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12 Dawns Vol. 2: Chapter 1 - Balai Lunaria

The skies has started to dim. They are losing daylight as time goes by. She frowns as she heard laughter and people talking in the distance.

"What the actual..." she thinks as she sees a group of people with cameras, lights and what nots in the distance.

She clenched her fist and said, "This is not good. I thought we are the only ones here?"

"I thought so too, Iiya." a guy besides her suddenly said.

"Altalune. Remember?" she quipped looking annoyed. The guy scratched his head and said, "Sorry"

She sighed. This is not good. First, they are running out time and now there are civilians in the area. She turns to the guy besides her and ask, "Bahgo, have you found the child yet?"

Bahgo shook his head, "Not yet. The kid has just had the ability to go incognito. An ability that just manifested now. Doesn't help that the mother is being a pain in the ass."

Ah. Yes. The mother. The mother was such a huge head ache from the get go. Bahgo and her assistant wondered at first how the mother stumbled upon the balai. The mother was very uncooperative and just wanted to solve the matter with her child immediately. However, there is no easy way to solve the matter, since her child is special.

"What to do?" Bahgo asks.

"Well, if it comes to that, we do a memory spell." she exclaimed raking her hands over her hair. She then looks at the group of people in the distance and noticed something or rather someone. He is sporting this dark purple hair that reaches his neck. Besides him is another guy, he has short silver hair.

She face palmed. She knows them, of all people, why them?

Bahgo noticed her realization and said, "Wow, I don't know if it's just mere coincidence but you keep bumping into them."

"Shut-up Bahgo."

"I am just saying, this will be the third time you will put a memory spell on them, especially on him." Bahgo quipped giving her a look.

She sighed and said, "Like I have a choice? Anyway, do find the kid please. Time is running out really fast."

Bahgo merely nod his head at this and disappeared. She looked at the sky again and muttered, "Come on kid, show yourself."

A few days ago

Iiya of Balai Lunaria. A name that rang like warning at the same time a relief for a lot people who know who she is and what Balai Lunaria is.

She sits there in the garden with a book in hand. Her long, split colored hair of brown and pinkish hue slowly being blown by the soft breeze. Her purple colored eyes, darts from the pages of the book she is reading to the person before her.

"Yes, Bahgo?" she asks.

The man before her, give her a knowing look with his dark eyes. His tucked a bit of strands of his long black hair behind his right ear and said, "We have a situation."

Iiya's eyes moves swiftly to the huge dark oak wooden doors that connects the garden to the main hall. She puts her book down on the coffee table and asks, "Lindaya hasn't welcome them in yet?"

"Not yet. There is something not right." Bahgo answered.

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Iiya snaps her fingers and the huge oaken doors opens slowly. She stands up and walks towards it, her long purple skirt billowing slightly across her ankles. Bahgo follows her from behind quietly.

Pass the doors, is a well lit cobbled wall corridor. The ambience and environment changes drastically from the sunny, windy garden to the cold emanating walls of this corridor that Iiya and Bahgo walks through.

A minute pass, they were out of the corridor and into a great hall. Iiya and Bahgo turned right and pass through a shorter corridor and out to another hall, smaller than the first. She stops in front a young woman. She has this long blonde hair, tied in a low ponytail. She bowed down before Iiya.


"There is a mother and child behind the doors." Lindaya remarked her light-brown eyes darting towards a black door.

Iiya looked at the door and then she feels it. "How did the mother find us if she is skeptical?" she asks out loud.

"I knew you would feel it. It feels suspicious. Plus the child. The child is seemingly..." Lindaya replied her voice trailing off.

"Touched Magic" Bahgo remarked.

Iiya frowned. A Touched Magic child. A child. A weakness of hers. How can she say no? She waves her hand over the door whispering, "Lunaria, welcomes you."

The door opens and there stands a woman in her early forties. She looked a bit angry and the child besides her looks very distraught and in verge of tears. The woman upon seeing them frowns further and said, "I had been waiting here with my son for almost an hour! What service is this?"

"Mam, I just had you waiting for 20, not an hour." Lindaya points out."

Iiya raises her right hand signaling Lindaya not to speak further. She then looks at the woman and said, "I welcome you to Balai Lunaria, Mrs. Rubio"

The woman, Mrs. Rubio stiffens. "You know me?"

"Balai Lunaria knows. Please come in." Iiya replied knowingly.

Mrs. Rubio steps in clutching her bag on one hand and gripping her child's hand in another. The young boy who looks no more than 5 years old winced slightly. She is gripping too hard for the boy's liking.

As they enter the hall, the doors behind them shut and disappeared. Mrs. Rubio gasped upon seeing it. Her grip on her child tightened. Iiya sensed the discomfort of the mother and child, especially the child. She looks at Mrs. Rubio and as calm as she can, points to the woman's right hand holding the child and said, "I understand the discomfort but do not pass it upon your child."

Mrs. Rubio gulps and instantly released her hold on the young boy.

Iiya then mentions them to follow her. Iiya, Bago and Lindaya leads the mother and child to a staircase on the left. They all climbed the stairs slowly though, Iiya feels that Mrs. Rubio is somewhat in a haste. Like she wanted things over and done.

"There is something definitely wrong"


On the second floor, Iiya leads everyone to her office. It was a large room. She approached her black ivory desk, Bago pulled the ornate wooden chair and she carefully seats on it. She looks at Lindaya and says, "Have Naandante bring coffee and tea here."

Lindaya bows down and leaves eyeing the mother and the child. Iiya motion to Mrs. Rubio that they can seat down on the chairs in front of them facing her desk. Mrs. Rubio, takes her child by the hand again and help it seat on the chair and then she seat down right besides him.

"I will not beat around the bush Mrs. Rubio. Your child is touched magic." Iiya said looking the young boy.

"Touched magic? Is that what they call it?" Mrs. Rubio asks looking at her son.

Iiya nods her head. "Yes. You know of this. The problem lies with this right?"

The mother sighs. "Something is after my son. My Juanito."


"Yes. It is definitely not human. It's like a spirit? A demon? I don't know." Mrs. Rubio exclaimed.

Bahgo frowns. Spirits and demons are not common to go after touched magic people but a touched magic child? "Do you have any idea why your son is being targeted?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Mrs. Rubio exclaimed almost in panic.

Iiya looks at the mother, her eyes stern. There is something about the mother that bothers her. She taps her long fingernail on her desk to catch the attention of the mother which worked because Mrs. Rubio's head snapped towards her direction

"Mrs. Rubio. Your son is indeed touched magic BUT what kind of?" Iiya replied.

"Uhh.. he sees things. You know, engkantos, elves, spirits and the likes." Mrs. Rubio answered.

"And?" Iiya pressed.

Mrs. Rubio frowns. Her body stiffened.

"Mrs. Rubio, this thing will not be after Juanito if he just can see things" Bahgo replied frowning.

"I can read minds and see colorful shapes" the young boy replied softly.

Iiya and Bahgo's eyes widened. Mrs. Rubio grits her teeth saying, "Juanito! This is an adult conversation, what did I tell you?"

"Mama... you won't say it." Juanito replied almost whining.

Iiya taps her fingernail again on her desk saying, "Mrs. Rubio, if you want Balai Lunaria to help you. You have to be honest with us."

"It is not easy to talk about it!" Mrs. Rubio exclaimed. "My son, I never thought Juanito will develop something like this."

Iiya looks at the young boy, Juanito. The boy still looks like he wants to cry. A clairvoyant, sees auras and telepathy. This boy has the potential to be a powerful psychic.

Powerful psychics are a huge targets for entities like malevolent spirits and worst, demons. She herself knows this. She has always been touched magic at a tender age.

"Juanito. You hear me right?"

The boy's eyes widened. He looks at Iiya in surprise, his mouth agape.

"Shh. Calm down Juanito. I am here to help." Iiya replied back smiling. Juanito nods his head and replied back, "My mother doesn't want to come here, but she had no choice."

Iiya looks at Bahgo at this information. What they felt before was confirmed. The mother, Mrs. Rubio is filled with hesitancy. If you to seek Balai Lunaria's help, your heart and soul should not dither. The Balai answers to pleas of desperation of those who needs it. This woman does not fit the bill.

"It's you Juanito. You sought us right?" Iiya talked to the boy.

Juanito mentally nod his head.

Iiya doesn't need convincing anymore. She will help this boy.

"Look, will you help us?" Mrs. Rubio asked almost in a demanding tone. Iiya sharply looked at the mother. Balai Lunaria usually trifles to help. It chooses carefully who to help. If weren't for Juanito, the balai would definitely refuse this one. "Balai Lunaria will help you Mrs. Rubio but I need you to be honest."

Mrs. Rubio stiffens further. Iiya smiles and said, "Also, I need you to allow your son to speak and share since he is the one who is in dire need of help." then her smile drops and continues, "Not. You."

The tension suddenly thickens inside the room for a bit and was broken when Lindaya came in with a man as tall as Bahgo. He has short hair and bright blue eyes. Mrs. Rubio actually got stunned upon seeing this man. He is carrying a tray of coffee, while Lindaya carries the tray of tea and a glass of juice.

"Ah Naandante, Lindaya, thank you" Iiya chirped as she nods at the young man. Bahgo took the tray from Naandante asking, "Mrs. Rubio, coffee or tea?"

"T-tea please." Mrs. Rubio answers. Lindaya approached Mrs Rubio. The older woman, took a cup of tea from the tray.

Juanito stared at the glass of juice on the tray and asks, "Is that for me?"

Lindaya nods her head. She hands the glass of juice to the boy saying, "Drink it up. I know you are thirsty"

As the boy drinks her juice, Lindaya and Naandante placed the trays at a coffee table near the wall and like clockwork the two of them, walk towards the desk. Naandate standing besides Bahgo and Lindaya aligning herself besides Iiya.

The hot cup of coffee in Iiya's moon decorated cup steamed before her. She carefully lifts it up to her lips and takes a sip and said, "Now, Juanito, can you please tell us, tell us everything."
Credits: Pinterest


At present

The amusement park is too big. Way too big for a child to wander into. Way too big for a child to get lost. Especially if that child is touched magic who is in danger of being kidnapped and consumed by an evil engkanto.

Based on Juanito's story, he first encountered the engkanto at his school. He felt its presence during physical education class. He was able to ignore it's existence at first, but the engkanto's presence got stronger and stronger that it was already impossible to ignore. It followed him anywhere he goes. The first time it attacked him was at home. Juanito was lucky enough to fight it off whatever powers he has.

Iiya, formulated a plan to draw out the engkanto somewhere spacious and void of people. So she thought of this amusement park who based on Lindaya's research will be closed today for maintenance. She made it sure, that it would be a full moon where the powers and energies of the other world is strong. Where the veil that separates the world of the unknown and of the mortals is thin.

The amusement park is big and has wide open spaces, enough to move around especially if it is empty. It is also very open and out of the city, meaning super clear skies and you can see the full moon clearly. Everything was going into plan, except that Juanito manifested another form of ability.

Credits: Pinterest

Invincibility. The ability to become incognito. It manifested when Mrs. Rubio got angry at Juanito because the boy accidentally tripped on his feet while running around. The scolding triggered the anxiety of the little boy. That instant, the boy's aura changed and slowly disappeared before their eyes.

At first, they thought that he was being spirited away the engkanto, only to realize that it was Juanito's newly manifested ability. Finding the boy should be easy but Juanito's incognito also means, masking his aura not even the likes of Bahgo or even Iiya could find without trouble.

Iiya in her glamour or disguise, Altalune takes a deep breathe and split the group into two. Naandante and Lindaya went together to search the south ad west part, while she and Bahgo searched the rest. Mrs. Rubio on the other hand stayed with them.

"Miss Altalune, sunlight is gone. Where is my son?" Mrs. Rubio asked almost in an angry tone. "I don't know why Iiya is not here to oversee."

Of course. Mrs. Rubio is unaware the woman before her, the woman called Altalune is also Iiya. As much as possible, Iiya disguises herself into different personalities whenever she goes on a mission. She tries to limit her encounters to normal humans as Iiya. A precaution.

Altalune is one of her popular disguise or glamour per se. The other side of the moon. As Iiya, she is graceful and foreboding but as Altalune, she is mysterious and fierce. Intimidating.

"Mrs. Rubio, will you kindly shut-up? We are in this predicament because of you." Altalune snaps.

Note. Iiya tries to be respectful as she can. Altalune? Her tongue holds no bar.

"Altalune, we found him!" Lindaya's voice echoed through her mind. She drew breathe and responded, "Good job Lindaya. Where is he?"

Bahgo squints his eyes and points towards the group of people before them. "There."

Altalune grits her teeth. "Fuck."


"Okay everyone. Stand by, we will be shooting in five!" The director exclaimed.

He sighed. He is tired. They have been shooting since this early morning. He just want to be this over, go home and sleep. He combed his hands through his dark purple hair with another sigh

"Hey El." a guy as tall as him, with silver hair called out.

He smiled weakly at his bandmate Syl. "You okay El?" Syl asks as he taps his hand on El's right shoulder.

"I am fine Syl. I am just exhausted." El answered with a yawn.

Syl stretched his arms and said teasingly, "Well, who agreed to pull off this music video in a day huh?"

"Definitely not me!" their band mate KP chirped in. He was sitting down on the cold hard cemented floor. His black hair glinting with some glitter.

"KP, you idiot! You are gonna get your clothes dirty." El exclaimed looking annoyed. KP grinned sheepishly at him, "Don't change the subject El. You haven't answered Syl's question."

"Yeah El, who agreed to this again?" Syl asks as he drapes his arms around El.

El taps Syl playfully on the chest and responded, "It's me okay? I got us into this."

Syl was about to comment something when he spot two of their members; Io and Jobst. You can spot Jobst from far away, not because he is the tallest but because of his pinkish blonde hair. Next to him is Io, looking tired as hell also. He brushed a leaf off his dark brown hair, his light blonde highlights glinting with glitter powder similar to KP.

"Oi, Io, you wearing your glasses already?" KP asks standing up.

"My eyes hurts so bad already. I need to rest it from the contact lenses." Io replied. He then looks at El saying, "I talked to the director and to our manager, so don't fret on it."

"They agreed you will shoot the last scenes with you wearing your glasses?" El asks with a raised eyebrow.

Io nods his head. "Yeah, either that my eyes go red and irritated." he the nudged Jobst to help him out. Jobst grinned saying, "Don't worry El, Io still looks cool with his glasses on besides a lil bit of change is not gonna hurt the theme."

"Boys, ready! Shoot in two!" their manager hollered at them.

El claps his hand saying, "Come on boys, last stretch and we can call it a day."

"Ummm, are we shooting with the kid?" Io asks pointing to a young boy standing near their shooting set.

"I didn't put a kid in the script." Jobst said. As he said that, El frowns. Io may be blind as a bat and even as a four eyes, there is indeed a kid standing near their set.

The staff and the production crew noticed the young boy too.

"Okay, who is the kid?" the director asks. "Someone get the kid out."

"Someone find the parents please!" El exclaimed looking worried. The boy is seemingly crying and looks terrified.

Syl frowns. Why is no one approaching the kid? What are the staff doing?

"For fuck sakes guys." Syl commented as he walks towards the boy. El follows him silently. Before they could even take a few more steps, the wind started to blow heavily and there is this haunting screech was heard.

Everyone including the boy covered their ears. The wind got stronger, like there is some sort of a typhoon.

"What the fuck is going on?" El almost shouting, Syl shrugged his shoulders. The wind is blowing their clothes and hair everywhere. El and Syl looked at each other and they knew that whatever if happening, is not normal.

"Damn this fucking weather!" The director exclaimed.

"The boys need to have their hair re-touched and the clothes!" their manager exclaimed her eyes wandering everywhere.

El frowns saying, "That is the least of our problem!"

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!" a voice boomed from behind.

All of them turned around. They see this a young woman with long blue-ish hair barging through. Syl stepped away from her path but El, El was just rooted on the spot.

The young woman pushes El away by shoving him aside by her hand. El stumbled sideways, only to caught by Syl.

"El you okay?" Syl ask as he tries to balance and help El to his feet. El simply nod his head as he watches the young woman ran towards the young boy.


In her peripheral vision, she sees El falls back from her push, she will apologize later. Right now, she needed to get to Juanito. The haunting screech and these strong winds, are an indication that the engkanto is about to attack.

As she reached Juanito, she pulls the boy behind her. She stretches her hand towards the sky and chanted, "Luna servo! Protego!"

A blast of light appeared before her hand as a dark, ghoulish creature appeared attacking them. The blast of light hits the creature making it howl in pain.

"Bahgo! Get the child!" Altalune barked.

On cue, Bahgo appeared behind her, he didn't waste his time, he carried the boy in his arms and disappeared once more.

"You!" the creature, engkanto screeched at her. "How dare you get in my way!"

Altalune smirked at the engkanto who is hovering a few inches above her. Her plan worked. This engkanto won't miss the opportunity of a lifetime to attack and take away Juanito.

"Let me ask you engkanto, why the little boy?" Altalune asks.

"I do not need to answer you, Mandirigma."

"Then pardon me, if this will be your last day." Altalune exclaimed crossing her arms with her fists closed.

The engkanto released a shrieking sound again as it dives towards her. Altalune clenched her fists and cried, "Ignis!"

Blazing fire surrounded Altalune and as she unclenched her fists, the fire engulfed the engkanto as it got nearer. She takes a half-step back a bit and with force, she punched the engkanto square in the jaw. This had the engkanto flying towards the trees with its body still burning.

"That was quick" Lindaya replied appearing before Altalune.

A haunting howl is heard again. Lindaya grimaced, "I take that back" she turns towards where the trees where the howl came from. The engkanto emerges from it, half of its body burnt.

"Give me the boy!"

"You obviously didn't get the memo."Altalune replied crossing her arms again.

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Credits: Getty Images

Panic. Fear. The engkanto feels it. He tilt his head and sees a group of people panicking and scurrying about. He is weak. He needed some nourishment to fight the mandirigma. What a perfect timing. He stretches his hand toward this group of people releasing a black cloud-like smoke,

"That damned engkanto!" Altalune exclaimed. She has totally forgotten about the other people. Lindaya materializes a bow and arrow saying, "Go Altalune, let me handle this first."

Altalune sprang into her feet, as she ran towards where El and the others are, she exclaimed, "Protego!"

The black cloud-like smoke seemingly stopped from spreading but Altalune knew that the shield won't hold. That cloud is an energy eating smoke and it can drain an mortal's life, worst suck it's soul. This engkanto that can survive an Ignis spell is definitely not low-level engkanto.

"HIDE! RUN! GET OUT OF HERE!" she screamed at them.


Syl upon hearing the woman screaming at them to run, he grabbed El's arm saying, "El! Come on!" however, El won't budge.

"El, what the fuck! Let's go!" Syl exclaimed looking at the black-like cloud just hovering there. It is just there almost near, almost touching them. 

His eyes darts towards, KP, Io and Jobst who has taken cover inside their trailer. He could see them peeking through the window. Jobst made a motion with his hand for them to hurry.

"Eion Havel!" Syl exclaimed tugging his friend harshly. "El!"

El who has finally broke his stupor, stammered "S-Syl. That i-is an e-engkanto."

"Alam ko! I don't even know why the fuck we are still here watching all of this like it's a shooting from a film!" Syl exclaimed as he drags El with him.

It did look like a shooting for a film, they were all in awe as they watch everything unfolds before them. This is not the first time, they have seen magic. They are now living an era where magic is true, real. An era where entities like engkantos and elves lives among them in human disguises. Where, touched magic people are considered special and sought after beings. 

El allowed himself to be dragged towards the trailer by Syl, but something inside him says he needed to watch. He forced himself to stop moving. Syl, almost tripped.

"Putangina El! Sasapakin na kita! Come on!" Syl exclaimed facing his friend who is now just standing there watching. The black cloud is no longer hovering, it is now moving towards them.

Syl huffed. He has this need to carry his friend so that they can get to safety, then he would but like a prayer answered, he didn't have to. Like a flash of light, the woman who was just fighting right awhile ago is now facing them.

"Didn't I say run? Get out?" the woman exclaimed looking furious. Her amethyst eyes boring at them. 

"I-" El stammered looking at her.

At this moment, Altalune had a feeling that El remembers her. She immediately turn around not wanting to look at those ebony eyes that she knows very well.  Altalune spreads her arm sideways, glaring at the black cloud. Sparks of light, appears on her hand as she whispers, "As of light, as of the power of night, to you I pray!"

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As she said this the full moon rises before her. She grits her teeth as she extends both of hands at the black cloud, in a loud voice she exclaimed, "Praeluceo!"

Blinding blind light engulfed the the black clouds and it disintegrates instantly. She then spares a glance at Lindaya, battling the engkanto with her bow and arrow. Her eyes gazes at El and Syl again, she points to the trailer saying, "For the love of Bathala. Get in the fucking trailer!" 

This time, El didn't need to be told twice. He gives Syl a look and both of them ran towards the trailer.

"Bahgo. Containment now. Leave Juanito with Naandante." Altalune ordered.


Bahgo looks at the young boy hugging his legs. Juanito still looks terrified. Who wouldn't? He kneels in front of the boy. He smiles fondly at it. 

"Juanito stay with Naandante okay? I need to go assist Altalune."

Juanito nods his head and chirped, "You are talking about Ms. Iiya right?"

"So, you can see beyond the glamour huh? Good boy." Bahgo replied patting the boy on the head. "Just don't tell anyone okay?"

"Yes Kuya Bahgo."

Bahgo stands up saying in diwata language, "Naandante du vet hva du skal gjΓΈre. Hvis moren prΓΈver Γ₯ gjΓΈre noe som kan sette dette oppdraget i fare ytterligere. Forbanne henne. "

Translation: "Naandante you know what to do. If the mother tries to do something that could jeopardize this mission further. Curse her."

Naandante simply nod his head as he takes Juanito by the hand and in the blink of an eye, Bahgo is gone.


Bahgo appears before Altalune. Altalune didn't spare no word at him. He knows what to do. He scans the area. He kneels on the ground, and chanted, "Gjennom kraften i meg, beskytt og skjold, Extremus Protego!" (Translation:  Through the power in me, protect and shield, Extremus Protego).

A transparent shield envelops the area where the civilians are. It has this bluish tint. Bahgo looks at Altalune saying, "All set."

"Make sure the barrier holds." Altalune said winking at him, she then vanished and reappeared besides Lindaya. 

Lindaya released a fire arrow at the engkanto who managed to evade it. "Altalune, is everyone secure?" 

"Yes, get to cover with Bahgo. I'll take it from here." Altalune replied stepping forward eyeing the engkanto hovering above them.

"Don't over exert yourself. Haleth will be pissed." Lindaya remarked as she dissaparate.

"Mandirigma, why do you always get away with what I want?" 

Altalune smirks. She doesn't have to answer that. Dark engkantos are a threat to mortals and touched magic alike. They feed, curse and kill. As per her training back then, it was drilled into her brain, never show mercy unto them. 

"I will kill you Mandirigma!" the engkanto snarled as it attacks Altalune with it's gnarly claws. Altalune simply evades them. She, managed to grab the engkanto's arm and she cried, "Ignis!"

The engkanto screamed in pain as the fire spread over his arm. Altalune, grips the arm tighter and with force, she rips it apart with a sickening sound. This had the entity scream further. Taking advantage of the close proximity of the entity, Altalune crosses her arms again, her eyes glowing silver.

The air around her got thicker and denser. The moon above rose higher and brighter. The engkanto's eyes widened. It could sense the emerging power coming from the woman before him. He recognized this power. It feels familiar. The engkanto, tried to escape but couldn't. Something, an energy is trapping him there.

"Who are you Mandirigma?"  

"Someone you shouldn't have messed with from the beginning." Altalune responded her tone foreboding. 

That is when the engkanto knew who she is. He finally saw through the glamour. "Ikaw! Mandirigmang Babaylan!"

Altalune, unfolds her arms, her voice vibrating in the wind, "Liberati Fatalis!" 

A bright purplish orb enveloped with greenish hue light surrounded the entity and there a loud explosion happened. So loud, it shook the whole amusement park and the dense air surrounding Altalune blasted all over the place.


The barrier shook a bit with the sheer force of the spell. Lindaya held her breathe for a second upon seeing the blast. It's like the first time, she saw Altalune, no... Iiya use that spell. A spell no touched magic or any babaylan let alone a mandirigmang babaylan can conjure. Only her. Only Iiya

"I have always thought that this spell is beautiful. Destructive but beautiful." Bahgo whispered as if he intended that only him could here but Lindaya heard it so well.

"Because it is her. It has always been her huh?" 

Bahgo merely smiled at this.

The explosion subsided and there stood Altalune, no entity in sight. She turns towards where Bahgo and Lindaya are and smiled. Mission done.

Bahgo dispels the barrier upon seeing that smile. Indeed, mission done. The boy is safe. For now. He then hears as trailer door opening. 

"Ah shit. How can we forget?"

From where Atalune is standing, she could see five boys emerging from the trailer. Not just them but the staff and crew who who hid from their respective hiding places started to emerge. She needs to act fast. Without bathing a breath, Altalune transport herself magically to where Bahgo and Lindaya are.

Amethyst meets ebony. 

"Why do I have a feeling I know you?"

"Here I am crossing path with you."

"Have I seen you somewhere?"

"Once more, just like the first, you need to forget me."

"I know you right?"

El could feel Syl nudging him. "Earth to El. Pre, tulala ka na naman."

"S-sorry. Everything is just so..." El couldn't finish what he is about to say as Altalune claps her hand trying to catch everyone's attention.

Lindaya waves her arm at everyone saying, "Hello! Everyone! We apologize for the ruckus. As per the agreement of The Veil and the World Government, we have to make sure all witness will not remember what has transpired here."

"We apologize, we do this to prevent post-traumatic stress disorder and safety for all witnesses. In, matter of minutes, everything here will be just a dream." Bahgo explained further.

"Or a forgotten memory" Altalune replied her gaze not leaving El's.

El suddenly feels like his heart is about to stop. "I won't remember this? You?"

His thoughts stops as Altalune snaps her finger in the air chanting, "Recedo Memoria!"


"All right!!! Shoot in five!" The director exclaimed.

El blinked his eyes. He looks at his bandmates who is just standing there like they just have awakened from sleep,

"Uh... that was weird." Syl muttered. He wanted to rub his eyes but he remembered he would ruin his eye make-up.

"Is it me or did I feel like I just had a dream but I am wide awake?" Jobst remarked shaking his head.

Io yawned saying, "You are not alone on there."

El shakes his head. Indeed it was weird. 

"Come on boys let's finish it. It's been a long day. We all know, we need some rest because tomorrow we will be flying to Singapore to kickstart our SEA tour."

"Fuck. I'm not even finished packing." KP exclaimed in panic.

El rolled his eyes at KP saying, "KP! Anak ka ng... don't tell me I have to help you pack?"

"Ehehehe please El? You know me. I might forget something." KP replied as he hugs El's left arm. 

"I'll also help." Syl remarked eyeing KP. "Knowing El, he would probably nag you while packing, so I'll be there to balance things out."

KP laughed at this saying, "Ahahaha you two are the best!"

"Shoot in two minutes! Boys, pwesto na dun!" the director barked.

As they walk towards the set, El noticed a young boy running towards a woman with long bluish hair. The woman, ruffled the boy's hair. The boy then walks towards an ageing woman, who looked stricken with worry.

"Whoah. That's the Altalune." Io exclaimed.

"Alta who?" El asks,

Syl snickered, "This is why you should look at your social media more El. Altalune. She's like the most sought after bodyguard by the stars and politicians alike." 

"She is said to be touched magic. She is bad-ass pre. You should see videos of her fighting" Io replied.

El looks at Altalune, as the woman talks to aged woman and by some weird force, Altalune turns towards where they are.

Ebony meets Amethyst.

"Goodbye boys, until next time?"

"Altalune huh?

"Bathala, what have fate set upon me that I am encountering them, especially him too many times now?"

"How curious"

"I leave it up to you fates."

El watches as the woman, Altalune walks away with the aged woman and young bow in tow.

"I wonder if our management can  hire her for our security." El replied, "Our fans are kind of getting wild and rabid recently. Also the threats."

Syl shakes his head. "Nah, I heard Altalune is not for hire. It is more like she chooses her clients." 


"Well she is employed by Balai Lunaria." Syl answered.

El's eyes widened. "Balai Lunaria? The Balai Lunaria?"

"Yes El. The Balai Lunaria" Syl replied eyeing him.


The full moon rises so brightly tonight. Iiya takes a breathe, in and out. What a long day. The case today bore good results. Juanito is safe and the mother? Mrs. Rubio will not remember anything of today and about Juanito's abilities.

By Juanito's permission, it was agreed if the mother is put under the spell of Recedo Memoria. A memory spell that erases people's memory of certain events. The mother stressing and anxiety of her son's condition add the unacceptance of magic is making the boy more stressed and it forces abilities to manifest earlier than expected.

By Iiya's decision, she offered Juanito an apprenticeship so that he can learn to control his ability.


"You are welcome to Balai Lunaria anytime Juanito." Iiya replied to the boy mentally. She then pins a moon brooch on the boy's shirt. "Just concentrate, think of the balai. A door will open no matter where you are and it will lead you here."

"Thank you po, Ms. Iiya." Juanito says as he looks at the brooch.

Credits: Pinterest

Iiya smiles and said, "This brooch also helps you mask your strong psychic abilities, so that no dark entities would come near you again."

This had Juanito grinning.

-End of Flashback-

"Iiya, dinner!" a voice called out. It was Naandante. 

She opens her eyes that she didn't realize that she has closed. She looks at the full moon before her. The soft glow blessing the balai's garden with an ethereal glow. She stands up, she could feel hunger pangs. In the back of mind, she hopes Naandante prepared any of her favorite dish tonight.

"Iiya, my lady!" a whispery voice calls out. 

 "Yes Haleth?" 

A willowy light appeared before Iiya. The voice spoke, "You used Liberatis Fatalis again."

Iiya chuckles. "Do not fret Haleth, my energy has not drained. You know, how much well versed I am using that spell."

"I am well aware but it's been awhile since you used it." 

"If it comforts you, I shall drink that energy potions you have prepared for me." Iiya commented. 

Credits: Pinterest

From the willowy light, emerged a bottle filled with bluish liquid. Iiya takes it and said, "Thank you Haleth. Join us for dinner please? It's a good evening for all of us to gather."

"As you wish my lady."

"Iiya! I prepared your favorite food! Veggies and tofu!" Naandante calls out again.

Iiya grins at this. She looks at the moon for the last time. Breathe in and out. Another day done and another evening of peace for them in Balai Lunaria.




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