nolan. She is a Liberal Arts student. She majors in Philosophy. On the outside, she looks like a regular girl who has really bright red hair but she is not some regular girl. She knows it. For the longest time, ever since she was a child, she knew she was not normal.

Her mother also knows it. Of course her mother knows it. Mrs. Nolan would know her daughter will grow up to be a witch because Mrs. Nolan is one too.

Harper is exposed to her Mother’s practice of Wicca. It’s basically their religion and lifestyle. At a tender age of 12 years old, her mother has started teaching her the ways and has been training her to be a witch.

By the time she was a high school student, she was casting spells already but being the rebel she was at time, she wasn’t taking it too seriously except for tarot reading. However, since her best friend Jenny’s tragic death, things have changed for Harper.

The events that day pushed her to practice the craft more. Her mother would tell her despite not practicing wicca seriously when she was in high school, magic comes to her naturally like she has been doing it for many years like her mother.

A wiccan prodigy.

She is able to memorize spells by heart immediately. She could conjure potions at the back of her hand already. Complicated spells seemed too easy for her to use.

“Harper, you are a powerful witch. Too powerful at your age. There is a reason for that. Whatever it is, the power you have will be needed for the greater good but at the same time, you will attract evil, powerful ones who would want your power. So be always careful Harper.”

Her mother’s words.

Harper looks at Grizzy, her classmate and friend. Griselda Juarez or Grizzy for short and her has been friends since orientation. The girl has been very accepting of her. Never judged her for anything. It felt like having Jenny again.

“Anyway, why you’ve asked Grizzy?”

Grizzy shyly smiles and asked, “Well…. you know this semester has been hard on me, is it okay for me to ask you to… I don’t know brainwash our professors to stop being hard on us?”

Harper laughs and said, “No I can’t BUT I can make you a charm that will help you finish whatever paper you need to finish.”

“You can do that for me?” Grizzy asks her eyes widening.

“All you need is to ask Grizzy. It’s no problem at all.” Harper points out.

“Omigosh! Thank you Harper! If that works, it will be amazing!” Grizzy exclaimed throwing her arms around Harper enveloping the red head girl in a tight hug.

Harper pat’s Grizzy’s arm around her neck saying, “It will work, trust me.”


The weather that day is a weather that Harper consider a perfect weather. Cloudy with a little ray of sunshine. It’s a weather good for a picnic in a park but Harper is not a picnic person. She prefers to sit in a forest clearing and commune with nature. One reason why she chose to study in this university is because it sits right next to a forest. The first thing she did upon enrolling and settling down is to find a spot in the forest where she can commune with the spirits of nature.

So, here she is. She has a three hour break before her next class. She seats on a log holding a small crystal ball and raising it up to a visible sun ray, chanting,

“Oh Gaia, in your rays of protection. Cast your power upon this crystal ball. Let it be, mote it be. Let me see.”

The crystal ball on her hands glowed a blueish light and behind Harper, a flock of butterflies appeared flying throughout the forest.

Harper smiles at this as she lowers the crystal ball to her bosom. She waved her left hand over it saying, “Let me see.”

From the crystal ball, she sees a full moon and ominous dark clouds. As the clouds passes by, the moon slowly glows red.

“Blood moon.” Harper whispers. “The blood moon is coming? It’s too early for the blood moon.”

She waves her left hand over the crystal ball again but nothing appeared. Harper sighed and chanted, “Thanks oh Gaia. I’ve seen what I needed to see.”

This is the third time that Harper sees the blood moon on her crystal ball. She usually consults the crystal ball for things that might happen in the next few days. It’s like a heads up for her. They’re not very clear most of the time and it keeps her guessing. However, this one is disturbing. Three consecutive days, her crystal balls shows nothing but the blood mood.

“The blood moon is NEXT month. Why is it showing for three consecutive days?” Harper mutters putting her crystal ball back into her bag. “I think it’s time for me to ask my dearest mother.”

She then looks at her watch and said, “Well, I still have time. I guess I’ll go make that charm I promised Grizzy.”


“What is this?” Grizzy asks as she dangles a small pink velvet bag over Harper’s face.

Harper gives her a look and said, “You said you wanted a charm to help you with your papers right?”

“Oh!” Grizzy replied. “I thought it would be like crystal talisman or something.”

“Well it’s not a crystal but I promise it will work.”

Grizzy puts the small bag into her jean pocket and asks, “What’s inside?”.

Harper winks at her and said, “That is a secret and no, you cannot open it. Open it and the power it possesses will disappear.”

“Huh?” Grizzy replied giving her friend a quizzical look.

“Just trust me on that okay?” Harper replied patting Grizzy on the arm.

Grizzy merely nods her head at this and automatically changed the topic, “So are you going to the party this weekend?”

Harper raised an eyebrow at her.

“You know McGuiness’ party?” Grizzy points out.

“Oh. That one. Are we even invited?” Harper replied sitting down on her chair inside the classroom that they have entered.

Grizzy seats besides her saying, “I am.”

“Well, you. I didn’t get the invitation.” Harper replied giving her friend a look.

Grizzy smiles sheepishly, “I know but I don’t wanna go alone.”

“Then don’t go.” Harper replied. “It’s a frat party Grizzy. You know what happens to frat parties.”

“But it’s McGuiness!” Grizzy exclaimed almost frustratingly.

Robert McGuiness. This wealthy classmates of theirs who throws parties every other week. He is part of one of the biggest fraternities in the University, the Lamda Mu. The fraternity was notable for accepting students who swims in money and connections. It’s the prime fraternity. They are also notorious for having wild parties left and right. Lamda Mu’s current new member is Robert McGuiness. Son of a Magnate and very popular with the girls because of his looks and according to his fans, her is very “nice” and “cool”.

McGuiness is also Grizzy’s latest infatuation.

“Why do you even like him?” Harper asks.

“Well, he is really nice. I know he is filthy rich but he is really nice.” Grizzy replied looking lovestruck.

Harper sighs and said, “Okay, real talk. Everyone can be NICE but that doesn’t mean they are GOOD people.”

“Oh come on Harper.” Grizzy replied.

“Grizzy! Stop rationalizing his niceness. Just admit that you just want to get into his pants.” Harper hissed almost annoyed.

“Okay, okay I’m in lust with him. There I admit it. He is very sexually attractive and him giving me an invite to his party this weekend is THE BOMB!” Grizzy exclaimed in an excited tone. “Do you know how hard it is to get an invitation to his party? As a girl?”

Harper shakes her head slowly.

“Like CALCULUS HARD! He must be INTO you like he sees you as a candidate to a beauty pageant.” Grizzy replied her hands everywhere in the air.

“So basically, he invites girls he wanna fuck?” Harper replied bluntly.

Grizzy blushed a bit but said nothing.

“Well first, I don’t know if I should congratulate you that McGuiness saw you as something he could just fuck and be done with it.” Harper replied in a pointed tone, Grizzy is about to protest on that but Harper raised her finger at her signaling not to interrupt her. “Sorry, you can bite me later. Okay. Second, I seriously don’t think I can crash his party. No way in hell he will or Lamda Mu will allow it and third, you very well know that frat parties or any Lamda Mu parties is BAD NEWS. I know you wanna fuck him but can it not be in a frat party?”

Grizzy gives Harper a look and said, “You know I love you. You’re a great friend but that was savage.”

“I am being real with you so please don’t take it wrong. I am CONCERNED.” Harper exclaimed.

Grizzy looks around her and noticed that students are slowly trickling inside the class room. She bend down closer to her friend and in a low tone and said, “Okay, thank you for being real but that still hurts but I’ll get over it. Now, one, you don’t need to congratulate me. I know what it means but dear I am no virgin. It will be like a no strings attached kind of thing. Two, who says you can’t? McGuiness’ invitation has an auto plus one and obviously you are my plus one. And lastly, point three, I know how frat parties goes. I’ve been to couple ones already that is why I’m hoping you could accompany me and no, as much as I want to fuck him out of the party, it ain’t happening.”

“Okay point one, I hope you know what you are doing. Point, two, what the effing fuck?! and I am connecting that to point three, so basically I’m your body guard?”

“Yes, I know what I am doing and yes and yes.” Grizzy replied grinning.

This had Harper sliding her hand over her face. Sometimes, she questions her friendship with Grizzy. The girl can be wild especially with boys and sex.

“So????” Grizzy asks in a pleading tone.

“Yes Grizzy, I’ll accompany you BUT I get to choose what I wear. You don’t get a say on it. Is that understood?” Harper pointed out.

Grizzy nods her head vigorously.

“Okay good. Now, let’s drop this topic and focus on this class shall we?” Harper replied as their professor enters the room.


Hokua Nolan or Mrs. Nolan to the majority in the neighborhood is meditating when her daughter Harper came home. She hears her car parking in the driveway and instantly she felt the distress in her daughter’s aura. She cut her meditation short.

As soon as Harper steps into the living room, Hokua is already on the foot of the stairs to welcome her daughter.


“Hey Harper. I sense your trouble.” Hokua replied getting to the point. If there is one thing that Harper got from her mother is that she doesn’t beat around the bush.

Harper sighs and said, “And you stopped your meditation just to ask me that.”

“Harper.” Hokua replied sternly.

Harper sighs deeply as she sits down on the couch looking at her mother. “I’m stressed because of Grizzy.”

“Griselda? What’s so stressful about her? It is about a boy again?” Hokua asks sitting down next to her daughter.

Harper chuckles a bit before answering, “Yeah it’s about a boy. It’s always about a boy with Grizzy.”

“All right. It’s about a boy.”

“She begged me to go to a frat party this weekend because of this boy who she has been lusting over for a few weeks now.” Harper replied.

Upon hearing the word “frat party” Hokua’s eyes widened. Harper sees the panic in her mother’s eyes and quickly said, “I know mom! I know! But I have to say yes because the last time she went to a frat party, she nearly got advantaged of.”

“But you say lusting over.” Hokua said carefully. “So it seems she wants to have sex with this boy.” she points out.

“That’s an understatement mom but that doesn’t mean she won’t get advantaged of. What if this BOY doesn’t you know and some horny stupid brainless fratboy gets to her?” Harper exclaimed anger rising in her voice.

Hokua place her hand on her daughter’s shoulder and “I understand. You want to protect her.”

“And smack her silly too!” Harper exclaimed covering her face with her hands. “On top of that, I’ve been seeing the blood moon on my crystal ball for three straight days now!”

“The blood moon?” Hokua exclaimed, panic starting to rise in her voice again. “The blood moon is a month away. Why is it appearing on the ball?”

Harper shakes her head removing her hands off her face. “I don’t know. I’m actually bothered, VERY bothered by it.”

“You should be. During the blood mood, the spirit world and our world becomes one. Evil spirits and entities take that opportunity to cross over and wreck havoc upon the living.” Hokua replied.

“Why do you think its showing? The blood moon?” Harper asks.

“I believe it’s a warning. A warning to something bad to happen.” Hokua replied.

Harper clasped her hands together and said, “Do you think what’s going to happen this weekend is related to the blood moon?” She then muttered in a worried tone, “Could it be connected to Grizzy and the frat party this weekend?”

Hokua taps her daughter on the shoulder gently and said, “Yes maybe, no maybe. The answers will come to you soon since the crystal ball has shown you that already.”

Harper is about to comment on that when her phone pings. She excused herself and opens her phone. It’s a message from Grizzy. She has send her an image of the Lamda Mu party invitation with the message: Here is the invitation to the party. Since you are my plus one, I needed to send you this. So here. I’ll pick you up at your house at 8!”

She clicks, the image open and her eyes widened at the image on the invitation. It was an image of a blood moon with the words YOU ARE INVITED splashed over it.

“I think you spoke too soon mom.” Harper replied showing her mom the image.

Hokua frowns and said, “That’s a weird way to use a bloodmoon for a frat party.”

“I know. It’s not even halloween.” Harper replied pointedly. “Is this what the crystal ball telling me? A warning about this frat party?”

Hokua stands up saying, “I don’t like that the blood moon appearing so early. I get why you are bothered.” she then beckons her daughter to stand up saying, “Come one, we’re going to make a protection spell for you and Griselda.”

“Uh now? It’s not even a witching hour.” Harper replied standing up.

Hokua looks at her daughter and said, “You don’t need the witching hour my dear. Especially you.”

Harper Nolan. The Wiccan Prodigy. Harper tends to forget that she is one. That she didn’t need to cast certain spells during the witching hour for it to become a powerful spell. For Harper, she doesn’t need the power of time to cast a powerful spell. She is no expert in casting spells and sometimes she do need the witching hour to do so but for protection spells? It’s fairly easy for her.

She followed her mother to her mother’s room thinking, “What have I gotten myself into? Or should I say, Grizzy what the fuck have you gotten yourself into?”


Weekend came sooner than expected. Harper stares at her ripped black jeans and gray tank top. She gingerly picks up a black vest with a mesh hoodie and muttered, “It’s been awhile.”

She has been shedding the goth style look for awhile now. Not that she is no longer in love with black and darker colors but she needed some change and well fashion is one of them.

She looks at her watch and noticed that it’s fifteen minutes to eight. Grizzy will be here soon. She quickly wears the black vest and grabs her bag.

When she goes down to the living room, her mother was waiting for her. She smiled. Hokua hands her two necklaces and said, “We did great on these.”

Harper grins at that statement. She takes one of the necklaces and looks at the clear crystal pendant. It’s purple in color. She then wears it around her neck and hid the pendant in the breast pocket in her vest. She then takes the other necklace, this one has a white crystal pendant. Now, she needs Grizzy to wear this or make sure she has it without no one noticing it’s on her.

“Stay safe Harper.” Hokua replied giving her daughter a hug.

“I will mom. I love you.” Harper replied.

“May the power of protection of Hecate be with you” Hokua muttered in Harper’s ear.

“So mote it be.” Harper muttered back.


It was 8:05 in the evening when Grizzy picks her up. As she soon she gets into Grizzy’s silver sedan, EDM music greeted her along with Grizzy’s beaming smile. She took account of what her friend is wearing. It seems like she doesn’t have pockets.

Grizzy is wearing this shortest skirt that Harper has ever seen. It’s maroon in color and the material seemed like leather. She is wearing a black lacey bralette under a black mesh top. She has worn her favorite knee high boots.

“Do you have pockets on you?” Harper asks. As she gets comfortable on her seat.

Grizzy snickered and said, “Of course I do. This skirt has one. It’s on the back.”

“Wow didn’t know that skirt would have one.” Harper replied with a raised eyebrow.

As Grizzy starts to drive she chuckled and said, “Where will I keep my phone then?”

The drive only took fifteen minutes since both of them lived pretty near the college and Lamda Mu’s house is within the campus. As Grizzy parks her car in the Lamda Mu’s parking lot, Harper hands her the necklace.

“What is that Harper?”

Harper smiles and said, “It’s for luck. You know” with that she gives her a wink. “But it’s better you don’t wear it. It doesn’t match with your get up. Better put it in your skirt pocket.”

“Oh okay.” Grizzy replied taking the necklace. “Thanks Harper.”

“Just looking out for you.” Harper replied as she opens the car door.

Grizzy followed suit and went of the car. She puts the necklace in her skirt’s back pocket and said, “You saved the photo of the invitation right?”

“Yeah I did. What’s with the blood moon image?” Harper asks casually as they both walks towards the Lamda Mu house entrance.

“Oh is that what you call it? I don’t know but I heard McGuinness has always been fascinated with the moon or something.” Grizzy replying in a nonchalant manner.

Harper merely nods her head to that but the heavy feeling she has over this frat party just got heavier.

A bouncer greeted them in front of the house. Grizzy showed her invitation on her phone. Harper did the same.

“She is my plus one.” Grizzy replied knowingly. The bouncer nods his head and opened the door for them.


What welcomed them had Harper grabbing Grizzy’s arm. In front of them is a huge hall with a fountain in the middle. There were people dancing in the middle. On the right is the snack table filled with snacks and literal junk food. The bar was next to it. It’s a huge bar. They have three bartenders tending to it and people are getting their drinks left and right. On the left is the DJ area and some tables and chairs.

As they walk through people dancing, Harper can smell cigarette smoke in the air and the smell of marijuana.

“They have marijuana here. It’s illegal in our state to have marijuana” Harper exclaimed almost shouting. The music is way too loud to be heard.

“So? Don’t worry we won’t get caught. Lamda Mu is good at hiding these things. Besides, it’s just marijuana.” Grizzy exclaimed back pulling Harper as they go around the fountain.

There, they see Robert McGuiness sitting on this lavish red velvet couch with his fellow fraternity brothers and their girls.

“My, my, Griselda Juarez. You are finally here.” McGuiness exclaimed standing up.
The hair on Harper’s arm stands up upon hearing McGuiness’ voice. There is something in the voice that screamed danger to Harper.

Grizzy smiled seductively at McGuiness and asked, “Am I late?”

McGuiness approached them saying, “No, you are just in time. Beside the night is young.” He then noticed Harper and asks, “And who is this?”

“She is my plus one. She is my friend Harper.” Grizzy exclaimed nudging Harper.

“Hello Harper. I’m Robert McGuiness. Welcome to my party here at Lamda Mu.” McGuiness exclaimed extending his hand towards her.

Harper looks at it but didn’t take it. “I know who you are. I’m just here to accompany Grizzy.”

McGuiness takes his hand back and gives her this look. A look that Harper describes of being annoyed but trying not to show it. Something in Harper tells her not to shake his hand.

“I see, well I am famous so I’m not surprised.” McGuiness replied. He then looks at Grizzy and said, “So, have you had drink or snack?”

“Not really.” Grizzy replied playing with a strand of her hair. She then gives Harper a look that says not to follow her around. 

Harper rolls her eyes. Great. She is dragged here to be a body guard but then again, Grizzy has her man I guess her role stops right now.

“I’m going with McGuiness to get some drinks. Harper?” Grizzy asks her. Of course she would ask but Harper is expected to say no.

“Not really, maybe later. I’ll get it myself.” Harper replied.

McGuiness’ wrap his right arm around Grizzy’s waist and led her towards the bar area.

When they areout of ear shot, one the frat boys came up to Harper smirking and said, “You do realize that your friend is Rob’s new target?”

“I’ve known that the day she told me she got invited.” Harper replied. The frat boy put his arm around Harper’s shoulder and said, “What about you? Those two are gonna have fun a bit before they fuck.”

Harper wants to gag. She is not having any of this. “I’ll be just here away from you.” with that, she shrug his arm away. As she walks away, the frat boy clicked his tongue.

He grabs Harper by the arm saying, “Look here bitch, you don’t get to disrespect a Lamda Mu!”

Harper grips the pendant in her breast pocket. As the frat boy turns her around to face me she chanted in her head, “All mighty Hecate, protect this servant of yours! Mote it be!”

She glared at the fratboy sneering, “Unhand me or I make sure you don’t get to get it up forever.”

The frat boy froze upon staring at Harper’s eyes. He started muttering, “I-I- I… I… I’m s-sorry.”

Harper tugged her arm away from the boy’s grip and said, “Good.” she then muttered under her breath, “Be scared be wary, watch your temper or be weary.” with that she walks away leaving the boy standing there looking faint.

She walks towards the bar area hoping to see Grizzy and McGuiness there. But no they weren’t there. They weren’t also along the snack table. She looked at the dance floor. There were twice as many people already on the dance floor. She scanned it to see if she could spot Grizz but it was a bit difficult.

Harper takes a step into the dance floor, she squeezed herself in between dancing people to see if Grizzy and McGuiness is among them. And sure she did spot them. They were grinding to each other like there is no tomorrow.

Grizzy spots her and called out, “Join us Harper!”

“No thank you!” Harper exclaimed. With much effort, she got herself on the other side next to the DJ booth. There is one table empty. She stands beside it watching people dance. Her eyes on Grizzy and McGuiness.

After a minute or so, she suddenly felt cold. She takes out the pendant from her breast pocket. As soon as she takes it out, something seemed to whisper at her.

“Your friend is in danger”

Harper looks around. Despite the loud music she definitely heard that whisper.

“Your friend is in danger”

Harper looks at the dance floor and Grizzy is still there dancing seductively with McGuiness.

The crystal pendant she is holding starts to get hot. Sweat also starts to form on her forehead.

“This heat. Where is it coming from?” Harper wonders to herself. Someone tapped her from behind. It was one of the girls sitting on the couch.

“What did you do to Jan?” The girl demanded.

“Jan?” Harper exclaimed in confusion.

“My boyfriend Jan!” the girl exclaimed again.

Harper frowns and then remembers the frat boy who was trying to hit on her. “That idiot is your boyfriend?” she exclaimed through the loud music.

The girl snarls at her but before she could do anything, Harper held out a hand and said “Be calm you woman. Violence you stay away. Go park your anger at bay.” as she finished saying these words. The girl calmed down and just walked away from her.

“Your… friend…”

A voice whispered to her. Harper turned her eyes again on the dance floor but Grizzy and McGuiness has disappeared.

“Shit!” Harper cursed. She craned her neck up and sees that her friend and McGuiness were not at the snack table or the bar. She bit her lips looking around. She doesn’t like what’s happening right now.

The place doesn’t feel right. McGuiness doesn’t feel right. The image of the blood moon was not right. Everything at the moment doesn’t feel right to her.

She closed her eyes and starts to chant, “I am your faithful servant, I open the circle to the great Hecate. To the spirits, if you may, help me find my way.” she then focuses on Grizzy’s presence.

A vision of a room with a red door and mark of the pentagram on the door appeared to her mind.

Pentagram. Is McGuiness a devil worshipper?

Harper opens her eyes and immediately she looks for a stair leading to the rooms. She could not see it from here. She spots a Lamda Mu boy who is standing up from his chair. Harper approaches her and ask, “Hey, I’m just curious. Where are the rooms here?”

“Why?” The boy ask.

“Well, Jan. You know? Jan of Lamda Mu?” Harper exclaimed biting the inside of her cheek.

The boy gives her a naughty smile and ask “Did he tell you to wait for him in his room?”

Harper just nods her head. The boy points towards the DJ saying, “Behind the DJ booth. There is a small space there. Go up to the third floor. Turn left. Jan’s room is next to McGuiness.”

“Thank you. I shall tell Jan you helped me.” Harper exclaimed giving the boy a wink.

“No need to. I always help a brother who needs a fuck and besides, I might join you two if Jan let’s me. You’re hot!” the boy exclaimed.

A bile rose to Harper’s through.

“Eww gross. I hate frat boys.” Harper exclaimed in her mind swallowing down saliva so that she wont throw up. She waved the boy goodbye and walked towards the DJ booth. As she did so, not wanting anyone to stop her, she chanted, “Dearest Hecate, hear me thee, cast a veil upon me, let them not see, not hear thee. So mote it be!”

As quick as her chant, she reached the DJ booth and without excusing herself, went behind it. The DJ absolutely didn’t see or even hear her. The guy sitting next to it took no notice of her as she climbs up the stairs.


The whispered voice exclaimed.

Harper skips two steps as she climbs the stairs in an effort to hurry her climb. When she reached the third floor, Harper dropped her spell on invisibility. She turned left and started looking for the door with the pentagram symbol.

It took her a minute and she saw it. Robert McGuiness room door.

The pentagram symbol eyed her like a searing torch. Harper grits her teeth. She held up her pendant and the pentagram glowed red.

“McGuiness you motherfucking devil worshipper.” Harper exclaimed through her teeth. She closed her eyes and chanted, “I open the circle to the greatest power. I Harper Nolan, daughter of Hokua, Witch of thy Hecate. Grant me thee this!”

She then takes out her athame and points at the pentagram.

“In Hecate’s name! Open for me! So mote it be!”

The pentagram symbol glowed and melted instantly. The door creaked open as the last of the symbol melted away. Harper tightened her grip on her athame and kicked the door open.


“Harper!” Grizzy exclaimed. Her eyes looked terrified. Her hands were tied up on the bedpost. McGuiness is on top of her with a blade raised at her.

McGuiness looked at Harper who just barged inside his room. He snarled. His eyes blood red.

“Devil worshipper! Follower of Lucifer let go of my friend!” Harper exclaimed pointing the athame at him.

“Too late woman!” McGuiness exclaimed as he lowered his hand to stab Grizzy. However, a force seemed to stop him. He glared at Grizzy not knowing why he couldn’t stab her.

“For a devil worshipper, you sure dumb.” Harper harked at him.

McGuiness tried again but no avail.

Harper rushed at McGuiness and slashed his arm. McGuiness howled in pain getting off Grizzy and off the bed. Harper took this opportunity and started cutting through the ropes that is tying Grizzy to the bedpost.

“You bitch!” McGuiness howled at her. He is about to attack but again something is stopping him.

“What is going on?” Grizzy asked still looking scared.

“Remember the necklace I gave you? It has a protection spell that me and my mom conjured. I also have one. I knew something bad is going to happen tonight.” Harper exclaimed as she cut off the last of the ropes.

Grizzy rubs her wrists as she tried to sit up on the bed. She looked at McGuiness still struggling to attack them but he couldn’t even go near them.

“As long he is trying to attack us he wouldn’t be able to.” Harper exclaimed.

“What did you do bitch?” McGuiness demanded.

“You are dumb if you haven’t realize who you are dealing with devil worshipper.” Harper exclaimed pointing the athame at him again.

McGuiness’ blood red eyes widened upon the realization and exclaimed, “Witch!”

“Indeed!” Harper exclaimed. “How many girls have you sacrificed huh?”

“Your friend is the first.” McGuiness exclaimed. “I deemed her worthy for my lord Morningstar.”

Harper motioned Grizzy to run for the door, which Grizzy did. McGuiness moved towards Grizzy in attempt to stop her but again, he was held back by unseen force.

“You can’t harm us McGuiness. We are protected by my magic.” Harper replied as she too walks towards the door. Grizzy is there waiting for her.

“Lets go Harper. Let’s leave now.” Grizzy exclaimed.

Harper shakes her head and said, “No, I have to make sure he won’t do this ever again.”

“What are you planning to do bitch?!” McGuiness exclaimed taking a step closer.

“Oh shit he is walking towards us.” Grizzy exclaimed in horror.

Harper frowns. Of course, the Protection Spell only protects them from harm and people who is about to bring harm but right now McGuiness is not showing signs of harming them so the spell is loosening a bit.

“I guess he is not that dumb to realize it.” Harper thinks. “Don’t fear Grizzy, as I said he can’t hurt us and he won’t hurt any other girls.”

McGuiness took another step, obviously trying his luck if he can come near Harper and Grizzy. Harper takes a step back. Grizzy did too. Both of them are out of the door.

Harper stabs the athame hard enough on the wooden floor chanting in a kneeling position, “As the circle is still open, as I am still your servant o Great Hecate. Hear me!”

A strong gust of wind suddenly blew from the window. It circled inside the room not leaving.

“What are you doing?” McGuiness demanded.

Harper ignored him as she continued chanting, “I bind thee Robert McGuiness from harming himself and others. I bind him not to do harm to others, not to women he desires, not to his fellow men he is angry of. I bind him not to worship the Dark!”

“NOOO!” McGuiness screamed at Harper. He knew he can’t attack for a spell was stopping him to do so.

“I bind him in your name Hecate! May he try to worship and hurt, three times times three, it will come back to him! Three times three, So mote it be!”

The wind howled inside the room and McGuiness screamed further as if he was in pain. Harper took the athame as she stands up. In a few minutes McGuiness fainted on the floor.

She looks at Grizzy. She takes her hand saying, “Let’s go Grizzy.”


Griselda Juarez knows her friend is a witch but she never seen her in action. Until tonight. They’re currently in the Lamda Mu parking lot trying to calm down.

“Harper.” Grizzy replied looking at her friend. “I don’t know what to say but thank you. I don’t know what you did there but thank you.”

Harper shakes her head saying, “I did what I have to do Grizzy. I had to save your life.”

“Yeah. Thank you. I didn’t know I’ll be some sacrificial lamb tonight.” Grizzy remarked bile rising from her throat. The situation way back there is still making her sick. She nearly lost her life because she wanted to get into the pants of a frat boy.

“I didn’t know too but something tells me you were in danger.” Harper replied thinking back to the voice that whispered to her and the vision of the blood moon.

Grizzy opens her car door and ask, “What will happen to McGuiness now?”

Harper opens her side and said, “Well, if he tried worshipping the Devil again, the spell I casted upon him will stop him. Like the second he tries, he will be in so much pain he would want to be rushed into the emergency. Same goes to hurting women and men just because.”

“Can the spell be reversed?” Grizzy asks looking worried.

“I can lift it. It’s just a binding spell but I am not risking it. Not unless I know and 100% sure that he won’t be doing it ever.” Harper replied. She looks at Grizzy and said, “I’ll drive and you can stay at my place for tonight.”

Grizzy gives her shaky smile and said, “Thanks Harper.”


As soon as they got to the house, Harper knew her mom sort of knew what happened because she was waiting by the door for them.

Hokua didn’t question what happened first, she allowed the girls to freshen up and then she gave Grizzy a warm chamomile tea with a sleeping spell for her to rest in a dreamless state. As soon as Grizzy was settled and sleeping, Hokua asked the questions Harper was expecting.

Harper didn’t leave any details.

Hokua takes a deep breathe. “I feel we will be getting a visit from Mr. McGuiness soon. I mean the father.”

“Do you know something about them?” Harper asks.

“The McGuiness are a family of warlocks Harper. A well known one. The women are all normal but the men born under the family are warlocks.” Hokua explained.

Harper frowns and said, “Are they dark warlocks? Because the young McGuiness was worshipping the devil and I didn’t feel any warlock powers on him.”

“That’s the strange part. The McGuiness are not dark warlocks. They’re pretty neutral among Wiccan families.” Hokua replied. She sighed and then looks at Harper who looks extremely tired.

“You need to rest my dear.”

“Yeah. That combination spell I did to bind that idiot drained me a lot.” Harper replied yawning. She gives her mom a kiss and went off to her room in the second floor.

Hokua closed her eyes. Her daughter can cast combination spells so easily at her age. She just started to learn them a month ago.

A shadow moved behind her. Hokua smiled, “Thank you for guiding my daughter tonight.”

“No problem. It’s against our code to interfere but I felt like I needed to.” the shadow replied in a female’s voice.

Hokua looked at the shadow. She could see the ram horns and the long black hair and said, “I have a feeling you will make known yourself to my daughter soon enough.”

The being said nothing and left.

“Soon enough.” Hokua whispered looking at nothing.


It was in the evening the next day when Robert McGuiness’ father visited them. Grizzy already went home in the afternoon with the promise that what happened last night will not be told to anyone.

Mr. McGuiness stands tall in the living room in front of Hokua and Harper.

“Please have a seat.” Hokua replied.

“No thank you. I am not here for a chat.” Mr. McGuiness exclaimed his voice crisp.

Hokua raised an eyebrow and said, “Then I shall cut the chase. Your son Robert is a devil worshipper and tried to sacrifice my daughter’s friend last night.”

Mr. McGuiness sighed. “I am aware.”

“You are aware?” Harper exclaimed standing up. “How long are you aware that your son have been worshipping the devil?”

Mr. McGuiness looks at Harper and said “Just last night.”

“Isn’t your son a warlock? And to my knowledge you are no dark warlock.” Hokua replied standing up too.

“Robert is an anomaly among his brothers. I have three sons and he is the youngest. He doesn’t have warlock powers. We tried but he never showed any magical prowess.” Mr. McGuiness exclaimed looking rather ashamed.

Harper frowned. Hokua crossed her arm and said. “So there is the reason why your son was devil worshipping. He thought if he worshipped Morningstar he will be granted powers like his brothers.” She then gives the man before him a hard look and continued, “Like his father.”

“I never told him to do it. As I said, I only knew last night he was devil worshipping. I immediately knew what kind of binding spell your daughter casted upon my Robert as soon as I came to see him this morning. He called me last night to say a witch attacked him.”

Harper rolled her eyes and said, “I am not lifting the spell if that’s what you want me to do.”

“No. I am not here to ask you that.” Mr. McGuiness exclaimed.

“Then why are you here?” Hokua ask stepping forward.

Mr. McGuiness sighed and said, “I am here to ask your daughter not to lift it until I say so.”

“Oh” Harper and Hokua both said in surprise.

“My Robert is a danger to himself and to others right now. He may be born without powers but I love him nevertheless, but his brothers can be mean about him being powerless and me being away all the time I could not protect him from it.” Mr. McGuiness explained further, “I’ve already sent Robert home. I will see to it that I will monitor him and make sure he goes through therapy or any help. I will be speaking to my two other sons and give them an ultimatum if they ever tease or hurt their brother for not being a warlock, they will be punished severely for it.”

Harper’s frown eased upon hearing this.

“Okay. I will not lift the spell. I intended not to anyway. I told my friend that I will not lift it until he hasn’t changed.” Harper replied.

Mr. McGuiness bowed his head at her saying, “Thank you.”

“Is that all Mr. McGuiness?” Hokua asks.

“Yes. Please send my apologies to Ms. Griselda Juarez. I appreciate her silence on this matter.” Mr. McGuiness replied. He then walks towards the door. As he opens the door, he looks at Harper and said, “Harper Nolan, that is your name?”

Harper nods her head.

“Everyone in the Wiccan community is talking about you. They say you are special. A prodigy. I can see that now with what spell you casted on my boy.” Mr. McGuiness replied giving her a knowing look.

Harper gulps. “I am known in the community?”

Mr. McGuiness smiled and said, “Very much so. They call you The Red Witch.”


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