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Lost Souls - Chapter 07: Potato


Potato. He always thought that he is an awkward potato. He felt that social interactions are not his thing. Given a choice, he would rather not be here but he has a reputation to uphold. A facade he made to fit in but in his hearts of heart he is a potato.

He smiled as the girls wink at him and greets him. There are some who flirted back at him. He tried his best to flirt, you know smile and tell the girl that she looking hot and pretty. But if you know him really well, he is not up to his game right now.

“Yo Markle!”

Markle sighed. He knows that voice. 

“Markle Moore! Man, no game yet?”

“No Dan and please don’t call it a game.” Markle replied frowning at Dan. Dan chuckles handing him a bottle of beer.

Markle took the beer shaking his head. He is not even a drinker but you know, parties like this you have to.

“You look distracted man.” Dan points out winking at a girl who passes by him.

He sighs taking a sip from his beer and said, “I’m tired Dan. It’s been a long day.”

“Nah, you need to get laid.” Dan replied.

Markle groaned out loud. He gives Dan a look and said, “No I don’t need to get laid.” He hands Dan his unfinished beer and said, “I’m going home, I really need to snooze.” Dan was not able to stop him as he walks away from him as fast as he could.


Senior high is a drag. It sucks actually. He wipes the blood off his mouth. Everything about senior high sucks. Well for him.

He sat himself on the pavement. He took quite a beating from three guys from the basketball team.

“Hey, you okay?” someone asks.

He looks up and sees Markle Moore. Popular Markle Moore, news of him entering the police academy was all over school. Everyone is proud of Markle Moore; he is the first one to enter the police academy with a full scholarship. Not just that, he is also known as the captain of the debate team and was being recruited by the basketball team over and over again but he constantly refuses them. He kept saying that playing basketball was not his thing and he loves the debate team to give up on them.

Markle approached him sitting there with a bleeding lip saying, “Your name is Jonathan right? Jonathan Orland.”

He nods his dusty blonde hair and said, “Yeah so what?”

“You are bleeding.” Markle replied sitting beside him. He handed Jonathan his handkerchief asking, “Who did this to you?”

Jonathan rolls his eyes and said, “It doesn’t matter.” He then takes the handkerchief and dabs his bleeding lip with it. “What are you doing here? You are supposed to be at that party?”

“How come you know about the party?” Markle asks raising an eyebrow at him.

“Come on Markle, the news about the party is all around the school. Dan has posters posted around the lockers.” Jonathan replied.

Markle chuckles and said, “Point taken. Are you going there?”

“Seriously? Do I look like I was invited?” Jonathan exclaimed sarcastically.

Markle didn’t respond to that. Jonathan Nollan is not exactly in the IT CROWD. He is considered an outcast but not really. He is still generally accepted in school because he is an artist and basically a cool kid but the jocks like to bully him because he is gay.

“Anyway thanks for this. I’ll have it washed for you.” Jonathan replied standing up.

Markle stands up too and said, “No need. You can keep it.”

“You seemed like you just left the party. So early that too. “Jonathan replied pocketing the handkerchief.

Markle sighed and said, “Too tired. It’s been a long day.” He then looks at him and said, “If you are not going to the party what you are doing here?”

“I was going home. Dan’s a neighbor.” Jonathan remarked.

“The party is still in full swing you know, I doubt you’ll get some sleep.” Markle replied.

Jonathan scoffed and said, “I’m used to it.”

“Not this night. There is a huge test tomorrow in Physics.” Markle points out. He then added, “You can sleep over my place and probably get some time to review too.”

Jonathan stared at him in disbelief. The Markle Moore is offering him to sleep at his home. It seemed like a dream but he knows it’s not.

“Are you serious?” he asks doubt in his voice.

Markle smiles, draping his arm over his shoulders and said, “Very serious. Besides the idiots who did this to you are probably over Dan’s. You don’t want to be spotted and have a repeat of the beating.”

This had Jonathan ducking his head to hide his blush. He nods his head and muttered, “Yeah…”

“Come on.” Markle replied as they start walking together away from that area.


She smiles watching Markle Moore handing a blushing Jonathan Orland a pair of boxers, sweatpants and a shirt.

“Is it me or Jonathan likes Markle?” Chicol replied. He is in his humanoid form and is currently floating over Lirika.

Lirika looks up to him and said, “It’s actually vice versa you know.” This made Chicol’s eyes widened and said, “You mean Markle is…”

“Well he doesn’t realize it yet but soon.” Lirika replied. She then looks at the two sadly and said, “Though, it’s tragic that it will happen in that way. I mean me being here it’s kind of obvious what is going to happen.”

Chicol sighed and said, “Yeah but we are who we are and duty calls.”

”I miss St. Mary’s.” Lirika replied.

“You had to move on from that place. Aren’t you glad you are no longer going to reap souls who died from sickness there? Plus, you died there. This is your first mission outside St. Mary’s.” Chicol exclaimed knowingly.

Lirika pouts and said, “I just got you yesterday and you are already mean.”

Chicol just merely laughs. He then turns himself into a butterfly and back into a tattoo on Lirika’s hand saying, “You know well that I am and yet you have accepted me.”

”True.” Lirika replied.


Physics. He hates it with all of his all being. The test today is probably one of the hardest but he is confident enough he will pass it. Markle helped him to study for the test and he is a good tutor because the test is looking easy as of now for him.

As he is answering the exam, he took a peek at Markle who is seating just a few seats away from him. He has always have been crushing on him. Well a lot of student has a crush on him. Who wouldn’t? But the thing is most of the students who are crushing on Markle are females and he is like the only male person who is crushing on him.

“It sucks to be different.”


“Wow, congratulations!” Markle exclaimed peeking through Jonathan’s shoulders to see a B- on Jonathan’s Physic’s test.

Jonathan jumped a bit seeing Markle behind him. He smiled a little saying, “Well thanks to you.”

“So, you are going to the cafeteria?” Markle asks.

Jonathan shakes his head, “I hate cafeteria food.”

“Yeah me too.” Markle replied grinning.

“You what? You always eat there. You know with Dan and the others.” Jonathan replied. Markle sighed and said, “Well true but a change is not bad.” He then opens his locker and said, “Hey, if it’s okay may I join you wherever you eat lunch?”

Jonathan’s jaw dropped at this. He seriously doesn’t know what’s going on but this is almost unbelievable. Markle Moore asking to eat with him for lunch.

“So… can I?” Markle asks again.

Jonathan gulps and merely nods his head.


“You eat on the roof?” Markle replied as Jonathan opens the door to the rooftop of the school. Jonathan snickered and said, “Yes I do. It’s quieter here and not crowded.”

Markle looks around the rooftop and said, “I do see the appeal.” Jonathan then led him to an area where there’s shade. He seats down and opens up this small brown paper bag he has with him.

“So you prepare food for yourself?” Markle asks seating down.

“Sometimes but it’s usually my dad who does it for me.” Jonathan replied taking a huge bite out of his sandwich. He then hands Markle the second sandwich he has in the bag and said, “Mom works night shift so dad cooks breakfast for us.”

Markle accepts the sandwich saying, “That’s cool. My dad has zero knowledge in cooking.”



Jonathan looks at him and said, “Nathan. You can call me Nathan. My friend calls me Nathan.”

“So I’m a friend now huh Nathan?” Markle said teasingly. Jonathan just merely blushed and said, “Well, you are different. You are actually nice.”

Markle takes a bite of his sandwich and said, “I am nice, I think I am. It’s just so happen people think I’m a jock because of the people around me.”

“Why do you hang out with them?” Jonathan asks. “I mean, I kind of figured out that you don’t like hanging out with them or you know being this popular guy.”

Markle sighed. He looks at Jonathan and frowns.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to pry.” Jonathan replied mumbling looking away.

“No, no, no. It’s not you. It’s just I didn’t know someone actually can read me or my pretense is just falling apart really bad.” Markle replied patting Jonathan by the shoulders.

Jonathan looks at him again with a raised eyebrow. Markle Moore living on pretense? This is something. The black-haired teen actually looks vulnerable in Jonathan’s eyes. This is odd because Markle Moore never looked vulnerable.

“Have you ever felt that you are different from normal people?” Markle replied looking glum. “I know you know what I mean Nathan.”

“Do you feel like you are different? In what way?” Jonathan asks.

Markle looks at his hand and said, “High school is tough. We all knew that. In junior high I was the type of person who just fades away and it was lonely. I hated being invisible so I tried my best not to be one when high school started.”

“You have been pretending to be someone you are not?”

Markle chuckles nervously and said, “In a way yes? Well I am no jock. That has been true. I don’t like basketball, hated the sport actually. I rather read and I love the debate team. They are really bunch of cool guys.”

“I hang around Dan because well, if you are around there, you can’t be invisible. I won’t feel that I am different…” Markle continued looking like he is ashamed.

Jonathan smiles sadly at him and said, “You didn’t do anything wrong. I mean you are trying to fit in.”

“Thanks for the comfort Nathan but I feel like it was wrong.” Markle replied. “I felt like I’m being dishonest about myself not just to people but to myself as well. I’m pretending to be someone I am not.”

Markle heaved a sigh and continued, “I know I’m not cool. I actually don’t like going to parties and don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate Dan and the others but they’re not actually nice people. Given a chance I would rather hang around the people in the debate team.”

“I can sense you are getting tired with all of this.” Jonathan replied looking at Markle intently.

“Yeah… very.” Markle replied. He then looks at Jonathan and said, “Sorry about that. I just ranted off my head.”

Jonathan shakes his head and said, “It’s okay. “ he then asks, “So, you really wanna be a police officer?”

This had Markle grinning.

“Yeah. I’ve always wanted to be a cop, investigator or anything related to that job.” Markle replied. “I guess when I learned I got accepted into academy with full scholarship, I realized that who I am now will not be good cop.”


“Because I’ve been living a lie. Cops uphold justice and truth. What is so honest about what I’m doing? Lying to myself, making people think that I am this kind of person.” Markle replied. “It’s unfair.”

Jonathan looks at the sky above them and said, “To be honest with you. You are not completely lying to yourself.”

Markle raised an eyebrow at dusty-blonde teen besides him and asks, “What do you mean?”

“You just lied about half of you are but not completely. You stuck with the debate team despite the basketball team’s effort to recruit you. You never gave into bullying people like me in school and I don’t think you pretended to be kind to me last night. That was you, all you Markle.” Jonathan replied. “We all have to live in pretense in one way to protect ourselves from getting hurt.”

Markle smiles a bit at what Jonathan said. It was comforting to hear that someone can relate to his problems.

“You know I’m gay right?” Jonathan asks looking at Markle. “I’ve been living a facade that I don’t care that I am gay but I do. I pretend that being bullied for who I am is okay and nothing is wrong but there is. It’s wrong. We don’t deserve it.”

“I know and I’m sorry.” Markle replied taking Jonathan’s hand and gripping it hard, trying to convey to the boy that he understands.

Jonathan smiles a bit and said, “You know, this is getting depressing by the minute. Can we talk something else?” this had Markle chuckling a bit but nods his head.


Lirika taps the table inside the classroom as she carefully looks at three jocks who are crowding up on Jonathan on an empty classroom.

“I hate jocks.” Lirika replied frowning.

“Yeah, egotistical bastards huh.” Chicol scoffed making Lirika chuckle a bit. She stands up as the classroom door burst open like someone kicked it open. There stands Markle looking furious.

“M-Markle” Jonathan quivered.

Markle glared at the three jocks around Jonathan and exclaimed, “If you three don’t back away now, you will be hearing from the disciplinary office.”

The three jocks looked at Markle and at each other and steps away from Jonathan. Markle walks towards Jonathan as the three walks towards the door. As Markle reached Jonathan, Jonathan immediately clutched Markle’’s sleeve muttering, “Thanks…”

“It’s okay Nathan. You are safe.” Markle whispered to him.

When three jocks were finally out the room that’s when Jonathan was able to release his clutch on Mark.

“Those three, they were the ones who beat you up the other night.” Markle replied. “I can tell.”

Jonathan sighed wiping sweat off his forehead. “Yeah…”

“We need to report them Nathan.” Markle replied.

“We do?”

Markle nods his head saying, “Yes we do and I will be with you when you report it.” He takes Jonathan’s hand holding it tight. Jonathan closes his eyes and puts his forehead on Markle’s shoulder muttering, “Okay… okay…”


Three of his team mates are now suspended because of they beat up some Jonathan Orland, the fag. To make it worst, Markle Moore whom he thought his friend accompanied this fag in telling the principal.

He spots Markle who is walking side by side by the fag who got his three members suspended. They are about to ride the school bus. He threw his cigarette away as he approached them.

Jonathan noticed him approaching him looking like a raging bull, well in his eyes. He taps Markle on the arm making him aware of Dan Markson.

“Hello Dan, I heard about your three team mates.” Markle replied stepping a bit forward blocking Jonathan from Dan’s imminent wrath.

“I can’t believe what you did Markle!” Dan exclaimed clenching his fist like he is stopping himself from attacking Markle.

Markle sighs and said, “Look, they got what they deserve! What they did to Nathan is not right!”

“I don’t care! Those three were the best in my team.” Dan exclaimed looking angrier than before.

Markle frowned and exclaimed, “Well your BEST didn’t care either so they got what they deserved!”

“Markle… we are going to miss the bus. Let’s go.” Jonathan muttered pulling Markle from his arm.

“So, you and the fag huh? Dan exclaimed eyeing Jonathan and Markle maliciously. This had Markle eyeing Dan angrily but he didn’t get any answer because both Jonathan and Markle but boarded the bus without saying a word to Dan who is left behind seething.


“You painted your room?” Markle asks as he enters Jonathan’s room. He looks at the beautiful mural painting on his right. It was a beautiful wall painting of himself.

Jonathan was blushing red and was rather speechless. How does he explain the wall painting of Markle to Markle himself.

“This is amazing Nathan.” Markle replied with a knowing look.

“T-thanks” Jonathan stammered nervously. “Look Markle, the painting I…”

Markle smiled at him saying, “Hey Nathan it’s okay. It is beautiful painting.”

Jonathan sat down on his bed saying, “I look up to you know.”

Markle sat down beside him saying, “It’s okay you know, if you like me. I won’t feel disgusted or anything.” He sighed and said, “I might be one you know? I might be like you.”

“What?” Jonathan exclaimed in surprise.

“I’ve always wondered why I was never interested in women you know. Dan and his friends would always push me to make out with girls. I did make out with girls but I didn’t feel anything for it.” Markle replied looking glum.

Jonathan laughs nervously and said, “You know, the first time I realized that I was gay it was because my dad noticed things are quite different about me. He gave me THAT talk. I was really embarrassed.”

“Your dad is cool. It seemed to have accepted your sexuality.” Markle points out.

“Well he admitted to me with confirmation from my mother that my dad was bisexual and so is mom.” Jonathan exclaimed chuckling. He then stares at Markle intently and said, “I do like you Markle. Like crushing hard on you but It’s okay if you don’t return it. I do understand.”

Markle ducks his head saying, “Hey Nathan, you are a special person and maybe someday, I can’t really say but maybe for now, we can start being friends?”

“I would love that Markle.” Jonathan replied giving him a loving smile.


“Sometimes I hate our job.” Lirika replied as she watches the two boys chatting and laughing.

Chicol nods his head. He looks at Lirika and said, “How about the person who will be responsible for this?”

Lirika looks at Jonathan intently and said, “He will get his upcoming not this day but in the future.”

“You know something huh?”

Lirika smiles at Chicol and said, “Maybe…”


In the next few days, Jonathan and Markle can be seen together. Markle has grown accustomed to eating up in the rooftop with Jonathan. He even buys his food in advance in the cafeteria or makes his own so that he doesn’t have to pass by there during lunch break.

The students noticed the sudden change in the popular Markle Moore. He is slowly not hanging around Dan and the other jocks. The girls still flock to him because he is Markle Moore, whether he hangs around with the jocks or not, he is still a handsome charming young man.

As for Jonathan, ever since he reported the three jocks, he was not physically bullied. He would occasionally get the “faggot” word from some people but not when Markle is around. Word got out that Markle hates the calling people name and somehow the bullies don’t say it out loud whenever he is near.

One weekend, Jonathan and Markle decided to watch some movies after reviewing for another Physics test when it happened.

They were walking along their neighborhood to get to the bus stop. It was quite a long walk since they both live in a suburban area. They were chatting and discussing about prom night. They both decided that they will attend but only for a short while. They also decided that they will travel to that art school that was near the police academy where Markle is going to study.

Jonathan and Markle were about to cross the street when a speeding car came out of nowhere, it was supposed to hit Markle squarely but Jonathan pushed Markle away.

Markle hits the ground with a loud thud. He hears the sickening sound of body hitting metal. At first he thought it was him. When he turns around he sees Jonathan’s body on the pavement and a car speeding away.

He limped towards Jonathan taking his phone and dialling 911. Jonathan has a bleeding head, his legs twisted in a very odd angle. A 911 dispatcher answered his call and as calm as he can he narrated what happened.

“Nathan! Nathan! Can you hear me? Nathan!” Markle exclaimed as he puts his phone away. He hovered over Jonathan fighting the urge to cradle the injured boy in his arms. He felt tears coming out of his eyes.

“Nathan, please! Wake up!” Markle pleaded.

Jonathan’s eyes fluttered his eyes open slowly muttering, “M-Markle...”

“Hey, hey, you will be fine. The ambulance is coming soon. You will be fine.” Markle replied holding Jonathan’s hand.

Jonathan coughs up blood saying, “I-I… I… you need to k-now M-Mar...”

“Shhh… Nathan please don’t speak too much please…” Leidon begged.

“M-Mar… I.. don’t… I don’t regret saving you…” Jonathan said coughing up more blood. This had Markle crying more. “D-don’t blame… blame yourself o-kay?”

Markle could only nod his head. Jonathan gives Markle a small smile and said, “I… I l-love you M-Markle…” with that he lost consciousness.

“Nathan? Nathan! No! Nathan wake up! No you can’t die! YOU CAN’T” Markle screamed sobbing not noticing that the ambulance has already arrived.


“Your soul is mine to keep, waiting for it for mine to reap!”

Jonathan stares at Lirika smiling sadly.

“For all it’s worth Jonathan Orland, you have changed his life for the better” Lirika replied looking at Markle who is still crying. The paramedics who just arrived, announced Jonathan dead.

“Markle Moore is a good man. He will make sure that the person who ran you over gets caught. You will get your justice.”

Jonathan smiled sadly, “I’m too young to die but I do not have any regrets.” he peers at Markle and said, “Oh Markle, I am so sorry to die ahead of you. To leave you behind all too sudden. I hope you find happiness.“

Lirika touched Jonathan by the shoulder and said, “It’s time Jonathan Orland.”

“He will be a good police officer someday. I know he will.” Jonathan replied tearfully smiling, with that his soul glowed and transformed into an orange feather.

Lirika then whispered, “The deed is done, return Chicol.”

“An orange feather. For someone who died of a traffic accident.” Chicol commented.

“You well know that this is not a normal traffic accident. This was intentional.” Lirika replied as she walks away from the scene. “Justice will be served but it will take a while. Years to be exact.”

Chicol smirked and said, “And you will be there won’t you?”

“You know I will. I will make sure I will.” Lirika exclaimed as she opens her clear plastic umbrella.


Jonathan Orland’s death changed a lot of things in Markle. First, his demeanor and personality made a drastic change. He became quieter and more serious. Second, he avoided the jocks like a plague. He even got himself suspended for starting a fight with Dan. Punched his former friend squarely in the jaw and one on the stomach. Everyone was shocked because Markle never is the one to get into fight. His clean school record is now gone but Markle didn’t care. He knew Dan was the one who ran over Jonathan but he could not prove it. He didn’t have the proof. He didn’t notice what kind of car it was or the what was the plate number but his guts tells him that it was Dan. He wanted to scream and shout that it was Dan’s fault but he couldn’t because Dan’s father is the incumbent town sheriff. He was suspended for three days and after that, Markle Moore and Dan Markson never spoke even after graduation. The two were never seen talking or hanging out.

Third, Markle decided to come out as gay, part of the different crowd. When he came out of the Principal’s office after his suspension was declared, he shouted along the crowded and busy school hallway that he was homosexual and he is proud of being one. That he liked Jonathan Orland and he will forever remember and be grateful to him. That had the girls who has the hots on him crying and not talking to him at all. Not just the girls but some of the guys too. They completely stopped interacting with him. There were few girls and boys who still continue to talk to him and even congratulated him from coming out. Some people worried that his sexuality might make him lose his scholarship from the prestigious police academy but it didn’t. Besides, his sexuality does not affect his grades and Markle is a very good student. Always was.

Lastly, since his popularity with the IT crowd has diminished, the outcast made Markle their hero, ally and friend. Markle started hanging around them and it made Markle’s life more easier. He never felt pressured and he was able to focus on what is more important to him. Being true to himself, his studies and being the voice of those who doesn’t have in school. It was for a short time since he was graduating but it was a big deal for the outcasts, his fellow potatoes.

Graduation was very bitterweet for Markle. Those days he has hanging out with Jonathan, he pictured he would side by side graduate with him. They even talked about that if he wanted, they could move in together to save rent because the art school where Jonathan is going to is near the police academy. That could have happened if only Jonathan didn’t die. If only.

Two weeks after graduation, Markle moved out. He had a small farewell party held by his parents, his fellow potatoes in schools and a few close friends in the IT crowd who stayed by his side despite everything. The day he moved out, he saw Dan Markson, who seemed to be having a huge argument with his father on the street, near his house. He has never seen Sheriff Markson so angry at his son before. Whatever they are arguing about it looked bad for Dan, because it had Dan stomping away and getting into his car and driving away.

Sheriff Markson sees Markle putting the last box into the moving van. He walks towards him saying, “You are moving out today Markle?”

“Yes sir.” Markle replied nodding his head.

“I apologize if my son has given you a hard time in school. He can be a handful.” Sheriff Markson replied.

Markle sighed but said nothing. He steps away from the moving van and said, “It’s okay.” he then asks. “Is everything okay with Dan, Sheriff?”

Sheriff Markson sighed and said, “Not really. Dan wanted to move out and attend this university out of town. I said no. Being Sheriff doesn’t mean I have the money to spare for that.”

“He can work part time for his rent and get student loan.” Markle replied frowning.

“My wife spoiled Dan rotten and now Dan expects us to pay for everything.” Sheriff Markson replied shaking his head.

Markle bows his head and said, “I’m so sorry to hear this Sheriff.”

Sheriff Markson’s let out a nervous chuckle and said, “Well, that is my life. I hope yours will be better. Good luck in the police academy Markle.”

“Thank you Sheriff.”

Sheriff Markle nods his head and walks away, leaving Markle to his thoughts.


It took a week for Markle to settle down into his new apartment and today is the first day of his life in the police academy. Dressed in his crisp uniform he patiently waits for his fellow cadets. He was looking at the window and didn’t notice another cadet entering the room. He has this silver-blonde hair, blue eyes and a rather pale skin. Markle was instantly smitten.

“Hello. Cadet Everett Winston.” the man replied extending his hand.

“Moore, Markle.” Markle replied shaking the young man’s hand.

Cadet Everett Winston smiled at him and Markle knew that everything will be all right.


The sound of siren can be heard. Markle Moore has finally solved the bank robberies that have been going on for two weeks now. His partner Winston is currently sitting in the ambulance with a bullet graze wound on his arm.

“Don’t give me that look Markle” Winston replied. One of robbers tried to shoot Winston but Markle pushed Winston in advance and shooting one of the robbers killing him.

“If I didn’t push you, it wouldn’t be a graze, it would have been a bullet hole.” Markle exclaimed looking angry.

Winston sighed. This is not his partner speaking but his lover speaking. He touched Markle’s hand saying, “I am fine Markle. You saved my life.”

“I know. Just don’t do that again. I can’t lose you.” Markle whispered.

“I would have kissed you but we are still technically on the job.” Winston replied, he then nudges his head at the suspect and said, “I believe you want to have a word with Dan Markson.”

Markle nods his head. He walks away from Winston and walks towards one Dan Markson who is now in handcuffs.

“Hello Dan. It’s been a long time.” Markle replied looking at the man who used to be his classmate and used to be the captain of the basketball team in highschool. Dan is no longer the dashing young man he used to be. He is bearded and has a huge scar on his face.

Dan gives him a dirty look and said, “You, the great Markle Moore.”

“And you became a criminal.” Leidon exclaimed. “Though before that, you ran over one Jonathan Orland and killed him when we are in high school.”

“You are accusing me of the death of your lover, faggot?” Dan demanded almost growling.

Markle stepped up closer to Dan and exclaimed, “Yes I am and I will prove it Dan. I may not remember that car perfectly but there was a witness. I managed to find one who said it was a blue Mustang with a red fender who ran over Nathan that night. Everyone knew that you were the only one driving a blue mustang at that time. I knew it was you and you got away because your father was a sheriff but not anymore.”

“You can’t prove it!” Dan exclaimed.

“Oh yes I will and you will rot in jail not just for robbery but manslaughter too! I will make sure of that.” Dan exclaimed.

Winston who is now behind Markle said, “Markle, come on lets go.” Markle looks at Winston nodding his head.

“So you’re his new fag huh?” Dan commented.

Winston raised his eyebrow at Dan and said, “Wow fag, aren’t we mature?”

“He was never been mature Win.” Markle replied pulling Winston away from Dan. Winston held up a hand and said, “Wait a minute Markle, I need to say something to Mr. Dan Markson.”

Dan frowned at this. Winston gives Dan a look and said, “You know, people like you are the reason why the world a cruel place. You made it bad for those who are different. People like Markle, my partner made and is trying to make it all better. And yes, I am his fag or whatever you call it but he is much a better person than you.”

Markle wanted to laugh at Dan’s stupefied expression but chose not to. He motioned the policeofficer holding Dan to take him away.

“That was something to say Win.” Markle exclaimed.

“If that bastard did kill your first love Jonathan, he deserved to rot in jail.” Winston exclaimed. “And I will help you prove it.”

Markle smiled at Winston. He slings his arm around Winston and whispered to his ear, “Come on love, you deserve a good hot bath.”

“I love that dear.” Winston replied chuckling sneaking a kiss on Markle’s cheek.

As they walked away, they heard a gun shot. Winston was the first to turn around to see what happened. The first thing he noticed is that the police officer holding Dan is now on the floor with a bleeding shoulder and Dan is now holding the officer’s gun, his handcuff now gone.

Dan sees Winston and aimed the gun at him. Winston grabbed his gun from his back but a gun shot was heard. In a split second he thought we was shot but it was Dan who was shot. Dan looked at his chest where he was hit, blood came spurting out of his mouth, he slowly fell down to the ground gasping for breathe.

Markle Moore’s gun was still smoking.

“Markle.” Winston replied.

Markle put his gun away saying, “I said, I am not going to lose you Win.” he walks towards Dan who is now dead. He stares at him and muttered, “I wish to see you in jail and have you be punished for your crimes for the rest of your life but you chose this and you made me do it. I’m sorry Dan Markson. I’m sorry but with this, I hope this is enough to bring justice to Nathan.”

As for Winston, he walks towards the injured police officer. He radioed for an ambulance and as he tends to the police officer he gives a sad smile at Markle. He knew about Jonathan Orland. Even before they became a couple and during their academy days, Markle has told him about his first love. How Jonathan saved his life and made him realize a lot of things during high school. He knew Markle has wanted to bring Jonathan’s killer to justice and he had. He just didn’t expect it would be this way.


“I’m fine Win. How about you? You hurt?” Markle replied as he approached him.

Winston nods his head. He knew this time, Markle is very shaken. That was another close call for him. He took his partner’s hand and gave it a tight squeeze. “I am fine Win. You saved me.”

Markle envelops him in a tight hug. Winston rubbed his hand on Markle’s back saying, “You saved me Win. You saved me. Thank you.” Markle didn’t say any thing and continued to hug him.


Lirika looked at the black feather on her hand and said, “I knew this day will come.”

“Justice served.” Chicol replied looking smug.

Lirika looks at Markle and Winston. The two is now heading towards their car. The ambulance has arrived and a medic was tending to the police officer who was shot. The other medics were putting Dan Markson’s body in a body bag ready to be delivered to the morgue.

The Reaper of Soul smiles a bit when she watches Markle and Winston holding each other’s hands, not wanting to let go. They didn’t care if other people saw them.

She looks at black feather in her hand, the soul of the Dan Markson and said, “I told you Chicol, Markle Moore will become a good police officer.”

“And the one who killed Jonathan has finally going to get what he deserved.” Chicol noted. Lirika opens her plastic umbrella and said, “That’s true and as I promised, I am and was here.”


“To be accepted and to be true to myself.
You were there for me during those times.
Thank you Nathan”


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