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12 Dawns Vol. 1: Chapter Four - The Birth of a Warlock

Normandy Motel is seedy motel in the far end of Dawn City. It stands near 24 hour convenience store and a gasoline station. A 100 meters away is a diner that caters to majority prostitutes, wayward teenagers and suspicious people. Normandy Motel is no different. People staying there lives by the week or a month are the type of people you don’t really want to associate with. It’s a good place to hide. Nobody cares and no one will question why you are staying there.

To Mario Vasquez, it is a safe haven. For now.

He looks himself from the window of the convenience store he is working as a part-timer. A tired looking young man stared back at him. He badly needs a hair cut. His black hair is now below his chin. His eyebags are overwhelming his brown eyes. He also deeply needed some decent sleep.

“Decent sleep. Yeah right. How do you sleep when you have nightmares ever god damn night?” He thinks to himself.

Nightmares. Nightmares has plagued him ever since that day. A month ago, he experienced something horrifying. He is the only survivor of that day. His friends… well they were not his friends, they were strangers to him but Celia. Celia was not. She was his friend and someone something more if that… demon? Spirit? He doesn’t know what it was but it was an entity and it kills. It murdered Celia and the others. The only reason he survived because he is not normal.

He can see and feel things that normal people can’t. You can say he is a psychic. This special ability allowed him to escape that hell. Allowed him to survive. But he knows, it’s not just his ability that saved him. It was also her. That ram-horned entity. She saved him too.

“You look dead Mario.” his co-worker Ben exclaimed nudging him.

Mario. He used to be called Vaz but even that nickname gives him nightmares. So he told people to call him Mario. Also,he changed his family name to Morales. His mother’s maiden name.

“Ugh. You know I work two jobs Ben.” Mario replied yawning.

Ben nods his head. “Oh yeah, you also work as a maintenance at the Normandy Motel in the morning.”

“Yeah.” Mario said stretching his body. He then looked at his watch and said, “Well my shift is over. It’s 3AM now.”

“Okay man, see you again tomorrow at 10!” Ben exclaimed clapping Mario on the back.

Mario waved goodbye to Ben as he grabs his backpack from under the cashier. He looks at the window. His reflection stared back again. “I don’t look dead. I look like a ghost.”


It only takes twenty minutes by walk from the convenience store to Normandy Motel but for Mario, it takes ten. He doesn’t like being in the open so much. The paranoia that someone might recognize him still haunts him after a month.

As he enters the motel, the receptionist Claudia snaps his fingers at him and said, “Yo Mario. Old Man in Room 307 need some help with his light bulb.”

Mario groaned. “Now? It’s 3AM.”

“He is insisted okay? He kept calling and calling. Go get to it.” Claudia exclaimed shooing Mario away.

Mario with a heavy heart, trudge towards the elevator, but before he could reach the elevator, he heard Claudia say, “Elevator’s broken again!”

“Fucking shit.” Mario cursed. He is so exhausted right now to use the stairs but he has no choice. It’s a good thing he keeps his tools in backpack in case something like this happens.

He managed to reach the third floor with not a lot of problem though his body still feels like dead weight. He then goes to Room 307. He is about to knock but then the door opens revealing an old man. He has long gray-ish to white hair. He has tied in a loose ponytail. His black eyes stares at Mario saying, “I have been waiting for you.”


“Get inside. I need to get this bulb working.” the old man exclaimed.

Mario entered the room and his eyes grew big as he looked around. Lit candles in different sizes were everywhere in the room. The old man’s room was a bit bigger than the other rooms. He has somewhat a living room on the left and on the right is his bed. In front of his bed is the bathroom. There is also a huge cabinet filled with bottles and other things Mario can’t figure out.

“Ummm… where is the light bulb that you are having trouble with?” Mario asks nervously.

“In the bathroom.” The old man replied pointing to the bathroom.

Mario nods his head. He walks towards the bathroom looking around. The old man has been living in the motel longer than he did. When he arrived he was already there. Everyone calls him Old Man and that’s it.

As he enters the bathroom. He gulps. The whole room is giving him a certain vibe. The air was heavy inside and the whole room smells like incense. The bathroom, though is different. It’s like he stepped into a whole new room all together.

The bathroom smells of faint soap and shampoo. It was a nice and calming smell. He looks up and sees that the bulb was flickering.

“Looks like this one is dying. You need to replace the bulb.” Mario commented.

“Pft. Then replace it boy.” Old Man exclaimed in a grumpy voice.

Mario rolled his eyes putting his backpack on the floor. He grabs the stool inside the bathroom and got to work. As he changes the bulb, he could hear whispers in the living room. He frowns. “What is that old coot doing?”

As he finished, he carefully got down the stool. He grab his backpack on the floor. He could hear the whispers. It was faint but he could hear them. He can’t make it out what they’re saying. Mario steps out of the bathroom saying, “You light bulb is fixed.”

“Good.” Old Man replied from the bed. Mario looked at the old man. He thought he was at the living room because he heard the whispers there

“Uh.. um… were you playing something?” Mario asks.

The old man raised an eyebrow at him saying, “What do you mean boy?”

“I heard whispers in the living room so… I thought, you were there.” Mario replied.

Old Man’s eyes widened. He stands up from the bed saying, “You heard whispers?”

Mario nods his head. He scratched his head and said, “They were faint but I did hear it. Are you playing some weird music huh?”

“No. I am not.” Old Man answered giving Mario a look. Mario suddenly felt the heavy air in the room grew cold. The hairs on his arm and back starts to stand up. He knows this feeling.

“O-okay… I- I’ll go now.” Mario replied hurrying towards the door.

As he opens the door, the old man called out to him, “Mario Vasquez.”

Mario felt like he was punched in the gut. He stopped on his track. He didn’t dare turn around. The old man knows his real name. How, he doesn’t know.

“Call me Raven Othello. Remember that.” the old man replied.

Mario just nod his head and ran out of the room. He didn’t see the old man smiling exposing his toothy grin saying, “Finally. I found him.”


The next morning was no better for Mario. His encounter with the old man in Room 307 somehow terrified him. He could barely sleep. How he is functioning as he tries to clean the lobby and the reception area of the motel is a surprise.

“Did you sleep?” Claudia asked handing him a mug of black coffee.

Mario shook his head as he accepts the mug. He took a swig from it and said, “Room 307. What’s up with the old man?”

“He creeped you up huh?” Claudia remarked almost laughing. “He is just some weird old man. They say he is some kind of a psychic.”

Mario’s ears perked up on that. “He is a what? Psychic?”

“Yeah. He can foretell futures and whatever. Never really believed those shits.” Cladudia replied.

“But some people do?” Mario ask leaning on his mop.

Claudia popped a chewing gum into her mouth and said, “Oh hell yeah. Some people visit the Old Man upstairs for his abilities.”

“So that’s why he knows my real name. He is like me.” Mario thought as he drinks from his mug again. He then sees the old man coming down the stairs.

“Hello Old Man. You going out?” Claudia asked spotting the old man too.

The old man looked at Mario then looked at Claudia and back at Mario. He smiled. This had Claudia and Mario feel nervous. The old man never smiled at them and this is the first time.

“I am going grocery shopping. I am hoping the young man here could help me. “ The old man replied eyeing Mario.

Mario nervously points his finger at himself and squeaked, “Me?”

“Of course boy. Is there any other young man here?” the old man exclaimed almost laughing.

Mario gulped. He starts to sweat nervously. “Uh, sir… I’m on duty r-right now.” he stammered out.

“I’ll pay for your time.” the old man exclaimed. “Now come and help me.”

Claudia nudged Mario whispering, “Better get on it. He is paying ya.”

Mario looks at Claudia and then at he old man. He bit his lip and looks so unsure whether to go or not.

“We need to talk boy. You and I. You better come with me.” the old man exclaimed via telepathy to Mario.

This had Mario’s eyes widening upon hearing the old man’s voice inside his head.

“Don’t act like this is new to you. This is nothing new. Now come along.” the old man replied.

“O-okay.” Mario replied nodding his head as he puts a baseball cap . He puts the mop on the side and walks towards the old man. The old man smiled again and this left Mario even more nervous than before.


When the old man said he is going to go grocery shopping, Mario expected that he and the weird old man will be traveling to the grocery in town which is 1 kilometer away via bus but instead they travelled for 3 kilometers to this eccentric weird looking shop smack in the middle of boutiques and restaurants. It’s near the downtown area of Dawn City. Mario’s paranoia peaked. He pushed his cap further on his head trying to hide a part of his face.

The shop are filled with different plants, candles, incenses, colored powders and crystals in different sizes.

“Where are we Old Man?” Mario whispered.

The old man looked at Mario disapprovingly and said, “I told you last night to call me Raven Othello.”

“That’s really your name?” Mario asks in disbelief.

“It’s sorcerer’s name.” the old man replied.

Mario did a double take and said, “Your what?”

“You heard me the first time boy.”
The old man exclaimed through his mind.

Mario gulped. “How can you do that?”

“I can do a lot of things. Now, remember my name Raven Othello. If it’s too much for you, you can call me Old Man Othello.” the old man replied waving at the clerk near the cashier.

Mario just nod his head. He looks around him nervously. The place is definitely weird and odd but it also gives Mario a feeling like someone or something is watching him. Old Man Othello is talking to the clerk animatedly. He stands near the crystals looking at it. As he is looking at the different crystals displayed, he noticed one of it glowing faintly.

He blinked his eyes several times just to make sure he is not imagining it. The crystal is really glowing. It’s giving off this reddish glow. He anxiously looked at Old Man Othello. The old man for some reason knew his predicament and looked at him.

“Uhh…” he stated as he points to the crystal glowing.

“Basya. You have a visitor.” Old Man Othello remarked walking towards where Mario is. Basya, the clerk, also walked towards the crystal stand.

Basya, a middle-aged woman with purple streak on her black hair smiled at Mario and said, “My, my Raven. You didn’t tell me this young man is like you.” she then picks up the crystal that is sending off a reddish glow and asks, “What can you see?”

“Uhh…” Mario replied looking at the woman called Basya.

“Come on boy. Tell her.” Mario replied in an encouraging manner.

Mario takes a deep breathe and said “That crystal you are holding. It’s glowing red.”

“That’s right. To the normal eye, they won’t see that glow but people like us. You, Raven and me. We can see it.” Basya replied. She then smiled and said, “Now, what else can you see young man?”

Mario looked at the crystal and at Basya. His eyes widened. There is this entity behind her. It was tall, like seven foot tall. It was pretty thin. This entity was glowing skin and long flowing black hair. The hair seemed to sparkle too. It has ruby red eyes. The entity’s arms were made of long vines and flowers were growing from them. The entity looked at Mario and waved at him.

“Th-there is thing b-behind you.” Mario replied taking a step back.

Basya smile got bigger. “That thing you are seeing is an elemental that lives inside this crystal.”

“A what?”

Old Man Othello chuckled, “Forgive him Basya. He is very clueless.”

“I can see that.”

Mario frowned and said, “Of course I am clueless. I don’t know any shit you guys are talking about.” he then crossed his arms and said, “I know I can see things that normal people can’t but trust me, I don’t understand the fuck the things I am seeing.”

“You got a good one here Raven but at that same time you have a lot of work to do.” Basya replied.

Old Man Othello grinned and said, “That’s the way I like it.”

“What the fuck is with these two?” Mario exclaimed in his head looking and feeling bewildered of the whole situation.


Old Man Othello is beyond that of a weird old man living in Room 307. He is not just a normal old eccentric man that a lot of the occupants in Normandy Motel believes. He was born in an old old family of Sorcerers and Seers. He is the last of his line since he never married and is looking for a successor. Now the search is over. The young man in front of him in Basya’s shop is the one. This confused young man will be successor.

“Basya give me a moment with this boy.” Old Man Othello replied his face turning serious.

“All right, but lay it gently Raven. He is very new.” Basya replied walking away.

Old Man Othello motioned to Mario to sit down on a bench near one of the potted plants. Mario did but with skepticism.

“What do you know about me Mario?” Old Man Othello asks as he sits down next to Mario.

“Well, I don’t really know you sir.” Mario replied. He nervously looks at the old man sitting besides him and said, “People in the motel says that you are weird and you deal with bad and shady people because of the people who comes to you.”

Old Man Othello chuckled and said, “In a way, yes. There were some people that are shady and suspicious but they are not entirely evil.”

Mario didn’t say anything. Old Man Othello continued, “There is truth to that. I am weird because I am. I am a sorcerer boy. I do magic.”

“You said, you are like me. Well, you said in my head.” Mario replied.

“Because you are.” Old Man Othello points out. “I can see things normal people can’t see. I deal with powers that most people thinks does not exist.”

Mario frowned and said, “I know I can see things like you but magic? Powers? What are you pointing out here Old Man Othello?”

“You are not aware of your own capability boy. There is a reason why you have these abilities.” Old Man Othello replied. He clasped his hands and said, “The day you arrived in Normandy Motel, I know who you are and what happened to you.”

Mario’s eyes widened. His body became stiff. He wanted to stand up and run. But, something in him says that he should stay and hear this out.

“You are wondering how?”

Mario nod his head.

“The spirits told me. I’m surrounded by spirits boy. You heard them last night.” Old Man Othello replied winking at him.

“T-then you know her?” Mario asks.

Old Man Othello gives a soft smile, “The ram-horned Reaper.”

“Lirika! You know Lirika!” Mario exclaimed.

“That’s her name? She told you her name?” Old Man Othello replied looking shocked. “You are indeed special boy.”

Mario gives the old man a confusing look and said, “She never told you?”

“Reaper of Souls just don’t give out their names, boy. You must be special for her to give it to you.” Old Man Othello explained.

“You think that?”

Old Man Othello smirked and said, “Boy, I won’t be talking to you if your are not. I won’t be approaching you if you weren’t. Last night, was the sign I needed.”

“For what?”

“A sign that you are my successor.” Old Man Othello replied in a blunt manner.

This had Mario standing up and crying, “YOU’RE WHAT?!

Before Old Man Othello could explain. Basya’s voice was heard, “Raven! I told you to lay it to gently to him!”

“I was trying Basya!” Old Man Othello replied back .

“Wait! Wait! WAIT!” Mario replied taking deep breaths. “I am… your successor? Me a sorcerer?”

Basya came walking towards them saying, “What he is saying is that you are a future sorcerer but right now, you are a newbie. You are at most a warlock.”

“No Basya. He is not yet a warlock but he will be if he agreed to be my successor.” Old Man Othello replied.

“Why would I agree?” Mario asks.

Basya sighs and said, “Darling young man, like Raven here I am surrounded by spirits also. It’s inevitable, since I am a witch and I own an occult shop. The spirits talk young man. They know about you and what happened to you.” she then reached for Mario’s hand and said, “If you do not harness the power in you, you will be helpless in the future.”

“In the future…” Mario replied carefully.

Old Man Othello nod his head and said, “Yes. You are marked. The spirits told us that you are.”


“Marked for evil and dark entities young man. To escape a demonic spirit like that? To survive because of your ability that is just awakening is a huge feat. These entities will come after you.” Basya replied.

Old Man Othello stands up and said, “It’s not the mortals you should fear boy. It’s the entities and with your situation right now, you are powerless against them.”

“And that is the reason for me to accept what you are all saying?” Mario exclaimed. He shakes his head. He wrung his hand out of Basya’s hold and said, “I just want to be left alone.” with that he walks off.

Basya gives an exasperated look at Raven and said, “That boy will not survive if he doesn’t agree.”

“Don’t worry Basya. He will eventually see that he needs to.” Old Man Othello replied sitting again on the bench.


The whole afternoon, Mario avoided Old Man Othello. It was not that hard because after what happened in the occult shop, the old man didn’t seek him out. Despite that, he was still wary. The things he heard from him and that woman Basya, bothered him to no end. He has always been paranoid that someone might recognize him and blame him for the deaths of Celia and the others and now he has to worry about the unseen after his life.

He thought after that day, he would be free of these entities. It’s been a month and he hasn’t seen or heard anything weird. Why did he have to meet and talk to Old Man Othello?

He just want to be left alone. He doesn’t want to be involved in anything magic or supernatural. However, he also remembered what Lirika told him. He still remembered what she told me that night he arrived in the motel.

“There is a reason why you are a seer, Mario Vasquez.”

He then remembers what Basya said,

”To escape a demonic spirit like that? To survive because of your ability that is just awakening is a huge feat.”

Mario clenched his hands into a fist. Again, he just wanted to be left alone. He just wanted to have a new life. Why can’t he escape from what happened that day? Why?


Night came too soon. Mario shed off his overall uniform that he wears in Normandy Motel and dressed himself up in this pasty yellow top and jeans. It his uniform in the convenience store.

He actually likes working in the convenience store. Not a lot of customers going there. It was quiet and the air conditioning was good. Also, it is way more cleaner than the motel. His job as the maintenance guy in the motel is often gritty and extremely tiring.

Mario doesn’t have any right to complain. He has left his old life and he is on the run. He has no choice but to do odd jobs to survive. For a free stay in the motel, he applied to be their maintenance guy. He is lucky enough that he has some background in fixing broken things thanks to his dad. He never worked before so having two jobs was really new for him but he has no choice. Again, he has no right to complain. He made a choice to run away that day. He made a choice to leave his life and pretended that he too has died.

He misses his mother and father very much. He misses his family. He is the only child and he has been gone for a month. He knows deep in his heart that his family is still looking for him. But, he doesn’t want to be found. He knows that he can never go back. Never. He would live this way until he dies.

He looks at his watch. It’s quarter to ten. He need to go now.

As he walks towards the convenience store, two minutes in, he noticed that someone or something is following him. He could see its shadow behind him. At first he thought it was someone from the motel who will go to the convenience store too but when then he noticed that the shadow didn’t have a head. He could only clearly see its torso and limbs but no shadow of its head.

He broke out in cold sweat. The hairs at the back of his neck starts to stand and prick. He quicken his steps and when he did, whatever or whoever following him quicken also.

In fact it quickens so fast that it’s a few centimeters away from him now. Mario wanted to scream. He starts to feel that this is not human and it is something else. He turned around and he stumbled down on his back upon seeing whatever it is.

Before him, stands an entity that it is a bit taller than him. It has a head but it was covered with hair. He sees a mouth. The mouth smiled showing razor sharp teeth. The entity is dressed in a shroud of black fabric. Its arms were covered with long hair also.

It is not human. Definitely not human.

“W-who are you?”

The thing didn’t reply. It kept grinning at him and seemingly looking at him. Mario scrambled to his feet again hoping to get away from it, however the thing stretched its arm and grabbed him by the neck. Its hand gripping him tightly.

“L-let go!” Mario rasped out. He is getting choked.

The entity tightened its grip around his neck. Mario starts to cough and he found himself having trouble breathing. He was choking. The entity is choking him. Its trying to kill him.

Mario grab the entity’s arm. He tried prying it off but failed. The entity was strong.

“I don’t wanna die!” Mario screamed in his head.

“You won’t if you fight back”.

It was the Old Man Othello’s voice. Mario heard in his head. The entity before him seemed not to notice or heard it.

“Repeat after me boy. Say it in your head but first, I need you to stretch your right hand up to the sky.” Old Man Othello ordered.


“Do it now boy or else you will die!” Old Man Othello barked.

And so he did. Mario raised his right hand up but with so much difficulty. He is losing air.

“Now, repeat after me. Hecate in your name! Thrust fire and engulf it in flame!” Old Man Othello exclaimed in his head.

Mario continued coughing and with a bit of energy repeated what the old man said, “Hecate in your name! Thrust fire and engulf it in flame!”

The entity before him then started screeching and burst into flames. The hand gripping his throat loosened its grip as the entity flailed about screeching as it burns.

Mario grabbed his neck still coughing. He wheezes as he bent down on his knees. He looks at the entity who is burning before him. It was in absolute pain.

“Begone foul creature! Into the darkness you came, into the darkness you go in flames!” Old Man Othello exclaimed his voice booming. Mario’s eyes widened, the old man seemingly appeared right beside him.

The entity screamed further as Old Man Othello stretched his hand towards the entity. A dark shadow appeared behind the entity and swallowed it whole.

“What-the-fuck-is-that?” Mario exclaimed through gritted teeth. He staggered to his feet giving the old man beside an angry look.

“That boy is a dark elemental and it wants to kill you.” Old Man Othello replied. “It has been hounding the Normandy Motel for two weeks now. At first I thought it was after me then I realized it was after you.”

Mario gave another cough and said, “Why me?”

“You are marked remember? Those kind of entities will keep on coming to bother you.” Old Man Othello replied. He looked at Mario’s neck. The entity left a bruise on the boy’s neck. “You are injured boy” he exclaimed pointing at it.

Mario rolled his eyes and said, “No shit old man.”

“Come on. Let me help you on that.” Old Man Othello replied.

“I have work and I’ll be late already.” Mario remarked.

Old Man Othello gives him a look and said, “Call in sick. If you are worried about the money. I’ll cover it.” he then frowned and said, “Come on. Before any of those things come in and try it at you.”


Back in the motel, in Room 307, Old Man Othello put some healing salve on Mario’s neck bruise.

As Mario sits down on the bed as the old man wraps a bandage over the bruise, he could hear the same whispers he heard last night.

“You hear them don’t you?” Old Man Othello remarked.

“Y-yeah. I don’t quite understand what they’re saying. It’s a bit faint.” Mario replied. Old Man Othello finished putting the bandage on him and said, “They’re elementals like the one who tried to hurt you but they’re the good kind.”

Mario looks around and sees a small child with elongated ears and silvery white eyes. It smiled at him and disappears. “O-okay…” Mario replied looking nervous.

“They are the ones who told me about you and your past.” Old Man Othello replied standing up. “The child you saw, that’s Mimi. Well I call her Mimi. She is the one who warned me about the dark elemental who was after you.”

“Old Man Othello… back there, I was able to do… I don’t know cast? Cast a spell at the entity. I just repeated what you said in my head and….” Mario replied looking unsure.

Old Man Othello smirked and said, “Yes. I knew it will work.”

“H-how… I don’t… as far as I know. I don’t know magic.” Mario replied looking at his hands.

“As I said, you were special. You are born natural to magic because you are a seer.” Old Man Othello replied. “And most of all, my successor.”

Mario looked at Old Man Othello saying, “Am I really?”

“I know you are.”

“I don’t know you at all but I can tell and sense you are powerful sorcerer or whatever you are.” Mario replied. “How can you be so sure that I am your rightful successor? I am not even related by blood to you.”

Old Man Othello gives him a soft smile and said, “I know you are my successor not because the spirits told me but because I felt it in you. There is this untapped power in you boy.” he then points a finger at him and said, “What happened back there, you were able to cast a spell by just repeating what I said. You did it without training. You my boy, have the potential to be a great sorcerer.”


“Ahaha yes, but let me train you to be a warlock first. After all, to become a Sorcerer you need to reach a level of power that is still far from now but you will get there.” Old Man Othello replied.

Mario sighed. Lirika’s words ringing in his head,

“There is a reason why you are a seer, Mario Vasquez.”

Is this why he is a seer? He is destined to become a whatever Old Man Othello said. He looks at the old man. He sees the entity Mimi again but this time, there is another entity with her. This entity looks like a glowing orb that keeps on circling around Mimi. The glowing orb has a pair of blue-ish eyes.

The whispers got louder in his ears. He could somewhat understand what these entities are talking about.

“It’s him.”

”He can see us.”

“He is the one.”


“Successor! Successor!”

Mario stands up and said, “The entity back there. More will come right? More will come for me?”

“Yes. More like that and some will be powerful.” Old Man Othello replied. “But I am making you my successor not only for your survival but also to help others.”

Mario tilt his head to the right and said, “Help others?”

“Yes. Well for a price.” Old Man Othello replied.

“For a price?”

Old Man Othello chuckled and said, “How do you think I earn a living boy? I am do not live here for free.”

“O-okay.” Mario replied.

“The people who come to me for help pays me a lot of money to do things. Exorcist their homes, conjure spells and what not for them to use. There are more things related to magic that I do for my clients.” Old Man Othello explained.

Mario looked around the dingy looking room and said, “Then why you live here? You could have been living in a good apartment.”

“That’s a personal choice boy. I wanted to live a low key life.” Old Man Othello replied. “So, are you accepting my offer boy?”

Mario looked at his hands. This is something he cannot escape now. He takes a deep breathe and said, “Yes I am.”

Old Man Othello smiled brightly at him and said, “Good. Good, now get some rest. Starting tomorrow you will start your training.”

“But I still have work.” Mario replied.

“Better give up your work at the convenience store.” Old Man Othello replied. “I’ll take care of your other expenses.”

Mario’s eyes widened hearing that. “You will do that? Isn’t that too much?”

“No. What is mine will be yours soon boy.” Old Man Othello replied.


Old Man Othello looked at the clock on the wall near the bathroom and said, “You heard me right. What mine will be yours soon. Money, magic, my clients. Everything.”

“Why soon?” Mario asks,

“Because I am dying boy. This is why I’ve been looking for a successor. I’m dying.” Old Man Othello answered his eyes gazing from the clock to Mario.


The topic of Old Man Othello dying didn’t come up ever again. Mario made sure not to mention it when he started training. Old Man Othello also didn’t mention it again. As if he never opened up that topic in the first place.

The first month of training was arduous. He spend most nights reading and memorizing spells. He would pour down on the old man’s spell books. The second month in training, Old Man Othello would train him in Basya’s occult shop. He would be asked to conjure simple spells to ward of bad spirits and entities and at the same time he was taught how to commune with the entities he would see time to time around Old Man Othello and in the occult shop.

Third month into the training, he was taught divination and scrying, which was pretty easy for him to learn since he has seer abilities. It was also this month where he starts practicing making potions and amulets. Old Man Othello had him helping out already in making them and one night the old man said,

“You need a warlock name.”

“Are you saying, I need to change my name?” Mario asks. “You do realized I’ve change my name already to Mario Morales.”

Old Man Othello who is cutting up some herbal roots on the table said, “Mario Morales is not your legal name and you know that. You need a warlock name. If you want to disappear completely and start a new life, better change your whole name into your warlock name and have it registered legally.”

“You do make a point but… how do I change… no. How do I get a warlock name?” Mario asked as he mixed the herbal roots that his mentor has cut into a bowl with some powder.

“We ask the spirits of course. That’s how I got my name Raven Othello.” Old Man Othello replied.

Mario stopped mixing and said, “Do warlocks and witches do that? You know, change their names?”

“No. A lot of warlocks and witches don’t. Basya…. that is her real name.” Old Man Othello replied.

“Then why did you change yours?” Mario asks.

Old Man Othello stopped cutting and said, “Like you boy, I needed to disappear.”

Mario didn’t respond to that. He couldn’t. There is something in the air that tells him that he shouldn’t push it.

“I rather get a warlock name if I’m already sure that I am full blown warlock.” Mario replied going back to his mixing.

“If you say so boy.”

In the fourth month, Mario has started assisting Old Man Othello in his business, by this month, he would do the shopping for the old man. He would go to Basya’s occult shop by himself and get what needed to be replenish in Old Man Othello’s stock.

He got adept to talking to entities already that the spirits and entities in the occult store will talk to him.

Mario also get to know Basya. When he fist saw her, he thought he was just an ordinary clerk but apparently, she owns the occult shop. Basya has been friends with Old Man Othello for 10 years now. Through Basya, he found out that Old Man Othello had been living in Normany Motel for 10 years . The day he moved in is the same day Basya met the old man.

In the fifth to sixth month, Mario was able to do his own magic without assistance from the old man. Old Man Othello would send him out with clients without his supervision. It was also within the month when Mario’s powers were tested.

He was in Basya’s occult shopping buying crystals and sage when he sees it in a form of a vision.

In the vision he sees the Normandy Motel. In one of the rooms. He can’t see what room number but he sees a young man getting slammed into the wall by something. Something he cannot see but in the vision he was able to hear a disembodied voice.


Mario choked a bit upon seeing it. It reminded him of what happened to him and how he nearly died.

He gives a Basya saying, “I- I saw something.”

“Go. Go to Raven. Now.” Basya replied urgently.


Mario told Old Man Othello what he saw. As he finished saying this, Old Man Othello grabbed a crystal and started chanting, “A vision I saw, reveal a future about to happen. Reveal it raw. So mote it be!”
The crytsal glowed and a disembodied voice was heard

“Dieee…. you have hurt me.”

“Boy, that is a voice of a woman’s ghost.” Old Man Othello replied. “A vengeful ghost is going to kill someone here.”

Mario gulped. “She didn’t sound just like a ghost. She sounded like she evolved into something evil.”

“That’s a theory.” Old Man Othello replied.

“Why did I see it? Do we need to save the man?” Mario asked.

Old Man Othello raised an eyebrow and said, “Do you want to?”

“I- I don’t know. Maybe?” Mario replied.

A knock on their door surprised the two of them. Old Man Othello walked towards the door to see who it was leaving Mario to his thoughts.

Old Man Othello opened the door and revealed a young man. He has this messy brown hair and a scar running from his right eye to the bridge of his nose.

“What do you want?” Old Man Othello asks.

“My name is Howard. I was told you deal with the supernatural?” the young man replied.

Old Man Othello smirked and said, “That will cost you. Depending on your situation.”

“It’s a ghost situation.” Howard replied.

“A haunting huh?” Old Man Othello remarked. “That will be a thousand grand.”

Howard’s eyes widened and said, “A thousand?”

Old Man Othello eyed Howard and said, “Yes because hauntings can be dangerous for me and my assistant too.”

“F-fine. Okay. A thousand grand.” Howard replied handing an envelope to Old Man Othello.

Old Man Othello opened the door wide enough to allow Howard in. When Howard entered, Mario was walking towards towards the door. Mario stopped in his tracks upon seeing Howard and paled. Old Man Othello noticed this and asked him via his mind, “What’s wrong?”

“He is the young man in my vision.” Mario replied.

”Interesting. Well he hired us because something is haunting him.” Old Man Othello replied closing the door behind him.

Howard gives Mario a look saying, “Who are you?”

Mario has the urge to scoff but stopped himself. He bite the side of his cheek and answered, “I’m the assistant.”

“Sit down.” Old Man Othello ordered Howard as he points to the living room area. Howard parked himself at the couch looking at Mario and at Old Man Othello.

“M. This is Howard. Something is haunting him.” Old Man Othello replied giving Mario a look. Mario merely nod his head. He walks to the bathroom and got a basin. He then placed that basin on the living room table. Mario, then walked towards the cabinet and took a bottle with this purple liquid in it.

“Howard.” Old Man Othello replied looking at Howard intensely. Howard jumped a bit at that. “Howard. Look at the basin. Don’t look away. Look in it.”

As Howard turned his gaze into the basin, Mario opened the bottle and poured the liquid into the basin muttering, “In the power Hecate, I am your servant. With this water we ask thee, show him your sight, show what is right.”

The purple liquid swirled into the basin. Old Man Othello grabbed a pouch and took a pinch of white salt and said, “With this salt, you haunt, show yourself.” he then threw that pinch of salt at Howard.

Howard flinched as the salt hits his face. Old Man Othello rubbed his hands together and said, “You haunting spirit, show yourself”

A dark shadow then appeared in the basin. The purple liquid has stilled as the dark shadow appeared. From the basin, a voice was heard. It was disembodied haunting voice that Mario know so well. He backed up a bit saying to Old Man Othello in his mind, “It’s the same entity in my vision.

“Howard. What have you done?” Old Man Othello asked.

“W-what?” Howard asked.

“What have you done?” Old Man Othello asked again sternly.

Howard gulped saying, “I, well… I don’t know.”

“You did something. This thing haunting you is very angry, Howard. It is angry at you.” Mario replied.

“W-hat is it?” Howard asks.

Mario looks at Old Man Othello as if he is asking for permission. Old Man Othello shake his head at him.

“What is it?” Howard asked raising his voice.

Old Man Othello stepped forward saying, “Howard, what did you do?”

“Why are you asking me this? I came to you to help me on this haunting! I paid you a thousand grand for it.” Howard exclaimed standing up.

Old Man Othello faces Mario saying, “M. Get it.”

Mario shakes his head in disbelief. He walks towards the cabinet. He takes a small pouch throwing it at Howard saying, “This will protect you for tonight.”

Howard caught the pouch and said, “That’s it? A thousand grand for this pouch?”

“Yes. Now go.” Old Man Othello replied pointing to the door.

Howard stomped his right leg like a child saying, “No! You haven’t helped me at all! I didn’t come here, paid you a thousand grand for a measly pouch!”

“Then tell us what you did wrong! Because this spirit is angry Howard. It is haunting you for a reason. “ Mario exclaimed.

“I-I…. look I was dared to go into a haunted house okay? I trespassed into an abandoned house all right? I was dared by my friends. I didn’t know it was real and there was something evil there!” Howard exclaimed almost crying.

“He is lying Old Man Othello.” Mario replied telepathically.

“Let him lie. We will know the truth soon.” Old Man Othello replied back.

“I swear! L-look, please. They say the the evil spirit in that place kills anyone who dared enter it. I-I-I don’t want to die!” Howard exclaimed looking fearfully.

Mario points his finger at the pouch Howard now clutching and said, “Then hold unto that. It will protect you for tonight.”

“If what you say is true. We need to investigate the haunted house you went to.” Old Man Othello replied. “Tell us the place. We cannot exorcist this evil spirit if we don’t know it’s history.”

Howard trembled a bit and said, “It’s… the address is 25th Street, the Ridger House.”

“You got that M?” Old Man Othello replied,

“Yes sir.”

Old Man Othello then points to the door and said, “Now go, if you need to check in in this hotel for awhile then do it. I recommend that you do. It’s better we keep an eye on you.”

Howard nod his head and without further ado, walked out of the room. Mario ran his hand on face saying, “Damn it. My vision. It’s going to happen tonight.”

“Looks like it.” Old Man Othello replied.

“The pouch I gave him only has minimal protection. The spirit haunting him is really powerful. It reeks of hatred and vengeance.” Mario replied sitting down on the couch.

“Get some rest.” Old Man Othello replied. “This is your client.”

Mario gave his mentor a look of surprise and said, “What?”

“It’s your vision. Your mission.” Old Man Othello replied.

“W-what? Are you fucking insane?” Mario exclaimed with a slight panic in his voice.

Old Man Othello laughed a bit and said, “I trust you can do it. Your progress these past months proved that you can do this on your own.”

“No. I don’t think I can do this on my own. This spirit is way too much for me to handle.” Mario said, standing up.

Old Man Othello shake his head and said, “Listen to me boy. You cannot go on forever thinking this way. It’s time for you to do this on your own. I will not say this if you are not ready.”

“I’m scared.” Mario replied. “I’m scared old man. Someone’s life is at stake here. What if I fail? What if I fail like the last time?”

Old Man Othello gives Mario a small smile, “You are not the only one who has foresight boy. I am like you remember? I know you will not fail. Trust me.”

Mario clasped his hands together nervously. “Shit. Shit. Shit.”


Howard was given Room 406. It was pretty small and very dingy like the rest of the motel but he can’t complain. He got himself into this predicament. He never really believed in ghosts or evil spirits not until the past few days.

It started small and subtle. Two days after that night, he would have nightmares about it. Then, he would hear a faint voice in his own apartment. He thought it was his brain playing tricks on him. However, he started waking up with claw like marks on his back after a nightmare and then he would see shadows moving in the apartment in broad daylight. Things would start to float or fly, attacking him.

You can say, Howard was beyond terrified of what’s happening to him. He asked his neighbor for help and he was given the address of that old man. That old man in Room 307 of Normandy Motel. He was told to prepare at least two thousand grand just in case. Getting the two thousand grand was a bit of a struggle. He had to hustle in selling cocaine just to get the two thousand grand. It took him three nights. He was barely sleeping because the nightmares were becoming worst.

Now here he is in Room 406, lying on an uncomfortable mattress, clutching the pouch that was given to him as protection. He is trying to sleep but couldn’t. He doesn’t feel safe. He feels the paranoia creeping in. He feels like he is going to die tonight.

“She will never let me rest.” He thought closing his eyes. “Never.”
The lights then starts to flicker causing Howard to sit up from the bed. He fearfully looked around his room. The air starts to get really dense around him.

“Dieee…..” a eerie voice spoke

Howard found himself getting dragged from the bed unto the floor. He scrambled to get up. His hand still clutching the pouch saying, “Get away from me! You!”

“You think… you will escape me? My wrath? Nooo…”

Howard stretched his hand holding the pouch forward exclaiming, “You cannot harm me!”

The voice cackled in a sinister manner. “That… is not enough, Howard!”

“No! They told me it will protect me!” Howard exclaimed.

“From killing you! But I… still can… HARM you!”

Howard tried to make a dash towards the door but something pulled him back and he was slammed into the wall.


The door to his room burst open. Howard, who is glued to wall, in relief sees Mario standing there holding a crystal up towards him.

“By the power of Hecate! I open the circle! I am your faithful servant! Ward thy spirit off, so mote it be!” Mario chanted.

The crystal glowed bright. A disembodied scream was heard inside the room. Howard slides down the wall and a dark shadow flew past him and disappearing into the bathroom. Mario approached Howard, helping him up.

“Fuck! You told me this will protect me!” Howard exclaimed thrusting the pouch at Mario.

“You are still alive right?” Mario exclaimed. He then looks at the bathroom. He could see the dark shadow of the spirit lingering there. “Look it’s not over. That thing haunting you won’t leave you alone until you are dead.”

“YES! He needs to die!” the spirit roared.

Howard cowered behind Mario in fear. Mario grits his teeth. The spirit is beyond angry. It’s furious. Vengeful spirits are dangerous. If they are not put into peace, they can get corrupted really quick and can turn into something demonic. This one, is almost there.

“What did you do Howard?” Mario exclaimed.

”This again?! I didn’t do anything! I just trespassed!” Howard exclaimed. He griped his hair saying, “I didn’t. Do. Anything!”

Mario grabbed Howard by the shoulder. He gripped it hard saying, “Liar!”

He points towards the spirit inside the bathroom and exclaimed, “No spirit in a haunted place can follow you because they’re stuck there. Do you think I am an idiot not to know that? This one has been haunting you because you did something terrible Howard.”

“I-I-…” Howard stammered.

“What. Did. You. Do?” Mario seethed.

“ENOUGH!!!!!” the spirit roared. “HE NEEDS TO DIE!”

A powerful gush of wind came from the bathroom. The windows behind them cracked and broke because of the sheer force of it. Howard crouched down in utmost terror.


Mario can see the dark shadow shifting in shape. It transformed into a shape of a young woman with long hair. He could see her face, she was blood shot eyes. She is bleeding from her head and there were bullet holes from her chest. The spirit points it’s bony finger at them snarling.

He now knows why this spirit is so angry but he needs to confirm it.

Mario raised the crystal in his hand again chanting, “Spirit, I shall have you talk. Tell me your name so I can help you with your vain!”

The crystal glowed again, the spirit screeched before him as if it was in pain. Mario steps forward towards the spirit. In a demanding voice, he spoke, “TELL ME YOUR NAME!”

The spirit snarled and said, “A… Aloooo-raaaa…..”

“Alora.” Mario replied lowering the crystal a bit. “Alora, tell me. What has he done?”

Alora’s face twisted and snarled, “Why me? Ask the pig behind you!

“Howard. I suggest you come clean to me. NOW.” Mario exclaimed. He noticed tendrils of black matter appearing below Alora’s form. He knows that is not good. Her anger is boiling and she being is being contaminated by it. If he doesn’t resolved this soon, Alora will become demonic.

He turned to Howard. The young man was on the floor, trembling in terror as he tries to crawl towards the corner of the room. Mario grabbed him by the collar and hauled him up saying. “You little shit. You better tell me now!”

He turned Howard around to face him and shouted, “TELL ME!”

“I-I-… killed her.” Howard confessed sobbing. “It was an accident! I didn’t mean to!”

“LIAR!” Alora screamed, black tendrils of matter not circling around her.

Mario cursed internally and said, “Howard, if I were you I’ll stop lying and just fucking admit it all!”

“But I just did!” Howard exclaimed.

“No you little shit!” Mario exclaimed. He the crouched down putting the crystal in front of him. He takes out a small bag of salt and starts spreading it around the crystal. He is losing time. The spirit of Alora is getting contaminated fast. He looked at Alora and chanted, “For I am your faithful servant, grant me thee. Shine upon this entity, erase it’s taint, so mote it be!”

Alora screamed furiously as some of the black tendrils circling around her dissipates. Mario grabbed Howard again, forcing him to face Alora and said, “Confess now or she will turn into something more and both you and I will die!”

Howard sobbed uncontrollably. He started kneeling in a begging position saying, “Please… please. I killed you. I… I was on high drugs. I just wanted to money.”

“Money? I am your sister Howard! You killed me for money!” Alora howled.

“Yes I did. I needed more drugs… so I yes, I killed you! The insurance money will allow me to buy more drugs. I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Howard exclaimed cowering.

Mario shake his head. “You fuck.” He muttered at Howard. He stands up grabbing a handful of salt and chanted, “As a confession is made, may this quench thy anger! Be at peace!”

He then threw the handful of salt at Alora’s spirit. Alora screamed saying, “Nooo! He needs to pay!!!”

“And he will!” Mario exclaimed. “I will see to it he will.”

Alora glared at Mario, her anger slowly soothing down. “And if not?”

Mario looked at Howard and said, “Then you can have him and feed his soul to abyss of hell.”

“So shall it be.” with that Alora released another gushed of wind and disappeared.

“Is she gone?” Howard asked in a trembling voice as he stands up.

Mario shakes his head and said, “No, I just managed to quench her anger. She will still continue to haunt you. The only way to set her spirit free is for you to pay for your crime.”

“I don’t want to go to jail!” Howard exclaimed.

Mario then grabbed Howard by the collar and punched him square in the face and said, “You will or have you forgotten my deal with her? If you go unpunished she will come back and drag you to hell and I promise you, I will not be there to help you. Not even my master will!”

“M is right.” Old Man Othello replied walking into the room. He looked at Howard and said, “I have your confession on tape and the police is on it’s way to arrest you.”

“No! I paid you to help me!” Howard exclaimed angrily.

Mario cracked his knuckles and said, “We are you fuck! You go to jail, pay for your crimes and she will rest in peace. She will never bother you again after that.”

Old Man Othello chuckled and said, “Right about that.”

The sound of police sirens were now heard. Old Man Othello approached Mario saying, “I’ll take care of this M.”

Mario nod his head. As he walks out he gives Howard a look and said, “Just to let you know, I didn’t allow her to kill you not because you paid us. I didn’t allow it because she deserved to be at peace at the most peaceful way. Allowing her spirit to claim you will just will just cause her more pain. She has suffered enough.”


After an hour or so, Old Man Othello came back to Room 307. He found Mario sitting on the couch looking very solemn.

“You did a good job today.” Old Man Othello replied sitting down beside Mario.

Mario grinned a bit and said, “I know. I thought, I would fail out there.”

“Then why do you looks so grave here.” Old Man Othello asks.

Mario sighed and said, “I just… imagine. I have this power now. I can do magic. I was able to save that piece of shit’s life and perhaps gave Alora’s soul some peace… but…”

“But you were not able to save Celia.” Old Man Othello finished for him. Mario’s eyes began to tear up and said, “Yes. I wished I had this power before. I wished…”

”Wishes are futile Mario. What happened has happened and it happened because that is what it needed to be to set things in motion.” Old Man Othello replied.

Mario wiped away unshed tears saying, “Fate huh. To set things that fate had for me?”

“Tragically yes.”

Mario closed his eyes and echoed, “Tragically yes.”

“Remember Mario, remember my boy, you have the power now. You can save lives now. You can atone for the things you were not able to do.” Old Man Othello replied. “And you did save a life today. There will be more to save Mario, now that you are a Warlock.”

A Warlock. Indeed. Mario realized that as soon as he came back to Room 307. He has done magic on his own. Fought and evil spirit on his own. Resolved the whole god damned mess on his own. He is a warlock now. He is now reborn.

“I think it’s time you stop calling me Mario.” Mario replied.

“Ahhh, you getting a warlock name now huh?” Old Man Othello replied grinning.

Mario smirked and said, “I actually have one now. The spirits started talking to me as soon as I stepped in.”

“Really? What did they gave you?”

“Adrian. Adrian Ecanus.” Mario replied clasping his hands together. “I am now Adrian Ecanus. Warlock.”


Old Man Othello offered money to pay for Mario’s change of name when Mario decided to formally change it in the registry but Mario refused. He wanted to pay it on his own money. He pawned his prized watch, the remaining reminder that he is Mario Vasquez. The money got from that was enough to have his name changed plus get a social security under that name. It took two weeks to process but when Mario got his papers of his new identity, he felt so relieved.

He is no longer Mario Vasquez. Mario Vasquez died that day along with Celia and the others. He is now Adrian Ecanus. He is a Warlock, an apprentice and successor of Raven Othello.

“A warlock is born. “ Old Man Othello replied looking at Mario, now Adrian who just gave him a satisfied smile.


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