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National Novel Writing Month 2021

I have finally gotten my writing mojo back and I am now going to participate in the National Novel Writing Month 2021 or NaNoWriMo 2021. I present:

This is the continuation of 12 Dawns VOL. I. Presenting new stories and more new characters are either linked with each other or just stand alone. Volume II will have 7 chapters all in all.

Chapter 1: Balai Lunaria
Chapter 2: Everlasting Flower
Chapter 3: Twin Souls
Chapter 4: Elemental
Chapter 5: Nuriel
Chapter 6: Nephilim
Chapter 7: NEW MOON

Here is a rundown of the main characters that will appear in VOLUME TWO:

Iiya Lunaria: A mysterious owner and proprietress of Balai Lunaria, an enigmatic venue that serves a healing place, private events place and much more. She has several aliases: Altalune, Elara, Artimisa, Lucine. Formerly known as Neoma. (New Character)
Lindaya: A fair-haired female assistant of Iiya. The go-to receptionist of Balai Lunaria (New Character)
Bahgo: The enigmatic butler and bodyguard of Iiya and serves administrative assistant of Balai Lunaria. (New Character)
Naandante: Balai Lunaria's cheery chef. (New Character)
Haleth: The mysterious gardener of Balai Lunaria who doesn't like showing herself too much. (New Character)
Seosaidh: Another mysterious person, who comes and goes inside Balai Lunaria and he seemed to be familiar with Bahgo. (New Character)
Amaranth: A cheery angel in training who is somehow connected to the Angel of Death, Azrael.
Azrael: The Archangel of Death who fell-in-love with Amaranth when she was still a mortal being.
Menakel: Former Angel of Peace, who is now Azrael's right-hand angel. He is on the course of guiding his Nephilim son into the person he would be.
Tiberius Oswald: A Nephilim who wonders who his parents were. Menakel's son. (New Character)
Nuriel: An Angel who is currently, assisting Lirika, Reaper of the Damned. Azrael's former right-hand angel.
Markle Moore: A police detective stationed in Precinct 12 in Dawn City. He has this innate ability to sense things unnatural. He and his partner (and lover) usually handle cases regarding serial killers and heinous crimes.  
Winston Everett: He is Markle Moore's partner and lover. They usually handle cases that involves serial killers and heinous crimes.
The Entity: A female entity that lives in a very old tree. (New Character)
Eion Havel Liwanag: He is leader of a popular rock band, EoE (Enclave Of Electrifying). He & his group became the newest client of Balai Lunaria. A bit sassy, smart and has a kind heart. (AKA: Havel/Vel)
Syllegno Nobleza: Member of EoE. Havel's closest friend in the band. Very friendly and talkative. (AKA: Syl)
Iosua Killian Pasco: Member of EoE. Energetic, gamer boy and brotherly type. (AKA: Io)
Keon Phil Tadeo: Member of EoE. Quiet, shy but savage. (AKA: K.P.)
Jobst Amor: Member of EoE. Pretty boy, sweet and the baby of the group. (AKA: Jobst / Yas)


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