Winston ducked in time behind this metal cabinet in time when the unsub fired shots at him. He worriedly checked for his partner Markle who is taking cover behind a huge cement block not far away from him.
"Shit." he muttered under his breathe.
Markle gave him a signal that he has a clear shot of the unsub. Winston nod his head at his partner.
"Jordan, better surrender. There is no point to this." Winston called out.
"I am not going to jail!" Jordan cried firing again at him. Winston winced. Good thing the metal cabinet is thick enough to stop the bullets.
Markle took this opportunity and took a shot, hitting Jordan on the leg. Jordan howled in pain and fell to the floor. "Sorry to say but you will be going to jail. You killed people Jordan." Markle replied approaching the wounded unsub.
"No! Over my dead body!" Jordan screamed. He points the gun to his forehead and pulled the trigger.
"Fuck." Winston cursed.
Markle puts his gun back in his holster and radioed the situation.
Unseen from them, two figures were watching the whole thing. Nuriel shakes his head at what happened. Lirika called Chicol forth to reap the soul.
"Is it bad to surrender and pay for your sins?" Nuriel asked.
"To some yes. For Jordan, it is like going back to a cage. Abused when as a child, forced to live literally in a dog's cage by his stepfather. He grew up with so much hate. His childhood made him who he was." Lirika explained as Chicol came back with a black feather.
Chicol turned into his humanoid form saying, "It doesn't exempt him for his crimes though."
"No. He murdered his step father and his new family. The new family was innocent." Lirika points out.
Nuriel sighed. "Not the step father."
This had Chicol and Lirika looking at him. Nuriel raised and eyebrow asking, "Yes?"
"Did you hear yourself Angel? Chicol exclaimed.
Nuriel shrugs and said, "I just stated a fact. His stepfather was not innocent. "
"Remind me that Angels now can have their own will?" Chicol remarked. "So weird for an Angel to have that kind of reason. It feels creepy."
Nuriel can't blame the Leidon of the Deceased because he himself is a bit surprised on how he thinks the past few days. He wonders, if Azrael has felt the same? These thoughts were not uncomfortable, they felt natural for him. As if, he has these thoughts in his brain but he never really said it our loud.
"So where we go?" Chicol asks.
"We are tailing the Twin Souls." Lirika replied. "There will be one soon."
Nuriel watches as paramedics and other police officers came entering the scene. "You do get a lot of reaping from the two huh?"
"You can say that. I don't enjoy it though, mostly black feathers." Lirika replied opening her clear plastic umbrella.
"I doubt any mortal who dies around the two will have a red feather Lirika." Nuriel points out.
The Lost Soul smiled sadly. She looks at the dead body of Jordan being placed on the stretcher and being hauled away then to Winston and Markle. "Despite not enjoying my reaping missions with the Twin Souls, I like seeing them."
Chicol and Nuriel in unison asked, "Why?"
Lirika gave the two a look and bluntly said, "Love. Unconditional and pure love."
Love. Romance. I don't know why she is thinking of that.
"If you stare too much, she might just melt" Chicol jabbed at me.
"I am sorry? I miss the reference." I said looking at him.
Chicol sighed and said, "Forget it Angel."
"Chicol. I have a question." I replied looking at Lirika again who is busy observing the two investigators who are currently discussing something in their office.
"When Lirika was still mortal. Has she ever fallen in love?" I asked my gaze turning to Chicol. The Leidon of the Deceased's red eyes widened and exclaimed. "What is up with that question?"
I looked at Lirika again and said, "I just wonder because she mentioned it. Lost Souls still retain their mortal memories and sometimes it reminds them of things when they were alive."
"Okay. What gives now?" Chicol asked with looking rather annoyed.
"You never questioned why?" I asked. Chicol rolled his eyes at me and said, "You know, you ask too many questions Angel. The answer there is no. If you are too curious. Go. Ask. Her."
Lirika watches as Markle fixes some papers on his table. She watches as Winston grabs a cup and poured hot water on it and asked, "Tea?"
"Thanks Win." Markle answers.
"What a day huh." Winston replied. "We still have one case, can we spare some time to make a visit to the possible unsub?" with that he handed the tea he prepared to Markle.
Markle accepts it with a smile. "Do we have time?"
"You know there is always time." Winston replied winking at him.
"How about paper work?" Markle asked.
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Winston sighed and said, "I don't think I can do another overtime just for paperwork."
Markle carefully takes Winston's hand and clasped it with his. He looks at him and said, "Then we don't do paperwork. That simple."
"Markle, we are still at work." Winston whispered .
"Not when you are looking like a dejected puppy." Markle replied teasingly.
Winston pouted and said, "I do not, but seriously."
Markle released his hold on Winston's hand. He then takes a sip of his hot tea and said, "We can skip the paperwork for today."
"Can we?" Winston said sighing. "I feel like the boss is gonna have our hide if we don't finish it today plus you know this next case."
"He can have our hide." Markle replied. "We are over worked. He should give us a vacation."
Winston pulls his chair from his desk and pulls it towards Markle's desk saying, "You are very brave today huh?" he sits down facing him. "I am very tempted of skipping the paper work."
"Uh-huh." Markle replied winking at him. Winston smirked saying, "We are still at work you know."
Markle leans closer saying, "Who is the one who decided to sit next to me looking like a dejected puppy huh?"
"I said I don't look like one."
"Yeah right." Markle replied. Winston simply smiled and in a very quick move, his lips lands on the other one. It was a very quick one. He then looks at the windows. He sighed. The blinds are closed. He is then suddenly pulled forward again. This time the kiss is longer and with longing. Winston could feel Markle's right hand snaking around his waist and his left hand around his nape.
Winston grabs Markle by the face and deepened the kiss.
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"Damn it. We do need a vacation" he thinks. He then released Markle's face and pushed Markle's chest a bit, breaking off the kiss and said. "We are still at work."
"Yeah. I just miss you." Markle replied. "I mean we live together but because of our work it feels like we don't live in one roof. When was the last time we had sex?"
Winston could feel his ears reddening. He playfully slaps his partner and lover on his shoulder, "Markle!"
"It was an honest question." Markle replied chuckling. Winston nudged his lover's nose with his and said, "Far too long? Like in a month?"
"We need a vacation. Not because we need sex, that is obvious but we are both burned out." Markle replied. He then pecked Winston's lips again.
Winston chuckled a bit. "After this one, we will demand one. Okay?"
"Definitely. " Markle replied. He doesn't want to relinquish his hold on Winston but he has too. They are after all at work. Still. He then goes back to fixing the papers on his desk and said, "Give me a second and let's go visit that unsub."
That blatant romantic and sensual act did not escape Nuriel. He just wanted to ask Lirika but he found himself watching the two alongside The Lost Soul.
"These two are not yet out as a couple in the force." Lirika comments.
"But why?" Nuriel asks.
Lirika takes a step towards the Angel. "Conflict of interest. They're co-workers, colleagues. If they go formal with their relationship, one has to transfer to a different department. Worst, a precinct."
"Is that bad?"
"Not really but they're Twin Souls. They were separated before because it was not decided if they're Twin Souls but it's a different story now. Separate them, then I would be reaping one of them."
Nuriel nods his head on that knowledge. He has heard of Twin Souls. They're very rare and Fates makes sure they stay together once met. He never dwelled on this since it was never the nature of Angels to pay attention to the concept of Twin Souls.
But, this fascination of Lirika on this concept just urged him more to ask what he has been curious about.
"Lirika, may I ask something?"
"What is it Nuriel?"
Nuriel focused his eyes on Lirika's violet colored orbs. He takes a deep breathe and asked, "Have you ever been in-love when you were still mortal?"
I admit, I was nervous when I asked. The question could be offensive or she could not answer it at all because it was sudden. Very out of the blue. Lirika's facial expression didn't change a bit when I dropped the question. Then again, Lirika is not that expressive. She talks in almost deadpan manner. The only reason I know she has emotions is her eyes. They will speak to you. Right now, her eyes says that she was surprised. That's it.
"Before I answer, why do you want to know?" she asks.
I scratched my head. "I am just wondering. You have mentioned this for the whole day. In all honesty, I am just wondering."
Lirika smiled a little and said. "I wished? I died young Nuriel you know that."
"Yes you did but not too young not to experience as we have witnessed." I said.
Lirika shakes her head. "Not that kind of love. What the Twin Souls have is deeper. I never experienced that. Have I fallen in love? Yes but nothing too deep. I was too busy with school and then I got seriously ill. The rest is history."
"Do you wish to have what the Twin Souls have?" I asked
What I saw next will be forever etched in my mind. Lirika's eyes suddenly glistened like she wanted to shed tears. She smiled forlornly and said, "I do Nuriel. I wished I had what they have."
I admit. Lirika's answer has taken me a back. I was kind of expecting a yes. Not a no with a longing.
I guess my perceptions of human beings are too general. I have assumed. Yes, I did. I have assumed that all mortals would have fallen in love at some point. With how Lirika, observed the two investigators, blatantly in-love with each other, one would think she is missing someone she has loved dearly. Not a parent or siblings. Not friends she has left behind. But a love so dear like the Twin Souls.
"I don't get that chance now. I don't think I will." Lirika replied. "This is why I watch over the Twin Souls, despite reaping the criminals they have encountered, to see their love for one another is... I admit I am envious of. Not the green kind of envy but an envy that I wished I had more time for that kind of love."
My thought of Azrael and of the Fafen Amaranth crossed my mind. Those two is an embodiment of star-crossed, forbidden lovers but by the grace of The Holy One is now given a chance to be together again. If only Azrael do something about his denial.
"Are you aware of Azrael's love? His love for a mortal?" I asked.
Lirika nods her head. I smiled at this. The way she shyly nod her head indicates that there is some sort of contradiction to what she just said.
I take her hand into mine and said, "You are aware so, don't get disheartened to fall in love even if you are now a Lost Soul."
Lirika's purple colored eyes met mine. She didn't say anything but I know her eyes says that I have lost my holy mind by saying it.
I may not know a lot about romance and love by mortal standards but I know enough and any being out there, any entity, even us celestials deserves to experience it.
Our discussion was disrupted as the Twin Souls starts to leave their office. Lirika followed them through her gaze. Chicol appeared besides Lirika saying, "It's almost time."
Lirika nods her head. She turns towards me saying, "Let's go Nuriel."
This case has been Winston and Markle's hands for a week now. As usual, murder is involved. The unsub they are now visiting for investigation is coming from the rich side of the city. The murdered victim is a woman in her late twenties and was working for a bank. She was last seen having dinner with a man named Reginald Kirst. Her name was Yvonne Lytlle.
Reginald Kirst. Mid-twenties, son of the wealthy Kirst Family. They own several real estate business around Dawn City. Including the apartment that Markle and Winston used to live in when they weren't together. They are a powerful family and the family and friends of the victim knew that if Reginald Kirst did indeed killed Yvonne Lytlle, definitely the young man will be able to get away with it. When did justice sided with the poor or the average? Never. Markle and Winston knew this. This is why after the case of Jordan Byte, they wanted to solve this one immediately.
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They were buzzed in by the security of the sky-rise apartment where Reginald Kirst lives. Diamond Kirst High-Rise. Of course, he would be living in one of the expensive high-rise apartments his family owned.
"I feel under dressed" Winston muttered as they ride the elevator. Markle chuckled at this but never commented. He could not because the security personnel that looked like a mercenary was right behind them listening intently to them.
The elevator stopped at the 50th floor. Penthouse. Of course, Reginald Kirst would live at the Penthouse. Winston and Markle stepped out the elevator and was greeted by a frosted-glass door. The security with them, stepped forward and walked towards the biometrics installed on the right side of the door. He pressed several numbers and a beeping sound was heard.
The frosted-glass door opened and there stood another security personnel. This security personnel ushered the two in. They were led to this gaudy looking living room. Porcelain chairs and table, animal print rugs, expensive looking glass vases that looked like imported from Spain. On one of the lounge chairs sits, Reginald Kirst. He is dressed in this 3-piece suit dark navy suit, his brush-up hair still look impeccable. He has a glass of wine on his right hand. As he sees Winston and Markle, he smiled.
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"Hello there investigators! Wanna have a drink first? Scotch? Brandy? Or do you prefer this wine I am drinking?" Reginald said.
"No in all three." Winston replied. "Mr. Reginald we are here to question you more about the death of Ms. Yvonne Lyttle."
Markle nod his head saying, "Thank you for allowing us to do this despite your busy schedule."
Reginald smirked saying, "I am a very busy man and definitely don't have time to murder anyone." he then points his glass to the chairs beside his saying. "Please have a seat. You two looks like my subordinates reporting their sales for the day."
Markle nudged Winston to seat but the silver-haired man refused to. Markle sighed. When Winston is in this kind of mood, a mood where he feels like something is going to happen, he refused to relax. So it's usually him who bridge the gaps in this situation. He took the offer of their suspect and sat down. Winston didn't even bat an eye at him.
"Sir?" Reginald asks.
"Don't mind me, I prefer to stand." Winston replied curtly.
Markle cleared his throat and said. "Mr. Kirst. You said, you had dinner with Ms. Lyttle around 8PM on the 5th of August."
"I did."
Winston gives Reginald a look and said. "Was that a date Mr. Kirst?"
"You can say that. She is a gorgeous young woman." Mr. Kirst replied
Markle knew where Winston is going with the question and asked, "Where did you meet her?"
"Hmmm. Here." Reginald Kirst replied.
Markle and Winston looked at each other and said in unison, "Here?"
Reginald smirked further and said, "Yes. She and a staff here used to be together."
"Are you trying to say..." Winston replied.
"That I stole her away? Maybe?" Reginald Kirst replied haughtily. "Look, that guy was a loser. He doesn't deserve her. He was just a mere staff here."
Markle wanted to roll his eyes at him but he was able to stop himself. Winston heaved a sigh and said, "When did you start seeing Ms. Lyttle?"
"Hmmm, probably after she and that loser had a big fight. They were creating a ruckus outside of the building. Like in front of the entrance. I just came from a meeting."
Winston puts his hand inside his pant's pockets and said, "Did they break up there?"
"Didn't bother. Didn't ask. All I know that was a window opportunity for me." Reginald replied taking a sip of his wine.
Markle frowns and said, "So you never knew if they have really broken up that night?"
"Nope and I don't care. Like I said, he is a loser. Why would I care?" Reginald replied.
Winston was the one who could not stop himself and rolled his eyes at him. "You should. Have you ever thought that this staff could have a grudge on you?"
Reginald chuckled at this saying, "My security is the best. He won't get an inch close to me."
As he said this, there was a beeping sound heard. Winston unclasped his gun from the holster saying, "Do you have other appointments besides us?
"Uh... no." Reginald replied putting his glass of wine on the table in front of him.
Markle stands up, he too unclasp his gun from his holster. He and Winston has this uncanny ability to sense danger before it happens and they both can sense it now.
From the corner, they saw the security personnel entering and behind him this disgruntled young man. He looked like he hasn't slept in days. Eyes bloodshot. He is holding a gun at the back of the security personnel's head.
"You!" Reginald exclaimed pointing at the young man.
"Sir, sir, may I know who you are?" Winston asked, taking a step forward. Markle automatically moved in front of Reginald.
The young man was glaring at Reginald. His eyes were furious. "Fuck you, rich asshole."
"You have the nerve! You loser." Reginald exclaimed.
Winston glared at Reginald Kirst. He then looked at the young man before him saying, "Sir, please calm down. May I know your name?"
"D-Devon. I am Yvonne's boyfriend." the young man exclaimed. He pressed the gun at the security personnel's head saying, "I am here for Kirst."
"We can see that. We can talk this over without blood spilling Devon." Winston replied. He know if he reached for his gun right now, things can go south.
Devon let out a shaky laugh saying, "Too late for that."
This had Reginald saying. "You killed Yvonne! You fuck! These two thought I did it! But it was you!"
"SHUT UP KIRST! THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" Devon screamed pulling the trigger. The security personnel dropped down the floor with a bullet through the head.
Markle quickly got out his gun and points it at Devon saying, "Devon!"
"I love Yvonne. She is mine. But you stole her from me Kirsy, you fuck!" Devon exclaimed his gun aiming at Kirst who is being blocked by Markle like a human shield.
"Devon, calm down. You didn't mean to kill Yvonne right?" Winston replied stepping a bit towards Devon.
"No, no. no! I didn't mean too. But she said didn't love me anymore but I love her. I can't... I can't let her go." Devon exclaimed tears streaming from his eyes. "But she belittled me! That bitch! My Yvonne is gone and it's because of this asshole!"
Reginald grits his teeth stepping out of Markle's shield exclaiming, "Why you fuck!"
"Mr. Kirst!" Markle exclaimed in surprise. Devon pulls the trigger again.
Like in slow motion. Winston shouted at Markle, as Markle grabbed and pulled Reginald Kirst down, he felt the bullet grazing him on the shoulder. Devon rushed forward and is about to shoot again when another gunshot is heard. Devon felt searing pain in his arm. He then found himself being tackled to the ground, the gun in his hand flying off and another one pointed at him.
Winston's fiery eyes meet bloodshot ones.
"Devon, stay down! You are under arrest for the murder of Yvonne Lytlle. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you." Winston exclaimed as he handcuffed Devon's wrists together. He then kicked Devon's farther from his reach.
My eyes widened at the scene I saw. Everything happened so fast to the human eyes but celestials like me, we see every minute and seconds of it. I watched as Winston shoots Devon in the arm to disable him, how quickly he handcuffed the poor soul and how fast he is at Markle's side.
"Markle! Are okay? I will call paramedics!" Winston exclaimed crouching down to where Markle and Reginald is.
Markle shakes his head. He lift his right arm showing a tear in his shoot, there was a bit of blood oozing from the wound. Winston's worriedly grabbed his arm saying, "You are bleeding!"
"I am fine Win. It is just a graze. I will live." Markle replied.
"Tsk. It is still a wound. You could have been shot!" Win exclaimed angrily. His gaze darts to Reginald and exclaimed. "Your disregard of rules and the lives of others has put your life and my partner's life's in jeopardy! Your security personnel is also dead!"
Markle carefully places his hand on Winston's shoulder saying, "Win calm down. It's okay. We got our killer. I'll radio this in." with that he carefully stands up ignoring Reginald who is still on the floor looking shocked.
Devon is also still on the floor moaning in pain. He is also sobbing from pain, from guilt, from sorrow. These emotions flowed through me. I also felt love. Love for the girl he has killed and loved truly only to be betrayed. It is tragic and excruciatingly painful to see how a human can do evil things for love but also it is beyond beautiful to see how mortals can do for love,
The worry and the dread that Markle could have been shot and killed filled the thoughts of Winston. I know based on how strong these emotions are, these thoughts has been crossing the silver-haired's mind. Constantly. And there is love, this love that mixed within that worry and dread. It overflows.
I looked at Lirika. She has a gray colored feather on her hand.
"We are done here." she says.
I merely nod my head.
I spare one more look at Winston and Markle. Winston holding the grazed arm of Markle like a lifeline. The sounds of sirens can be heard. Soon this place will be overflowing with police officers and paramedics. We can't be seen. We are invisible to the human eye though Lirika did mention that Markle and Winston, being Twin Souls can sense us otherworld beings from time to time we are still to the general population, a figment of imagination.
"Are you coming Nuriel?" Lirika asks.
"Go ahead. I want to stay. I know where to find you."
It took almost 2 hours for statements to be taken, for the clean-up, everything, that includes Markle's graze wound to be cleaned and dressed up. I seriously want to deck the living daylights of Kirst. If he didn't agitate Devon, this wouldn't happen. What a fucking prick.
Yes. I am pissed. Yes, it's normal that we get into situations like this, we try to avoid getting hurt and we are good at it. For some reason, we manage to protect each other from having holes in our body. The worst we have is a bullet graze. Markle got a bullet graze, it was not that deep but what happened back there was close. Too close.
Fucking Reginald Kirst.
I sighed. What a long night. I can imagine the paper work we have to do tomorrow.
"Win, let's go home. I need a long hot bath." Markle replied trying to lighten the mood. "And I want you in that bath too." he whispers to me.
I stared at him. Seriously Markle but I couldn't help but smile a bit there. I slowly stand up from the chair I am sitting. I gave Reginald Kirst. Boy, he looked pissed with all the blood and what not staining his gaudy living room. I hope the press eats him alive.
Markle's phone rang as we walks towards the elevator. He picks it up. I could hear our superiors voice at the end. He sounded angry. Markle frowned.
Between the two of us Markle is the gustier one in standing up to authority so I know, oh I know what he will be saying,
"Sir, you can read our report tomorrow. Yes. Sir. Tomorrow." Markle pressed his tone clipped. "Sir with all due respect, we are not doing overtime. I am hurt. Winston is severely exhausted. I am too. We will send the report to you tomorrow. Oh and expect a vacation leave form from the both of us tomorrow."
That last part had me chuckling. Oh Markle.
"Yes sir. We need a vacation. If you can't give it to us maybe the Commissioner perhaps?" Markle exclaimed knowingly. He gives me a look and winked.
The Commissioner. Of course. He has always favored us because we get things done. Our track records made us a favorite of his. Why I haven't thought of that?
Markle ended the call as we entered the elevator. As the elevator doors closed. Markle slowly, intertwined our pinkie together. He did it in a way the CCTV camera won't see. He then whispered, "Let's go somewhere on our vacation okay?"
I just not nod my head and smiled at him. If we weren't on duty I would have kissed him right then and there.
We arrived at our apartment. It was a 30 minute drive from where we were. Winston took the wheel this time and I could see he was in a hurry to get home. I don't blame him. I am too.
We ordered take out first of course, we are too tired to cook and besides whatever energy I have right now, I am not wasting it on cooking. I rather spend it on someone. This someone who agreed to take a bath with me and whose head and upper body currently laying on my chest in this very bathtub.
"Not in the bathtub Markle." Win replied. "We are eating first too."
I chuckled. Win can be such a diva. Even in moments like this but that is what I love about him.
"If that is the case, we better get out of here and eat." I said, poking his cheek.
Winston pouted. "Wherever we going for the vacation, better have a jacuzzi."
"Aye, aye sir." I said kissing his forehead.
After 10 minutes, we got out of the bath. Win didn't bother getting into his sleepwear and just wore a bathrobe. If that isn't a sign I don't know what is. I also decided to wear a bathrobe for modesty sake but knowing that after dinner, modesty will be the least in our minds.
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Win and I decided to eat in the bedroom. He sets up a tray and placed our take-out food there. I carried two bottles of beer and placed them on the bedside table.
"I miss home cooked food." Win replied placing the tray on the bedside table. He hands me my take-out food. I took it from him and said, "If you want, I can find a rental home near the beach with a jacuzzi and a working kitchen. We can totally cook."
Win gave me an endearing smile and said, "I love that idea."
He then take a bit of his food. I did the same. If I am going to be honest, I am hungry for something else but I also respect Win's pace. With what happened a while ago, I know I scared him. Well, the situation scared him. I, too got scared. I know this job will probably claim my life in the future. I was ready for that, but when me and Winston got together even as partners at work, I feared of leaving this mortal plane. I fear leaving him behind or even him leaving me behind.
Ah. I was lost in thought. Win slowly takes a huge gulp of his beer as he puts his food container back on the tray. Mine is still quite full but I don't care. I don't care for beer either. Winston has probably sensed this, he takes the food container from my hand and placed it besides his on the tray.
I then feel his hand on my face directing it to look at him. I smiled. My dearest Win.
"I love you." he whispered.
I pulled him close to him, my lips meeting his. How, I love this man in all my being. I pulled him further into me. He was soon on my lap. My hands wandered to the waist, trying to untie the belt of the bathrobe. Win pulled from the kiss raising an eyebrow at me.
"What?" I asked.
"We can't... I mean, I want too but we can't..." Win stammered. So cute. He gets so shy when he needs to say things about out sexual activities but I can understand what he meant.
I kissed him on the forehead and said, "I know. No kinks, no second round. We need to report early tomorrow for the report."
I felt myself being pushed down on the bed. Win straddled me, removing the belt of his bathrobe and said, "Who said no kinks tonight?"
Ahhh. Looks like he is in that mood.
"I'll do everything tonight okay my one."
I smirked. I really do love him.
I automatically left when the two decided to be intimate. I suddenly felt shy. I am a celestial. Things like this should not bother me. We, celestials sees everything. Even your most intimate moments so this, is nothing new. I don't know why I felt shy all the sudden. It was a new feeling.
Actually. No. It was not.
I have felt this shyness before. I just refused to acknowledge it because I was an Angel. I had my duties, I was Azrael's right-hand Angel. But it was there. that feeling.
It was because of her.
Her who I started noticing and wanting to be near with. Her that I decided to guard her with all my celestial existence because I want her safe. Always.
This shy feeling. This is not shyness.
My wonders about mortal love and romance? I wonder about them when in fact I am feeling these emotions already.
I feel it because of her.
"Nuriel you are back"
I stopped. I was thinking too deeply that I didn't know I was already where Lirika is. Back to her usual spot in the mortal realm. A semi-forest type of a park in the middle of the city. She stands there with her back at me but she noticed my presence.
She turned around and said, "I know you have been wondering things about human love and what not. Have you found your answer?"
I smiled at her. I land myself near her and said, "I have and the answer was a beautiful one."
"That is good then."
I love her and I know, I will do everything and even offer my immortal celestial life just to make sure that she is safe and be by her side as she fulfills her destiny.
The End
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