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Lost Souls - Chapter 09: Sketchpad


Psyche Williams, aged 85 years, she used to have long black hair but now it’s gray and white. Her eyesight is quite poor now so she has to wear glasses. Despite her old age, her memory is still clear. She is currently staying in a hospice waiting for ends of days. It is no denying that her health is not at its best.

“Ms. Williams time for your medicines.” A nurse replied handing her a cup of pills.

She takes it giving her thanks to her nurse. She gulps down the pills and drinks water from the glass that is also given to her.

“Will you be fine there Ms. Williams?” The nurse asks. “You haven’t had any visitors for quite some time now.”

Psyche smiles and said “It’s okay. My nieces and nephews have their own lives. They can’t be bothered by an old lady like me.” She then looks at garden before her and said, “I will be fine here.”

The nurse didn’t see anything and walks away leaving Psyche alone or not. What normal people don’t see is a girl with long black hair tied in two ponytails with black ram horns on her head that is constantly with Psyche everyday.

“You are still waiting” the ram horned girl replied looking at Psyche.

“I won’t go until I see her again.” Psyche replied. She looks at the black haired girl and said, “You promised me Lirika, you promised me.”

Lirika nods her head and replied, “I did.”

“Do you know how I met her? I still remember until now. I can never forget it.” Psyche replied smiling fondly.


Kelly McBride. 5’7 ft tall with short brown hair and light brown eyes, she was quite pretty and very outspoken. An inspiring theater actress and Psyche is very much attracted to her.

“Psyche Williams?

Psyche Williams eyes widened upon seeing Kelly smiling and looking at her with a stack of posters on her left arm.

“Y-yes?” Psyche stammered.

“That’s a lovely drawing.” Kelly replied. Psyche blushed as she tries to cover her drawings. She smiles nervously at Kelly and said, “T-they’re j-just doodles.”

Kelly cocks her head towards the drawings and said, “Just doodles huh?”

“W-what can I do for you Kelly?” Psyche asks changing the subject.

Kelly then hands her a poster saying, “If you are free this Friday night, we’re having a play.” Psyche takes the poster and read, “Love and Poetry.”

“Yes. I’m portraying the lead. Please do watch, it’s free for all.” Kelly replied.

Psyche smiles and said, “I will. I will go watch.”

Kelly’s smile grew further and said, “I’ll expect to see you then Psyche.” With that she left leaving Psyche smiling.


“I stammer a lot back then whenever I am in front her. I was just really nervous in front of her.” Psyche replied chuckling.

Lirika smiled saying, “You must really like her then.”

“No.” Psyche replied. She looked at Lirika and said, “I loved her.”


Psyche clapped her hands enthusiastically. She is seated right in front as the cast takes a bow. Kelly was in the center and she is focused on her. Psyched made sure she got the center seat in front. She had to be in the school theater two hours before the line could even open. She wants to be in first.

As the curtain closes, Psyche stands up clutching her drawing pad to her chest. As she is about to exit, she heard Kelly calling her name.

“Psyche you came!” Kelly exclaimed still in her costume.

“Of course I did! I always watch your plays.” Psyche exclaimed.

Kelly grins and said, “Wait for me? Let’s get some late dinner.”

“Y-yes… that w-would be nice.” Psyche replied blushing.


The nurse, Melissa frowns as she watches Psyche Williams talking to someone invisible. She noticed that these past few days her ward has been hanging around the garden and talking to an invisible friend.

“Curious isn’t it?” her co-nurse Janet replied looking at Psyche too.

“Yeah, as far as I know she doesn’t have dementia or any mental problems like the rest of the oldies here. She is suffering from a heart disease.” Melissa replied. She points to the garden with her hand and said, “That is why I’m astounded why she is talking to no one out there.”

Janet sighed and said, “Well, her nieces and nephews haven’t been visiting her, she is lonely and that’s her way of coping?”

Melissa shakes her head and said, “I need to call a few of them and inform them about this. This is just way too sad for me.”


After that faithful late dinner at a diner near the school. Psyche Williams and Kelly McBride were always seen together. Psyche, the silent and awkward artist and Kelly, the vibrant and charming actress. Two different spectrum of the coin when it comes to personality but both share the passion to the arts.

“You really going to move to the city and be an actress?” Psyche asks.

Kelly nods her head and said, “There is nothing here Psych. No future for an actress like me.” She then nudges Psyche and said, “And for you too. Your talent is wasted here.”

Psyche sighed saying, “As much as I wanted to go to the city, I can’t.”

“Your parents.” Kelly replied.

“Yes. They are very against me going to an art school in the city. Too expensive.” Psyche replied. “And you know, I failed to get a scholarship. Even if I work it won’t be easy for me to get by.”

Kelly bit her lips and said, “How about student’s loan?”

Psyche shakes her head, “I was not granted one. They deemed my family well enough to pay for my college fees.”

“That is true but your parents just don’t want you moving out of the city so they said it’s too expensive.” Kelly replied rolling her eyes.

“I know Kelly but you know how it is. The only reason why they allow me to go to an art school is because that’s all I’m good at.” Psyche replied looking sad.

Kelly held her hand and said, “Everything will go well Psych. Even if I go to the city I will not forget about you.”


Lirika looks at the drawing pad on Psyche’s lap and sees intricate drawings of a woman. It was Kelly McBride.

“She is beautiful.” Lirika commented.

Psyche smiles and said, “She is and will always be.”

Lirika kneels down and said, “How long will you wait for her Psyche Williams?”

“As long as it takes.” Psyche replied looking at her portrait drawing of Kelly.


Graduation was heartbreaking. It will be the last time Kelly and Psyche will be together. The very next day, Kelly will move to the big city. She landed a scholarship in one of the prestigious acting school and was hired as an understudy for a small play also in the big city.

“Kelly…” Psyche replied approaching her unrequited love and friend.

Kelly gives her a longing look and smiled. She hugs Psyche saying, “Oh Psyche!”

“I’m going to miss you Kelly.” Psyche exclaimed hugging back though she wanted to say “I love you” but couldn’t.

Kelly hugged tighter and said, “And so do I!” as they part, Psyche hands Kelly a drawing pad saying, “This is for you. My farewell and good luck gift.”

“Oh my!” Kelly replied. She opens the drawing pad and what she saw made her smile widely and a bit teary eyed. “These drawings are beautiful, I am so happy!”

Psyche wiped a tear from her eyes and said, “I’m glad you liked it.” Kelly then takes the beautiful hair pin on her hair and hands it to Psyche.

“Take this Psych. This is my gift for you.” Kelly replied. Psyche takes it and puts it in her hair and said, “Thank you Kelly.”


Melissa walks towards Psyche who is still in the garden. She is carrying a tray of food. It was already lunch time. As she placed the tray of food on the table in front of Psyche, she noticed this silver hair pin on the old woman’s hair.

“That’s a beautiful hair pin Ms. Williams.” Melissa commented.

“Why thank you Melissa. It was a gift to me.” Psyche replied smiling.

Melissa smiles and asked, “From an old lover?” It was safe to ask because Psyche Williams is an old maid but that doesn’t mean she didn’t have a boyfriend.

“Yes, you can say that.” Psyche replied touching her hair pin fondly.

“By the way Ms. Williams, Michael your nephew called and he will visit you next week. Isn’t that great?” Melissa remarked.

Psyche chuckles and said, “Oh Melissa. You don’t have to lie. I know he didn’t call. You called him so that he would come visit me.”

This had Melissa scratching her head nervously. Psyche Williams is no old woman to be fooled.

“I was just concerned. When you first came here, you had visitors left and right. I mean you are the famous painter Psyche Williams. Your relatives don’t miss a beat visiting you but eventually…” Melissa replied her voice trailing off.

Psyche nods her head saying, “Eventually they stopped. It happens. I’m old.”

“Well, I convinced Michael to visit you next week.” Melissa replied cheerfully. Psyche smiles and said, “Oh Melissa, Melissa. I don’t have until next week.”


Two years have passed since she had seen Kelly. They wrote letters often to each other, some of those were heartbreaking. The letters talked about Kelly about her boyfriend. It was difficult for her to write back whenever the letter is about the boyfriend but she didn’t want to lose contact with Kelly, so she wrote back. She would give advice on letters where Kelly would be complaining about her boyfriend. Though, there was one letter that made her very happy. Kelly is coming home to visit for awhile.

She had her long black hair pulled into a bun; the hair pin that Kelly gave her was pinned where it can be spotted immediately. She even wore her Sunday dress and best shoes as she wait in the park where she is going to meet Kelly.

“Psych!” Kelly exclaimed waving at her.

Psyche grinned as she sees Kelly. Kelly’s hair has grown until her shoulders and she sporting a very fashionable dress. Psyche complimented herself internally for dressing up for that day.

“Kelly!” Psyche replied giving her friend a hug.

“My god! Psyche you look amazing, I mean you always do but it seemed that art school has done you more good!” Kelly replied winking at Psyche.

Psyche laughs a bit and said, “That’s true. I don’t stammer a lot now.”

“That’s good to hear! Come on now; let’s get some shakes from that diner near our old school.” Kelly exclaimed taking Psyche’s arm into hers.


“Have you ever confessed?” Lirika asks who resumed talking to Psyche after she has eaten her lunch. She is still in the garden looking over the flowers and bushes.

Psyche shakes her head. “Never. I never did. Not even when she got married. I was a coward.”

“Then why now?” Lirika replied.

“I don’t wanna pass on without her knowing.” Psyche replied.


“You are what?” Psyche asked in shocked. They were in the diner near their old school. They spend a lot of time hanging in that diner way, way back. Now they are back there drinking milkshakes and eating burgers like old times.

“Yes, I am marrying Roland. I’m engaged!” Kelly exclaimed showing her engagement ring on her finger.”

Psyche felt her throat drying up. She took a sip of her milkshake and said, “Wow. That’s amazing Kelly.”

“Yes! I know I complained a lot about Roland in my letters but he is a good man. So when he proposed I said yes.” Kelly replied smiling at Psyche. “Aren’t you happy?”

Psyche forces a smile and said, “I am happy, just surprised. Congratulations Kelly!”

“Come to my wedding will you?” Kelly replied as she takes a sip of her milkshake.

“Of course I will Kelly.” Psyche replied with a smile.

In the next five days, Psyche spends her free time with Kelly, watching movies, sun bathing in the beach and going to art galleries. During those times, Psyche was happy. She knew that those five days were the last five days that she will be able spend with Kelly and she knew it’s useless to confess now that Kelly is engaged. All things are futile on her part.

On the day of Kelly’s departure, Psyche again gave Kelly a drawing pad saying, “This is for you.”

“Oh Psyche.” Kelly replied taking it. “You don’t have to.”

“But I do. Consider it my engagement gift to you.” Psyche replied smiling. Kelly hugged her friend and said, “Thank you Psyche. You will always be dear to me.”


Psyche flips the pages of the drawing pad and showed a drawing to Lirika. It was a drawing of Kelly in her wedding gown.

“She looks beautiful.” Lirika commented.

“She did. It was a simple wedding. I was the only friend invited from our hometown.” Psyche replied.

Lirika smiles fondly at the drawing. It was very intricate and was obviously drawn with so much love for Kelly McBride.

“For the longest time, she was the subject of most of my paintings, especially during the first 2 years of my career as a painter.” Psyche exclaimed. “She was my muse and her husband Roland was extremely jealous of it.”


It’s her 2nd exhibit that year. Last year, she only had one but she had made enough wave in the art community that she managed to get sponsors for her to put up another exhibit. This time for this year, she was able to have it in the city where Kelly lives with her husband.

As usual Kelly is the main focus of her paintings. Her first exhibit’s title was ACTRESS. The paintings she showcased there were scenes of Kelly’s performances on stage in their old school.

The second exhibit was titled BRIDE, it mainly focused on Kelly’s wedding. The exhibit she is having now is more on fantasy. She hasn’t seen much of Kelly, only a few pictures that Kelly has send her but she is a very imaginative individual so she managed.

“Amazing Ms. Williams, you were able to transform your muse into a fantasy piece.” her curator Mr. Levingston remarked.

“Thank you. I haven’t seen her for a long while so this is why it’s fantasy themed.” Psyche replied.

Mr. Levingston was about to say something when Psyche spotted Kelly among the crowd. Her long brown hair is now short and for some reason Kelly doesn’t look so vibrant as before. Usually, Kelly would present herself in a very fashionable way but now she looks so plain.

“Kelly!” Psyche exclaimed approaching her friend.

Kelly smiled at her and said, “Hey there Psych.”

“I am so happy you could come!” Psych exclaimed hugging her friend. Kelly hugged back saying, “I am so sorry for not being able to come to your first two exhibits.”

“It’s all right Kelly. I know how busy you are on your plays. I am afraid I myself have to apologize for not being able to see them.” Psyche replied.

Kelly laughs a bit saying, “Nah, its okay. Beside those plays? Either I have a minor role or supporting roles. Gone are the days where I was the lead.”

“I’ve always wonder you know. Roland actually is a theater director himself but he never gives you the good stuff.” Psyche replied giving Kelly a knowing look.

“Oh Psych don’t. Please don’t go there.” Kelly replied.

Psyche sighed. In one of Kelly’s letters, Kelly mentioned about Roland’s possessive behaviors. She found it bothering. Ever since Kelly married Roland, Kelly never had the spotlight in the theater again.

“I will be fine Psyche.” Kelly replied winking at Psyche. Psyche scoffs. She takes out a piece of paper and said, “Your husband sends me this through the mail.”

Kelly takes the paper and opened it. Her eyes darted to back and forth reading the letter as fast as she could. When she finished reading she looked at Psyche in shock.

“I’m so sorry Kelly.”

“No. I should be sorry. I can’t believe he is threatening you!” Kelly exclaimed looking angry. Psyche holds Kelly’s hand and said, “More like a warning. He wants me to stop using you in my paintings in short I should stop using you as my muse.”

Kelly held Psyche’s hand tighter and said, “Do not stop, okay? Keep using me as your muse. I like that.”

“Of course I will not stop. He can threat all he wants.” Psyche replied smiling. She then points to her paintings with her hand and said, “Come on, you deserve to see all of this!”


Lirika sighed knowing where the story goes. She knows the Lost Soul who reaped Kelly’s soul. Kelly McBride died in the hands of her husband Roland. Upon arriving home from the exhibit, Kelly was confronted by Roland. They fought over Kelly attending the exhibit; they fought over Roland’s possessive behavior. Kelly admitted that she liked being Psyche’s muse. This triggered Roland to beat Kelly to death.

He was about to escape but the police came and managed to arrest him and put him to jail. Their neighbor heard their fight and called the police. Roland never got the chance of parole. Psyche spends a lot of time besides painting to lobby that Roland gets life in prison.

The odd part, despite the tragic death of Kelly McBride, her feather was bright red. It made the Lost Soul who reaped her, baffled.

“My beautiful Kelly killed by that bastard.” Psyche replied in an anguished tone. “I lost my muse that night.”

“You lost the one you love.” Lirika replied.

Psyche nods her head, “My paintings changed after that, gone are her face but instead I poured my anguish and heart break into my art. People still loved it. Eventually, as I accepted Kelly’s death, my paintings changed to a much lighter note.”

She then looked at Lirika and said, “It is almost near. I feel her.”

Lirika nods her head and looks at the garden area. There she sees a Lost Soul. The one who reaped Kelly McBride. She has this small bird wings protruding from the back of the head. She is dressed in a black tulle gown and has gleaming sapphires for eyes.

“Hello Portia.” Lirika greeted. Portia is among the Lost Souls who has a Leidon of a Deceased like Lirika. She is two thousand years old and well known among the Lost Souls.

Portia nodded saying, “I heed your call Lirika.”

“Thank you for heeding it. I appreciate it.” Lirika replied.

Portia smiles and said, “It is no problem, besides I am very curious how this will play out also be thankful that we are allowed to do this.”

“I will send Him my thanks personally.” Lirika replied. She looks at Psyche and said, “Here she is Psyche Williams.”

Psyche looks at Portia who takes out a bright red feather. The bright red feather glows and transforms into the soul of someone Psyche has longed to see for the longest time. Kelly McBride looks at the old figure of Psyche and smiled.

“Kelly!” Psyche exclaimed.

“Hello Psych.” Kelly replied kneeling down in front of Psyche. Psyche’s eyes starts to water and said, “I-I… I miss you.”

Kelly smiled sadly and said, “Me too… me too. I could not rest properly without seeing you.”

“I am so sorry to what happened to you Kelly.” Psyche replied tears coming out from her eyes.

Kelly shakes her head and said, “I was stupid and didn’t listen to you. You warned me about him before.”

“No, No, No Kelly No! You are not stupid, never you are!” Psyche exclaimed sobbing. She takes a deep breath and said, “I have to see you, before I leave, I need to see you.”

“I am here now Psyche.”

Psyche smiles a little and said, “Yes and I thank God to be granted of this request.” She looks at Kelly directly in the eye and said, “You know I love you Kelly. I love you a lot.”

“Of course I know.”

“No, not the way you know. I love you more than that.” Psyche replied looking very sad. Kelly shakes her head and said, “Oh Psych, I’ve always know.”

Psyche’s eyes widened at this. “You knew?”

“You are very obvious and your wear your emotions in your paintings.” Kelly points out. “I wanted to let you know that I know about your feelings but I was afraid that you might withdraw away from me.”

“I would never!” Psyche exclaimed. “Then again I was too scared to admit or to confess until it was all too late.”

“Then we are both cowards.” Kelly replied smiling brightly at her friend.

Psyche’s tears sobbed and smiled. “Oh Kelly.”

“Same as your Psych. I feel the same way.” Kelly replied.

Lirika raised her hand over Psyche saying, “Psyche Williams, it’s time.”

Psyche smiled and said, “I’ll be with you soon Kelly.”


Portia looks at the bright red feather on Lirika’s hand saying, “Bright red. These two have regrets in their lives but managed to die happily.”

“It is love Portia. Their love for each other made them happy even in death.” Lirika replied smiling.

“You are very happy with this.” Portia points out.

Lirika nods her head and said, “Reaping happy souls are rare nowadays Portia and you know that. You’ve been a Lost Soul longer than me.”

Portia sighed and nods her head. “Too rare if I may say.” She then looks at the bright red feather on her own hand saying, “At least now, I can send this feather off to Heaven. She requested to stay with me until she sees Psyche Williams again, even in death.”

“They deserved to go together.” Lirika replied. Portia nods her head at this and on cue both of them released the feather and it disappears in the ray of light.

Portia then looks at Lirika and said, “I sense that something big is going to happen soon with you Lirika.”

“You think so?”

“I know so. Stor has told me before that you are very different. I can see what he is saying.” Portia replied. She takes out a fan and opens it and said, “Be careful Lirika, whatever it is, we Lost Souls are still fragile. We are beings of God and His agents but we are still susceptible to death.”

Lirika opens her clear white umbrella and said, “I heed your warning Portia. Thank you.”

Portia bowed before her and disappears leaving Lirika looking towards the sky.


When Melissa returned to give Psyche’s dinner, she found the old woman no longer alive seating on her chair. On her lap is a drawing pad. The last drawing was of the younger version of her and Kelly as angels flying to heaven.

According to Psyche’s will, she wanted to be buried next to Kelly McBride and she wanted all her old drawings and paintings to be exhibited and sold. All proceeds were to go to Williams & McBride Domestic Abuse Foundation. A foundation Psyche set up in memory of Kelly’s murder.

During the exhibit, people have bought a lot of the drawings and paintings. It was a hit. Psyche’s nephew Michael made sure the exhibit was a success. The only drawing that was not bought was the drawing of Psyche and Kelly as angels. Michael made sure it will be displayed in foundation’s lobby building.

One drawing in particular that was auctioned at the highest bidder was a painting of a “mythical” being. She has this long black hair with ram horns on her head. The drawing was entitled: Angelic Reaper.

“You bid so much for this Dr. Daniels.” Michael replied accepting the check from Dr. Yojan Daniels. The good doctor smiled and said, “My daughter Gracie wanted it so much.”

“Wow really?” Roland replied handing the framed painting to Dr. Daniels.

Dr. Daniels looked at the wrapped painting and said, “Yes. My daughter says it’s her mother’s guardian angel.”


“Funny how small the world is.” Chicol commented knowingly.

Lirika smiles as she watched people come and go in the exhibit. “The red string of fate connects a lot of people.”

“Lirika. I sense something terrible is going to happen soon. Portia didn’t warn you for nothing.” Chicol replied.

“It’s those three. They need to meet soon or else.” Lirika replied closing her eyes.


“To see your face again.
To be with you again.
Is the greatest thing I could ever ask for.”


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