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Lost Souls - Chapter 08: Full Circle p.1


She sees it. She sees this thing, crawling on the ground, moaning and wailing. Its bony fingers pointing at her, its gnawing teeth chattering but there was no sound. She stares at it. Its getting nearer and nearer, she took a step back and then a someone walks in front of her blocking her view for a bit and it was gone.

Demons? Ghost? Specters? Spirits? Whatever they are, they are a common occurrence to her. She never told anyone. Her dad knows because her dad told her that her late mother can see it too and it was “them” who killed her. But other than her father, no one knows. It’s her deepest secret. Besides, if she babble about the unexplained her credibility as an investigator and police officer will be tarnished.

Detective Seomi deo Brado. The newest detective in the city. She was transferred as a form of promotion. Everyone knows her name. She carries the notion that she can solve any crime no matter how unexplained it is. No matter how bizarre. She will find the criminal and solve it. She always does. She does because of her special ability. The ability to see things other people don’t. To feel things, other people can’t. That ability that no one knows except her father.

She ties her long brown hair into a ponytail. She removes her sun glasses to reveal green and blue eyes. Her mother has the same eyes and her father said that it’s the reason why she can see and feel “things.” Science says she has a rare genetic trait. It’s called Heterochromia. To her, it doesn’t matter. The matter is, she is different from the norm.

“Detective deo Brado!”

She turns around and sees Winston Everett. Another fellow investigator. Another popular one. He and his partner Markle Moore has solved the grittiest crimes. Usually, they handle serial killer, murders and the occasional bank robbery cases.

“Yes Detective Everett?” She asks.

“The Captain wants an update on that mass murder case that was assigned to you.” Winston replied winking at her.

Seomi sighs and said, “You mean the Supernatural Mass Murder Case? That’s what the media is calling it.”

“Yep that one.” Winston replied.

“I found a lead. I’m actually going out to check it out.” Seomi remarked.

Winston nods his head and said, “That’s good to hear. It’s been a year and you only had a lead now.” he then held up a hand saying, “I’m not saying it against you, I’m actually baffled that you are still working on it. I mean how do you explain that? There was no pattern to the victims. Some of the bones found were at least 20 years old. The way they died was rather I don’t know. It looked like a serial killer did it but it wasn’t a serial killer.”

“I know what you mean Detective. The captain even told me to drop the case and just move to another one but I don’t want to drop it.” Seomi replied with a knowing smile.

Winston smiles and said, “Well, you are known to solve the unsolvable.”

“Yep. That is me.” Seomi exclaimed.

“Oh, the captain says you need a partner soon.” Winston replied shrugging his shoulders at her.

Partner. Seomi is so against the idea. In the old precinct she refused having one and she never had a partner. She was a lone wolf. She decided to work alone not because she is not a team player, it’s because of her ability. How do you explain it to your partner that you needed to go and interview a ghost?

“Ugh... This again?” Seomi said putting her hands on her hips. “I specifically said, I don’t need and will never have a partner.” she then winks back at Winston and said, “Not unless it will be you Detective Everett.”

Winston laughs and said, “Sorry Detective but my partner will never let me go.”

“Yeah, yeah I know. You are lucky son of a bitch.” Seomi replied chuckling. Winston waved his hand at her and said, “All right, I’ll let you go to your lead. Be careful okay? You still need to hang out with me and Markle.”

Seomi puts her sunglasses again and said, “I am always careful Detective and yes, soon enough I’ll go drinking with you two lovebirds.”


He opened his eyes. He carefully pulls himself up from the bed. He looks at the clock. He woke up pretty late again.

“Why did I have that dream again?”

It’s been a year since that day. That day with The Cursed Tree. That day that changed his life. He is no longer Mario Vazquez. After seeing meeting that being, that Reaper of Soul, he decided to change his name. He sold his prized watch for a sum to get his identity changed. He is now Adrian Ecanus.

For six months he lived in that seedy motel doing odd jobs to survive and harnessing his seer powers. He met an old man also living in that same motel he holed up in. He was a seer like himself and took him under his wing. He would assist the old man in his work as a Medium and a Sorcerer to those who needs it. He was surprised to learn that the old man has prominent rich clients who pays a lot.

He asked why he lived in such a poor place. The old man just gave him a smile and didn’t answer him. When he died of cardiac arrest, he gave him everything. The knowledge and all of his wealth.

He remembered seeing her again that night the old man died. It was the day he learned something that he has been waiting for a long time. Lirika told him that he will meet someone. Someone who has been seeking him for a long time. That person is the same as him. A Seer. For what purpose, she didn’t say.
“Come on, time to go to the shop.” Adrian muttered to himself.

With the money the old man left him, Adrian opened a shop that caters to the mystics and those curious beings who wanted to dabble into the unknown. It also served as his office for the old man’s clients that are now his clients. In memory of his mentor, he named the shop after the old man’s name: Raven Othello.


Raven Othello is not a busy shop. He is lucky to attend to five people in the store and that is considered busy. There was no one that day and Adrian was not in yet. Usually, his boss would be in the shop before him. This day, he was late.

The door jingled and he looks up from the counter, his boss just entered. Adrian Ecanus, is a mystery to him. He looks quite young. Early twenties, almost the same age as him, he has this long black hair that he ties with drawstrings. He wears sunglasses all the time. It’s a rare sight he sees his eyes. They were brown, nothing special but something about his eyes creeps him out. Like it can read his thoughts or see his soul.

“Good afternoon Joey. Sorry, I’m late.” Adrian replied as he went to the counter.

Joey grins and said, “No problem boss. It’s not a busy day anyway.”

“We have a client coming in, so please prepare the Black Room.” Adrian replied. Joey nods his head.

The Black Room. It’s where Adrian meet up with his clients. They’re usually prominent people. Some were politicians and upcoming movie stars. These people what keep the store afloat. They pay a lot of money for Adrian’s services. He actually doesn’t know what Adrian does because Adrian forbids him to enter The Black Room whenever there is a client.

“Enter only if I call.” Adrian told him. And by call, it means the red light on the counter. If it flashes it means Adrian needs help inside the Black Room. “If I call, knock thrice and make sure you are wearing the amulet.’

The amulet. It’s a necklace with a green crystal as a pendant. He wears it all the time just in case Adrian needs him in the Black Room.

He opens the door at the very back end of the shop and clicks the lights open in the room. The Black Room looked like a seance room from those horror movies he watches but there is no ouija board present. The room has a big round table and five chair. On the middle of the table, there is a big white candle and five incense sticks. He takes out a lighter and lights up the candle. Joey walks towards the book shelf on the right and takes out a big cream colored book. Adrian strictly told him not to open. He placed it on the table in front of Adrian’s chair. Along with the book, he takes out five small candles and placed all over the table and lights them up.

After doing this, he walks out of the room and closed it behind him. He walks back to the counter and sees that there were people. Three of them to be in fact. They looked well dressed.

“Ah Joey, all set?” Adrian asked.

Joey nods his head. It seemed that these people are the clients.

“All right, gentlemen if you please, follow me.” Adrian exclaimed as he lead the three into the end of the room leaving Joey to tend to the store. Joey find himself at the back of the counter thinking, “I hope those three pays well. I need a bonus.”


“You are Harper Nolan right?”

She looks up and there stood a girl with pierced nose. She raised an eyebrow and asks, “Who is asking?”

“No one. You don’t need to know me.” the pierced nose girl replied.

Harper scoffed and said, “Uh-huh. Whatever. What do you need?”

“I heard that you are a witch.”

“Aha. There you go.” She thought.

Some things doesn’t change. She is still called a witch. Well, gone are high school days, were the bullies that calls her Harpy. She is now in college taking up Liberal Arts. Three more years and she will be graduating. Her reputation in high school as the resident goth is old news. You will catch her wearing earth-toned colors now, some white and red in the mix. Black colored clothes occasionally pops up from time to time. It’s a staple. You cannot really let go of black. She doesn’t sport the long red hair. She had it cut short into a pixie bob. Long hair and college doesn’t mix well for her.

“So are you a witch?”

She smiles. Ah yes, a witch. She did shed her goth days but never wicca. She actually practiced wicca more religiously now. Ever since she met that ram-horned girl, she got motivated to practice the craft more. That experience had her into the craft so serious that casting spells and making potions became a regular thing and they work.

They work so well that when she helped a fellow classmate in banishing a crazy ex-boyfriend with the help of a special charm she conjured, news about her being a legitimate witch spread around the campus. So, from time to time she gets approached by people like this girl in front of her.

“If I answer yes, what is it to you?” Harper asks.

The girl with the nose piercing sat down besides her and said, “I need your help.”

“With what?”

“There is this thing haunting me in my room. I don’t what it is but fuck, it’s been a week now and it wont leave me alone.”

Harper looks at the girl. She is quite pretty. She has this rose tattoo on her upper arm. She closed the book she is reading and said, “You are not taking anything are you?”

“Fuck no!” The girl exclaimed looking offended.

“Just making sure.” Harper said. She taps her fingers on the book on her lap and said, “Something is haunting you. Ghost? Demon?”

The girl shakes her head and said, “I don’t know. You got to help me. I’ll pay!”

“I don’t need your money. That’s against my craft.” Harper replied.

“So, you gonna help me?” the girl asks.

Harper stands up and said, “I need to know what I’m dealing with first. Meaning, I need to know what’s haunting you.”


Her long black pony-tailed hair sways in the wind as she walks into the building. Someone in this building is going to die today and she is there to reap that person.

“Do you feel that Lirika?” Chicol asks. He is in his human form.

Lirika nods her head. She was advised by Him to had Chicol in his human form. Her assignment today according to Him will be dangerous. They don’t know what kind of danger yet but it seemed serious because the Angel Nuriel was asked to go on stand by.

She sees her assignment. He looks nervous. He kept looking at his shoulders. He is wearing a long black coat. His disheveled hair seemed like he haven’t shampooed for a week. She then noticed a long-haired girl wearing a brown blazer. She takes off her sunglasses and looks around.

Lirika takes a step back making sure she is out sight.

“It’s her!” Chicol remarked.

“Seomi deo Brado. A powerful seer.” Lirika replied.


Seomi spots her contact sitting in one of the benches inside. She approached him casually and sits down besides him.

“I don’t think talking inside this building is inconspicuous.” she said sliding an envelop towards the man wearing a black coat.

The man took the envelop. It was filled with cash. He looks at Seomi and said, “You are looking for Mario Vazquez. He is like me. We’re both survivors.”

“Oh that place? How?” Seomi asked.

“I stayed in the cabin until sunrise. Whatever it is, it never harmed me and that is how I survived.” he exclaimed pocketing the envelop.

Seomi sighed and asked, “How did you know about Mario Vazquez?”

“It told me.”


The man looked over his shoulders and said, “I thought I survived. Evil never dies. It just rest and it will go and look for those like me. It will never let us go. Same for Mario Vazquez. He will die next.”

Seomi stands up. She suddenly felt really cold. Like, chills coming from the underneath. She knows this feeling. She felt this a couple of times and she doesn’t like it.

“You feel it.” The man replied sweating.

“We need to get you out of here.” Seomi exclaimed grabbing the man by the arm.

The man jerks away and said, “There is no point escaping it! I escape now, it will get me eventually.”

“Don’t you want to live?” Seomi asks in an angry tone.

The man chuckled and said, “I’m already dead.”


Seomi turned around. She heard it. That ominous voice. She turned around again and he sees the man convulsing. Blood was coming out from his mouth, eyes and ears. She went down and tries to touch the man and help him but as soon as she touched him, she felt searing heat on her hands.

“Ouch! Fuck!” Seomi cursed stepping away. The man was burning. Like he was being burned inside. She picked up her cellphone and called 911.


Lirika clutched the black feather closed to her chest. What she witnessed is no ordinary death. It was caused by something evil.

“Fuck. It’s like that Cursed Tree.” Chicol replied.

“Yes but that evil was destroyed by Nuriel. It can’t be the same evil. It can’t be.” Lirika replied looking at Chicol.

Chicol grunts and said, “It’s not the same but definitely another source of evil.” he then points to the man’s corpse and said, “But this is stronger. The source of evil we encountered usually feels the same but this, this is way stronger.”

“To kill in broad daylight.” Lirika whispered. She then feels a pair of eyes looking at her. She looked to her left and she sees Seomi looking at her.

“Oh shit, she sees you.” Chicol exclaimed.

Lirika opens her clear plastic umbrella and without a word, walks away.


Long black hair, ram-horns and clear plastic umbrella. She has seen her so many times. Not just her, she has seen some being similar to her. They all look different. She doesn’t know what they are but she usually sees them whenever there is death.

Bringer of Death whats she calls them. To see her here was nothing special but usually these being ignores her existence even if they knew she can see them but this girl, this being, she doesn’t and hasn’t ignored her. She looks at her but never engages her but she feels like the being wants to. Like it wants to talk to her but couldn’t.

“Detective deo Brado.”

Seomi looks to her right and was face to face to another fellow detective.

“Detective Bowens.” Seomi replied.

“You okay? You looked shocked.” Detective Bowens replied looking at her from head to foot. Seomi smiles weakly and said, “I guess I am.”

She looks around. The chills she felt and that ominous feeling was gone but why does she feels so clammy? Like something terrible is going to happen.

“Do you need to rest?” Detective Bowens asks.

Seomi shakes her head, “No. I need to find Mario Vazquez.”


Joey just waved goodbye to a customer when the door of the Black Room opened. Adrian emerged from it along with the three clients. Adrian bid them goodbye and the three went out of the store without talking to each other.

“That took a long time.” Joey remarked giving Adrian a look.

“Some people has difficulty agreeing on things. Those three are probably one of the worst.” Adrian replied.

Joey looked at Adrian and said, “You look extremely tired. I think you need a rest boss.”

“Maybe. I’ll be in the Black Room.” Adrian replied.


As soon as he enters the Black Room, Adrian sees her.


“I am here without permission to Him. What I am doing is against our code.”
Lirika replied into her mind.

Adrian frowns. Lirika steps forward and raised her hand and she whispers, “See what I saw Vaz.”

Flashes of light came from Lirika’s hand and he saw it. A man convulsing and a female detective getting burned by searing heat by just touching the man. He then hears a voice. A voice he hasn’t heard for a year. He knows that voice. It brings fear to him every time he remembers.

“No, fucking way.” Adrian exclaimed in disbelief.

“It’s not the same evil but it is one and it is stronger and it’s looking for you. You are next.” Lirika replied.

Adrian slowly sits down on his chair and asks, “Why?”

“It seems to be killing all those who survived the evil of the Cursed Tree. Whatever it is, it’s doing it for revenge.” Lirika replied.

“It will find me soon.” Adrian muttered.

Lirika nods her head. “Yes it will.”

Adrian took a deep breathe and said, “I had a dream about that day last night. I think I know why. It’s a warning.”

“Vaz. You survive for a reason. You are you for a reason.” Lirika then walks behind him and said, “You will meet the one who seeks you. She knows your name.”

Adrian’s eyes widened and said, “The detective.” He looks around and sees that Lirika has left.

“Time is running out Vaz, go.” he hears her say.


Chicol glares at Lirika. Reaper of Souls do not usually give warnings. Their sole responsibility is to reap souls. To do such thing is against the rules.

“I know Chicol. It is taboo.” Lirika replied frowning.

“I really want to smack you right now. Why did you do that?” Chicol asks.

Lirika stops walking and said, “Because the red strings of fate connects all of them. For some reason I feel they need to meet each other. What purpose I do not know.”

“Did He put you up to this?” Chicol asks looking at the sky.

“He did not. I just followed what my instinct is telling me.” Lirika answers as she continues to walk.

Chicol shakes his head. He clearly remembers the day he met Lirika. She was very new. Just two weeks into the job as a Lost Soul, Lirika was chosen by Him to get a Leidon of the Deceased.

Most Lost Souls don’t have a Leidon of the Deceased, only a few has one. Leidon of the Deceased are assistants to help special Lost Souls in their reaping. Special Lost Souls like Lirika are tasked to reap not just ordinary souls but of those who are possessed. They are also tasked to reap Tainted Souls if necessary.

Usually, a Lost Soul would have thousand of years of experience under their belt before they can even be a Special One but Lirika. Lirika was different.

“Chicol?” Lirika asks stopping once more. “Is there something wrong?”

“Remember the day you got me?” Chicol asks.

Lirika nods her head. “You were very surprised because I was only two weeks old by then.”

“Indeed. I think even back then, there is a reason why you became a Special Lost Soul. Being in this situation, I think there is a reason why you became one at an early age.” Chicol replied.

Lirika nods her head. “I also wondered why. When He told me about it, I was surprised as you but whatever reason is, I’ve accepted it.”

“You might not be able to move on. Special Lost Souls have the tendency not to move on. They get stuck to reaping. If you continue being one... Lirika.” Chicol replied walking towards her.

Lirika smiles at him and said, “I do not worry Chicol and so do you. I will be fine.”


Seomi threw her pencil down in irritation. She has searched the missing person data base and indeed Mario Vazquez is on the list. The last time he was seen he was with Celia Rodriguez. Celia Rodriguez was one of the bodies found in the mass grave a year ago. Mario’s parents are still looking for him but there were no clue to where he is.

It seemed like Mario Vazquez has disappeared completely without trace. She have looked every where. She asked her contacts, his friends in school and even long relatives, they don’t know where he is. She even had her fellow detectives like Winston and Bowens has helped her already but to no avail.


“Yes, Bowens?”

“You should take a break. You’ve been looking for this Mario Vazquez for two days now.”

Seomi sighs and said, “I am not taking a break. Besides, my contact died in a mysterious circumstances and I feel this is connected to that case a year ago.”

“Wow. You are not really going to give up on it, aren’t you?” Detective Bowens replied in awe.

“Something tells me that I shouldn't” Seomi replied.

Detective Bowens looks at his watch and said, “It’s getting late. If you are staying over, I suggest you get a cup of joe or else you will be nodding your head off.” with that he leaves Seomi looking at the computer sullenly.

“Like that would help.” Seomi muttered.

“It would trust me.”

Seomi jumps a bit in her seat hearing that voice. She looks and sees this young man. He has long black hair tied in a ponytail with drawstrings. He is wearing a pair of sunglasses and that actually threw her off. Who wears sunglasses at night?

“Detective Seomi deo Brado, am I right?” The man asked.

“Yes and who are you?”

The man removed his sunglasses and said, “You’ve been looking for me.”


Mario Vazquez. He looked so different. In his photo in the missing person case, he has super short black hair and has this nerdy look. The Mario Vazquez in front of her looks older, solemn and serious.

“So tell me, why are we talking inside a diner?”

“Well you see Mario Vazquez, this is off the record.” Seomi replied signaling the waitress for two cups of coffee.

The man in front of her sighs and said, “Adrian. Please call me Adrian Ecanus. Mario Vazquez is dead.”

“But you are Mario Vazquez and you have been missing for a year.” Seomi points out.

Adrian removes a drawstring from his hair and said, “A year ago, I was Mario Vazquez but after that day, I died and I am Adrian Ecanus now.”

“Who runs a mystic shop in the neighborhood. Who knew? Your parents are still looking for you. You do realize that you are not a suspect for what happened last year. The bodies we found, the bodies of your friends. No one is putting the blame on you.” Seomi replied. She then smiles at the waitress who placed two cups of black coffee in front of them.

“Tell me Detective, do you really think people will believe what I saw and experienced there? The police will still look for a logical answer.” Adrian replied putting one cube of sugar in Seomi’s cup.

Seomi frowns. How did he knows she likes one cube of sugar in her coffee?

“I would believe in you. I’ve handled cases like this before but nothing this bad.” Seomi replied stirring her coffee.

Adrian chuckles and muttered, “Of course you would. You are like me.”

Seomi’s frowns deepened. Did he just?

“You see things detective. Things that normal people don’t. I am like you.” Adrian replied looking at Seomi intently.

“Nobody knows about that ability of mine except my father.” Seomi replied her voice cracking.

Adrian held up a hand and said, “Do not be afraid. I won’t tell and the reason I know because I’m psychic too.”

“Okay Adrian Ecanus. Let’s get to business, what happened back there?” Seomi asks her tone getting serious.

“Evil. Evil happened. You didn’t see it but there was a tree there. It was the infamous Cursed Tree.” Adrian replied.

Seomi raised an eyebrow and said, “Like the bed time story? The story that our parents will tell us? I thought it was only a myth.”

“It was real and the evil in that was real. It killed Brent, Lain, Johnson...” he paused. He took a sip of his coffee and said, “... and Celia, it killed them all.”

“How did you survive?”

Adrian twirls the drawstring in his index finger and said, “Because of her.”


“Are you talking about a girl with long black hair and ram horns on her head?” Seomi inquired.

Adrian smiles and said, “So, you have seen her too.”

“Who is she? Bringer of Death? Because every time someone dies in my line of work, I see her or her fellow beings. Who are they?” Seomi asks crossing her arms.

“Reaper of Souls. They’re agents of the Angel of Death.” Adrian answered. “They’re benevolent. She, she helped me survive. She told me I survived because I was a seer but I know she did something because the evil there died.”

Seomi leaned forward and ask, “How do you know it died?”

“Because the tree was gone but there is another evil and it is seeking those who survived the Cursed Tree. I am next and the last.” Adrian replied.

“How did you know about this?” Seomi asks.

Adrian sighs and said, “She showed it to me. I even saw you and that man being killed by that evil.”

Seomi shuddered. She witnessed first hand how her contact died. He was burning from the inside and he was bleeding in every orifice he has. It was a nightmare.

“You felt it don’t you?” Adrian asks.

“I just didn’t feel it. I heard it.” Seomi replied.

Adrian’s eyes widened and exclaimed, “Wow, you are LIKE me but I’m way cooler.”

“What? What do you mean by that?” Seomi asks.

Adrian then closed his eyes and whispered something Seomi could not understand. It was unintelligible, almost gibberish. She was supposed to ask what he was whispering but Adrian suddenly grabbed her arm and then he points his index finger tied with a drawstring towards the glass window of the diner.

She looks towards it and she sees a black mass outside the window that looks like it’s writhing in pain.


Her eyes widened. It’s that same ominous voice.

“Don’t look at it. Close your eyes!” Adrian ordered. Seomi closed her eyes and said, “What are you doing?”

“Warding it off!” Adrian exclaimed. He then twirls his index finger and the drawstring tied on it starts to burn. The black mass gave a howl and disappeared.

Seomi opens her eyes and looks at Adrian. Adrian was breathing heavily. He takes his sunglasses and puts it on.

“Did you destroy it?” Seomi ask.

“No. I just warded it off. It knows I am here so it followed.” Adrian replied rather casually.

“What the fuck!” Seomi exclaimed standing up jerking away from Adrian’s hold. She takes a deep breath and said, “How can you ward it off? What the fuck just happened?”

Adrian takes another sip of his coffee and said, “Sorry, I forgot to say that I am also a warlock. I trained to be one to fight off things like that.”

Seomi glares at Adrian. How come this person is so calm in all of this. She is internally panicking. Ghosts, spirits? She can handle those. Even poltergeists but evil? Demonic presence? This is out of her league.

“I am scared too, I’m just not showing it. I am not that powerful enough to defeat it. I am not that strong.” Adrian replied. “I need you.”

“ME? Are you insane? I can only SEE. I am NOT exactly LIKE you.” Seomi exclaimed looking angry.

“That’s the point. You can see. You can see it. You can feel it. I need eyes. When I’m casting a spell I can’t see it. I need you to see it.” Adrian exclaimed.

Seomi sits down again and said, “Say what?”

“Normally, when I cast spells against bad spirits or entities, I can look but a demonic presence like this? It’s impossible.” Adrian explained. “That’s why I grabbed you. I used your eyes.”

“Then why ask me to close it?” Seomi asks.

“Because you are not protected against it. By looking at it too long, it will consume you.” Adrian replied.

Seomi lets out a sarcastic laugh and said, “Oh great, brilliant! Then what’s the use of me being your eyes?”

“We need a witch.” Adrian replied.


“I can conjure an amulet that would protect you from it but I need a powerful witch to help me conjure. That witch also can help me defeat it.” Adrian exclaimed standing up.

Seomi rubbed her hands over her face and muttered, “Where are we finding a witch?”

“I don’t know, but something tells me, she will lead us to her.” Adrian replied placing some cash on the table.

“Her. This Her. Does she has a name?” Seomi asks standing up.

“Lirika. Her name is Lirika.” Adrian answered.


Harper blew out the candle and sighed. That was pretty intense. She looks at the girl and said, “I will conjure something for you. Wear it three nights in a row and this thing will stop haunting you and move on.”

“What is it?” The girl with the nose piercing asks.

“It’s a wayward ghost. It followed you.” Harper asks.

The girl scrunched up her face and exclaimed, “Followed me?”

Harper gives her a look and said, “You’ve been to a place you are not supposed to go. Didn’t you?”


“The abandoned factory not far from the university.” Harper answered for her.

The girl’s eyes widened and sputtered, “H-how on fucking earth y-you know?”

“Rumors say that factory was haunted because of workers who died in a freak accident 20 years ago.” Harper replied totally ignoring the girl’s sputtering. “It’s not a rumor. It’s really haunted because this way ward ghost you have in your room? It’s one of the dead workers.”

“THE WHAT?!” The girl exclaimed almost shouting.

Harper chuckles and said, “Well, they tend to do that when they got curious of the living. It just so happened to be you.”

“Okay, okay. It followed me here. Great. Now when will get this thing you will conjure?” the girl asks.

“Two nights from now.” Harper asks putting the candle away in her bag.

The girl’s eyes bulged and exclaimed, “Two nights from now?! Are fucking with me?”

“That’s the fastest I can do for you.”

“But the ghost!” The girl exclaimed flailing her arms.

Harper held up a hand and said, “Chill. For the next two nights, sleep in the living room. I’ve confined it in your room for now. It won’t follow you in the living room.”

“Great. Just fucking great. I have to sleep in the couch for two nights.” The girl grumbled gathering her things.

“It’s not that bad you know. It’s just two nights.” Harper replied going out of the girl’s room.

The girl followed her and said, “Hey Harper, aren’t you going to get my number so that you can contact me?”

Harper smiles at her and said, “No need to Cassandra. I know where to find you.” with that she walks towards the living room and out of the house through the back door.

“How the effing fuck she knew my name?” Cassandra wondered in shock.


“Wow. It’s pretty late. I hope there is still a bus.” Harper thought to herself. She walks towards the bus stop hoping to find a fellow student or someone who is out late also. However, there was no one there.

Harper looks at the bus schedule posted on the wall of the waiting shed and was relieved that she was on time to catch the last trip. As she is about to sit down, she sees a familiar girl. The last time she saw her was that time, during the time her best friend committed suicide.

“You again.” Harper muttered.

Lirika smiles at her saying, “Good to see you Harper Nolan.”

“Did someone die?”

“No Harper. No one at the moment if there was, they were not my assignment.” Lirika answered. She motioned Harper to sit.

Harper slowly and carefully sat down saying, “Why are you here?”

Lirika closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Do you remember what I told you before?”

“Be strong and watch out for a man. He will be needing your help.”

How can she not forget what she said. She she goes through the remaining days of her high school life, the day she moved to her dorms in the university and until now, she keeps her eyes open for that man. That man that this being talked about.

“I’m happy your remember Harper.” Lirika replied bowing her head at her.

“I haven’t met that man yet.” Harper whispered.

Lirika stands up and said, “You will soon. Soon enough.” with that she disappears.

The honk of a bus was then heard. Harper sees the bus driving in slowly to a stop. She steps inside the bus and paid her fare. As she sits down she suddenly felt a sudden trepidation. It was not a good feeling. It’s a feeling that something bad will happen.

She grasped the beaded bracelet on her right wrist. She placed a protection spell on that bracelet. She rubs it three times muttering. “I beseech thee, north of light, protect me.” 

She muttered this three times. Slowly but surely the bad feeling fades away but it was still there like it was stalling.

“What is going on?”


Seomi deo Brado, never in her whole life she would find herself entangled in something like this. Yes, she encounters supernatural things but this is different. This is high level supernatural stuff. There is magic and demons involved.

She is currently in her apartment with Adrian. As soon as they entered her apartment, Adrian started muttering in front of her front door and made finger signals. He then grabs a handful of salt from his bag and sprinkled all over the front door.

Adrian explained that he made a sealing spell so that the evil entity that he warded off won’t enter Seomi’s apartment.

“Are you sure that is enough?” Seomi asks.

“For now.” Adrian replied. “Don’t worry, as soon as I leave, it will not bother you not unless it realizes who you are to me.”

Seomi chuckles nervously and said, “That is comforting.” she removes the blazer she is wearing and tossed it on her living room couch and said, “This is fucking insane. I am at lost on how I am going to make my report on that case last year and the death of my contact.”

Adrian walks towards the window and said, “You will never make a logical explanation on it. Sorry to say, but your reputation in solving the unsolvable will now be tarnished.”

“Ugghhh. Looks like it.” Seomi groaned sitting down on her couch. She then looks at Adrian and said, “But can you please at least let me report you are alive? Or tell your parents that you are okay.”

Adrian shook his head and said, “No.”


“No. I cannot let you do that. Please let Mario Vazquez stay dead. I cannot return to my old life. Not anymore.” Adrian remarked looking sorrowful.

Seomi didn’t respond to that. She doesn’t know what to say. She does get what he means. How do you really explain in a logical manner what happened to him or what he is now. Mario Vazquez is indeed dead despite surviving that day.

Adrian then sprinkled some salt over the windows and started muttering again. He did this to all the windows in the living room. He then says, “If you please can lead me to your bedroom and bathroom. All entrance and exit points needed to be sealed.”

“Uh.. Okay.” Seomi replied. She puffed a breath and stands up. “What have I gotten myself into?”



She turns her head and sees Nuriel. The Angel is hovering a few feet above her.


“He sends a message. You did something taboo.” Nuriel replied landing down in front of her. Lirika bows her head and said, “I am sorry for that but I just I had to to do it.”

Nuriel sighs and replied, “Somehow He knew you will say that and I knew it too.”

“For the longest time I have been aware of this happening.” Lirika replied looking at Nuriel. “Why do I know?”

“You are special Lirika. You always have.” Nuriel replied. “The day you decided to become a Lost Soul, He knew you are meant for something.”

The Angel kneels in front of Lirika and said, “You are very the first living who requested to become a Lost Soul even before they die. That my dear made you special.” he then takes Lirika’s hands, held them tight and said, “Do not worry, He is not angry for the taboo you made. Everything you do has a purpose and that purpose is for the greater good.”

Lirika smiles a bit and said, “I knew being a Lost Soul is the best thing that I can be. More than I was when I was among the living.”

Nuriel smiles at her and said, “You are indeed an interesting one Lirika.” he stands up and unsheathe his sword and said, “Anyway, He told me to stay by your side now. Things from here are going to be dangerous for you..”

This had Lirika nodding her head. Chicol, who is still in his human form stand beside the Angel and said, “This evil, where it is coming from? It must be coming from a source.”

Lirka’s grip on the umbrella’s handle tightened and said, “Hell.”


This gift to some is a curse,
A curse I chose to utilize
A gift that I share to those who needs it.”


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