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12 Dawns Vol. 2: Chapter 6 - Nephilim


I don't know where I am. I can't see anything. It's so dark here but it's not like dark like where you close the lights in the room and you can't see anything. This is a different type of darkness. It's unfathomable. It has this heavy and stifling feeling to it despite that there is this warmth around the darkness that seemed to be welcoming. It was such an oxymoron I wanted to laugh.

"He needs to be hidden"

Huh? That woman's voice. 

"Do you understand? No one can know."

I know that voice. But I can't pinpoint whose voice is that. 

"No one can know who he is or what he is. Promise, you will keep him safe when I am gone."

I looked around, trying to find where the voice is coming from but the darkness is not letting me find it. 

"Promise me!"

That last part boomed through the darkness and a bright light appeared through it. The light came from above and from it rained feathers. A combination of white and gray feathers. It starts to fall around me. I raised one of my hand and caught one of the feathers. As soon as my skin touched the feather, I felt a searing pain through my brain. 

Credits: Pinterest

Beep Beep Beep

My eyes opened. My breathing is heavy and labored. That dream again. I have been having this dream ever since I last month. It was a strange dream that I tried to understand but never could. I slowly, stand up from my bed. 

Beep Beep Beep

Ah yes, my alarm. I tapped it for it to stop blaring at me.

6:00AM. Time for me to prepare for work. 

Work. Work has been stressful lately. Maybe this is the reason why my dreams are all too weird. I slowly removed myself from my bed and went to the bathroom. My disheveled look greeted me in the mirror. Black hair and heterochromatic eyes. One brown and one silver blue? Weird. My eyes are weird. A lot of people think I am blind on my right eye because of the color. But no, I have perfect vision. Too perfect to be in fact.

"Come on Tiberius, time to hustle."


Dawn City is fully awake no matter what time. It never sleeps. Tiberius Oswald grew up in this city. He has loved and hated this city. Dawn City is a city full of life and sorrow. It is also enveloped in mystery and  the supernatural. Tiberius knows this mystery and supernatural all too well. Ever since he was young, he can see things that others can't but only on his right eye. His silver blue colored eye. 

Like now, he can see a wisps of smoke in forms of people gathering in one corner of the Daedalus Street. The infamous street for vehicular accidents. Majority of those accidents resulted into people dying. Tiberius knew that wisps of smoke he sees are not souls but remnants of emotions of people who died there.

This kind of situation is normal for him. He never spoke this to anyone. Well he did, but only to a few. A few people he trusted since he was young and some few. He walked through the wisps of smoke pretending not to see them. He then enters a store called RAVENS OTHELLO.

The owner of the store greets him. "Good morning Tiberius."

"Good morning Adrian. Can't believe you had me come here so early. We don't open at 8AM." Tiberius replied.

Adrian chuckles and said, "No we don't but we have an early request today." 

Tiberius sighed. Early request means VIP. They usually book an audience an early time or later time to avoid suspicion. For the past few weeks, Adrian has been having VIPs as a guest. Majority of those VIPs, book the late nights, only a few book an early slot.

"Please prepare the Black Room" Adrian ordered his tone getting serious.

RAVEN OTHELLO looks like your ordinary occult and new age store but it is also a place where magic is real and it caters to certain patrons who needed help in the supernatural side. Recently, the shop is getting booked by VIPs so much. Just last week, the shop was booked during the late nights, that Tiberius has been going home super late which was stressing himself out. Now, he has to report to the shop really early. 

Tiberius has been working in RAVEN OTHELLO for a few months as Adrian's assistant. Adrian's former assistant Joey who was his college friend resigned because he is moving out of the city. Joey recommended him to Adrian. He still remember his interview with Adrian. Adrian take one look at him and without questions hired him on the spot.

"Your eye is special. Actually, you are special Tiberius Oswald. Let's unravel that shall we?" 

Adrian that with so much conviction that it made Tiberius nervous. Tiberius also found out that Adrian is a true blue sorcerer and part of a special unit in Precinct 12 called Unit 13S. It is spearheaded by a Investigator named Seomi deo Brado. She employed Adrian and a girl named Harper Nolan who is called The Red Witch.  Unit 13S investigate all cases related to the supernatural in Dawn City. To many citizens of the city, this special unit does not exist. It is Precinct 12's best kept secret. 

Remember, Tiberius's ability to see things are known to only a few, Unit 13S is part of that few. 

"Tiberius, I sensed you are not sleeping well." Adrian commented. 

Tiberius who was fixing the candles in the Black Room sighed and said, "Did you read that off my aura or my eyebags says otherwise?"

"Both. Your dreams." Adrian replied.

"Adrian stay out of my head." Tiberius exclaimed almost annoyed.

Adrian lift his two hands and said, "I haven't even got to reading your mind. Your aura is spilling."

"Not unless you can help me in stopping my weird dreams, then you don't get to mention it." Tiberius replied almost in a warning tone.

"Do you really want the dreams to stop?"

Tiberius huffed. "Of course, it's creepy and I feel exhausted as I wake up."

Adrian crossed his arm and said, "Trust me when I say, you won't want those dreams to end."


Not want those dreams to end? Really Adrian? I know Adrian is my boss but we have this weird sense of relationship where we talk like brothers who bicker all the time.

Adrian doesn't act like a boss around me anyway so I never bother calling him sir, but of course in front of customers, I call him sir.

"Why pray tell me I wouldn't want those dreams to end?" I asked looking at Adrian who is leaning on the wall.

"Simple. Your dreams is your key to your past."

I gave a Adrian a stern look. Ever since Adrian hired me, he kept hinting about my past and how important for me to know it. I, personally don't want to know. I have accepted the fact that I am nobody. Someone not wanted because for some reasons.

I grew up in an orphanage. Del Sol Orphanage. It's a privately own orphanage by the wealthy Del Sol Family. I was told that they found me on the doorstep of the orphanage. I was placed in this baby bassinet.  No letter just a note that my name is Tiberius Oswald. Milla Del Sol or we call Mama Sol, thought that Oswald is my second name. I thought so too but in the end we decided to make Oswald my family name since I would be needing one in the future.

I was treated well in the orphanage but there is this obvious envy coming from the other kids because Mama Sol seemed to favor me a lot. Some of the kids also are very wary of me because of my heterochromatic eyes. I used to hate it. It does look weird and I stared to hate it more when I started seeing "things" with them.

Mama Sol told me, that my eyes are a blessing and I should not hate them. A sacred blessing she would say.

I slowly get to appreciate this "blessing" as I grow up. It helped me see the world, this world in a different perspective. It allowed me too see pas through lies and discern which people are being true or a bunch of snakes. It has also saved me from dangerous situations because this eye? This blessing, sometimes can see things before it happens.

I remember the day when I left the orphanage when I finished High School. Mama Sol wanted me to go to college but I refused. I seriously don't know what I will take. It is not like I don't have dreams, I just don't what is it at that time. Heck. I don't even know what I want until now.

But yeah, Mama Sol took my hand that very day I was leaving and placed a solver white necklace with a bluish teardrop as a pendant.

"Tibby, my son. This was with you when we found you. I believe it belonged to your birth mother. Keep it well, it might lead you to your past."

I still have that necklace but I never bother wearing it. I could not bear to tell Mama Sol at that time that I have no intention of learning of my past. I have already made that decision a long time ago, so I don't understand why fate tries to push me to know or even learn about it.

If I do. Where do I start? 

"I can help you dive further into your dreams." Adrian replied breaking my thoughts.

"No need Adrian. I am fine." I said. I sighed and added, "The room is ready/"

Adrian nods his head and said nothing. I left the Black Room without a word. As I stepped out of the room, the door jingled. The VIPs are here. I smoothed out the shirt I am wearing and opened the door of the store with a smile.


The session of this VIP lasted for an hour. I could sense the magic from the Black Room. The energy was palpable. Adrian is a powerful warlock. The Black Room usually blocks the power and magic he uses. Normal people won't be able to see or feel it. Even those who are special won't be able to sense the power in that room but I do. Surprise was an understatement. I am very much aware that something about me is unique and different from the rest of the norm and even the special ones.

When the VIPs left, I placed the OPEN sign of the shop on the door.  Adrian didn't emerge from the Black Room when the session ended. It's usually like that. It will take another 30 minutes before he emerge from it. From then on, he will help me man the shop. We don't usually have a lot of customers just enough. So basically, this job is not that draining only the VIPs. But the VIPs brings the money in, like a lot of money. Imagine, people would pay money for magic or whatever. 

I was in the middle of restocking the herbs and sages when the door jingled open. I looked up and see this tall man in a hood. I raised my eyebrow.  We usually have weird looking customers but they usually come in around mid-day to evening. Not this early morning.

The man looked around, he then takes a step towards where I am. That is when I noticed his pure black eyes. I stepped back in fear. This person is not human. 

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The hooded man takes out an ornate looking dagger. It pointed the dagger at Tiberius. As it opens it's mouth a loud screech was heard.

Tiberius covered his ears. The screeching was like a banshee shriek but far more dangerous and more painful to the ears. Tiberius wants to make a run for it but he couldn't. He wanted to ask for help but he couldn't. 

“By the power of Hecate! I open the circle! I am your faithful servant! Ward thy entity! So mote it be!” Adrian's voice boomed in the store.

The hooded man scowled. A bright light appeared below its feet. A wiccan circle appeared.  Adrian raised his hand at the hooded man and chanted, "You who dwell in the dark, demon! I cast you out! Olpirt Madriax"

The wiccan circle below the hooded man burst into flames and enveloped the hooded man. The entity screamed in pain and disintegrated. The dagger that the entity holds fell to the floor. Adrian picked it up and frowned upon looking at it.

"What the fuck was that?" Tiberius asked in shock. 

"That was a minor demon. Summoned to well, kill you." Adrian replied.

Tiberius walked towards Adrian saying, "Kill me?"

"It pointed this dagger at you Tiberius. It obviously wanted to kill you." Adrian remarked looking grim.

Tiberius ran his hand through his hair saying, "What? I- don't. WHY?"

"This is the reason why I am insisting you learn about your past because see this?" Adrian replied pointing to the dagger. "This dagger is called the Occidere Angelus. It's a dagger that can kill Angels."

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Tiberius' jaw dropped at that. He stared at the dagger and said, "That can kill angels? Adrian, do I look like an angel to you?"
"No." Adrian replied. "But, this dagger can also kill Nephilims."

Nephilims? I gave Adrian a look. I am absolutely did not understand that word.

"Nephilims are offspring of Angels and human beings Tiberius." Adrian explain. "You my friend, might be one or you are one."

"Yo! Wait. Me a Nephilim? That is impossible." I exclaimed.

"Listen well and I won't repeat what I am about to say. What happened awhile a go is a good indicator that there is a possibility oh I know, you are Nephilim. That demon I banished is a Nephilim Hunter. It's goal is to hunt Nephilim and kill them because Nephilims are considered an abomination and a threat." Adrian replied. 

He then placed the Occidere Angelus on the counter and continued. "Nephilims have angelic powers that can fight off minor demons and evil spirits here in the mortal plane." he then points to my right eye saying. "Your eye. That is not a human eye. When I saw it, I had a hunch you might be half celestial but which one? Now, that question is answered."

Me a Nephelim? Me a half Angel? 

"Another one will come and will try to kill you and if you don't decide now, you might just die." Adrian replied. 

The idea of another thing like that coming back to kill me is terrifying. I am not equipped to fight these beings off. 

"What should I do?

Adrian sighed and said, "We track down your parents. We need to know what kind of Angel is your mother or father."

"That matters?" I asked.

"Yes. So that I will know what powers you might manifest in the future." Adrian replied.

Powers? I will manifest powers? What the actual fuck?


Tiberius knew that this time around there is not escaping. His life is in danger now. If he doesn't do anything about it, he would probably end up dead. He doesn't know where to start but it seemed fate led him to Adrian for this. So he has to trust Adrian. After all, the older man did save him from that entity who wanted to kill him.

He watched Adrian strengthen the protection spell on the shop and placed the CLOSED sign on the door. He fished out his phone and send a text message.

"Uhh who did you contact?" Tiberius asked looking nervous

"Someone who can help me with your situation." Adrian replied. "We need a witch."

Tiberius knew who Adrian pertains too. He has met her twice. She has seen work with Adrian but as a member of Unit 13S.  He didn't have much interaction with her. He had more interaction with the female inspector of the team.  The witch or The Red Witch as they call her, is pretty quiet and doesn't mingle much. 

"While we wait, let me brew us tea." Adrian replied. He then instruct Tiberius to sit down on one of the chairs inside the store. Adrian knew this will be a long day. He knew that this will day will come. 

When Adrian met Tiberius from Joey, who he was training to be a warlock at that time, he knew it's fate that allowed them to meet. Joey at that time is moving our of Dawn City. Adrian is sad to let him go because Joey has proven to be good and strong warlock but Joey knows he needs to leave for personal reason that Adrian didn't pry. 

He knew Tiberius is not fully human. His bluish silver eye was an indicator. He had never seen an eye like that before. Also, Tiberius' aura screams inhuman. He has seen aura like that but the last time he has seen that kind of aura was the time he, Harper and Seomi worked together as a team. He has seen it on an Angel. 

Angel's aura is very unique. No normal human even those with special ability can see an Angel's aura. Their auras are blinding. You can't even stare at it. Adrian was almost blinded when he take a peek at Tiberius' aura. It was not as blinding as an Angel's but it is there. He had a hunch that Tiberius is half Angel but he is not sure. He needed more evidence.

The attack awhile ago solidified his hunch. Nephilim Hunters do not make mistakes with their targets. Now, he wonders how Tiberius managed to hide from these demons.  Most Nephilims die at a young age from them. He needs to know. He needs to know what he is dealing with but this kind of task need extra powers. Thus the Red Witch.

Harper is the perfect person for this. A future High Priestess whose powers is said exceptional among the high priestesses he has known. 

In a few minutes, a knock was heard. Adrian knew who it was. He snaps his fingers and the store's door opened. There stands, Nolan Harper. Short flaming red hair with inquisitive brown eyes. 

She enters the store saying, "Really? It's confirmed? T is a Nephilim?"

Her gaze moved to Tiberius who is just sitting there looking nervous and lost. "Well, this is the not so surprise of the century." 

"You also knew?" Tiberius asked.

"Well, more like I have a hunch because your aura. Didn't you know how blinding it is?" Harper replied placing her bag on the counter.

Tiberius raked his hand over his hair saying, "Never thought I would look into it."

 Adrian pinched the bridge of his nose saying, "This nonchalant attitude of yours regarding your heritage or what you are is astounding." 

"Oh Adrian. Give him a break. He did mention that he never really intended to know his past." Harper replied. 

"I did because I was abandoned. I mean I was not normal, I understand why my parents had to abandon me." Tiberius replied standing up. 

Harper placed her hand on Tiberius' shoulders and said, "Well, it seemed like they didn't mean to abandon you right?"

The knowing look Harper is giving Tiberius had Tiberius calm down a bit. She then looks at Adrian saying, "You sure we won't be needing Seomi for this? After all she is a Seer."

"No need. I can handle this one myself. Also, this requires magic at the same time. We might land Seomi in trouble if we include her."

"We? Hey you decided that. There is no WE there" Harper commented teasingly. 

"Tsk. Don't start Harper." Adrian replied crossing his arms.

Harper grins and said, "Okay, we are digressing. So what are we gonna do?"

"Dream Dive." Adrian answered.

"A what?" Tiberius asked.

Harper takes out her grimoire from her bag saying, "A dream dive is where we enter your dream T. From there we can investigate and search for clues. I mean you do have a recurring dream right? We will enter that particular dream and there we investigate"

"However to do that, we need someone who knows magic and a seer. I am both a seer and a warlock. Harper is a witch. In your case, since you are what you are, the seer needs to have so magic for protection." Adrian replied. He then motions the two to follow them inside the Black Room.

"Are my dreams or that dream dangerous?" Tiberius asked as he steps inside the Black Room. Harper who was behind him said. "Not necessarily but dreams can be very unpredictable. Besides, the protection is not just for us who are deep diving but for you as well."  with that she closed the door behind her.

Tiberius raised an eyebrow on Harper's comment. Harper ruffled his hair as she walks past him saying, "Don't fret too much. Trust us okay. I mean, Adrian did save your life awhile ago. So at least trust him."

Adrian snapped his fingers and the wiccan seal on the floor glowed. He points to the center saying, "Lay down there and close your eyes."

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"We will put you to sleep and from there on, it's on us. "Harper replied. 

Tiberius sighed. He slowly kneeled down and said, "Just make sure you get what you needed in there." 

"This is not our first dream dive T. Come on now, lie down." Harper replied. She then winked at Tiberius saying, "Don't tell me, you want me to hold your hand?"

Tiberius flushed pink and immediately position himself on the center, lying down carefully. He looked at the ceiling before him. He noticed a combination of different sigils etched on them. He looks at Harper and Adrian now kneeling on the floor. Harper is on his right and Adrian on his left.  

"Close your eyes Tiberius." Adrian ordered. 

As Tiberius closed his eyes, Harper whispered, "I open the circle in your name Hecate. I am your servant, Harper."

"And I your servant Adrian."

"I cast sleep, let him dream." Harper chanted as she takes a handful of crushed valerian roots and chamomile and threw it in the air. "Dream well and soundly, may Hecate protect you" with that the crushed herbs turned into wisp of smoke before it could hit the ground. The smoke floated like a cloud around Tiberius. Soon enough, Tiberius could feel himself drifting away to sleep as if the smoke is Sandman bringing him to dreamland.

Adrian and Harper hovered their hands over Tiberius's head and said in a whispered chant,  "Grant us Hecate, thy Goddess we beseech thee. Into the dream we go, may we find what we seek. Into the dream we go, may we find what we seek. May we find what we seek."


Darkness. The pitch darkness is astounding. So this is the recurring dream.

"I can sense a strong presence." 

I looked at Harper. She is looking around. 

"The presence is part of the dream." I said. I pointed to my ear and said, "If my hunch is correct, this is more on audio than visual."

"He needs to be hidden"

Harper's eyes widened upon hearing the voice. I guess my hunch is right.

"It's a woman's voice." Harper replied.

I nod myself and concentrated hard. I need a face to that voice. "Origato ve ocuir wer nurocuirgarh!"

A flash of light appeared before my eyes and a face of a woman appeared. She has long curly black hair and hazel brown eyes. She is looking at someone. Definitely human.

"Do you understand? No one can know. No one can know who he is or what he is. Promise, you will keep him safe when I am gone." the woman said. There is fear in her voice. 

The image starts to blur and I noticed that she is handing someone a necklace. I concentrated more. I focused on the necklace. It has a pendant, a bluish teardrop.

"I feel the other presence." Harper said. She couldn't see what I am seeing. 

"I know where it is coming from" I said as the image blurs away.

"Promise me!" the woman's voice exclaimed almost in a scream. Another image appeared before me. It was a baby. This baby is Tiberius. He is being carried by a woman. She has brown hair, she has a mole on her right cheek. She is a bit chubby and walks with a limp. She is carrying Tiberius in a bassinet.

The next image shows the signage of Del Sol Orphanage. The woman entered the orphanage as the image blurs away.

I could feel Harper tapping me on the shoulder saying, "Another presence, this time stronger. "

As I look at Harper, she waves her hand on us chanting, "In thy power of Hecate! SHIELD!"

A booming sound is heard. A flash of light appeared above us. We looked up and saw feathers. White and gray raining down on us and, is that Tiberius? He is in the dream.

He reached out and caught one of the feathers. He suddenly winced in pain. His back then starts to glow. 

"Shit. This is the part where he should be waking up." I exclaimed looking at Harper. 

Harper raised a hand and said, "Yes, but this part is something we need to see." she then chants, "I asked of thee, protect us! Protect us your servants! Protect thy dreamer as well! In your name! SO MOTE IT BE!!!" 

A reddish glow enveloped both me and Harper. I looked at Tiberius, he too got enveloped by a reddish glow. He now is slumped on the floor, he is hugging his body wincing in pain. After a few second, that glow behind his back exploded in blinding light. Harper and I had to shield our eyes. It's an Angelic glow.

Gray and white semi-transparent wings bloomed behind Tiberius back and a half halo appeared on his head. Nephilims have semi-transparent wings and a half halo. 

"Harper, we got what we needed." I said. Harper nod her head. We both closed our eyes and everything became a blur.


My eyes slowly opened. My whole body ached badly and I noticed that my eyes are wet. Did I cry? I noticed that I was no longer in the Black Room. I am on a bed. I looked around and noticed the black walls that has sigils of spells drawn on them. I am on someone's bed and in someone's room and that certain someone is Adrian Ecanus.

I got up quickly and was about to jump out of the bed when I heard a female's voice cough. I turned towards where it came from and I see Harper sitting down on a chair near the window. She has her grimoire open on the table and she was writing something on it before noticing me.

"I do not recommend you getting and out so quickly. The Dream Dive took a toll on you energy wise." Harper replied looking at me.

"W-where you able to get the answers you need?" I asked.

Harper smiled and said, "Well these answers are also the answers you need."

I removed my gaze from her. I stared at my hands and said nothing. She seemed to sense my hesitancy in the matter.

"You know, I completely understand why you don't want to know your past. I can make a guess why but I don't know if you are aware of it or just refused to accept the reason why you won't have any of it." Harper replied. I slowly looked at her and she has her grimoire closed. She is looking at the window and said, "But I think you need to hear it because if not, when? When you are dead?" 

I gulped. Her tone is so serious. More serious than Adrian. I've only talked to her twice and it was just casual talk. She calls me T for some reason I don't know and I didn't bother to ask why. I view Harper  as someone who is super chill and is quick to smiles. She is serious about her craft especially when it's Unit 13S situation. Her tone gets serious a lot of times but not directed at me. This time around it is different. I am the target of that serious tone.

"You are afraid. Deep inside you are afraid. No, terrified to learn the truth that you are unwanted because deep inside you are hoping that your parents wanted you." Harper replied. "Deny it all you want, but you are hoping that your parents have a valid reason why they abandoned you, because deep inside you will forgive them for doing so."

Every word Harper said cuts deep. I can't help but clench my fist on the sheets. My eyes starts to tear up. I glared her angrily saying, "Can you shut-up?"

Harper then turned to me and said, "But that is the truth right?" she then stands up saying, "Your recurring dream proves it all. We've seen it. That voice you hear in your dream? That is or was your mother T!"

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A tear rolled down my eye. Of course, that is my mother's voice. That is why it sound so familiar.

"You were just a baby then but your subconscious do remember the voice of your mother." Harper replied softly. I watch her approach the bed saying, "That necklace T, you kept it right?"

By this time, my tears were just flowing and I am having difficulty controlling my sobs. I just nod my head.  

"Your mother won't leave that necklace to you if you were not important to her. Admit it, you kept it because of that hope in your heart that your mother loved you." 

I covered my face with my hands. My emotions are going haywire. Harper's words just hit me so hard.

I felt Harper's hands on my shoulders. I carefully removed my hands from my face. She is on the bed kneeling in front of me. She is giving me this sad smile, she then wipes my tears away with one of her hands and said, "T, it's time to open up your feelings on this matter. I hope you realize that now."

I bit my lips. She is right. I have to stop rationalizing and face the truth of the matter. I hiccupped and took a deep breath.

"Okay... okay... you are right. About everything."

"Good because your life is in danger T, you know that right? You might think you are just Adrian's employee but he do value you as a person." Harper said with a knowing look.

I looked around again and asked, "Speaking of him, where is Adrian?"

"He is currently fetching something important. He will be back any minute." Harper replied. She jumps out of the bed saying. "Your recurring dream solidify the truth of the matter, that you are indeed a Nephilim."

I sighed. "I am still having a hard time grasping that idea."

"Well I don't blame you. I had trouble accepting now that I am considered the Legendary High Priestess." Harper replied as she seats down again on the chair.

"You are what?" 

Harper chuckled, "Next time I'll tell you about it. Let's focus on you first okay?"

Before I could retort to that, the door before me opens and Adrian steps in holding this silver necklace with a bluish teardrop as pendant before me. 

"This necklace." Adrian said.

"Is mine. How did you?" I asked,

Adrian smirked and said, "I went to your apartment to get it. Don't ask how I did it but this necklace should be on your person always, you understand?" he then tossed it to me. I caught it with one hand and asked, "Huh? Why?"

Admittingly, even if I don't want to wear it, I always bring it with me. I kind of forgot to bring it with me today. The stress of my dreams and work took a toll and I completely forgot to bring it today.

"We wonder how come you survived for such a long time. Most Nephilims die young because the hunters gets to them as early as when they're still a baby, but you? You survived." Adrian replied. He then points to the necklace and said, "That necklace acts as a protective shield over you. The hunters can't go near or attack you whenever you have it."

I looked at the necklace. So this has been protecting me all this time? I didn't know.

"Wait, I didn't have this until I left the orphanage." I countered.

Harper stands again saying, "Well your Mama Sol? Right? Sorry we kinda looked into your past memories too."

I waved my hand at that. With all things considered, these two will eventually know about Mama Sol. Harper smiled sheepishly at that and continued, "The orphanage you grew up with? Has a full blown protection. We don't know who placed it there but it was definitely divine."

My eyes widened at that. "My mother was mortal. Right? I assume she is."

"Oh very much. You got your features from her BUT your eye, your right eye." Adrian replied. "It's an angel's eye. So we think, that divine protection over the orphanage? Your father, your Angel father did that."

I gulped. Hearing that made me nervous all the sudden.

"We can know what really happened T. Your necklace holds memories. It holds the memories when you were a baby. We can know now." Harper replied.

I looked at the necklace. 

"All you need to do is say yes. I know it has been a long day, we can do this tomorrow or any other day but, remember, your life is at stake here." Harper replied.

Adrian nod his head at this, "The necklace's protection based on what I felt from it, it's powers can only last for another year or so. It has done enough to protect you."

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"Why the time limit?" I asked.

"Angels has the gift of foresight, my guess is, your father foresaw that you will be working here and I would be taking you under my wing. He cast his divine powers on the necklace to give you the time needed for you to grow up and meet us." Adrian explained.

That made sense. What Adrian said makes sense.

I am tired, my emotions are hella tired along with my physical body but with the situation right now, I have this inkling that I should not waste more time. I should not delay things further anymore. No more denying. No more making excuses.

"Let's do it." I said with conviction in my voice. 


They are now back in the Black Room. Adrian dragged a chair into the wiccan circle and gestured for Tiberius to sit down on it. Harper grabbed some red and white candles, she lit one of each and placed it around the wiccan circle, as she did this she chanted something Tiberius could not understand. Adrian then opened a huge jar of herbs. It smelled funny to Tiberius' nose. Adrian scooped some of it and scattered it around the circle.

"What is that?" Tiberius asked. 

"Crushed mugwort, hyssop, fennel and asafoetida. They're for protection." Adrian answered.

Tiberius points to sigils around the room saying. "Isn't this room protected enough?"

"You can't be too careful. We don't know what kind of powers the necklace has since it is divine. " Adrian explained. Harper then takes out a vial and said handing it to him, "T, what we are about to do is going to drain a lot of energy, so drink this."

"Uh, what is this?" Tiberius asked taking the vial. 

Harper winked at him and said, "I am not going to poison you. It's an energy booster. I concocted it." 

Tiberius pushed the cap off and slowly drank the liquid inside. It tasted sweet and a bit sour. He then suddenly felt tingly and the tiredness in his bones start to seep away. This beats any energy drink he has drank in the past.

"Oh wow. I would love to have more of this." 

Harper chuckled. "Sorry T.  Only for situations similar to this. " with that she takes her athame out. Adrian did the same. 

Credits: Pinterest

Adrian then positioned himself on the south part of the circle and Harper at the north part. Tiberius takes the necklace and lifts it a bit into the air. Harper and Adrian raised their necklace into the air and starts to chant the spell, "We open the circle, we are your faithful servants. Into your name Hecate, we bid thee!"

The wiccan circle glowed blue and red, the candles burning brighter. Wind starts to form beneath Tiberius' feet. Harper and Adrian then points the athames at the pendant of the necklace and continued, "In your name, reveal thy memories. Reveal the secret veiled within divine powers! Let us unveil!" 

Adrian and Harper then both sliced their palm with their athames. They moved around the circle dropping their blood unto the circle saying in unison, "We offer you our blood, mark us as your sacrifice if all things fail! Reveal the secret veiled within divine powers! Let us unveil!"

They stopped at their respective position and as they did so, the pendant on the necklace glowed brightly and like a projector, a film played out.


A woman with long curly black hair is seen rocking a baby in her arms. She looks so weak. She is humming a lullaby. It's Tiberius' mother. A woman was beside her, Tiberius gasped. He knows that curly brown hair and mole anywhere. It's Mama Sol but younger. 


So that is his mother's name, Martha. 


"Yes, Milla?" Moira said looking her baby.

Milla Del Sol smiled at the two and said, "He is here but he can't stay long."

Moira looked at Milla and said, "Thank you friend."

As Milla steps away, there stands an Angel. The face was blurry but he has tanned dark skin, bald and have white angel wings with blue and purple highlights. 

"Menakel, my love" Martha replied.

"You are dying." Menakel replied. 

Martha nod her head. "You do know I have been sick and giving birth to our son will definitely kill me. You have known this." Menakel, Tiberius' Angel father didn't say anything.

"I know he will be hunted. You told me this. He needs to be hidden." Martha exclaimed her hazel brown eyes boring into the Angel before her.

Menakel sighed. "My love, I am being punished. I am judged to become a Fallen. Azrael did me a favor and had me not to be put to sleep. I cannot hide him."

"No. He needs to be hidden and protected Menakel. Without you, who will?" Martha exclaimed getting teary eyed.

Milla steps forward and said, "I will. I will keep him hidden and protected." 

"You are nothing but a mortal." Menakel replied.

Milla puffed her chest out and said, "But I am a witch. I am from the Del Sol family of witches. I have the power to protect your son."

A hand grasp Milla's hand saying, "My son is half Angel Milla. Do you understand? No one can know. No one can know who he is or what he is. Promise, you will keep him safe when I am gone."

Milla nod her hand. She clasped her hand on her friend's hand saying, "I promise Martha."

The scene changed. Milla now is carrying the baby Tiberius in a bassinet. Martha has passed away. She could still remember Martha's last words to her. 

"Promise me!"

Milla is in tears. She is now in charge of this beautiful boy. She will make sure that he will grew up well. She stares at the note that Martha left her, written there is the boy's name. Tiberius Oswald. 

She then hears rustling of feathers and looked above. Menakel was hovering before her.

"What do you want Menakel?" Milla asked.

Menakel handed Milla a necklace saying, "This is all I can do. This necklace him as he grows up. Keep it close to him at all times. I also casted my remaining divine powers on your orphanage to make sure the hunters do not come near and harm him."

Milla took the necklace and said, "Thank you Menakel."

"Take care of him. From now on, I will be casted out and be a Fallen. I will never see him again or you will see me." Menakel replied his voice sounding sorrowful.

"I promised Martha. I promise you. He will be safe." Milla said with conviction.

Another scene changed and this shows Milla walking towards Del Sol Orphanage with baby Tiberius in a bassinet. 

"Dear Tiberius, I will be your family now."


The pendant stopped glowing. Adrian and Harper broke the spell and closed the circle. They all now have the answers they needed about Tiberius' past.

My tears flowed again from my eyes. I am wanted. My mother died from an illness and my father casted out. They wanted me.

"I guess that is a huge relief right?" Harper asked.

I merely nod my head. I sniffed wiping my tears away. 

"Now you know. What do you plan to do now?" Adrian asked.

I looked at the necklace and said, "I want to go back to Del Sol Orphanage. I need to talk to Mama Sol." I stood up and looked at Adrian and said, "You said, the necklace can only protect me for a few years? Give or take 1 or 2 years."

Adrian nod his head. I sighed. "You also mentioned that I would manifest powers."

"Yes. Nephilims are granted divine powers too like Angels. Not as powerful or holy like Angels but enough to fight off minor demons if they're trained properly."  Adrian replied. He then gives me a look and said, "Also you will also manifest your own wings and a half halo."

Okay that new information had me gawking.

"It will only appear once you manifest powers of course." Adrian clarified.

I take a deep breathe. With what I know now, how my parents did their best to make sure I live because they couldn't protect and care for me because of circumstances they have no control of. I grit my teeth. I put the necklace over my neck and said, "Adrian, if you are willing, please help me."

Adrian grinned and said, "You want me to train you?" he then looked at Harper who is standing beside him now. "I am not enough, Harper would have to help me."

I looked at the red-head girl before me and said, "Harper, I-"

"No need to ask T. I will help you." Harper replied in all smiles.

"It is not going to be easy Tiberius. So prepare yourself." Adrian warned.

I simply nod my head. I don't know what will happen in the future, I don't know if I will ever meet m father or what will happen to me but I can't let my parents sacrifice go to waste. Especially Mama Sol's sacrifice and love for me. 

I have to keep on fighting for my place in this chaotic world as safe as I can. For my mother and my father and of course myself. I, Tiberius Oswald, a Nephilim, my journey as one is about to start

The End


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