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12 Dawns Vol. 2: Chapter 2 - Everlasting Flower


Amaranth. That is the given name given to her. When she has awaken in Paradiso, it was the name given to her by The Holy One. She has no memory. She woke up confused but not frightened. She was surrounded by whiteness and light. Light that is not blinding but comforting. They called her birthplace, Lumen. 

From Lumen, she and others was transferred to another building. Lectio Paradiso, is what they call it. The were asked to fall in line. They were dressed in pristine white drab. The cherubs who were attending them, called them Fafens. Angels in Training. 

The thought of being an Angel in Training excited her. She didn't know at that time what that entails but she was looking forward to it. 

It took awhile but eventually they were segregated to different division. A few of them were assigned to the Division of Death and Rebirth.  A Division that doesn't accept a lot of trainees. In fact they were only five of them.

When she arrived in the Division of Death and Rebirth, they were greeted by the Archangel of Death himself, Azrael. When she gazed upon him, she felt her heart flutter. Azrael is a gorgeous Angel. Granted, she hasn't seen a lot of angels at that time but his long braided chestnut hair adorned with lights, felt like she was staring at stars at night. His dark ebony-colored eyes so warm to look at. Of course, now, she has seen many angels and she has met two Archangels already but Azrael's beauty, for her stands still, top-tier.

Azrael did welcome all five of them however, his assistant at that time, Nuriel was the one who tended to their orientation. Nuriel explained their roles and tasks as Angels in Training. 

They are tasked to be messengers and guides. They are the ones to deliver important messages to the Fallen  and The Lost Souls. Since it is not too often that a message would be sent to the Fallen and The Lost Souls, their main task is to guide souls who are ready to be reincarnated.

It has been many moons when  they had that orientation but for Amaranth it was just like yesterday. She had been enjoying her tasks, especially when she is delivering messages. It was the only time when she can leave Paradise and be exposed to the world of mortals. Don't get her wrong, guiding souls to the cycle of rebirth is nice but there is this certain excitement of going out there. Among the mortals.

"Amaranth!" a petite Fafen with gold hair that curls at the end calls after her. 

She turns towards her saying, "Felicitations, Milagrosa." 

"Felicitations, Amaranth"

"Is there anything you need?" Amaranth asks.

Milagrosa tilts her head a bit and said, "Menakel asks of you."

Menakel, the former Angel of Peace now the right-hand man of Azrael. She has met Menakel. The Angel is tall, taller than Azrael and has this intimidating aura, a far cry from Nuriel who has this endearing presence. But, alas, Nuriel left his position to assist The Lost Soul, Reaper of the Damned, Lirika.

"Thank you Milagrosa. I shall go now." Amaranth replied bowing down. 

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The Garden of Death and Rebirth. One of the places in Paradise that is heavily guarded aside from the Chamber of The Holy One and the Sacred Torvsl, where human souls reside. It is a huge garden, filled with different kinds of trees and plants. Some of them can be seen in the mortal realm but a lot of them can only be seen there. 

In the middle of the garden is a huge clock floating in the air, it is surrounded by transparent orbs that glitters in the light. The Rebirth Clock. It is what it is called. Under the clock is a gated door. The gated door has these angelic script that only Angels and Archangels can read. Fafens aren't privileged enough to read it but they are in the process of learning. 

Not far from The Rebirth Clock is a small cottage. This is where the Archangel Azrael lives and where Menakel usually can be seen tending to matters that Azrael asks him too.

"I have called for her Azrael" Menakel replied.

Azrael, who is looking out from his cottage window just nod his head. 

"I do not understand. If you need to call her, all you need is to go approach her." Menakel quipped. 

"You know I am trying to limit my interaction with her." Azrael responds without looking at his dark-skinned Angel of a companion.

Menakel sighed. "She can't even remember who she was, what makes you think she will remember you? She is no longer mortal." 

"You can never be careful." Azrael replied. His pristine wings jerked a bit upon seeing a long-blue haired dressed in red garb  appears before the cottage's doors. He immediately stands up, "I leave everything now to you Menakel."

Menakel watches as Azrael swept pass him and went out of the back door. He, can feel an incoming headache, if angel's are allowed to such pain. 

He, strides over the door and opens it. The smiling face of the Fafen Amaranth.

"Felicitations, Angel Menakel." 

"Felicitations, Amaranth" he greeted back. He steps sideways, "Please come in."

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Amaranth almost skipped in her steps as she enters. Fafen's don't get invited in the homes of Archangels but Azrael is different. He is very welcoming. So warm. She still wonders how the Angel of Death can be so endearing and warm. Mortals often describes Death as cold and scary. None of those seemed to fit Azrael.

Her eyes scans the cottage, her smile drops a notch. Azrael is nowhere to be seen. Menakel, noticed this. He walks past Amaranth saying, "Azrael has some things to attend."


"I am the one who called for you is it not?" Menakel replied giving the Fafen a knowing look.

Amaranth bows her head immediately, "I apologize, your grace."

"Menakel. You are scaring her." Azrael's voice rang in Menakel's mind. 

The dark-skinned Angel internally sighed.  He was the former Angel of Peace. His demeanor was more softer. Soft like a feather. Things have changed when he became a Fallen. As if his experience as a Fallen made him harder. This intimidating demeanor he has is a staple now. He knows that his fellow angels talks about how much he has changed. 

"It is all right Fafen Amaranth, no need to apologize." Menakel said his tone softer than the usual.

"I still apologize. I just got used to see Archangel Azrael here, whenever we are called." Amaranth replied lifting her head.

There is no lie in her words. Azrael is always present when the Fafens or any of them were called here. Azrael has a well oiled machine working perfectly for him. A system that he can rely with confidence that allows him to spend more time in his cottage and do whatever he likes. So, to say he is busy would be a lie.

"We are digressing Fafen." Menakel replied maneuvering the discussion away from Azrael. He cannot lie and he would not. So, divert.

"Ah yes. What is the reason you called for me your grace?" Amaranth asks.

Menakel materializes a parchment. Amaranth, instantly knows what is that parchment. It is a message. 

"I need you to deliver this message to Lirika." 

"Lirika? The Reaper of the Damned, your grace?" Amaranth's eyes widens. None of the Fafens under the Archangel of Death has ever delivered a message to her. Lirika is special. She is none other than the Reaper of the Damned. It is usually Azrael who approaches The Lost Soul personally to deliver a message.

Amaranth shakily takes the parchment being handed to her. "Me? Deliver this? I am just a lowly Fafen."

"Ahhh, Fafen. You are Fafen indeed but not lowly. Let me remind you, who you are under?" Menakel replied giving Amaranth another knowing look.

This time, it didn't intimidate her this time but it gives her comfort.

"But why me your grace?" 

Menakel chuckles. He will take this opportunity and have Azrael suffer. He is done playing bridge and messenger. "Better ask Azrael that."


"But before you go find him, deliver that to Lirika. It is utmost important she gets it." Menakel pointed out.

Amaranth nods her head vigorously. "May, I know where is Lady Lirika is?"

"Mortal realm as usual. You know here, she doesn't hang around here much." Menakel replied.

This had Amaranth eyes shine in glee. She will be visiting the mortal realm again. It's been awhile since she visited there. She is beyond excited now. 

"I shall take my leave now Angel Menakel." Amaranth replied bowing down.

Menakel bows back and said, "You may go."

The blue-haired Fafen strides towards the door and Menakel stops her by saying, "Fafen Amaranth, wait!"

"Yes your grace?"

"Be careful. As you are delivering a message to The Reaper of the Damned. You know what danger entails that surrounds this."Menakel replied.

Amaranth's dainty and happy face turned serious. She nods her head and left leaving a trail of a powerful aura.

And on cue, Azrael burst into the cottage from the back door. He stomps towards Menakel saying, "You were not supposed to tell her to ask me!"

"Azrael. Stop." 

Azrael crosses his arm. Menakel looks at the Archangel of Death and said, "Look, Thy Grace is not stopping you from interacting with her. There is a reason why she turned into a Fafen. She could be in the Sacred Torvsl now waiting for reincarnation but now. She is here with you. Why fight it?"

"Because of that. Why is she a Fafen? Why is that Thy Grace decided to turn her into a Fafen?" Azrael exclaims.

"Questions, questions. Have you ever asked Him?" Menakel points out.

Azrael shakes his head. "I never... I could not."

"If I may? Worry and fret of the reason of whys and focus on the mission you have decided to give her." Menakel replied. "It could be one of the Fallens but now, it has to be Lirika."

"Do you doubt her abilities?" Azrael asks.

Menakel still sees how the happy demeanor of the Fafen turning serious in a split second. That complete control of emotions and that powerful aura that emanated from her as she left the cottage. Fafen Amaranth is a special Angel in the making and he can see that.

"No I do not but do you think it is too early for her to have this kind of mission?" 

Azrael sits down on his chair near the window and said, "Maybe, but this is an opportunity to see if she can handle the responsibility as an Angel of the Death Division."

"You do realize this is a baptismal of fire right?"

"If she can handle it, the rest can." Azrael replied his gaze turning to outside of the window once more.

Menakel sighs. "By the way, what is the message? You ordered me not to read it too."

Without looking at Menakel he said, "I don't know. The message came from Thy Grace."

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Credits: Pinterest

The mortal realm is an interesting place to be. Some Fafens she knew is not fond of it for many reasons. It is too loud, crowded and human thoughts can be overbearing for someone who is not a full Angel yet.

However, Amaranth is different. She finds the mortal realm interesting and given the chance, she would come back to this place over and over. Yes, the hubbub and throng of humans is not something she likes but she can tolerate it for a bit whenever she visits. The thoughts of the mortals, for some reason, she can block it quite easily. Milagrosa did comment that among the five of them, she is first to quick to master that.

"Now, where to find Lady Lirika" Amaranth thinks as she hovers over a stoplight. She closed her eyes and took a breathe. She starts to concentrate. Part of their training is to be able to sense other entities around them. This is not an easy feat because it requires a lot of concentration. Full fledge Angels could do this in milliseconds. Archangels doesn't have to do this. They just know.

Amaranth opens her eyes. She could sense her inside a hospital.  "Not bad Amaranth. That was under a five minutes."  with that she disappears.

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Another black feather, another reaping. The man didn't survive his jump. He was a alive enough to be rushed to this hospital but he didn't cling to much to life. She knows how to cling to life and fight for it. After all, she was a former mortal. She died young and was not able to fulfill her dreams because she got terribly ill. But she fought for her life, she fought to stay alive but she understands why some just gives up. The pain of the heart and soul can be very unbearable. That is why for her, reaping a suicide is the saddest thing. She prayed that the afterlife will be more kind to the souls she reaps.


She slowly turns to her side. Her eyes meeting aqua blue eyes. Nuriel. Former right-hand Angel of Azrael, now assisting her, a Lost Soul, Reaper of the Damned.

"Yes, Nuriel?" Lirika asks.

"You are deep in thought again." Nuriel points out. "Is there something wrong with this soul?" 

Lirika shakes her head. "No. I just wished he could have lived a bit more."

"Then let's pray that in his next life, he would live a less painful life." Nuriel remarked as he watched Lirika floats the black feather in the air until it disappears.

A twinkling sound can be heard suddenly.  Accompanied by this sound, is the smell of something sweet. Like flowers. An entity appeared above them.  She has long flowing dark blue hair that reaches her waist. Orange and red feathers adorned her head. She has blue eyes matching her hair.  Her red skirt, swirling around her as she floats down toward them.

"Fafen Amaranth" Nuriel replied recognizing the entity.

"Felicitations Angel Nuriel." Amaranth greets nodding her head. She turns to Lirika and bowed. "Felicitations, Lady Lirika."

Lirika nods her head saying,  "Please, Lirika is fine."

"Apologies but as Fafens, we must give respect to those higher than us." Amaranth replied. Lirika looks at Nuriel  as if the information is new. 

Nuriel clears his throat asking, "Amaranth what brings you here?"

Amaranth materializes a rolled parchment and said, "I am tasked by thy grace Azrael to pass this message to Lady Lirika".

Lirika snaps her fingers and the rolled parchment flew from the Fafen's hand to hers. She unravels the parchment and read what was written there. She raised an eyebrow upon reading that caught Nuriel's attention. Lirika is mostly emotionless when it comes to facial expression. So, to see her raising an eyebrow at something piqued his interest too.

He walks besides Lirika, the Reaper of the Damned showed the message to the Angel. Nuriel scans the message and he too raised an eyebrow at it. No wonder, Lirika showed emotion on her face on it. Nuriel and Lirika looked at each other and then they slowly looked at Amaranth who is just standing there waiting for something.

Amaranth catches the looks of the two. She tilts her head and asks, "Ummm, yes? Is there wrong?"

Nuriel grimaced saying. "I, I don't know how to explain this to you. You better just read it."

"Huh? Me read the message?" Amaranth replied as Nuriel hands her the parchment. Amaranth takes it looking confused. "Are you sure? I don't think I can read this." 

Lirika sighed. "I give permission you to read it. You have to read it."

Amaranth looks at the parchment and starts to read


You might find this a difficult task to partake, but I implore you to allow Fafen Amaranth to accompany you in your today's reaping. I trust that you will take care of her. 

Thy Grace."

"I am what?" Amaranth asks in surprise. Her mind almost halted as she finished reading the message. Thy Grace, The Holy One is ordering The Reaper of the Damned to be part of the reaping for today. 

"It is what it is." Lirika remarked. She walks towards Amaranth saying, "Thy Grace has ordered it and I cannot refuse. You will come with us today."

"B-but Lady Lirika, why would Thy Grace order this?"

Lirika smiles a bit and said, "I cannot say or answer your query but Thy Grace has His reasons."  she then materializes a clear plastic umbrella and said, "Are you ready? Time is wasting and there is a soul to reap."

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She had never stayed in the mortal realm this long. Whenever she delivers a message, it will only take her 20 to 45 minutes long and she is back in Paradise. She is not complaining. Despite her confusion over the message and the order of Thy Grace, she feels elated being able to stay within the mortal realm. 

The three of them has transferred from the hospital to a dingy and seedy building. Amaranth looks around slightly scared of the surrounding they are in. Amaranth as only been to safe places on the mortal plane never in a place like this. Never in a dark, dirty and eerie place like where they are now.

"Where are we?" Amaranth asks.

"Lirika will reap a soul here."Nuriel answers. 

Amaranth looks at Lirika who is just standing there as if she is waiting for something to happen. The Reaper of the Damned lifts her hand and a red string appeared. The red string of fate. Also known as the red string of life. Amaranth has heard about it. They say people are connected by the red string of fate, if you want to end the connection, you simply cut it however, if you burn it, it means life of whoever owns that string will end.

How to burn the red string? The mere thought of ending ones life is enough to ignite a fire. An attempt is like a fuel that could spread the fire further. You die of sickness or by murder, then the string will burn too. 

"Is someone ending their life here?" Amaranth asks. 

"A life will end. The case awhile  ago is a special suicide case. This one. Gruesome." Nuriel replied.

The Fafen watched as the red string starts to burn. "He is dying."

"You are sharp Fafen. Yes indeed. " Lirika replied. The red string disappears. "It will happen now."

Like a prediction coming true, a young man can be seen running frantically along the hallway they were. He has a stab wound on his stomach. He is holding  gun on his right hand. His thoughts came barging into Amaranth's mind. 

"I cannot die here! Fuck! Not today!"

Amaranth gasped. It sounded so desperate and full of agony. 

"I need to get back to her. I need to get back to her alive." 

She finds her hand clutching her chest. She wonders why it's so painful. She doesn't understand why she feels it. Nuriel noticed this. The Angel places his hand on her shoulders and said, "Control your transference Fafen."

"I-I am. I am trying." Amaranth replied. "It's usually not like this. I could easily block their thoughts and emotions from affecting me." 

The man stumbles down. He is so weak. 

"But, why... I don't understand. He wants to live." Amaranth wondered. 

Lirika's eyes darts towards the end of the hallway. A figure can be seen walking towards the man. This mortal has a menacing aura. Lirika taps the purple gem on her belt and exclaimed, “Leidon of the Deceased. You are Cichol, come out and I shall reap!”

A butterfly came out of from the purple gem and flew around the menacing man. Then it transformed into an entity with long hair and glowing red eyes. 

The menacing man raised the gun he is holding and points to the wounded man on the floor, "Do you fucking think that you can get out of there alive?"

"Fuck you!"

"Oh man, I could say that to you too!" The menacing man exclaimed. He then pulls the trigger but nothing happened. "What the fuck?"

The wounded man laughs painfully and said, "You are a fucking tool Charles." he then raised the gun at the man before him and clicked. 


"Chicol, now!" Lirika exclaimed. The entity with long hair and glowing red eyes transforms back into a butterfly. It flew into the dead man's mouth. Lirika raised her gloved hand into the hair and said, “Your soul is mine to reap, waiting for me it for mine to keep!”

In a few second, a light appeared from the man's mouth and the butterfly came out and transform back into the entity Chicol again. 

Before Lirika, stands the souls of the dead man. The soul stared at his dead body and at the wounded man who is trying to stand up but is failing to do so.

"Fuck! Why am I dead and not him?"

"Maybe because, you are an idiot?" Chicol replied smirking. This catches the attention of the soul and looks at Lirika and Chicol.

Lirika snaps her fingers and the soul transform into a black feather. Chicol sighs and said, "This one is going to Inferno."

"Hmmm... indeed." Lirika replied. She then waves her hand at Chicol. The entity transform back into a butterfly and went back into the purple gem on Lirika's belt.

Nuriel smiles at the Lost Soul and said. "Well, that went well ."

Lirika kneels in front of the wounded man. A red string appears once more on Lirika's hand. Amaranth bit her lips upon seeing it.

"Is he going to die?" Amaranth asks.

"I can't die. I don't want too!"

The wounded man's plea was really strong. The pain that Amaranth feels in her chest is getting stronger. This is the first time she experienced not being able block these thoughts and emotions.

"By heavens, I am not ready to be an Angel" she thinks

"He is a fighter." Lirika comments. "But he is losing so much blood. If he is not saved, he might just pass away."

Amaranth looks at the Angel Nuriel, her eyes begging, "Can't you do something?"

"I can't interfere. As we may have free will now, it is forbidden for Angels to interfere with fate." Nuriel replied looking sad.

"I still have to see her."

"Her. Who is her?" Amaranth wonders to herself. 

The pain in her chest didn't lessen. It got stronger as the wounded man plead for his life so just he could go back to this "her". Amaranth finds herself kneeling down besides the wounded man. 

"Who is her? Why are you desperate to go back to this person?" Amaranth asks. 

A light appeared on Amaranth's head. It spreads out further and blast of flowers appeared and surrounded the area. Amaranth's eyes glowed light blue and flashes of a memory of a young girl running around the field laughing as someone chases her around. The young girl giggles as the squealed, "Daddy!"

The memory changed into the little girl, sick in a hospital bed. A name of a sickness that Amaranth cannot understand was mentioned. A sob of agony was heard from a man.

"Daddy, don't cry. I am strong just like you."

Like a reel, it scene changes again to a man, the one who just died. He was a drug dealer. He was talking to someone. He told this person that he would earn money as long as he delivers the drugs to the respective buyers. This someone looks hesitant but agreed to do the delivery. 

The flashes of memory stopped. Amaranth's eyes starts to water. Tears. She is not supposed to feel emotions this great. Do angels weep? Do Fafens like her cry? 

"You have a daughter. All of this, for your sick daughter." Amaranth whispers. She hovers her hands over the wound of the man. "Live, live longer and be with her. I also implore that you do not go back to this kind of job. May this change everything for you."

The flowers that surrounds the area suddenly floats towards Amaranth, enveloping her and the man. Another burst of light appeared but more explosive than the initial one. Lirika and Nuriel has to cover their eyes a bit as they watched everything unfolds before them.

As the light subsides. Amaranth is seen no longer kneeling but lying on the floor. She has lost consciousness. Nuriel immediately went to her side saying, "Fafen Amaranth!"

Lirika looks at the red string on her hand and said, "His life has just got extended."

"What?" Nuriel exclaimed.

"I am confused as well. No Angel or even a Fafen can do something like this. Not unless..." Lirika's voice trailed off. The thought is there but there is no way she can confirm but the message from Thy Grace makes sense now.

Nuriel also knows the implication behind Lirika's comment. He lifts Amaranth's body saying, "Lirika, pardon me but I have to leave you."

"I understand."

"Chicol. Come out there and guard Lirika as I leave." Nuriel ordered spreading his wings.

The entity Chicol appeared one more time saying, "You do not have to order it Nuriel. Just go." 

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Azrael could feel the change of atmosphere in the Garden of Death and Rebirth. Like something is a foul. He stands up from his seat to check the Rebirth Clock. As he opens his cottage door, Nuriel came flying down with an unconscious Fafen in his arms. The scene played slowly in his mind. The image of Amaranth without conscious almost had Azrael stop breathing. 

"Azrael! We have a problem."

The Archangel of Death, scoops the blue-haired Fafen from Nuriel. Amaranth feels cold to his touch. Her breathing also very uneven. The Fafen's energy is very low to his liking. 

"What happened Nuriel?!" Azrael demanded his voice almost booming. They are now deeper inside the cottage. Azrael, places Amaranth on a bed. 

Nuriel sighs and relayed what has transpired. Azrael frowned, he is holding Amaranth's hand, transferring energy to the Fafen's body as he kneels besides the bed.

"Why is she with you in this particular reaping?" 

"The message Azrael. It is from Thy Grace. He asked of us." Nuriel answered.

Azrael closed his eyes. "Thy Grace, what are You thinking?"

"Azrael, Amaranth is just a Fafen. She has no ability to extend life of any mortal. No Fafen can do that. Not even Angels like me, even you an Archangel. Only Thy Grace." Nuriel points out.

"I am very much aware of that. I admit, among the Fafens that were chosen to serve her,e she is the one to learn and advance quite quick."

Nuriel looks at the unconscious Fafen and said, "Quite? This is not quite."

Azrael opens his eyes. He has an idea of what is happening, he just need some confirmation. He extends his hand and places on Amaranth's forehead whispering, "By the power of the Holy One, heal Fafen. Rest and heal." 

As he said this, Amaranth's breathing became even but her energy still low but she is no longer in danger of fading. 
"Nuriel, go back to Lirika. I will handle things here from onward."

"Azrael, do you think..."

"Hold that thought Nuriel." Azrael remarked. "Whatever you and Lirika has witnessed should only stay between us. Menakel, will also be informed of course, but do you understand?"

Nuriel simply nod his head. He spared one more glance at Amaranth and said, "I shall take my leave now." 

A flutter of wings is heard. A signal that Nuriel has finally left and Azrael is now alone with Amaranth. He is still transferring his energy to her, just enough for her to recover on her own. 

He still remembers the day when he saw and met her, when Amaranth was still mortal. When she was still Anda. His Anda. The mortal he fell in love with. He defied The Holy One and became a Fallen. He eventually regained his status as an Archangel of Death because of Anda's help. However, the day he regained his status, is the day he lost her too. He has to leave her behind. It is still taboo for celestial beings like him to fall in love with a mortal. He has defied Thy Grace too much already. So with heavy heart, he went back to his duties as the Archangel of Death and went back to Paradise.

The thing is, he lost her twice. He lost her to a sickness. The day he returned to the mortal plane was the day that Anda's life expired. He was the one who reaped her soul. Thy Grace has granted that opportunity for him. He was about to beg Him but he didn't have to. He knows. 

He carried Anda's soul to Paradise with so much pain. He was hoping to watch over as she lives her mortal life until she grows old but fates has a different plan. She died so early but she lived her life to fullest. A consolation to the fact she passed on so young.

Azrael thought that would be the last. He has handed her soul to the Sacred Torsvl, the place for mortal souls stay in dormant until they get reincarnated. For him, it was time to let go. Until news that Thy Grace removed her soul from the Sacred Torsvl and moved to Lumen. He never questioned it why. It is not the first time, mortal souls are transformed into celestial beings but this is the first time a soul of a former suicide was made into one. 

The mere fact that Anda was a former suicide had marked her soul to stay in Limbo for years before moving to Paradise. That decision was changed when she eventually died of illness but the idea of her soul marked as a suicide eliminates her to be a candidate to become a celestial being. 

All of these, he never questioned Thy Grace however, with the recent development, it is time for him to do so. He looks at Amaranth who has regained the required energy she needed to recover by herself but the idea to leave her alone right now, he cannot bear. 

"Azrael, I am here." Menakel replied coming from the back door. Azrael, who has told Menakel mentally about what happened stands up from his kneeling stance. 

"Watch over her Menakel. I have to seek Thy Grace's presence." Azrael replied.

Menakel nods his head. When Azrael told him what happened through his mind, that idea also crossed his mind. However, it is an idea almost impossible, because it has been many moons that she has existed in Paradise. When she faded, no one replaced her. Thy Grace was heartbroken when He lost her. He had her positioned opened but never filled. Azrael lived with her in the Garden of Death and Rebirth like siblings and best of comrades. Like, The Holy One, Azrael grieved for her and never wanted to have her role filled by just any Angel.

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"If she is who she is Azrael. What are the odds?" Menakel points out.

"We don't know that. Archangels do not reincarnate. Once we fade, we are gone." Azrael replied. "She is not her."

"Then why does she has her abilities?"

Azrael sighs. This is just one of the questions that needed answering. "I have to go Menakel. If she wakes up, do not allow her to leave. Allow her to the backdoor if she gets bored." with that he left. 

Menakel looks at Amaranth sleeping on Azrael's cot. He always think that the Fafen is special. Her training as a a future Angel speaks volume. Amaranth's celestial body is overflowing with energy that he hasn't seen or felt in any Angel in training. She is also ahead of her fellow Fafens in the Division in terms of spiritual powers. She is very quick to learn of everything that was taught to them. 

It is not new though. There are Fafens  who exhibited the same prowess as she however that overflowing energy. That spiritual power. Like, Azrael, he never questioned The Holy One but now, answers are indeed needed.

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The golden door of The Holy One stands before him. This sacred doors is a gateway to His chambers. Only The Seven can enter these doors. Two Powers are guarding the golden doors and upon seeing him gave a small bow. Azrael bowed back and immediately kneeled down in front of the golden door.

"Thy Grace, I seek your presence."

"Azrael, you have finally come."

Azrael lowered his head and said, "I seek you Thy Grace for I have questions."

"I have been waiting for you. I know you will ask, the question is. When?"

"Forgive me Thy Grace. I dare not question your decisions and I am not to question your decisions now but I need to know." Azrael replied.

"You are talking about Fafen Amaranth." 

Azrael lifts his head and looks at the golden doors. "Yes, Your Grace. You are very well aware of who she was but my question is, who is she now?"

"You know the answer Azrael."

"I only assume things Your Grace." Azrael remarked. "I thought, You will never have her positioned filled again ever since she faded."

"However, Death has been alone for a long time. Moons away if I may, don't you think not?" Thy Grace replied.

Azrael's eyes widened. "But why her? She was mortal, a soul marked. I do not understand." 

"Azrael care for a story? It won't take long."

"If that will answer my queries Your Grace, then please go ahead." Azrael replied. 

Light glowed from the golden doors and Thy Grace told His story.

"You know her very well. The Archangel of Rebirth, Riniel. Both of you were born together. You were my twins even it is not by blood.  Riniel was the curious one. Very different from you. You were serious and she was happy-go-lucky. She has the tendency to break the rules but  we love her that way. We loved our Riniel that way."

There were a pause. Azrael knew where this is going.

"Riniel, her curiosity got the better of her of her and dreamed of being a human. She started to develop her own will. No. She was born with it I think. I think in my deepest heart I wanted to see how an Angel will do if they have a will of their own."

Azrael's eyes widened at this revelation. Riniel would be the first Angel to have its own will. He thought he was the first one, after all, his decision and what happened to him became the catalyst for Thy Grace to allow Angels and Archangels to have their own will if they wish to.

"That developed will of Riniel had her spending too much on the mortal plane pretending to be a mortal, living as a mortal. You know this Azrael. You were very angry because it seemed she has forgotten about her job as an Archangel. We all know that she hasn't. She still did her job, very well if I may say."

Another long pause.

"Our Riniel's longing to be human is the main reason why she started to fade. The longing is too deep that she herself wished to fade. She didn't want to be an Archangel anymore." 

This part nearly had Azrael stand up but he controlled himself.

"So Riniel... faded as her wish was too strong. Do you know what I did Azrael?"

"Thy Grace...."

"I granted her wish."

This time around, he could not stop from standing up. This knowledge. "Riniel became human? A mortal? Our Riniel?" Azrael's thoughts rang.

"Riniel is the very first Archangel to become a human by will and my permission. Her human life was not an easy one. Did it I intended it to be that way? Yes. I made her experience what it is like live like a mortal. I thought she wouldn't survive. She decided to jump to her death and an Angel begged her to save her soul to be reincarnated again."

Azrael's eyes watered. "Riniel was Cordelia?"

"And she became your Anda."

"Thy Grace."

"The story has now ended. So, Azrael, what do you do now?" The Holy One asks.

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Her eyes opened abruptly. She frantically stands up from the bed she was lying on.  She looks around and noticed that she is no longer in the mortal plane. Amaranth bit her lower lip, she knows where she is at the moment. For some reason, she feels so shy knowing where she is. 

"Ah you are awake." Manakel replied.

"Angel Menakel. Am I on Archangel Azrael's b-bed?" Amaranth replied her voice stuttering  a bit.

Menakel sits down on a chair near the bed nodding his head. "Do you remember what happened to you?"

"I- I do. Well not all thy grace." Amaranth replied.

"You showed abilities far your capacity as a Fafen." 

Amaranth eye's widened. "I did. I don't know how but I did."

"Just to let you know, you did not do anything wrong. What happened there was unexpected. " Menakel replied. "He is still seeking answers."

"Azrael." Amaranth replied. "Where is Azrael?"

"He sought audience with The Holy One. " Menakel answered. He then stands up saying, "I am advised, that if you feel like it, you can go to the backdoor."

Amaranth gives him a puzzling look. 

"Do you wanna see where Azrael disappears to whenever he has things to do?" Menakel said with a knowing look.

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A huge tree stand before her. It is the Tree of Life and on top of it is Metatron, it's guardian and operator. She didn't expect to see the Tree of Life here just behind the cottage.

"This is the Tree of Life. This is the first time I am seeing this." Amaranth replied in awe.

Menakel smiled and said, "Azrael usually comes here and talk to Metatron but he prefers to listen to the heart of The Tree of Life. It calms and soothes him."

"I can hear its heart." Amaranth whispered. 

"It's beautiful right?" 

Amaranth turns around and instead of Menakel standing there, it was Azrael. 

"Felicitations Archangel Azrael" Amaranth replied bowing down. 

Azrael smiles at her. She stands in front of the Tree of Life her long blue-hair billowing through the wind. 

"Riniel, you have finally come back to us, who would thought that you will also be my Anda."

Amaranth points to the Tree of Life saying, "I can hear its heart. I am not supposed to right?"

"No Amaranth. Only Archangels can." Azrael answered.

Amaranth frowns and said, "What is going on your grace?"

Azrael extends his hand at Amaranth and said, "Everything will be revealed to you in due time."

"Remember, Azrael she should not know. Allow fate to run its course. The rest is up to you." 

Amaranth looks at the Archangel Azrael's extended hand at her. She takes it into hers saying, "Your grace. Why have you been avoiding me?"

"I apologize. You remind me of someone I lost before. It was not my intention to hurt your feelings." Azrael replied pulling the Fafen closer to him.

"I admit your grace, I always longed to see you whenever I am asked to come here. Is it that wrong?" Amaranth asks as she looks at the Archangel of Death in the eyes.

Azrael shake his head saying, "No Fafen. There is no wrong in that."

"There is no point avoiding in you anymore. You and are fated. No matter how I avoid you, I will always be drawn to you and you to me" Azrael thinks.

Amaranth takes a step bit closer asking, "Did you save me thy grace?"

"Nuriel did."

"You know what I meant."  Amaranth asks in a teasing voice.

The Archangel takes a step forward still holding her hand, "I did. I cannot allow you to fade."

"Thank you, your grace. I owe you." Amaranth replied. 

They are toe to toe now. Their eyes not leaving each other's gaze. 

Amaranth knew the day she saw Azrael, she has fallen in love but she is a Fafen. How, can a Fafen fall in love with an Archangel. Not just an ordinary Archangel. This is Azrael. He may not be on of The Seven but he is the Archangel of Death. She is drawn to him. She cannot understand why, but she knows, she will serve him until the day she fades away. That is why, when the Archangel starts to avoid her, she thought that he is aware of her feelings and this is his way of telling her, that it cannot be. So, to be in this position where he is holding her hand and looking at her as if she is the most important being in Paradise. 

"Do I dare hope?"

Azrael knew that having his Anda as a Fafen is a blessing. However, fear coursed through his being that he might lose her again if he pursues of loving her again. He loved her too much when she was a mortal and he lost her twice. Then the revelation. She is Riniel. The former Archangel of Rebirth. 

Did he love Riniel as he loves her newest reincarnation? He did. Riniel was special to him. She was always such a bright sun to his dark demeanor before. Riniel is the reason why he is now who he is. He used to be so serious, by the book and never questioned his tasks. However, her constant curiosity about humans, her stories and how she would drag him sometimes in the mortal plane just to show him how being human is a precious thing in the universe. He didn't understand and refused to understand not until Riniel faded. Something in him broke. He knows he is grieving and to help him grieve, he started going to the mortal plane to observe the humans, the humans that Riniel loved so much.

He never thought he would meet Riniel again but as a mortal and he is not even aware of it. The Holy One made it sure that he will never know it Not just him but the rest of Paradise. 

"Did you know, I named you Amaranth?" Azrael asks.

"You did?"

Azrael lifts his other hand and places it over the hand he is holding on. "It means, Everlasting."

"That is beautiful." Amaranth replied smiling widely.


"Your grace, what happens now?" Amaranth asks her voice laced with uncertainty.

Azrael closes his eyes as he envelops the Fafen into a hug. Somethin he has longed to do the day he saw her. "Don't fear my Everlasting, from here on, I will be with you always,  every step of the way."

"Always. I like that" Amaranth thinks. she leaned further into the Archangel's warm embrace savoring the moment. She could hear his heartbeat against her. Comparing to the Tree of Life's heartbeat, Azrael's heart beats more melodious to her. More beautiful. 

"So you have made your decision Azrael. Then I shall congratulate you, Death will no longer be alone."

-The End-


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