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12 Dawns Vol. 1: Chapter Five - He, Him

Paradise. Paradiso. Heaven. So many names the mortal calls it. Humans have written and painted how Heaven looks like. They depicted it as endless clouds, bright and vast whiteness. It is where God and His Angels lived.

If only these mortals knew.

Paradise is not just endless clouds and vast whiteness. It’s the opposite. Paradise is colorful as the jungles in Earth. They have structures like buildings in Earth, each structures shaped like a dome. Each dome houses entities of Paradise.

Humans thought that only God and His Angels lived in Paradise along with the souls of the dead who went up there. Not exactly a false narrative. God and His Angels did live in Paradise but the souls of the mortals do not walk about in Paradise. They are all sealed in a structure called Sacred Torsvl. The souls there remain dormant and sleeping in like dreamless state until they get reincarnated again. But, there are other beings living in Paradise. It is not only God and His Angels. There are Cherubims. They work as messengers and assistants to God and His Angels. They also work as Healers for Angels and other Celestials who were injured.

Speaking of other Celestials, there are the Angel Trainees, formal name is Fafens. These are newborn Angels who wants to work as Angels under Archangels. There are the Seven Great Archangels of God: Jegudiel, Gabriel, Selaphiel, Michael, Uriel, Raphael and Barachiel. Three of those are the most powerful and well-known: Gabriel, Michael and Raphael.

There is one Archangel that is not often mentioned by the mortals in their written scriptures but in Paradise, he is considered at par of Gabriel, Michael and Raphael. He is the Archangel of Death. His name is Azrael.

Azrael, the Angel with the most pristine white wings. His long braided chesnut colored hair is revered to be adorned with lights, that seemed to sparkle like stars. His black eyes held so much raw emotion, you will not think he is Death that the mortals fear so much. But, he is someone to fear. He is the Archangel of Death. He has a legion of angels called The Fallen. These are Angels who has committed offenses in Paradise and but still has the grace of God. By his command, they reap the souls of the suicide. He also created the celestial beings called The Lost Souls. These are formal mortals who decided upon death that they do not want to reincarnate or fully rest like the others. They reap the souls of the general public and special suicide cases.

Under his rule, he command the entity Lirika. The Reaper of the Damned. A special Lost Soul that reap the souls of mortals trapped by agents of MorningStar. He also commands Angels who supervises his legions of The Fallen and Lost Souls.

Despite being a powerful Archangel. Azrael is without a fault. He did disobey God once. That disobedience had him losing his Angelic powers and his position as The Archangel of Death. He was punished to be a Fallen. It took some time before he managed to come back to where he is now.

Under Azrael, he also train Fafens who decided to work under him. His right-hand man Nuriel is the one who helps most of the time training them. However, Nuriel also assist the Lost Soul Lirika whenever there is case on Devourers.

“Azrael. You called for me?” Nuriel asks landing besides Azrael.

Azrael who is busy writing some documents looked at Nuriel and said, “Ah yes Nuriel. I did call for you. He then puts his feather quill down and said, “How are the Fafens doing?”

“They are doing well. Especially, her.” Nuriel replied.

“Good. Good. I actually called you here not just because of the Fafens but also your request.” Azrael replied.

Nuriel bowed his head saying, “Forgive me Azrael. I know you need my assistance but I feel like Lirika needs me more now that the Devourers are appearing more and more.”

“I understand Nuriel. You don’t need to apologize for that.” Azrael replied. He pat the space besides him beckoning the Angel to sit down next to him. Nuriel did.

“I will grant you your request but I also ask a favor to continue assisting me until I find a replacement for you.” Azrael replied.

Nuriel smiled at him saying, “Azrael, ask no further. Of course I will.”

“Thank you Nuriel.” Azrael replied.

“May I ask. Do you have in mind who would replace me?” Nuriel asks.

Azrael sighs and said, “Yes but I have to go to the mortal plane.”

“You are thinking of him?” Nuriel asks. “He is a good choice but do you think, he will accept?”

Azrael gives a small smile and said, “I hope so Nuriel.”


The mortal world has always been busy. People walk about their daily lives and trying to live as the human beings they are. They are so unaware of that they are being watched over by beings. Beings both good and bad.

He watched as a child plays hopscotch on the sidewalk while the child’s mother is busy talking to someone on her smartphone.

“This is going to be tragic.” He muttered to himself. He turned around walking away from the scene that is about to happen in five minutes counting right now.

A jogger went pass through him. He bristled. He hated when mortals did that.

“Midnight.” a voice called out to him.

He looks behind and sees a familiar face.

“Lirika.” Midnight replied smiling at the ram-horned Lost Soul in front of him. Lirika with her clear plastic umbrella gives him a soft smile. “So, you are the one who is going to reap that poor child’s soul.”

“Unfortunately, Midnight.” Lirika replied. “What are you doing around here?”

Midnight looked at the child still playing and said, “There is someone here who is about commit suicide.”

“Ah. Yes.” Lirika replied.

Midnight. Midnight is one of The Fallen. He is one of the oldest ones. His black wings were very unique. Yes, black wings are common among The Fallen, however Midnight’s has piercings on them. He has several on his wings.

The sound of screeching tires were heard. Midnight closed his eyes. The mother talking on her smartphone was now screaming. The jogger who walked past through him is now crying for help. The child playing hopscotch is now lying on the pavement floor bleeding. A car has just hit her.

The owner of the car is a young teen-age girl. She got out of her car, calling 911. She looks frantic and terrified.

“I have to do my job now Midnight.” Lirika replied walking towards the child’s body. Midnight bowed his head at her bidding her goodbye.

He hears a soft whisper. A message from a Cherub. His target is now dead. Midnight spread his wings and took off.


He was 25 years old. Diagnosed with cancer. He slit his wrist while he was taking a bath in the bathtub.

Midnight, knelt upon the bathtub. His dark-skin seem to be glowing as he placed his hand on the man’s head and whispered, “By the grace of God.”

An orb then appeared from he man’s chest. Midnight picked up the orb and the orb disappeared upon the palm of his hand.

“How is your quota?” a voice asked.

Midnight looked up and smiled.


Azrael helped the dark-skinned Fallen up from the bathroom floor.

“Felicitations, Midnight. I am here to talk to you. It’s important.” Azrael replied.

Midnight nod his head. Ever since, Azrael returned to Paradise as the Archangel of Death, the Angel barely go down the mortal realm. The last time he went down was to reap a certain soul that was very important to him.

Now, Azrael is here, wanting to talk to him. This is making him feel nervous. Azrael spread his wings and asked, “If the rooftop still the HQ?”

“Very much so.” Midnight replied. Azrael smiled and said, “Let’s go then.”


The rooftop. Azrael smiled upon looking at it. It hasn’t changed ever since he used to stay there among The Fallen before. As he arrived with Midnight, the other Fallens bowed down before him. After all, He lords over them.

Azrael held up a hand motioning that nothing is to worry about and he is just visiting. Midnight gives Azrael a look saying, “Azrael, it’s been awhile since you came here. Something a miss in Paradise?”

“Everything is well in Paradise, Midnight.” Azrael responded tapping the Fallen on his shoulder. “I am here because I am offering you as my right-hand Angel.”

Midnight, caught by surprise froze on the spot and said, “You want me to replace Nuriel? What happened?”

“Nuriel decided to assist Lirika. He requested this and I gave it.” Azrael replied.

“And you think I’m a great candidate to replace Nuriel?” Midnight replied pointing his finger to himself. “Azrael, are you out of your Angel and Holy mind?”

Azrael gives Midnight a nod and said, “Yes, I think you are a great candidate and I am not out of my mind, dear friend.”

Midnight sat himself down on the concrete floor of the rooftop saying, “Well, dear friend, you probably… no. You know what my past is. I may not remember them but I do know I must have done something terrible to be one of the oldest Fallens here. Imagine, I’ve been a Fallen for a century now? I lost count.” he looks at Azael, “There is a reason I became one of the Fallens this long Azrael.”

“I do know.” Azrael replied sitting down beside Midnight. “I believe, you are punished enough.”

“Does Your Grace approves of this foolish decision of yours?” Midnight asks,

Azrael smiles softly, “You are forgetting that Angels now has free will.”

“How can I forget, after that stint you pulled? Your Grace realized that you Angels, can have free will but still…. decisions like this, YOU still have to ask His permission.” Midnight scoffed.

“Yes Midnight. His Grace knows of this and He approves. He agreed that you have been punished enough.” the Archangel replied. “Don’t you think you have been punished enough?”

Midnight sighed at this.

“Remember the day I arrived here as a newly Fallen?” Azrael then asks.

How can Midnight forget that? It was a day like this, cloudy, windy and as if it is going to rain. He remembered Nuriel flying down with a couple of Cherubs carrying the unconscious being of Azrael.

“Greetings Midnight.” Nuriel greeted. The Cherubs behind him carefully laid an unconscious Angel on the floor.He has short chestnut hair and pristine white wings.

Midnight bowed before Nuriel. He gives Nuriel a questioning look. The Angel Nuriel do pay the mortal world a visit very often but not the Fallens. The Archangel of Death, Himself supervises them.

“I came here with bad news and a favor.” Nuriel replied looking crestfallen.

“I can sense that something happened in Paradise.” Midnight replied. “What is it Nuriel?”

Nuriel sighs and said, “Azrael, he disobeyed His Grace.”

“What? How?” Midnight asks in disbelief.

“He… He reincarnated a suicide.” Nuriel answered.

Midnight’s eyes widened. That taken him a back. Suicides don’t get to reincarnate. They spend time in Limbo for years until it is decided they can cross over to Paradise and stay in the Sacred Torsvl.

“I- I don’t understand.” Midnight stammered as he ran his hand over his bald head.

“He fell in love Midnight.” Nuriel replied.

Midnight threw his hand over his head saying, “How can that be? How can he fall in love? Angels do not fall in love with mortals! Above all, you... Angels do not have free will like mortals do!”

“Something changed. We don’t why but Azrael did it.” Nuriel replied.

Midnight suddenly felt weak. “Where is He right now?”

Nuriel looked at the sleeping Angel on the floor a few meters away from them. Midnight shake his head and said, “No, that can’t be Azrael.”

“Yes Midnight. He is punished by Your Grace to be a Fallen” Nuriel remarked.

“That’s it? I am not saying to be a Fallen is a light punishment.” Midnight replied looking shocked.

Nuriel wave his hand at him like he is dismissing that thought. “I know what you mean but His Grace decided that this is enough punishment but there is a catch.”

“What is it?”

“The mortal has been reincarnated. His Grace did allow the reincarnation for Azrael begged Him but in return the day Azrael’s memory come back, that mortal’s life will be forfeited.” Nuriel replied. He approached the sleeping form of Azrael and said, “This is where the favor comes in Midnight, from His Grace.”

Midnight walks towards Azrael’s sleeping form. He closed his eyes and asks, “What is the favor?”

”Look after him, Midnight. And when he meets the mortal, do not stop and intervene.Through that mortal, he will be able to regain his memory.” Nuriel replied. He then crouched down, touching Azrael’s hand and said, “We, still need the Archangel of Death and there is no successor of now. I will temporarily do his job in Paradise.”

Nuriel then stands up. He spreads his wings and said, “I bid you luck Midnight. I bid us all luck.”

Midnight bowed his head again and said, “Well all need it.”

An hour after Nuriel left, Midnight welcomed the fallen Azrael, who just woken up.

His pristine white wings remained the same. Even as a Fallen, His Grace, didn’t change the color of his wings. Azrael, looked around him and at Midnight.

“I… I… where…”

“Welcome Fallen.” Midnight replied. He bites the side of his cheek. This is making him feel nervous.

Azrael, now a Fallen looks at Midnight and said, “Are you a Fallen?”

“Yes. One of the oldest.” Midnight replied spreading his wings. “And you are a new one. You just arrived now.”

“I-I can’t remember…”

Midnight smiled weakly, “We don’t remember, our past, of who we are before we are became a Fallen. Part of the punishment.”

“So all of us… don’t have a name?”

“We do. We do have a name. His Grace may have punished us but that doesn’t mean, he we don’t have names. The Archangel of Death made sure to give us name. I am Midnight. That is the name He gave me.” Midnight explained.

Azrael looks at his hands and said, “Did He give me a name?”

Midnight looked at Azrael. He never thought, he will be the one be giving Azrael, the Archangel of Death, His Fallen name.

“Nox. He named you Nox.”

“I’ve never asked you. Why Nox?” Azrael asks.

Midnight sighed and said, “It’s the opposite of you at that time. Nox, means night, dark but even as a Fallen, you were shining and still has the presence of being an Archangel. It’s fitting, if you think about it.”

“You did well, in looking after me.” Azrael commented. “Those times I’ve been with you here, even if you cannot remember the crime you committed against Heaven, you tried to repent and accept His Grace’s punishment of you.”

“I am not the only one who does that Azrael.” Midnight points out. “I’m not the only Fallen who is repenting on a crime we cannot remember. We still do it because, because we still want to be part of Paradise. To be part of His Grace’s army.”

Azrael nod his head. “That is true. I found myself in that situation also.” he then stands up and said, “Have you ever wondered why I created the Fallen? Why I created you?”

“No.” Midnight replied.

“I did it because I do not want Angels, who disobeyed His Grace to fall to Morningstar’s influence just because they have committed a crime not too severe. You, all deserved a second chance.” Azrael replied. “Midnight. You are the oldest. It is time you come back to Paradise and be an Angel again.”

Midnight sighed saying, “I’m not even sure I want to remember my past. You know, if I accepted to become an Angel again, I will remember the reason why I am here in the first place.”

“Do you really fear your past?” Azrael asks.

“Yes because it might change my perception of I am now. What if I really deserve to become a Fallen this long because what I did is unforgivable.” Midnight replied indignantly.

Azrael wave his finger at him saying, “If what you did is unforgivable. You won’t be a Fallen, Midnight. You will be casted out. You, my friend will be at Morningstar’s side by now.” The Archangel stretched his hand at Midnight and said, “Become an Angel again Midnight. Come back to Paradise.”

“Can I be really?” Midnight asks.

“Your time has come. It will be all right.” Azrael replied.

Midnight, looked at Azrael’s hand. He slowly, took it and said, “Then, I am at your mercy, Archangel Azrael.”


Paradise. It’s been two centuries since he, Midnight has been to Paradise. Fallens are not allowed to stay in Paradise. They can visit but cannot stay. They have to stay and live within the mortal realms. Unseen.

Midnight, never visited Paradise. He felt like he couldn’t. Like if he did, it will pain him so. Now, he will remember everything. The reason why Paradise feels like pain to him, why he became a Fallen in the first place.

“Are you ready Midnight?”

It was Nuriel.

“I am. Though, I admit I am still apprehensive.” Midnight replied. Azrael smiled softly and said, “I understand where you are coming from. It’s not easy remembering everything.”

“Two centuries worth of memories.” Midnight replied kneeling down. “I wonder which one will explain why I was punished.”

Azrael placed his left hand over Midnight’s head and said, “It will be the first memory that you will remember. So brace yourself.”

Midnight closed his eyes and said, “By His Grace, I gave myself unto thee.”

“And by His Grace and my command, Fallen, you shall awake Fallen no more. Angel, you shall rise!” Azrael exclaimed as he raised his hand upwards.

A blinding light appeared from Azrael’s left hand, consuming Midnight.

“I shall give birth to your child.”

He stand there frozen. A child. He cannot have one.

“Did you hear me? I am with child.”

”I heard you Martha.” He said.

“Manakel. This baby…” Martha replied looking worried.

“It will be a Nephilim

Menakel. Angel of Peace. That who He is or He was. He opened his eyes, tears falling from his eyes. He looked at Azrael saying, “My crime…”

“Like me. You fell in love with a mortal. You were not the first but you were the first to father a Nephilim that was not put to sleep.” Azrael explained.

Put to sleep. Angels who gives birth or fathered to Nephilims are put to sleep. That is an equivalent to death to an Angel. Angels are immortals thus cannot die so they are put to sleep. Putting an Angel to sleep is like taking a soul and cutting it to million pieces so that it shall no longer exist.

“You… saved me from that fate.” Menakel replied standing up. His pierced wings were no longer black in color. It’s now pure white with purple and blue highlights. The piercings were now gone. Menakel, once black eyes is now deep in purple color.

“My son. Is he….” Menakel asks.

Azrael pats him on the back saying, “He is well. He is a Nephilim and he has been living well. It hasn’t been easy on him because of what he is.”

“Am I allowed to see my son?” Menakel asks looking at Azrael.

“Yes you are. Angels now has free will Menakel. All His Grace ask, is never do what you did before.”

Menakel nod his head. “Who has replaced my role as the Angel of Peace?”

“That would be Sunrael.” Nuriel answered.

Azrael smiled at Menakel saying, “Welcome back Menakel. You are now under my command and my right-hand Angel.” with that he is handed a golden sword.

“I’ve kept your sword hoping for this day.” Azrael explained. Menakel took his sword and said, “I give you my thanks Azrael.”

Nuriel bows before Menakel saying, “Menakel. As one of the oldest Angels in Paradise, I welcome you back. I also, thank you for taking my position as now I am to focus on a different task.”

“You are relieved Nuriel. I, thank you too.” Menakel replied bowing too,

Azrael gives another pat on Menakel’s back saying, “I shall give you time for reflection. The process of your transformation from Fallen to Angel is not an easy one.”

Menakel merely bowed his head at him and walks away.

“Do you think, he will be okay?” Nuriel asks telepathically.

“He will. As I said, it is not easy. I, myself know this.” Azrael replied back.


Menakel looked around. Two centuries have changed Paradise a lot. It is more brighter and more colorful than before. There were more celestial beings living among Angels and Cherubims.

“It’s better now than before.” Azrael replied appearing before him.

“Indeed.” Menakel replied. He then noticed an Angel, she doesn’t have wings yet. A Fafen. She had long royal blue hair and her red clothes made her stand out a bit.

Azrael noticed who he is looking at and said, “Ah yes. So, you finally saw her.”

“Her. Don’t tell me she is…” Menakel replied.


Menakel frowned and said, “That is not allowed Azrael.”

“It is not my decision. When her soul was taken to the Sacred Torsvl, her soul was immediately evicted. At first, I though she would be a Lost Soul but His Grace said, she will be an Angel.” Azrael replied.

Menakel chuckled and said, “Sometimes, I do not understand His Grace. To decide something like that. It is like He is giving you a chance to be with her again.”

“She doesn’t remember who she was Menakel and I am trying my best not to give it away. It doesn’t help that she is a Fafen under my care.” Azrael replied. The Fafen in question, noticed them. She smiled at them and waved.

Menakel and Azrael waved back. The Fafen the bowed and went off with one her fellow Fafen.

“It seemed like you don’t want to be with her.” Menakel replied.

“It’s not like that. She was given a chance to be an Angel and I am an Archangel of Death. I do not want to take advantage of the situation. If she is to be with me, then let it flow accordingly.” Azrael replied.

Menakel sighed and said, “If Martha was given the exact chance like hers, I would definitely take advantage of it.”

“You love her dearly. I saw that. I saw how much you love her.” Azrael replied.

“Yes Azrael and I will never love another mortal but her.” Menakel exclaimed.

Azrael smiled and said, “You should visit and see your son.”

“I will but I don’t think it’s time for me to reveal myself.” Menakel replied looking forlorn.

“You know I will not stop you.” Azrael replied.

Menakel looked at Azrael and asked, “I wanna ask, why didn’t you get angry when I did not follow Nuriel’s favor?”


“He asked me not to stop you from remembering but I did and the consequence of that…” Menakel replied his voice trailing off.

“So you remember.”

Nox stands up looking at Midnight. Midnight, was the Fallen assigned to look after him when he became a Fallen. Only he knows who he really was and was not allowed to tell him.

“You warned me about not knowing my past not because you don’t want me to remember, you warned me because of Anda, because Anda’s soul is the reason why I became a Fallen.” Nox replied.

Midnight sighed saying, “Yes. I am actually surprised that His Grace still allowed that soul to reincarnate.”

“What now Midnight? What now that I remember. Does this forfeit’s Anda’s life? Will a Lost Soul come for her? I did exchange my memories for her life. Is my punishment over? Am I Azrael again?” Nox asks.

“She died again.” Azrael finished it off for Menakel. “I know why you tried to stop me, Menakel. You didn’t want my sacrifice to go in vain.”

Menakel smiled and said, “I am delighted that you knew that.”

“So, Menakel. Are you ready to be my right-hand Angel? It’s different from your role as the Angel of Peace and as a Fallen.” Azrael replied.

“With your guidance, my doubts will go away.” Menakel replied.

Azrael merely smiled at that.


Azrael. The Archangel of Death, a former Fallen. The very Angel that changed the mind of His Grace, that Angels should have their own free will. He has now brought back Menakel from his exile as a Fallen. Now, Menakel is no longer Midnight.

He gazed down at his legions of Angels, Fallens and Lost Souls and then at Menakel. There is a reason why His Grace agreed to his decision for bringing Menakel back. He doesn’t know himself why he chose Menakel to replace Nuriel. He just know, it is a must. Whatever the reason, it shall be revealed in time but right now, He is content.


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