The moon is full tonight. It illuminates the area where she stands. Inhale, exhale. The wind smells life fresh flowers and it blows calmly around her. It is a peaceful night. Her long black wavy hair billows ever slightly some of strands hitting her face. She opens her eyes, her ebony colored eyes looked up and sees wisp of illuminated smoke coming from the trees around her. The Otherworld is such a comforting place for her. She likes crossing over here just to relax and basked in the moonlight. However, today, it is not here for that. She was called over.
"Ahh they are here" she thought. She pressed her hands together and bowed slightly saying, "Hyvää päivää, mga Sangrael."
The illuminated smoke billowed faster and swirled around. It then glowed and two diwatas appeared before her.
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"Hyvää päivää, Mandirigmang Babaylan Neoma." one of the diwatas said. She has long flowy blonde hair and brown eyes. She has a golden crown of on her head, with her is a young male diwata, his long platinum blonde hair and silver eyes makes him look feminine. He too has a crown on his head but it is silver in colored. He seemed stiff and tensed.
"You have called for me Sangreal Ibona." Neoma replied looking at the female diwata.
Sangreal Ibona, "I, thank you Neoma for heeding my call. The Otherworld need you help."
The Otherworld doesn't usually need the help of a mortal even a touched magic like hers. The Otherworld is the world beyond The Veil. Unseen by mortals. This is where beings like diwatas, engkantos, elves and elemental spirits live. As much as possible they do not meddle with the humans living in Gaian (human world) but sometimes both worlds collide because of human beings disrupting the Otherworld or vice versa.
Neoma is touched magic meaning, she is special. A mortal gifted with magic and insight. She is what you call a Babaylan. She has trained to improve her magic to a level that she could be considered a bridge for the entities of The Otherworld and Gaian but she is not just a mere Babaylan. She is a Mandirigmang Babaylan. It is a title only granted to a few. It means that she is not just a magic user, she is also trained to fight, kill and use higher level of magic.
"What is wrong Sangreal Ibona?" Neoma asked.
Sangreal Ibona, Queen of The Otherworld, immortal, powerful asking for help. The regal diwata sighed and said, "A mangbabarang crossed over, a powerful one. He managed to infiltrate the palace and stole something."
"Wait, he infiltrated the palace? Even if he is a powerful mangbabarang, he is still mortal and he can't just infiltrate the palace." Neoma replied frowning.
"An engkanto helped him. Someone working in the palace." the male diwata replied. Sangreal Ibona looked at Neoma apologetically and said, "Forgive me, this is my son, Baharago."
Neoma was taken a back. Baharago. The elusive prince and sole heir of the throne of The Otherworld. He is known to be a powerful diwata who trained the palace guards and has fought against evil diwatas and engkantos that is a threat to the throne and of The Otherworld. She has never seen him and she never thought that the beautiful male diwata in front of her is Baharago.
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"Your highness Baharago." Neoma replied bowing. Baharago waved his hand and said, "Please, we are passed formality. Time is wasting. As, my mother said, a manbabarang from your world infiltrated the palace with the help of an engkanto and stole Bakunawa's Eye."
Neoma's eyes widened. Bakunawa's Eye is a powerful artifact shaped like a diamond. It holds some of the power of the God Bakunawa. The artifacts is known to grant you the power to control wind, rain and to manifest earthquakes. It also allows to call forth Bakunawa if needed.
"A powerful artifact like this at a hand of a mortal. Is dangerous." Sangreal Ibona replied.
"Do you know who is this mangbabarang?" Neoma asked.
Baharago then hands Neoma a piece of fabric. "No one knows, he was able to mask himself with engkanto magic, but one the guards managed to rip this off him." with that he handed her a piece of black fabric which Neoma took.
"If you may, we need you to find this mangbabarang and bring back Bakunawa's Eye." Sangreal Ibona replied. "My son, will accompany you into this because no mortal can touch Bakunawa's Eye."
Neoma nod her head. What Sangreal said is true. No mortal even if he or she is touched magic can touch such a sacred artifacts which brings up the topic of the engkanto who helped the mangbabarang.
"This engkanto, has escaped to Gaian." Neoma remarked. It doesn't take a genius why Baharago is coming. It is not just for Bakunawa's Eye, it is also because of the engkanto.
"Mother is right. You are smart." Baharago replied eyeing her.
Neoma flushed pink. "It's kind of obvious."
"This engkanto is a palace guard. My captain of the Palace Guards." Baharago replied. "I need to catch her and make sure she stands trial."
This information caught Neoma off-guard. The Captain of the Palace Guards is the accomplish of this crime. She has questions but she opted not to ask. The topic about this sounded very sensitive. Baharago looked so pained as he mentioned it.
The Captain of Palace Guard is a beautiful engkanto named Hiraya. She is the daughter of one of influential engkanto families. Definitely, no one sees this coming. Especially, Baharago who grew up with her. She heard stories that Hiraya and Baharago shared a special bond. The palace people thought that these two will marry in the future and Neoma can actually see it but it seemed like there is trouble in paradise, whatever their relationship is.
Sangrael Ibona bowed before Neoma saying, "I bid you and my son good luck. May you find Bakunawa's Eye and the traitor. Hyvästi Mandirigmang Babaylan." she then touched her son by the arm and said, "Älä horju. Et voi " (Do no falter. You cannot.)
Baharago didn't said anything but Neoma sees him clenching his fist and gritting his teeth.
"Hyvästi Mother." Baharago replied almost forcefully. The tension was apparent at this, Neoma wanting to break it, bowed her head at female Sangreal saying, "Hyvästi Sangreal Ibona."
Sangreal Ibona bowed curtly and left. Neoma heaved a sigh. She looked at Baharago who is now looking a bit relaxed. She wanted to ask what his mother meant by what she said but she could not expose herself being somewhat fluent in Sangraa. The Otherworld has different languages. You have the diwatan language. The most common one. The engkantos have their own which is similar to the diwatan language. The elves has theirs too but the most sacred of them all is the Sangraa. Only of royal blood, the Sangreals can speak it.
Now, Neoma hate not knowing and being left out especially when she has to do missions like this. So she studied all the languages in the Otherworld. Including Sangraa.
"Uhh... Sangrael Baharago, if we are crossing over Gaian, you have to go with a glamour on." Neoma replied.
"Please stop calling me Sangrael, Baharago is enough." he exclaimed at her sternly. Neoma held both of her hands up and said, "Okay, Baharago it is."
Baharago snapped his fingers and his long platinum blonde hair and silver eyes is gone. He is now sporting short light brown hair and hazel brown eyes. His regal clothes changed into normal Gaian casual clothes. Jeans, rubber shoes and a plain black shirt.
"I could just be invisible you know. " he said eyeing Neoma.
"Yes, but I rather have you corporeal than not. It will make my job easier." Neoma replied.
Baharago shrugged and said, "If that will make things easier Mandirigmang Babaylan."
"Wow, what a mouthful. You can call me Neoma."
She then waved her hand and a door appeared before her. Baharago approached it and said, "Neoma, before we step back into Gaian, let me remind you that you deal with the mangbabarang. I deal with the engkanto."
"Loud and clear" Neoma replied opening the door.
As soon as they stepped out of the portal, Baharago noticed that they are in a garden. They were in front of a small fountain.
"Where are we?" Baharago asked looking around. He spots a big oaken wooden door. Neoma was walking towards it, he followed suit.
"We are at my home." Neoma answered. She snaps her fingers and the big oaken wooden doors opened. As the doors parted open, Baharago's eyes widened as they stepped into a huge living room. The living room is walled up with book shelves upon bookshelves. In the middle of the room is a semi-long table. Behind the table is a cushioned four seater couch, two cushioned chairs at each end of the table.
Neoma smiled and said, "Welcome to Casa New Moon,"
The wooden oak door behind them closed by itself and disappeared. The house is infused with magic. Baharago looked at the Mandirigmang Babaylan before him. He has heard of her. Talks of a touched-magic human that is favored by the Sangareals and Diwatas alike. Even by elves and some of the engkantos speak highly of her. He hasn't seen her fight or do magic, this is the first time he will have a chance to see it and by the house she lives, he can tell that Neoma has great magical abilities.
He can feel the house is infused with great Otherworld magic. He can sense elven and diwatan magic in the house. Mandirigmang Babaylans are a few, but only she, Neoma has able to such feat of combining this kind of magic in an abode.
"Is there a problem Baharago?" Neoma asked as she noticed Baharago looking around.
"Your house. You infused it with magic."
Neoma shrugged her shoulders. "I have to, I live here alone. I had to make sure my house has defenses." she then motioned Baharago to take a seat on the couch saying, "I have some diwatan drinks here, if you want."
Baharago shakes his head said, "I rather we get to business"
"Well in that case." Neoma said, she walks towards the bookshelf behind the couch. She waved her hand over it and the bookcase then slides to right revealing a room. Baharago raised an eyebrow and commented, "You have a hidden room?"
"Yes. Hidden from mortals and even from beings from the Otherworld." Neoma replied. "Because this is where I do my magic and well Babaylan things. I welcome you to my Sanctum, Sangrael Baharago."
Baharago made a low bow in front of the entrance of the Sanctum.
Sanctums are sacred spaces. It is where magic is created. No one can just enter a sanctum without permission. Especially a sanctum like this. As Baharago steps into Neoma's sanctum, he could feel strong elven magic and sangrael magic. He gives Neoma a look and asked, "When did you learned sangrael magic?"
"Uhh... I am still learning?" Neoma replied a little bit taken a back with the question.
"The level of sangrael magic here doesn't seemed casted by someone who is just learning it." Baharago replied giving Neoma a look. Neoma scratched her head saying, "I had some help okay?"
Baharago wanted to press further but he knew that there are more pressing matters than his curiosity. He watched as Neoma steps into the middle of the room, she takes out the piece of fabric that was given to her. She wrapped her hand around it. She brought that hand closer to her lips and whispered, "Sa inyong gabay mahal na Bathala, ako iyong tugunin!"
She then opened her palm and the piece of fabric floated in the air. Neoma stretches her hand saying, "Revelare Medeis"
The piece of fabric glowed and a thunderous voice boomed into the air.
"I will have Bakunawa's Eye."
The smell of burnt wood and grass came next.
Neoma recognized that voice and that smell.
"We are dealing with a powerful mangbabarang here. That smell. I know that burning wood and grass any where." Neoma replied snatching the piece of fabric from the air.
"Mother is correct. Only you can recognize this mambabarang." Baharago replied.
Neoma gives the sangrael a look and said, "As I expected you have tried to trace huh?"
"Yes, but we are not familiar with this mambabarang." Baharago replied.
"That is because this mambabarang never tried to crossover to the Otherworld or even deal with beings there until now." Neoma replied as she takes a red candle from a cabinet.
Baharago raised an eyebrow and asked, "Then why did you say we are dealing with a powerful one?"
"This one deals with far more sinister than evil engkantos or diwatas. Far more than that." Neoma replied, lighting the red candle. "Ever heard of Inferis?"
Baharago's eyes widened. Inferis are demons. Bathala's greatest enemy. Some low ranking inferis has been breaking through The Otherworld creating chaos and that kept Baharago busy.
"This mambabarang uses Inferis magic. A low ranking Inferis magic but enough to break through, imagine combine that with engkanto magic, no wonder they managed to steal Bakunawa's eye." Neoma replied lighting the red candle she is holding. She then lit the fabric she is holding and muttered, "Manifesto!"
The fabric burst into flames on Neoma's hand. The flame not hurting her, she waited as the fabric turned into dust on her palm. She then blew the dust away. It floats in the air and Neoma says, "Vestigium!"
The dust swirled and transformed into a white bird. Neoma smiles at it and say, "Go and show us the way." the bird chirped and flew. Neoma then looks at Baharago saying, "Ready to meet the mangbabarang?"
"I don't want to pry, but why the Captain of the Guards did something like this?" Neoma ask as they traverse the dark street following the white bird just flying above them.
Baharago frowned. It's the question of all questions. "You don't want to pry yet you still asked."
"Look. Having Bakunawa's Eye in Gaian is bad omen. I don't know why the mambabarang wanted it but to have a powerful weapon here spells trouble. We all know that magic is not fully accepted here. Governments and your world are still on the works making sure magic will be accepted so that beings from your world can traverse here without problems and vice versa but this --"
"Hiraya wanted it." Baharago replied cutting Neoma's tirade.
Neoma stopped on her tracks. "I'm sorry what?"
"Hiaraya wanted it." Baharago repeated.
"For what? She is an engkanto of noble blood. She is rumored to be wed to you. She is the Captain of the Guards. " Neoma points out. "Not unless the mambabarang bewitched her which is highly improbable because she is..."
Baharago sighed and said cutting Neoma off again, "Hiraya wanted to be human."
Neoma's eyes widened. Now the truth dawned upon her. Bakunawa's Eye, an engkanto wanting to become human and the mambabarang with inferis magic. The equation is complete.
"If you say what it is, then Hiraya is our enemy here and the mambabarang's life is in endanger." Neoma replied. She looked at the white bird who also stopped flying when they also stopped. It is currently perched on a tree.
She whistled and the bird flew towards her. She held out the back of her hand and the bird perched on her hand.
"What are you doing?" Baharago asks. Neoma held out her other hand at him saying "Hasting our travel. Please, take my hand. "
Baharago without question took her hand and said, "Teleportation magic huh?"
"If you don't trust me then you are free to this spell on your own." Neoma replied staring at the Sangreal.
Baharago grips her hand a bit and said, "No, go ahead." Neoma smirked. She looks at the white bird and said. "In wind's grace! Volare!"
A gust of wind appeared beneath their feet and in a blink of an eye, the two along the bird disappeared as if they weren't there.

Bakunawa's Eye. The eye is as big as an apple. It's transparent with blue-ish in hue in color. A highly coveted artifact, bestowed by the god Bakunawa himself to the Sangreals. Only of royal blood can touch it especially if you are Sangrael. However, touching and utilizing it are two different things. It takes a high level Sangrael or any Otherworld being to use the powers of Bakunawa's Eye.
She bit her lower lip lightly looking at it. By now, everyone in the Palace is definitely looking for her. It probably came to a shock to the Queen especially to him. Of all people she had to betray, it was him. He has trusted her to protect the palace, to lead his army when he is gone. Baharago. He trusted her greatly but she threw it all in the wind because of a dream. A wish.
"Do you really wanna push for this Hiraya?"
Hiraya looked the human male who just appeared by her side. The mangbabarang that helped her steal Bakunawa's eye. The mangbabarang named, Jaime. Jaime is a powerful mangbabarang who uses inferis magic. Something that Hiraya knows she cannot learn or even try to learn. Inferis magic is opposite of the magic she has. It will immediately corrupt her. She may be a traitor but she is NOT that evil.
She met Jaime when she visited Gaian one day. The mambabarang was conjuring an evil spirit to curse someone. It was her first time to see and encounter a human being doing inferis magic. That is when she thought of the plan.
She connived with Jaime to steal Bakunawa's Eye. Hiraya remember Jaime asking her why would she need his help. After all she is Sangreal.
Yes, but she is still Captain of the Guards, she is not royal enough to have access to where Bakunawa's Eye is kept. She doesn't have the power to mask her identity or to fool the magic around the room. Hiraya knew she needed someone outside the Otherworld to help her and Jaime is the perfect one.
Inferis magic is powerful enough to transform her identity to a of a Sangreal to take Bakunawa's Eye away. Not enough to escape but that she can deal.
Jaime agreed to help in exchange, he too can use Bakunawa's Eye to wish for power. She agreed.
"Do you really wanna push for this Hiraya?" Jaime asked again.
"There is no backing out now. After all if I don't push for it, you too won't get your wish." Hiraya points out.
Jaime snickered and asked, "Will the combination of my magic and yours is enough to use the weapon?"
"Of course as long as you did your homework." Hiraya exclaimed.
Hiraya had Jaime study some Sangreal magic to combine with hers. She trusted Jaime studied and mastered what she has instructed him. She didn't have much leisure visiting Gaian that much so she could only demonstrate through magic mirrors and gives him her books on Sangrael magic.
"Of course I did. It was difficult. It will definitely remove a great deal of my life force but I can manage. After all, my wish will grant me twice or thrice the power I needed." Jaime remarked haughtily.
Hiraya rolled her eyes. She never liked Jaime. The human is sleazy and a creep. He takes advantage of innocent human beings. He helps them in exchange for a huge amount of money. If it is not met, he curses them with an unbreakable curse. The mere fact he uses inferis magic already speaks how dark and evil his soul. Given a chance, she would have smite him right here and there but no. She needed his power. Just a little more everything will be finished and she can get rid of him.
"Get ready Jaime, it is time." Hiraya replied looking at the window. From there, she could see the full moon rising high above the clouds in it's full glory. The skies are clear. No stars in sight. The perfect time to release the power of Bakunawa's Eye.
Jaime opened the door of his house and said, "After you."
Hiraya stepped out of the door thinking, "Tonight, I shall say goodbye to the Otherworld."
The two of them walked towards the center of the garden. As soon as they reached the exact spot, Hiraya took Bakunawa's Eye out and raised it above her head.
The moon then shed a glowing light as if it recognizes the presence of the powerful weapon. She then reached her hand out to Jaime. Jaime took it gingerly.
"Now on three we chant the spell. Focus your energy on Bakunawa's Eye. Concentrate." Hiraya exclaimed.
Jaime nodded. He could feel the power emanating from Hiraya. He suddenly felt nervous among the excitement he is feeling. He would have immense power soon. He would become immortal and he can do whatever he wants with the power he would have.
Hiraya nod at him but before they can chant the spell, a strong gust of wind suddenly appeared distracting them.
Jaime released his hold on Hiraya's hand as the wind grows stronger. He crossed his arms in front of his face to shield his face from the wind. Hiraya is standing there looking unfazed.
"What is going on?" Jaime exclaimed.
"Something... no someone is coming." Hiraya answered frowning. "Is it you?"
The strong winds start to dissipate and two figures became visible before them. A girl of average height with long wavy hair dressed in a sleeveless gray shirt, black long skirt and combat boots. Beside her is a familiar face for Hiraya. Long platinum blonde hair, silver eyes that seemed to pierce her soul everytime she looks at her. Baharago. Now, the girl with him, if she is correct, she is the infamous Mandirigmang Babaylan, Neoma.
"Hiraya!" Baharago called out to her.
"Baharago, so you managed to find me." Hiraya replied.
Jaime grit his teeth saying, "How? I made sure I was untraceable."
"No you are not. You are very easy to trace. You didn't exactly conceal your tracks very well." Neoma replied. Jaime eyed Neoma as if trying to assess her. Neoma eyed back. She has heard of this mambabarang. Jaime's name has been going around for a while as someone who could help with their troubles but for a price. She has made a mental note to watch out for this person, she didn't expect that she will meet him this early.
"How dare you say that!" Jaime retorted looking insulted.
Neoma smirked saying, "You were careless enough to leave a piece of fabric. You do know that mere fabric and the right spell could lead any of us to you ."
Hiraya frowned at this and gave Jaime a look. Jaime grit his teeth. One of the guards has probably ripped his coat and he didn't notice it. That was careless of him.
"Hiraya, return Bakunawa's Eye and I will plead with my parents about your penalty." Baharago replied. The engkanto simply shake her head. "Plead your parents? We both know that you cannot plead with the Queen and the King... especially the King. To plead means to exchange for something.
"What are you willing to exchange for my life, Baharago?"
"Anna minun yrittää" (Please let me try) Baharago exclaimed almost pleading.
Hiraya slipped her hand inside her silvery coat and said, "Voitko vaihtaa itsesi minulle?" (Can you exchange yourself for me?)
Baharago painfully sighed, "Hiraya..."
"Näin kohtalosi. Sinä ja ihminen..." (I saw your fate. You and a human)
"Is that's why you wanted to become human?" Neoma exclaimed butting it.
Baharago eyes widened. He looks at the mortal besides him and said, "You can understand Sangraa?"
"Ja puhu... En ole vielä niin sujuvasti" (And speak... I am not that fluent though)" Neoma replied without batting an eye. She glares at Hiraya and continued, "You didn't answer me. Is this why you wanted become human? Because Baharago is fated to be with a human?"
Hiraya frowned and said, "I saw what I saw!"
"Where?" Baharago demands.
"The Mirror of Sidapa. It showed me." Hiraya said.
The Mirror of Sidapa does not lie. It has the power to show one's destiny and fate. However, the Mirror does not exactly show everything but only snippets. To fully know your destiny is a danger.
"You have seen snippets." Baharago exclaimed. "Don't do this for mere fractions!"
"I have seen enough!" Hiraya exclaimed. She took her hand out of her silver coat brandishing a black sabre.
Baharago took a step forward blocking Neoma a bit. "Take care of the mambabarang. I will deal with her."
Neoma nods her head. She is strong but to go against Hiraya, former captain of the guards and of royal blood. A mere mortal like her cannot win against that.
Jaime sneered at Neoma. He has inferis magic. What can a babaylan do with that? He snaps his fingers and he whispered, "⛥ ̵ ̸⛧̶ ̷⛧̴ ̷I̸ ̵c̵a̸l̵l̷ ̷f̷o̷r̷ ̸y̷o̵u̸ ̸⛧̸ ̵ψ̴ ̷ψ̵ ⛥ Bezoar!" (I call for you Bezoar)
The ground shook beneath Neoma's feet. A greenish light appeared below her. Neoma, quickly jumped out of it a the ground she was stepping on opened up and crawled out a creature with a long tongue and claws.
It's an inferis fiend. A low class demon. Neoma grits her teeth. It's so rare for her to be fighting with inferis let alone to encounter inferis magic.
"Let's see how you deal with this one babaylan!" Jaime exclaimed.
Bezoar, the inferis lunged at Neoma, it's tongue slashing in the air. Neoma stretched out her hand, her voice booming,
"Luna servo! Protego!"The fiend got electrified and was thrown back to the ground. Neoma ran towards it chanting,
"By the power of sacred flame, AGUI in your name!" she then swings he arm at the fiend crying,
Fire engulfed the fiend. The demon shrieked in pain and disintegrated into dust. Jaime's eyes widened. He could not believe that a babaylan just destroyed an inferis fiend. He looks at the woman before him. She is no ordinary babaylan.
"You look surprised mambabarang Jaime."
"You know my name." Jaime replied taking a few steps back as Neoma takes a few steps before him.
Neoma snorts and said, "I have heard about you. I have been keeping an eye on you. You, who uses inferis magic."
"And you babaylan! To use such high level engkanto magic. Enough to destroy a low level inferis." Jaime replied. "Who are you really?"
"I am Neoma."
Neoma. The name rang like a curse in Jaime's ears. He has heard of that name. Neoma is the name of the famous mandirigmang babaylan that the royal family of the Otherworld trusted and has allied to. The Otherworld beings has spoken highly of her. A touched magic mortal whose magical abilities are far beyond ordinary for a human. So this is she. She has stayed low-key among touched magic people in Gaian. She hides her real identity by wearing a glamour at times whenever she deals with people she helps or at most, she cast a memory spell.
"So you are Neoma." Jaime replied. He is starting to feel nervous. This girl is out of his league. He may have inferis magic but it is not enough to defeat her.
Neoma points a finger at him saying,
"I bind you mambabarang!""Wait, you can't cast a binding spell without something from me!" Jaime exclaimed almost shouting.
Neoma continued,
"I bind you mambabarang! I bind you in the name of Bathala!"Jaime suddenly starts to feel numbness in his body. "N-no... how?"
"Because I can!" Neoma's voice rang in his head. Jaime heard a flutter of a bird's wings. He looked up and he could feel his magic on the bird.
Neoma smirked. "So you noticed huh? That piece of fabric torn off from you is enough."
Jaime tried to raise his hand to cast a spell but couldn't. The binding spell casted upon him is working already.
I bind you mambabarang! In the name of Bathala, I bind you! RELLIGO!" Neoma's voice echoed in the wind. Jaime's knees goes weak and he slumped to the floor. He could feel a part of his magic is fading away.
His knees fell to the ground. He could not move. The spell has rendered him immobilized.
"Stay there mambabarang. You will be able to move again but not anytime soon." Neoma's voice rang in his head like a taunting curse.
Now the mambabarang is defeated, Neoma turned her attention to the two beings who are still contending with each other. Neoma could see that both are using magic and non-magic measures. She could see that Baharago is just merely defending and not attacking.
"What are you doing?"
"Get out of my head Mandirigmang Babaylan" Baharago barked at her.
"You have every means to defeat her now. Why are you hesitating?" Neoma demands.
"I am not but she still has Bakunawa's Eye. She is keeping it out of my grasp very well." Baharago replied.
Neoma clasped her hands together saying, "Then let me help you."
Baharago is about to demand and stop the mandirigmang babaylan because no mortal can keep up with beings like them but to his surprise, Neoma is already by his side, her hands clasped still. What comes next, shocked him to his very core.
"Sillä minä käsken annettu voima Kan-Laon! Duratus Tempore!" (For I command the power given by Kn-Laon! Duratus Tempore!)

Credits to Criterion Collection
The young prince watched as Hiraya's movements stopped abruptly, the former Captain of the Palace tried to move but could not. Neoma bit her lips. The spell she casted was not perfect. It was meant to stop time not freeze the engkanto's movements. Baharago knows that spell. It's a very advanced spell to freeze time. To be casted in Sangraal language means that Neoma's ability is far reaching than what he has heard of. There is only one mandirigmang babaylan he knows who could do such feat but that person has passed on.
"What are you waiting for? Get Bakunawa's Eye!" Neoma exclaimed breaking Baharago's thoughts. "The spell is not casted well. I won't be able to hold it long."
Baharago nodded. He extends his hand and commanded, "Bakunawa's Eye! Come forth thee."
A bluish orb that Hiraya was protecting out of their reach floated towards Baharago.
"NO! Give it back!" Hiraya screamed.
"I will not Hiraya!" Baharago replied as he take hold of the orb. "I am on orders to stop you."
Hiraya grits her teeth and said, "Why can't my wish be granted? Why?"
Neoma frowned. "You risked and sacrificed your loyalty to the throne just to be human? There are other ways to do that! Why didn't you go that route?"
"Oh mortal! What do you know? We, Sangrael do not have the liberty to be granted such things." Hiraya exclaimed. Her eyes glint red and said, "And mortal? I hate losing." with that a surge of power exploded from her, that had Neoma breaking the spell. Baharago stepped in front of her shielding her from the surge of power coming from Hiraya.
"Neoma step back, let me handle this." Baharago replied.
Neoma looked at Baharago. The prince looked grim. She could feel that this will not end well.
"Are you seriously going to?" Neoma asked.
"Do not question me Mandirigmang Babaylan" Baharago barked.
Neoma grit her teeth. She knows this is between two Sangraels and she knows she doesn't have enough power to intervene. In fact she is just here to assist, however, something in her guts says she is just here not just to assist.
"Baharago, you are the only the one I wanted. Why can't I?" Hiraya exclaimed as she surged forward her staff transforming into a sabre type weapon. Baharago manifested a Claymore that is seemingly made from crystal. He raised it in time as the sabre plunged down towards him.
A resounding sound was heard coupled with a gush of power coming from the two weapons. Neoma braced her arms in front of her trying to shield herself.
The force of the two weapons send some of the plants in the area to be uprooted. Neoma knew that a battle between two Sangrael will not be good on a mortal plane. The power of the weapons alone can destroy the place where they are.
Neoma kneeled on the ground and chanted "Gjenmon kraften i meg, beskytt og skjold, Extremus Protego!" (Through the power in me, protect and shield, Extremus Protego).
From the ground a transparent shield appeared circling around the area.
"By Bathala's grace, I hope I have enough energy to maintain the shield". Neoma whispered under her breath.
Meanwhile, the two supreme beings are still battling it out there. Now that Bakunawa's Eye is now under their grasp, Baharago is no longer holding back. He weilds his Claymore as if he is ready to smite his opponent to death. Said, opponent is his former Captain of the Palace Guard. His childhood friend. His best friend now turned enemy.
"Hiraya! Listen, this is madness!" Baharago exclaimed blocking an attack from Hiraya.
Hiraya jerked backwards. She is heaving. Baharago is a formidable fighter. She knows she cannot defeat him easily. After all, he is considered one of the most powerful being in the Otherworld. He is the one who trained her to be a palace guard and one of the best fighter out there. She has respected him. She loves him, however, even with her Sangrael status, the King never even glanced at her as a potential bride. Baharago didn't even looked past their friendship and comrade status.
She spared a look at mortal not far away. The mortal who casted a containment spell to protect the area where they are. An advance spell that no normal Babaylan or Mandirigmang Babaylan could cast that easy. A realization hit her.
The Mirror of Sidapa mentioned that Baharago will be fated to a mortal not just any mortal, but a mortal with a gift.
"Hän, jolla on kuninkaallista verta, kohtaa kuolevaisen, jonka lahja ylittää sen. Heidän on määrä tavata ja olla yhdessä" (He of royal blood shall meet a mortal whose gift is beyond it should be. Fated they are to meet and be together.) Hiraya muttered.
"What is that?" Baharago exclaimed. He heard what Hiraya said despite how faintly it is. In his gut, he knew Hiraya just recited what the Mirror of Sidapa has prophesized to her.
Hiraya then gives him a look. A look of disbelief and agony.
"So you have met her." Hiraya replied her voice laid with contempt.
"I am struggling to understand you Hiraya. Stop this!" Baharago exclaimed.
Hiraya raised her sabre and without a word, she charged at Neoma. This had Baharago off his track. He rushed at Hiraya to stop the engkanto from hurting the Mandirigmang Babaylan.
"Neoma get out of here!"
Neoma shakes her head. She can see Hiraya going at her. "If I move I will break the containment seal!"
"THEN BREAK IT" Baharago screamed, throwing a fire like energy ball at Hiraya. The engkanto merely dodged it. "BREAK IT NEOMA!"
Neoma grits her teeth. She breaks the containment spell, she crossed her arms and cried, "PROTEGO" just in time for the sabre to strike her. The intensity of the strike was too much it had Neoma skidding backwards.
"HIRAYA!" Baharago released another fire like energy ball at the engkanto. Hiraya, raised her sabre cutting through the energy ball. "Leave her out of this!"
Hiraya frowned. Leave the mortal alone? Not now when she knows. She ignores Baharago and went after Neoma again. Baharago just in time grabbed Hiraya from the arm, pulling her towards him. The force of the pull had Hiraya turn towards the young diwata. The engkanto took this chance, stretched her hnd towards Baharago. The next thing the diwata knew, Hiraya had Bakunawa's Eye.
"Shit!" Neoma cursed. She manifest a thin blade like dagger. She whispers to it, "Blessed be in Bathala's name!" she the ran a bit throwing the dagger with all her might.
The dagger seemed to fly in slow motion in Neoma's eyes but in fact it was so quick that Hiraya didn't expect it. The dagger grazed her hand that she dropped Bakunawa's Eye.
Baharago surged forward to catch the orb but Hiraya pulled his arm to prevent him from surging towards the orb. Baharago watched in panic as Bakunawa's Eye falls further away from him. His panic turned into terror as he sees Neoma jumping up as a human mortal could to catch the orb.
"NEOMA NO!" Baharago cried.
No human mortal and normal Otherworld entities can touch Bakunawa's Eye. Not even touched magic humans. That could spell death to any mortal. The orb can only be touched by Sangreal and Sangreal only.
Small and dainty hand grabbed Bakunawa's Eye in mid air. A jolt of electricity coursed through Neoma's body. The mandirigmang babaylan tightened her hold on the orb. She fell to the ground pain coursing through her body. She wanted to leyt go but if she does, Hiraya might steal the orb again.
"Neoma let go!" Baharago screamed trying to get out of Hiraya's grip.
Hiraya snarled. She will not allow the diwata to escape her grasp. Baharago glared at her. Fury in his eyes. He raised his Claymore to smite it at the engkanto before him. Hiraya released her grip before the blade could chop her hand off.
Baharago didn't waste any second and flew towards Neoma who is still on the ground clutching the orb to her chest as if protecting it from those who wanna steal it.
"Neoma, it's me Baharago. Let go now!" Baharago exclaimed as he tried to pry the orb away from Neoma's hands but for some reason. "Neoma, do you hear me? Let go or else you will die!"
"I-I can't!" Neoma exclaimed, her eyes tearing up. Baharago gasped as Neoma's ebony eyes turned blue. Baharago the grabbed Neoma by the shoulder saying "Hieno, miksi omistat tämän?" (Great one, why possess this one?)
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A voice spoke. The voice coming from the orb.
"Sillä hän on se, jonka Sidapa on nähnyt. Suojele häntä!" (For she is the one that Sidapa has seen. Protect her!)
As the voice dissipated, Neoma's eyes turned normal and she released the orb from her grasp.
Baharago grabbed the orb and tucked it in his inner clothing. Still kneeling in front of Neoma, he whispered a healing spell. A light yellow light enveloped Neoma.
"T-Thank you." Neoma whispered gasping for breathe. She could not explained what happened. She could feel some sort of energy flowing through her veins. Energy that is not her own. It does not feel like a normal energy. It felt sacred. Powerful.
She slowly starts to stand up, her eyes looked past Baharago's shoulders and sees Hiraya rushing forward with her sabre. She grabbed Baharago by the shoulder and pulled him forward. She shield herself between the blade and the diwata.
However, the engkanto's blade didn't pierce her. An invisible force seemed to be stopping Hiraya. Hiraya tried again but the sword wouldn't just pierce through.
Baharago stepped in front of Neoma saying, "You crazy mortal! It's a good thing your shield spell is strong."
"What? That is not me!" Neoma replied. "I thought it was you!"
"No, this is not me." Baharago said in a confused manner.. "If this is not you then who -" he was cut short when he felt the orb vibrating. He took it out and the orb start to glow brightly. Baharago instantly knew who is protecting them. No. Her. It's Bakunawa, himself.
"Suojele häntä" Bakunawa's voice rang in his mind. He looked at Hiraya who looked crazed trying to break the barrier.
Neoma tried to take a step forward but Baharago stopped her by blocking her path. His back against her, he said, "You have done enough Mandirigmang Babaylan. From here on, I will take matters on my own hand."
Chills went up her spine. She knew what Baharago meant. She tugged on the diwata's sleeve saying, "If you do that, you might regret."
"I fear, regret is not something I am allowed to have. " Baharago merely said. He gripped his claymore and with a blink of an eye, he charged forward.
Neoma bit her lips. She knew this time around, the diwata will no longer hesitate like he has been doing awhile ago. She doesn't know what made the diwata decide firmly this time. She didn't understand what Bakunawa said since she is not that fluent in Sangrael language but whatever that is, it solidified Baharago's decision.
Just like that, before Hiraya could even raise her sabre to counter attack. She felt the claymore slicing through her chest and stomach. Here eyes bore through the person who did it. She slowly fell to her knees. She is about to fall forward but Baharago caught her trapping her in an embrace.
"Forgive me... Hiraya." Baharago whispered.
Hiraya coughed blood and merely smiled at that.
"Forgive me, I have to."
He then cradled Hiraya's head and looked at her eyes. Hiraya looked at him smiling. She could no longer speak but her eyes says everything. Her love, her resentment, her regrets. All the feelings and emotions she has for the diwata before her. The diwata that she truly loved but never loved her back.
"Rest, Hiraya. Rest." Baharago whispered planting a tender kiss on her forehead. Hiraya closed her eyes and took one last breathe, she was gone.
"I am so sorry Baharago." Neoma said as she walks towards them.
Baharago looked at Neoma. He raised his hand at her saying, "Stop. Our mission is over now. I will bring Hiraya back to our world... and you..." he then looked at Neoma, his eyes boring into hers. "You go back to your home. I will come and seek you after I fix things."
Neoma couldn't say anything to that. Those eyes were pleading and begging that he needed to be alone. So she agreed silently. She turned her back and walks away, when she was a good distance she silently cast a teleportation spell and disappeared.
As soon as Neoma is no longer in his line of sight. He carried Hiraya in his arms, with eyes closed, he moved his head upwards and in Sangreal he exclaimed, "Olen tehnyt mitä pyysit. Anna minulle tämä toive, anna minun haudata hänet esi-isiensä joukkoon!" (I have done what you have asked. Let me bury her among her ancestors!)
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A white-blue colored butterfly suddenly appeared and landed on Baharago's shoulders. Baharago opened his eyes and took a deep breathe. He looked at the lifeless body of his former Captain of the Palace Guards, Hiraya and smiled bitterly. A gush of wind surrounded him and he was gone with the body.
Two days have passed and Neoma didn't receive a visit from the Prince. She tried to shrug it off but couldn't.
She has questions that day and only the diwata could answer her but Baharago hasn't paid her a visit like he promised. Neoma busied herself making potions and accepting small missions to distract herself during that two days and now she is sitting in her garden sipping a steaming hot cup of coffee overthinking things.
Neoma felt a gush of wind, her long wavy hair being blown away. She looks in front of her and there stand the person she has been waiting for two days.
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"Mandirigmang Babaylan."
"Isn't that a mouthful? Neoma. It's Neoma."
Baharago sighed. He takes a step forward saying, "I apologize for being late. There were a lot of things to deal with."
"Hmmm... I do not want to assume but is it related to Hiraya's betrayal?" Neoma replied putting her cup down on the coffee table beside her.
"And you." Baharago answered bluntly.
Neoma raised an eyebrow at him. Baharago smiled a bit and said, "You have questions."
"Well, since you mentioned it, yes. I hope you could answer me truthfully." Neoma replied standing up. She walks up to the diwata until she is toe to toe with him. "Why didn't I die when I held Bakunawa's Eye? I should have died."
Baharago looked straight into her eyes and said, "Because you are the fated one."
"Excuse me? What?"
"The fated one. You are aware of Sidapa's prophecy right? The being that will bring upon the end of the Inferis."
Neoma's eyes widened. "No fucking way. I thought that being would be a Sangreal."
"We thought so too but then again Sidapa never mentioned specifically who. We just assumed it's a Sangreal because this is the Inferis we re taking about." Baharago explained.
Neoma tilt her head at the diwata and asked, "Are you sure that it is me? I don't think I am that special."
"Mother is right. You do underestimate yourself. You are known to be the most powerful Mandirigmang Babaylan. You can use Sangreal and Elven magic. You may not be an expert as of now but you are learning. Fast. You can keep up with an Inferis."
"Whoah hold on! That particular Inferis was low tier, any Mandirigmang Babaylan can defeat it." Neoma protested.
Baharago wants to laugh. The mortal girl is just funny to him at this point.
"Neoma, what I say is the truth. You are special. You are after all your father and mother's child. A child of a powerful Mandirigmang Babaylan and a powerful touched magic who could be a Babaylan on her own. The prophecy speaks of you." Baharago exclaimed with conviction in his voice.
Neoma gulped and her eyes watered upon the mention of her deceased parents. She bit her lips a bit and asked, "Then... if I am the fated one. What is next?"
Baharago then took her hand into his, "The Otherworld extend their hand to you, Neoma. I am now given the mission by Bakunawa, Himself to protect you. From this day on until my bated breathe and yours, I will protect you."
"Uhhh.... " Neoma was left speechless at that.
"I will also help you improve your Sangreal magic. I don't know who is helping you in your Elven magic but whoever that being is, he or she is doing good job." Baharago replied.
Neoma grinned at that, "Oh you would love to meet who mentors me in Elven magic." she then sighed and said, "To be honest what you said is still loading in my brain and very difficult to believe..."
"Take your time Neoma." Baharago replied tapping Neoma on the shoulder.
"Thank you Baharago."
Baharago smiled pulling the Neoma's hand much closer to him and said, "Call me Bahgo. "
Neoma giggled and said, "Allright, Bahgo."
"Bahgo! Bahgo!"
Bahgo blinked. He looked at the woman before him. He smiled and said, "Sorry, I was spacing out."
"Tsk. What is with you today?"
"Nothing, I was just reminiscing Iiya." Bahgo replied.
Iiya tilt her head at him and ask, "And what are you reminiscing about?"
"Our first meeting, when you were still...." Bahago replied his voice getting soft. Iiya, took Bahgo's hand against hers and said, "It's okay. I am okay."
"Iiya, I am sorry." Bahgo replied in a regretful voice.
Iiya smiled softly and said, "Remember what you told me that day? What you promised me."
"Until my bated breathe and yours, I will protect you." Bahgo replied closing his eyes.
"And you have. I won't be here if you have failed. Do not be sorry anymore." Iiya replied.
Bahgo then clasped Iiya's hand and pulled it towards him placing it above where his heart is and solemnly said. "Then let me make the same vow again. I, Baharago, Prince of the Otherworld, Sangrael. Heir to the throne. Until my bated breathe and yours, I will protect you."
Iiya closed her eyes and placed her hand over Bahgo's hand and whispered, "And I shall to you."
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