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12 Dawns Vol 1: Chapter Three - Reaper of the Damned

The sound of screeching tires were heard. A white car is speeding beyond the speed limit on the road. It was 3AM and no other cars in sight.

The driver of the car is this young blonde haired man. He looks inebriated. In fact, he is holding a bottle of beer on his left hand while his right hand is on the steering wheel.

As he turns around the corner, a dark mist surrounded appeared and swallowed the car whole. The drunk driver pressed the brakes so hard that the car skidded. He couldn’t see anything because of the dark mist. He dropped his beer bottle so that he could grip his steering wheel however, it was to late. He has lost control. As the dark mist lifts up, the car slammed unto the railing.

Because he was not wearing a seatbelt, her was flung out of his seat, his head hitting the hard glass in front. The impact left him dead on the spot.

The dark mist came back and shifted into a dark shadow. It hovered over the man’s body. It cackled evilly. The dark shadow reached over the body and whispered, “Miiinnneeeee…..”

The man in front of her has ten bullet holes but he was still alive. Barely. It won’t be long though.

“It’s time to go.” She said looking at the man. The man raised a gun at her saying, “N-No… I’m not…”

She looks at the gun and said, “Do you really think you can kill me with that?”

“W-what are you?”

“A Reaper.” she answered bluntly. She raised her gloved hand to her waist and tapped the purple gems on the belt chanting, “Leidon of the Deceased. You are Cichol, come out and I shall reap!”

The purple gems glowed and a butterfly appeared. The butterfly flew towards the bleeding man. She the raised her gloved hand over the man and said, “Your soul is mine to reap, waiting for me it for mine to keep!”

The butterfly then flew into the man’s gaping mouth. As this happen, the man’s body convulsed, his hand dropping the gun. A light came out of his mouth and then he stops convulsing. The butterfly flew out and transformed into this tall man with long hair and glowing red eyes.

She looks at the soul of the man standing before her.

“I cannot be dead! No!” The man exclaimed in anguish.

“Too late. I’m sorry.” she replied. She snaps her fingers and the man’s soul glowed and transformed into a black feather.

The black feather floated towards her and lands on her outstretched left hand.

“This one was a tough one, don’t you think so Chicol?” She remarked looking at the tall man besides her.

Chicol huffs and said, “You bet. I had to fight back on this idiot.” he then smirks and said, “But no one can escape a Lost Soul, right Lirika?”

Lirika smiled a bit saying, “Well, we Lost Soul are more powerful than the mortals. Even if they refuse to come with us, we still have power over them.”

“But we all know that you are not just Reaper of Soul. You are special.” Chicol replied winking at the girl beside her.

Lirika. That is her name. She is what you call a Lost Soul. An agent of the Archangel of Death. However, since a year ago, a lot of things have changed for her. That fateful day has changed Lirika. Appearance wise, she still have ram horns on her pitch black hair with feathers as ornaments. She has kept her black laced dress. However, because of certain changes, she no longer have the tattoo of the Leidon of the Decease on her hand. The mark now has changed into two purple tear drop gems. These gems are on Lyrica’s black belt. She now wear is, black soft gloves and a short black train made of tulle is attached to the belt on her back. She now wears a pair of black heels. Her long straight hair doesn’t go pass through her waist like before. It’s still long but it’s but the length is only up to her chest. She still has her trusty white clear umbrella. Her symbol and sign. Lastly, a black rose is pinned to her dress. Her source of energy. Her ambosia.

She was reborn into something more powerful. She is no longer just a Reaper of Death. She also a Reaper of the Damned.

“Oh look Lirika. The police are storming in.” Chicol replied.

Lirika opens her clear plastic umbrella and said, “Like they can see us. They are not like the Seer or the Twin Souls.” as a police officer kneels besides the body of the man she has just reaped, Lirika walks away disappearing into the night.


A pair of wings was heard ruffling in the air. Lirika is sitting down in her favorite spot among the trees in the Garden of Paradise when she sees him.

“Lirika.” A male angel who has bluish white wings, long blonde hair with crystal aqua eyes greets her.

“Hello Nuriel.” Lirika greets back. The angel lands before her beckoning the Lost Soul not to stand up.

Nuriel folds his wings and said, “Azrael asked me to give you an important mission before I go check on the new angels in training.”

“What is it Nuriel? You sound grim.” Lirika asks.

“It’s a Devourer.” Nuriel replied.

A Devourer. Lirika know what it was. Devourers are a group of demons that consume human souls trapping them inside their demonic bodies. They’re agents of Morningstar who can crossover the human plane to seek out troubled souls to eat.

The first time she encountered a Devourer was last year. It was a year that she learned that she is a Reaper of the Damned.

“I see, how many souls has its devoured?” Lirika asks.

“The report says about fifty already. It’s devouring really fast. It just arrived last night but the souls it has devoured is already fifty.” Nuriel remarked concern in his voice.

Lirika shifts in her seat. She lifts herself up to stand up. Nuriel extends his hand at her. Lirika takes it as she fully erected herself to her seat. She nods her thanks.

“Fifty in one night. It must be young.” Lirika replied.

Nuriel sighs. “It must be.”

“Why do you look grim Nuriel? This is not first time I’ll be handling a Devourer. Every since last year, I’ve encountered several already.” Lirika replied. The grim expression hasn’t left the angel’s face and it bothered Lirika. Nuriel never looked this grim.

Nuriel sighs. His crystal aqua eyes stares at Lirika and said, “Because this is the first time I won’t be able to accompany you.”

“Ahh, so that’s why.” Lirika thought. Every time she is send to reap a Devourer, Nuriel has always been assigned to assist her. “Chicol is going to be with me. He is my Leidon of the Deceased. He can protect me.” Lirika replied giving the angel an assuring look.

Nuriel shakes his head and said, “That is not enough. No offense to Chicol, but Devourers are demons powerful than familiars like him.”

“No offense taken Nuriel.” Chicol spoke through the gems on Lirika’s belt.

The Angel looked down and said, “I shouldn’t be worried. Azrael assigned another angel to assist you. I just wish it was me.”

Lirika touches Nuriel’s right arm saying, “It can’t be help. You are currently helping Azrael in training the new angels.”

Nuriel suddenly feel warm in the face. He looks at the ram-horned Lost Soul. He couldn’t say anything to that. She spoke the truth. He is not the only Angel to assist Lirika. He knows that. He doesn’t understand himself feeling so bad about not being able to this time.

Another pair of wings was heard from above. Nuriel knew who it was. It’s Ruriel. The yellow-gold winged angel with golden brown eyes lands beside him. He has this long light brown hair tied in a low ponytail that seems to glow.

“Hello Lost Soul. I am Ruriel. I will be assisting you on your mission with the Devourer.”

Nuriel bristled. He looks at Ruriel sourly and said, “She has a name. You can call her Lirika.”

“Ahh Nuriel. You are still here?” Ruriel remarked not looking at Nuriel.

Ruriel, is a fellow angel and former partner of Nuriel before he was assigned to be one of Azrael’s angels. Ruriel is now Archangel’s Raphael’s angel. He has no problem dealing with Ruriel but right now, he is feeling annoyance.

“I am leaving now.” Nuriel remarked. He smiles at Lirika saying, “Be careful Lirika.”

“I will Nuriel. Please give my felicitations to Amaranth. I heard she is graduating.” Lirika replied bowing down.

Nuriel nods his head at that. He then turned to Ruriel saying, “Keep her safe Ruriel.” with that he spreads his wings and flies off.

That’s the only time Ruriel looked at the angel Nuriel.

“He is an odd one. When we re partners, Nuriel has always shown emotional attachment to a lot of things.” Ruriel replied.

Lirika opens her umbrella and said, “I think that makes him unique. Not odd.”

“Lost Soul…”Ruriel replied however Lirika cut him off saying, “I have a name. I am Lirika. Please call me that. Everyone does.”

Ruriel nods his head saying, “If you say so Lost Soul Lirika.”

“I will be going now. You shall know if you will be needed Angel Ruriel.” Lirika replied dissipating.


Highway 24 is a notorious highway known for lot of car crashes. So this incident is nothing new to Lirika as she appears near the wreckage of the car. The body of the victim was no longer there and the car has been towed away but she saw how the man crashed through Chicol’s vision.

“That dark mist is the Devourer.” Chicol replied.

“It chose him because he was a drunk driver and recently divorced. A deeply sad soul but it wasn’t his time.” Lirika replied. “He was supposed to die of Liver Cancer not a car crash.”

Chicol kneels down and he could see remnants of the Devourer’s essence. It’s invisible to mortals but to beings like him and Lirika, it’s visible as the sun’s light at day. The essence looks like dark goo, almost like black-colored glue on the asphalt.

“Look Lirika. This Devourer is a bit reckless. Left a lot of essence.” Chicol replied pointing to the dark goo.

“It was in a hurry to cause the accident.” Lirika commented. “The Devourers I encountered were not this in a hurry to devour souls.”

Chicol stands up wondering, “But why it’s in a hurry? Most Devourers take their time.”

“We will find out soon.” Lirika replied. She walks over the railing where the car crashed and said, “I need to see the body of the victim, if a Devourer attacked it, the corpse would have a mark that would allow us to identify what kind of Devourer it is.”

Chicol nod his head. “So what do we do with this left over essence? There’s too much. I don’t think we can clean it up just us.”

“Looks like we need our assisting angel for that.” Lirika points out.

The Leidon of the Deceased chuckled and said, “Speaking of angel, Ruriel is right about Nuriel. Nuriel is too emotionally attached especially to you. That’s unheard of angels.”

Lirika shakes her head and said, “Not really. The Archangel of Death is the same.”

“Oh.. oh..ohhhhh. I get what you mean but Azrael… He is you know?” Chicol exclaimed in a teasing tone.

”Are you saying Nuriel is the same?” Lirika asks.

“Come on Lirika! Isn’t it obvious? Nuriel seems to hold you in such regard. The thing is, he hasn’t realized that’s what he is doing or feeling.” Chicol replied.

Lirika sighs and said, “Seriously Chicol. This is not the time to discuss that. Please call Ruriel. We need him now.”

“Fine. Fine.” Chicol replied. He closed his eyes and in a few seconds, Ruriel appeared before them.

“You called Leidon of the Deceased.” Ruriel replied.

Chicol clicked his tongue saying, “I have a name you know.”

“Ruriel. A remnant of the Devourer was left behind here.” Lirika interjected stepped forward.

Ruriel nod his head. “I can see.”

“Chicol and I need to see the body of the victim. Would you please help us to destroy the remnants?” Lirika asks.

“It is my job to do.” Ruriel replied.

Chicol rolled his eyes saying, “Okay. Good. Thanks. Let’s go Lirika.” with that Chicol grabs Lirika by the arm and whisking her away leaving Ruriel alone on the accident site.


If Lirika has changed a lot ever since becoming a Reaper of the Damned so thus Chicol. As Leidon of the Deceased, acts like a familiar to powerful Lost Souls. He used to be just a tattoo on Lirika’s hand and has basically no will on his own. But after Lirika was blessed to be the Reaper of the Damned, Chicol was blessed his own will. Now he can do his own magic at an extent and instead transforming himself back into a tattoo, he lives within two purple tear-drop gems. He has the will to come out whenever he wants now. Though, he is still bound to Lirika and could never leave her side. Like he would want to. Lirika is the only Lost Soul he would serve. No one else. If Lirika decided to pass on, like other Lost Souls, so will he.

“You don’t like Ruriel. “ Lirika pointed out as they appeared in the morgue where the car crash victim is being kept for the meantime.

Chicol huffed saying, “He is so stuck-up. I met a lot of angels but he is like the most stuck-up I’ve encountered.”

“He does gives you an annoying feeling.” Lirika replied.

“You don’t like him too huh?” Chicol replied smirking.

Lirika wave her forefinger at him saying, “He is okay. I just feel awkward around him.” she then walks towards the body of the crash car victim.

“Benjamin Walker-Paris. Age 35. Recently divorced.” Lirika replied as she puts her hand over the body. She closed her eyes and muttered, “Od Adagita”

The body glowed in soft blue light. Lirika opens her eyes saying, “His soul has been devoured completely.”

“Shit. Look Lirika.” Chicol cursed under his breath as he points at Benjamin’s forehead. On the forehead of Benjamin is a sigil of Morningstar. To the mortal eyes, this sign is invisible. Even to Lost Souls it would be invisible but with the correct Enochian spell, it can be revealed.

Lirika frowns. “I don’t think the Devourer is Morningstar himself.” she then puts the finger on the sigil and chanted “T I Elasa a vaoan.”

The sigil glowed red and a male voice was heard, “Miiinnneeeeee….”

Chicol held out his hand, he is about to cast a protection spell but Lirika stops him by saying, “Chicol no. It’s just a residual. It’s harmless.”

“Jeez. This Devourer is leaving a lot of residuals. It’s reckless.” Chicol replied putting his hand down.

“Reckless and if I may use a human term, an extreme fanboy of Morningstar.” Lirika added.

Chicol snickered at that saying, “A fan? What made you think that?” Chicol asks.

“He used Morningstar’s sigil as his own mark. He is devouring souls at a very fast rate but very careless. He leaves so much residue behind as if he didn’t really care if he was caught.” Lirika replied. “As if he is telling to any Devourer, that he did that and he did it for Morningstar.”

Chicol cliked his tongue and in an annoyed voice, he said, “This is bad Lirika. I don’t like this one bit.”

“We have to stop that Devourer. We need to know where it is right now.” Lirika replied.


Luck has never been on her side. She believed she was born with a curse. A curse to fail in everything she does or even try doing. High School was shitty for her. She was treated like shit by almost everybody. She failed getting into the college she wants and only managed to get a vocational course. Now, the job she has is a an utmost nightmare for her. It doesn’t pay well and her boss is a fucked up.

She doesn’t even know why she was even born. What’s the point of living.

She puffed a smoke from a cigarette. She should have killed herself way back in highschool.

“Fuck it.” She muttered to herself standing up from her couch. As she walks towards her kitchen, she didn’t notice a dark shadow following her from behind.

As she enters the kitchen, she stops on her tracks in front of her refrigerator. She bends a little to open the door. As she did this, she felt her feet slipping. An unseen force grips her by the leg. Her head hits the refrigerator door with a loud thud. She howled in pain but has no time to actually recover from it because whatever is gripping her leg decided to pull her as she falls to floor.

Her body slides back to the living room. The unseen force then takes control of her body. She struggled to break free and scream but couldn’t. She could feel the crippling fear in her.

The unseen entity then forces her body to walk towards the balcony.

“No! No!” she screamed in her head.

”You have wished to die… right?” a voice exclaimed.

She found herself on the balcony now, climbing up the the railing.

“No! I don’t wanna die!”

“Too late. You are mine!” the voice exclaimed evilly, with that she found herself jumping.


Pedestrians screamed in shock as a body fell from the sky. It landed so hard on the concrete floor that the head was crushed badly.

Some people ran, kid started crying. A man in a business suit takes out his cellphone and started dialling 911.

No one sees, the dark shadow hovering over the body.


“Demon, in the name of His name! Begone!”

The dark shadow hissed upon hearing the voice. He moves away from his prey demanding, “Who are you?!”
Lirika appeared before him with an outstretched hand. The dark shadow growled upon seeing her and hissed, “Reaper!”

“Devourer, I shall know your name. Who are you?” Lirika demands.

The Devourer growled louder only for Lirika to hear and lunges at her. Lirika frowns and chanted, “Olapireta, niis quasaba!” with that a glowing light appeared before her hand.

This light had the Devourer stopping on it’s track howling in pain.

“Chicol!” Lirika exclaimed.

Chicol appeared behind the Devourer. He grabbed the Devourer by the head chanting, “Your name! By the power of Light! Give it!”

The Devourer howled. It grabbed Chicol by his arm. Chicol hissed. A searing pain went through his arm. It was scorching. He let go as he disappears and appeared by Lirika’s side.

“I’m sorry Lirika. It didn’t work.” Chicol exclaimed holding his arm.

Lirika frowns. This Devourer is tough. She needs to know the name to destroy it. The first Devourer they encountered didn’t have one but after that, the Devourers evolved themselves. You now, need to know their name, their given name by Morningstar to weaken them. If not, it’s almost impossible to kill them.

“Ruriel. We need you now!” Lirika exclaimed in her head.

The golden-yellowed winged angel flew down saying, “You called Lost Soul.”

“This Devourer won’t reveal it’s name.” Chicol exclaimed angrily.

The Devourer looked at the angel before him in disdain. He has not expected that. It transformed itself into a dark mist.

A light appeared from Ruriel’s hands. From it formed a bow. He looks at the dark mist saying “Behold demon! In His name! Reveal your name!” He then raised the bow at the dark mist.

“Angel! You shall fail!” the demon snarled.

From the bow, a golden arrow appeared. Ruriel pulled the bow exclaimed, “Light of His Grace!” He then released the arrow. The arrow shot into the dark mist and explodes.

The demon howled in pain. It shifts in shape and then it reverts back to it’s dark shadow form but now you can see, sharp teeth and hollow eyes from it.

“It’s showing it’s true form.” Lirika muttered. She raised her hand and chants again, “Olapireta, niis quasaba!” but before she could order Chicol, the dark shadow snarled and disappeared.

Ruriel frowned lowering his bow and exclaimed, “It escaped. But how? My golden bow has struck it already, that should have weakened it already.”

Chicol nod his head at this. The angel spoke the truth. Chicol is about to comment on too but suddenly the arm that the demon grabbed suddenly start to hurt again. He hissed in pain as scorching heat starts to build up.

Lirika noticed this saying, “Chicol!”

Out of the blue, the demon appeared besides Chicol gripping him on his arm. Chicol snarled at the demon saying, “You vile!”

“You shall perish!”

Lirika lunged at Chicol chanting, “Leidon of the Deceased, come back and be sealed!” with that Chicol transformed into a butterfly and flew into the teardrop gems on Lirika’s belt.

“Reaper!” the demon rasped at Lirika as it grabbed the Lost Soul by the arm. Lirika screamed in pain as scorching heat passed through her.

Ruriel shot another arrow at the demon. The demon leaped away from Lirika missing the arrow by a second.

It cackled evilly saying, “You cannot defeat me Reaper. I am Morningstar’s best!” with that it disappeared again.

“Lost Soul!” Ruriel exclaimed worry on his face. Lirika is now kneeling on the floor holding her arm. The demon left a claw mark on her. It searing red. It was really painful.

Ruriel spread his wings and wrapped it around Lirika saying, “I need to get you back to Paradise.”

“Ruriel… wait, the victim’s soul…” Lirika replied remembering the latest victim of the Devourer.

“Another Lost Soul can reap her soul, right now, You and Chicol needs healing.” Ruriel exclaimed. As he flies away carrying Lirika in his arms, he thought, “Nuriel is going to be pissed.”


Nuriel was beyond pissed. When he sees Ruriel barging into Paradise’ Hall of Glory carrying an injured Lirika, he wanted to scream but he was able to control himself and just focus on the hurt Lost Soul. He scooped Lirika off Ruriel’s arm demanding what happened as they hurried off to the healing quarters of Paradise.

Ruriel explained what happen and how the Devourer was able to deceit them and harm Lirika. Nuriel frowned at that. A Devourer who was able to resist an Angel’s power. This is the first time, well probably not the last. Morningstar has been finding ways to make his soldiers stronger and stronger.

“Nuriel… Chicol is also hurt.” Lirika replied looking weak.

Upon hearing that, he wanted to curse but angels doesn’t know how. This is those times he wished he knows how.

“Where is Chicol, Lirika?” Nuriel asks gently.

“In… in the gem.” Lirika replied softly. Nuriel laid Lirika down on an empty bed in the healing quarters.

He then touched the teardrop gem on her belt and said, “Chicol, unseal, come forth to be healed.”

Chicol appeared in a form of a butterfly. Nuriel turned to a cherub in the healing quarters and said, “This Leidon of the Deceased is hurt, please tend.”

The cherub bowed down and lead Chicol to his own place to heal. Another cherub approached Lirika and upon seeing her mottled red arm, it frowned.

“This is a bad hell fire burn.” the cherub replied.

“Hell fire?” both Ruriel and Nuriel asks in unision.

The cherub nods it’s head. It looks at Lirika saying, “What I am about to do will hurt very bad, so sleep Lost Soul. You are safe.”

Lirika takes one deep breathe and closed her eyes. Nuriel watched the cherub take a vial of liquid.The cherub opened the vial and poured the liquid over Lirika’s hurt arm. In a matter of minutes, the burn she received slowly healed.

“That is some hell fire. It burned her so quickly.” Ruriel remarked.

“A Devourer that uses hell fire.” Nuriel replied. “How could that be?”

No Devourer can use hell fire. Hell fires are used by high ranking demon Generals in Inferno. Devourers are merely collectors of souls.

“Nuriel, I apologized. I was not able to protect her as you wanted me too. I got shortsighted.” Ruriel replied bowing his head at Nuriel.

Nuriel sighed. He can’t stay angry at his former partner. Ruriel is a good Angel. A powerful archer to be exact. His golden arrows are renowned to destroy demons at one strike.

“This Devourer was tough. It’s almost as powerful as a General to withstand my golden arrow.” Ruriel exclaimed looking angry.

“Ruriel, this needed to be reported to Michael. If you may, I need to stay beside Lirika.” Nuriel replied bowing his head at Nuriel and he said, “Also, you are forgiven to what happened to Lirika. Knowing her, she wouldn’t blame you for it.”

Ruriel looked at sleeping Lost Soul. The cherub has finished bandaging her arm. He then looks at Nuriel saying, “Thank you. I shall fly to Michael now.”

“Relay all what you have learned so far.” Nuriel replied.

As Ruriel flies away. Nuriel kneeled besided Lirika’s side. He placed his hand over Lirika’s hand saying, “Rest Lirika, heal. You are safe. Thank God, you are safe.”


Time does not exist in Paradise. The concept is unknown to the inhabitants. Chicol, could not tell how long he was staying in his healing room but he knows it was long enough. He has healed physically but he knows he hasn’t recovered his energy well. The Devourer used hellfire on him. Not only it burned his so-called skin, it also weakened his body and sucked his energy.

“I need to see Lirika.” Chicol replied glaring at the cherub who was in-charge of him.

The cherub smiled at him and said, “The Lost Soul is resting and healing in the other room. The Angel Nuriel is taking care of her.”

“I still need to see her.” Chicol insisted. “Please. I failed to protect her. So please.”

The cherub sighs and said, “All right, but please come back because you are not fully recovered yet.”

Chicol, in his humanoid form went into the other room. Lirika is apparently conscious now and Nuriel is helping her to sit upright on her bed. Seeing Lirika awake and out of danger, made Chicol wanting to cry. He thought the Lost Soul would be killed at that time.

“Chicol. How are are you?” Lirika asks seeing him.

Chicol strides towards her bed and in a shaky voice, he exclaimed, “Damn it, Lirika I’m supposed to protect you!”

“Whoah. Chicol.” Nuriel replied. The Angel could feel the anger from the Leidon of the Deceased.

“Don’t Nuriel.” Chicol replied. He grits his teeth and said, “I can’t believe you pulled me off there and sealed me.”

Lirika clenched her hands and said, “If I haven’t did that, you will be gone now.”

“Don’t get me wrong. I am grateful for you saving my life but you shouldn’t have sealed me. Look what happened to you!” Chicol exclaimed almost shouting.

Nuriel sighs and said, “Chicol, please do not be angry at her.”

“Oh, I am not angry at her. I am disappointed. If I am angry, I am more angry at myself for not being to be quick and not see that bastard attacking me.” Chicol exclaimed bristling.

“Chicol.” Lirika replied slowly. “I’m sorry. Really I am but please don’t blame yourself on that.”

Nuriel nods his head and said, “Ruriel is also beating himself up for not being able to do more.”

Lirika gives her Leidon of the Deceased a small smile, “I promised not to seal you away if you do get in that kind of situation again. So please, calm down.”

Chicol released a breathe and said, “You better and I am making sure that it never happens again.” he gently looks at Lirika, his voice soft, “I’m sorry being angry, you were never harmed before on my watch. I don’t know how to deal with this.”

“I understand Chicol. I am fine now. Well, I haven’t fully recovered yet.” Lirika replied giving the Leidon of the Deceased a knowing look. This is the first time, Lirika saw her Leidon very upset.

It was also the first time, she saw Nuriel so worried and visibly upset. When she woke up, she sees Nuriel on vigil besides her bed and holding her hand. The crystal turquoise eyed angel had never been like this before. It was all new to her.

“You didn’t answer my inquiry Chicol. How are are you?” Lirika asks again.

Chicol slumped on the chair near her bed saying. “Physically healed but like you, not yet fully recovered. I got burned by hellfire.”

“So do I.” Lirika replied.

Before Nuriel could say anything, Ruriel walks in saying, “I have bad news.”

“What is it Ruriel?” Lirika asks.

“I’ve consulted to Michael of the situation and Michael did some of his investigating while you are out.” Ruriel replied. “The reason why this Devourer is powerful for some reason is because it’s an offspring of one of Morningstar’s General.”

“Shit.” Chicol exclaimed

Ruriel frowned at him and said, “Language Chicol. You are in Paradise.”

“Whatever Ruriel. Give me a break, I just got hell fired.” Chicol clapped back.

Nuriel held up both his hands saying, “Okay, enough.” he crossed his arms and said, “An offspring of a Demon General. No wonder it’s powerful than the usual.”

“And the reason why it’s marking its victims with Moriningstar’s sigil.” Lirika points out.

Ruriel and Nuriel’s eyes widened at that. Lirika smiled sheepishly and said, “I apologize, it’s an information we haven’t released because of what happened back there.” 

“Lirika is right, the victims were marked with Morningstar’s sigil. We thought it was some intense Morningstar fanboy.” Chicol remarked.

“Well it makes sense. All Demon Generals marked their victims with Morninstar’s sigil.” Ruriel replied.

Lirika nods his head and said, “But, as an offspring and a Devourer why would it do that? I think we’re missing something.”

“Well knowing that this is an off spring of a Demon General, this Devourer is far more powerful.” Nuriel replied standing up.

“Where you going Nuriel?” Ruriel ask.

Nuriel looked at Lirika giving her this concerned look and said, “I will ask Azrael to relieve me from training the new angels for a while and assist on this mission.”

“What? Nuriel, you cannot do that!” Lirika replied shaking her head.

“I have made up my mind Lirika. I cannot risk you getting hurt, worst, gone.” Nuriel answered.

Lirika was not able to contest that because Nuriel has flown off.

“I don’t want to assume but I feel Nuriel has you in a some affectionate regard Lost Soul Lirika.” Ruriel replied knowingly.

Lirika merely blushed on that matter. She doesn’t want to believe that notion. Nuriel is a high ranking Angel in the Archangel of Death’s Army. He is Azrael’s right hand Angel. She is a Lost Soul. She is not a full blown celestial but almost. As far as she knows, there is no rules against an Angel falling in love with other celestials and almost celestials like her but it is a notion that she hasn’t really thought of ever since she became a Lost Soul.


It was a long day. It’s been a long year for him. Work has been eating him. His love life sucks. He just came from his girlfriend… or should he say ex? He just caught her cheating on him with his best friend. They were sucking face right there on his couch. His girlfriend and his best friend tried to explaining themselves but he was not having it. He didn’t really have any energy to fight and argue at that time. He just turned his back and walks away.

Now he is here at the train platform not knowing where to go. He just know he wants to get far away from his place. Far away from his girlfriend and best friend. He just want to get away from everything right now.


He looked behind him.


The sound of the train speeding in can be heard now. He steps a bit back but suddenly, his body froze. He then feel something gripping his legs and arms.


“What’s going on?” His brain exclaimed in his mind.

The answer didn’t came because the next thing he knew he was jumping in front of the incoming train.

A sinister evil laughed followed as people on the platform screamed and the train came screeching halt.

“Miiinneee! Ahahahaha all sad and tortured souls are mineeee!”


“There’s another victim.” Nuriel exclaimed coming back looking furious.

Lirika frowned upon hearing that.

“This Devourer is going through the mortals like a snack.” Chicol exclaimed.

Lirika shifts in her bed saying, “I know I am not yet fully recovered but the more I stay here the more this Devourer collects souls.”

“I agree with Lirika.”Chicol exclaimed. “We need to do something. Now.”

“I think Ruriel and I are enough to deal with this Devourer.” Nuriel points out.

Lirika glares at Nuriel saying, “Nuriel, this is my mission. I need to finish this.”

“You haven’t fully recovered yet. Do you know what that means?” Nuriel exclaimed trying to make a point.

Lirika moves out of her bed and said, “I know what that means but do you think I care?”

Nuriel grits his teeth saying, “But I do!”

At that moment, Chicol and Ruriel felt like they’re witnessing something they shouldn’t. They looked at each other and had a silent agreement to slip away from the room quietly and they did.

“I do care Lirika.” Nuriel replied releasing a sigh. “Don’t you see?”

Lirika slowly approached the Angel who looks so desperate and dejected before her. “Nuriel, I appreciate you concern. I do. I do see you care.”

“If that is the case, why do you insist on this?” Nuriel asks looking exasperated at the Lost Soul who is now standing right in front of him within his reach

Lirika reached towards the Angel touching him by the arm and said, “Because like Chicol I am angry at myself for not being able to stop that Devourer. That girl’s soul was lucky enough that her soul is now within a Reaper’s hand but it was not her time. She was murdered and every mortal thinks she committed suicide. I angry because I could not stop it.” she bit her lip and said, “And now, another victim. Another soul. I need to do this Nuriel. Please.”

Nuriel looked at the hand on his arm. It is also the arm where Lirika was injured. He then looks at Lirika. He knows he cannot fight against this girl.

“All right, I concede but in one condition.” Nuriel replied giving Lirika a look. Lirika’s eyes widened at that and nod her head.

Nuriel took Lirika’s hand from his arm and said, “Before you do anything, allow Ruriel and I to weakened the Devourer. Don’t attack. Don’t allow Chicol either. Remember, he is still weak.”

“Understood Nuriel.” Lirika replied.
“Good. Now, we have a Devourer to destroy.” Nuriel exclaimed with a determined voice.


The little girl doesn’t understand why her mom is always angry. That brown liquid her mother always drink makes her angrier. Whenever, she sees her mother drinking that, she tries her best to get away from her. It’s bad when her mother sees her whenever she is drinking. She gets hurt.

There were times that she could escape her mother’s anger. She would hide in her room and lock her door. There were times she couldn’t and this is one of those days. She was caught of guard. She was playing in the living room and her mother came home and she was angry. She also smells like that brown liquid she has been drinking every night.

When her mother sees her, her mother screamed at her for playing. She got hit more than ten times by her mother’s belt. She can only count from one to ten so she knows it was more than ten. She tries to escape but her mother’s grasp on her arm was strong. It hurts. She could only cry and wail and begged her mother to stop.

Her mother did stop. Her mother dragged her to her room and locked her inside. She took refuge at the corner of her room crying but this time quietly. She felt that if her mother hears her crying more, her mother will hit her again.

“Poor you…”

She looks up. She sees this dark shadow looming over her.

“Your mother hurts you….”


The dark shadow came closer to her and said, “I can…. make it… gooo awaaayyy.”

She bit her lip and asks, “H-how?”

“Just say you are miiiineeee…” the dark shadow exclaimed.

“She will not!”

The dark shadow snarled. He knows that voice. The Lost Soul Lirika is standing by the bedroom door with her Leidon of the Deceased behind her.

“You cannot stop me Reaper!” the dark shadow exclaimed. He then looked at the young girl and said, “Say you are mine!”

The little girl looked at Lirika and asks, “Who are you?”

“I am someone to save you, young girl.” Lirika replied.

The dark shadow loomed at the little girl saying. “She lies! She lies!!!”

“She is not!” a voice boomed. A bright light appeared before the dark shadow that had him moving away from the little girl. The little girl closed her eyes. The light was blinding. As the light subsides, she opens it and she sees a pair of bluish-white wings. Her doe eyes widened. She is seeing an angel before her.

Nuriel knelt before the young girl saying, “Close your eyes little one. Never say yes to dark shadow.”

The little girl nods her head and closed her eyes.

“Angel!” the dark shadow hissed.

“You are not having this soul Devourer. You know, you cannot devour a child’s soul not unless your are given permission.” Nuriel exclaimed taking out his sword from the sheath.

The dark shadow growled and then said, “I shall have that child’s soul!”

Lirika looks at Chicol saying, “Chicol, get the child and sweep her off here.” Chicol nods his head. He transform into a butterfly and flies over the child. As he lands on the child’s shoulder, a purple-blue light envelops the little girl and disappears.

“NO! Where did you take her?” the Devourer demanded looking furious.

“Somewhere safe. Somewhere you cannot reach her.” Lirika exclaimed.

The Devourer released a scream and said, “Damn you Lost Soul!” with that, it shifted and then it transformed into this being with hulking body. It has four bulking arms with thorns growing from it. He has sharp teeth inside his mouth and his eyes were hollow.

“So revealed your true form Devourer! Son of a Demon General” Nuriel exclaimed spreading his wings out.

“So you know what I am…” the Devourer exclaimed. “I’ve always wanted to eat and imprison souls. I do not want to be just a mere soldier. Hahahahaha. So even if my father is opposed to the idea, I became… a Devourer!”

Lirika frowns and said, “It’s no difference. You are still an agent of Morningstar”

“Indeed. It is Morningstar who gave me power to become a Devourer. I do this in his name!” The Devourer exclaimed laughing in a sinister manner.

Nuriel takes a step forward at the demon and said, “You will be destroyed demon and we will free the souls you have devoured!”

“If you can!” The Devourer taunted as it conjured a dark mist.

“Nuriel, don’t allow him to touch you. His hands are made of hellfire.” Lirika replied through Nuriel via telepathy.

Nuriel nods his head at this.

The dark mist from the Devourer expanded covering his whole body. Nuriel take a stance, preparing himself of an attack.

“Light of His Grace!” an angelic voice exclaimed.

A golden arrow pierced through the mist and exploded. The Devourer howled. Ruriel appeared above the demon with his bow.

“His dark mist allows him to disappear and reappear unnoticed.” Ruriel exclaimed. He takes another golden arrow and fired.

The dark mist dissipates in a gold light. The Devourer howled in pain as this happen. Nuriel take this opportunity and attacked. His sword slashed through one of the arms, cutting it off from the torso. The Devourer tried to grab the angel from his wings but Nuriel was quicker exclaiming, “In His name, I smite thee!”

A blinding light appeared from his wings. The Devourer screamed trying to shield his hollow eyes. Nuriel, with his sword cut off another arm of the demon.

Ruriel who is now standing beside Lirika said, “This is your take Lost Soul. He is weak.”

Lirika raised her hand saying, “Your name! By the power of Light! Give and Reveal It”

The Devourer screamed. On his forehead a scorching mark appeared. It was his name. Nuriel sees it and chanted, “Demon by your name! Bune! Begone!” He then struck his sword on the head. An opening appeared before that and disembodied voices can be heard.

Lirika steps forward extending her hand toward the Devourer saying, “Hear me souls trapped within! I am a Reaper of the Damned and I am here for yours!”

Chicol then reappeared in his butterfly form and went through the opening. Bune, the Devourer continued to scream in agony and in pain. A bright light starts to burst from the opening in his head and then a huge amount of feathers burst from it. A mixture of black and grey colored feathers came flying out.

“The deed is done! Return Chicol!” Lirika replied. Chicol came out of the opening still in a form of the butterfly and then disappears a again.

Ruriel aimed another arrow at Bune, the Devourer and shot again. The golden arrow hits the heart and Bune, the Devourer burst in golden flames and in one blow, Nuriel decapitates the demon.

The golden flame burned everything and eventually the flames disappeared. Ruriel smiles and said, “We finally did it.”

“Indeed.” Lirika replied looking at the feathers floating around them. “All these souls… none of them are their time.”

Nuriel sheaths his sword saying, “Do not worry Lirika, these souls would be given another chance for reincarnation. What happened to them is something that shouldn’t happen.”

“I agree.” Ruriel replied looking down.

Lirika closed her eyes saying, “Chicol, return with the girl.”

A purple-blue light appeared and the young girl appeared. Chicol, who is now in his humanoid form said, “She fell asleep.” with that Nuriel picks the sleeping child and placed her on the bed saying, “It will be all a dream for her.”

“Not the bruises. Not her situation here.” Chicol replied looking grim.

Lirika closes her eyes. She then says, “Soon, she will be at a better place.”

“You don’t mean…” Chicol exclaimed looking surprised.

Lirika didn’t answer him. She looks at Nuriel and Ruriel and said, “We are accomplished today. Thank you. My greatest gratitude for helping us and allowing us to complete our mission.”

“You are one tenacious Lost Soul. You never give up.” Ruriel replied. He then bows before Lirika and said, “You are welcome Lost Soul Lirika. I shall be ahead now. Raphael will be of need of me.” with at that he was gone.

Nuriel looks at Lirika saying, “I shall deliver these souls to Azrael. You complete what you need to complete here.”

Lirika smiles and said, “Yes. Thank you.”

The Angel, pats Lirika on the head saying, “As you return to Paradise, please take more rest.” he then looks at Chicol and said, “You too Chicol.” and like Ruriel he was gone along with the feathers.

“Lirika…. are we reaping her soul tonight?” Chicol asks.

“The order just came a minute ago.” Lirika replied, her plastic clear umbrella appearing on her hand. She opens it and said, “Lets go Chicol.”


Belinda never wanted to be a mother. She never wanted to get pregnant at the ripe age of 17 years old. Her dreams shattered the day she got pregnant. It shattered more when the father of the child decided to run off never to be seen again. She opted for abortion but she was too scared of the idea of killing life inside her.

“I wished I got that abortion.” She muttered to herself. She is drunk again. She just finished her job at the strip club. The only work she could get because she could not finish high school. Her parents who has been helping her support her and her child has passed away due to a car accident and now she is left alone to fend off for herself and the child.

“I fucking wished I got an abortion.” She exclaimed this time almost shouting. She threw the bottle of whiskey at the wall.

She is angry. Angry at herself for being stupid. Angry at her daughter. Angry at her for existing. She has wished that child to die so many times now.

She sluggishly stands up. She needs to drink more. However, her legs gave out and she falls down on floor with a thud. Her body feels heavy. She tries standing up again but couldn’t. She feels cold and clammy. She could feel her conscious slipping away.

Lirika was watching all of this to happen. Chicol knelt on the fallen body of Belinda and saying, “Her pulse is weak. It will be soon now.”

“This is one of those deaths that I am looking forward to witness. A soul that I am happy to reap.” Lirika remarked. You could hear some anger in her tone.

Chicol smirked. He knows what Lirika meant. They have encountered mortals who had done heinous and despicable deeds. Those mortals have hurt a lot of innocent lives and Lirika usually feel for those innocent lives. Like that little girl who is badly beaten and sleeping soundly in her room.

“Lirika, she has stopped breathing.” Chicol replied.”

Lirika outstretch her right hand and said, “Belinda Panayt. Your soul is mine to reap, waiting for me it for mine to keep!”
Chicol then transformed into a butterfly. It flew into Belinda’s ears. Belinda’s body glowed and then her soul came out with ease.

Belinda looked around and noticed Lirika with her clear plastic umbrella opened. She then noticed her body on the floor.

“No… I’m dead? H-How?!” She demanded.

Lirika pointed to the bottles of beer and then at the broken bottle of whiskey and said bluntly, “Alcohol poisoning.”

“Wh-what?” She then looks at the door of her daughter’s room . She took a step forward but Lirika steps in front of her saying, “You will not.”

Belinda frowned and exclaimed, “Why? She is my daughter!”

“You only think of it now? You have treated her like dirt and a curse to your life. You don’t get a last farewell.” Lirika replied sternly.

Belinda shakes her head. “Why??? Why me?”

“I do not have an answer for you but you, yourself has answer to it. You know why it’s you.” Lirika remarked. “You daughter is not to blame for your misfortune. You know that, you are using her as an excuse because you don’t want to blame yourself.”

Belinda looks at Lirika and said, “Are you saying this is karma? This is my karma!”
“If you say so.” Lirika replied. She then raised her hand at Belinda and said, “It’s time.”

Belinda’s body glowed and transformed into a black feather. As the black feather lands on Lirika’s hand, she exclaimed, “The deed is done. Return Chicol.”

As Chicol comes out of the body, Lirika takes a good look at the house saying, “This is a very sad house.”

“What happens to the girl?” Chicol replied. “She is too young.”

Lirika looks at the young girl’s bedroom door and said, “As I said, awhile ago. She will be in a better place. Better than this.”

Chicol transforms back into his humanoid form and exclaiming, “I guess, you’ve seen something in her future huh?”

Lirika nods her head. She then gives the Leidon of the Deceased a small smile and said, “Let’s go now. Nuriel will get mad at us if don’t return soon to rest.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Chicol sighed.


“She is something. The first of the Lost Soul to reap the Damned.” The Archangel of Death Azrarl commented as Nuriel finished his report on what happened with the Devourer Bune.

Nuriel nodded his head saying, “She is. You have predicted this Azrael.”

“I did. The day she told the late Lost Soul Medina that she wanted to become a Lost Soul, I had a vision that she would become a very powerful Reaper.” Azrael replied. He then gives Nuriel and said, “There will be a time that she won’t be needing an Angel to assist her.”

“Azrael, what do you mean by that?” Nuriel asks.

Azrael smiled and said, “She will continue to evolve and she will be reborn again Nuriel. That all I can tell you.” he then looks sideways like something caught his eye and said, “Lirika and Chicol has returned.”

“I see. I shall leave for now Azrael.” Nuriel replied bowing.

The Archangel of Death nod his head. Nuriel spread his wing and flies off. Azrael closed his eyes thinking, “The Lost Soul Lirika, Reaper of the Damned. I have chosen well.”


In human time, it took Lirika and Chicol a week before they were able to recover and soon as they recovered they’re back on the mortal plane doing their job.

Lirika walks along the pavement, following a teen-age girl walking. The girl was clutching her bag tightly to her. She looks behind her but she didn’t see Lirika, with her clear plastic umbrella wide open. She only sees a two girls like herself. She knows one of them, she waved her hand at one them. Without looking, she crossed the street.

A screech of a car was heard and a scream of the girl were also heard at the same time. The driver of the car, ran out of his vehicle in terror. One of the girls who witnessed it, got her phone and started to dial 911.

Lirika watches as the soul of the teen-age girl came out looking at her. She smiled at the girl’s soul. She extends her hand saying, “Your soul is mine to reap. It is your time.”
The teen-aged girl took her hand asking, “Who are you?”

Lirika gives her a smile and said, “I am a Reaper of Souls and I am here for yours.” As she said this, the teen-age girl’s soul transformed into an orange feather. Lirika held onto the orange feather and said, “Go to rest until your next life.”

As she walks away from the scene, she spots a dark shadow flying towards an old building.

“Devourer.” she exclaimed. Chicol came from behind her saying, “It’s just been a week by human terms.”

A light came from above and Nuriel appeared above her saying, “A Devourer was spotted.” Nuriel then extends his hand at Lirika saying, “Are you ready Lirika, Reaper of the Damned?”

Lirika took his hand saying, “I am always ready.” with that they were gone leaving the chaos of the mortals behind on the street where a soul has just been reaped.


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