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Lost Souls: Chapter 06: Jenny


She has long ash blonde curly hair, her green mint eyes glints in the sunlight and her smile could brighten up any gloomy day. Meet Jenny Brennan, 5 foot five feet tall ball of sunshine. She is very well popular cheer leader and a student council leader. Jenny is also part of the drama club and time to time participate in the school’s debate team’s debate sessions. You can say, Jenny Brennan is a go-getter.

That is why it’s a shock to those who will learn for the first time that she is best of friends with Harper Nolan. Harper is the exact opposite of Jenny. If Jenny is sunshine, Harper is the gloom. Harper the goth who practically breathes the gothic aesthetics. She is also called the resident witch which for her is a compliment and not an insult. She does practice wicca and time to time offer tarot card readings to people who are interested. She is not a member of any clubs but being Harper’s best friend you can constantly see her hanging around the drama club and the student council.

“Harper! Harper!”

Harper turns around, her long pony-tailed red hair swinging around. Her piercing brown eyes, deep black eyeshadow and black lipstick would definitely halt you from talking to her but not Jenny.


“Yes Jenny?” Harper ask pointedly.

“Oohh such a bad mood today.” Jenny replied winking at her best friend. Harper rolled her eyes and said nothing. Jenny playfully slaps her friend on the shoulder saying, “Come on Harper, its a beautiful day!”

Harper heaved a sigh and said, “Bite me Jenny. It’s a Monday not a beautiful day.”

“Well true but let’s try to be positive shall we?” Jenny remarked.

“It’s to early to be positive.” Harper retorted almost grumbling.

“Oh look it’s the Barbie and the Harpy” a girl with wavy black hair and red lips exclaimed smirking at the two.

Jenny and Harper stared at the girl who said this. Melissa Taylor. Jenny’s fellow cheer leader and also part of the drama club. She is also an all around bitch. She constantly tries to bully the two.

“Piss off Melissa” Jenny replied. Harper merely gave the girl the middle finger. Melissa flips her hair and said in a scoffing manner, “Whatever.”

Melissa tries but she could never put the two down especially Jenny. The girl is way too popular, likeable and has a really strong personality. As for Harper, the girl is technically an outcast but because of that fierce attitude no one dares to touch her. Combine the two, they’re very strong for haters to put down.

“Ignore Melissa.” Jenny replied as the two of them walks to their class.

“Melissa who?” Harper asks sarcastically. This had Jenny chucking. “So Jenny, why are you calling my name out there like your life depend on it?” Harper asks.

Jenny sits down on her chair and said, “Well, I just wanna ask if it’s okay if I sleep over your place today until the weekend.”

Upon hearing this, Harper sits down on her chair next to Jenny and said, “You know you always can. My house is like your home too you know.”

“Thanks Harper.” Jenny replied giving her friend a knowing smile.


Unseen by the two girls, she stands there in front of them. She kneels down looking at the two intently. The blonde talking animatedly and Harper just nodding and commenting from time to time. Lirika closes her eyes and said, “Harper Nolan and Jenny Brennan, how unlikely.”

“Is it?” the tattoo on Lirika’s hand asks.

“Yes, you do can see that they’re two different girls.” Lirika points out.

The tattoo snickers and said, “I don’t see a difference. They’re both high school girls.”

Lirika stands up and said, “And you call me weird Chicol.”

“Because you are.” Chicol remarked chucking.

She turns her back on the two saying, “This is going to be a tough one.”


“I don’t get how those two are friends. I mean one is a total weirdo and the other one is well normal.” Paula Harrington remarked as she stretches. It’s another practice day for the cheerleading squad. Melissa is her stretching partner who rolls her eyes on her friend’s comment.

“Can we not talk about the Barbie and Harpy?” Melissa retorted.

“It’s kinda not hard too! They’re always together!” Paula replied pointing her hand as Jenny and Harper at the gym’s entrance door.

Melissa swats Paula’s hand and said, “Geez, don’t be a fucking obvious, you twat!”

Harper smirked at the scene of Paula looking offended when her bitchy friend called her a twat. She turns to Jenny and said, “Look, I gotta go. I’ll see you at home.”

“Why can’t you stay and watch?” Jenny asks.

“Because it’s too bright and sunny for me.” Harper replied knowingly.

Jenny sighs. Harper never hangs around her cheerleading practice. Her friend can’t stand the whole team, she is the only person in the squad whom Harper likes. Harper likes the people in the drama club and majority in the student council but the cheerleading squad? Harper avoids it like a plague.

“So I gotta go. Don’t let that bitch get you.” Harper replied giving Melissa a look. Jenny laughs and said, “Hahaha as if! Take care okay?”

Harper nods her head and left. Jenny slings her duffel bag over her shoulder as she approached the squad. The team captain smiles at her saying, “Finally, you are here. We can start.”

“Sorry about that, the meeting at the student council took awhile than I thought.” Jenny replied.

“So busy Jenny. Like you are a full time student council leader and a cheerleader to boot. Not only that, you are also a member of the drama club and a part time member of the debate team.” the team captain said as she mentions to Jenny to do her stretching.

Jenny grins as she seats down stretching her arms. “Oh you know me, I love being busy. Keeps me active.”

Th team captain shakes her head and gives her this look of concern. She sits next to Jenny and in a whispered tone, “To tell you the truth by next year you have to quit the student council or the drama club because I’m making you team captain.”

“What? Wait, you never told me this. I thought you are eyeing at Melissa?” Jenny whispered back in surprise.

“I was but Melissa, I love the girl. She is damn good. She dances well, she cheers well but her choreography sucks! I thought by giving her time she will improve but uhhh, it ain’t happening.” the team captain said shaking her head.

Jenny sighs and said, “Fine but I don’t think I can quit the drama club and the student council.”

The team captain’s eyes widened and said, “Are you insane? That is too much load too handle.”

“Trust me, I can quit the debate team. That’s okay and besides I like being busy, remember?” Jenny replied standing up. The team captain shakes her head in disbelief.

Yes, that’s Jenny Brennan. The go-getter.


It was around 8PM when she got home. She silently climbs the stairs to her bedroom. She needs to pack some things. She is going to stay for a maximum of four days at Harper’s. She could hear her parents arguing in the living room.

“This is the nth time this week.” Jenny thought not stopping for a moment as she climbs the stairs. She got to her room and she immediately locked the door. Though, locking the door doesn’t help at all.

It doesn’t stop the loud arguments downstairs from seeping through her room. It also doesn’t stop her father for coming in the night and...

Jenny takes a deep breathe. She was in the middle of packing her things when she feels like her lungs are getting constricted. It’s not every night her father does it but in a month she can count how many times. She can also count the days where her mother is constantly drunk and refuse to get help for her alcoholism.

Oh the Brennans. Their neighbors and everybody thinks they’re a perfect family. They don’t know that her family is full of shit. They don’t know that going home means hell for her.

This is why Jenny keeps herself busy in school. It’s her way of coping, to erase the pain and horror she experience in her home. Her best friend Harper, who she has known since middle school is the only person who knows what’s going on.

She hears her cellphone buzzing. She looks at it and it was Harper. She picks it up and in a whispered tone she answers, “I’ll be there soon, just packing.”

“Okay, just checking up on you.” she hears Harper say.

She zips her bag and slings it over her shoulder. She could not hear her parents arguing anymore.

“Shit.” Jenny thought. She then hears footsteps coming up the stairs. “Fuck!”

“Jenny?” Harper asks through the phone.

“Call you later Harper. Need to go.” Jenny whispered almost in panic. She hurriedly unlocks her door and then looks at her window and bit her lips. No choice.


Jenny was gone by the time her bed room door opens revealing that it was her mother was climbing the stairs. Mrs. Brennan who is clutching a bottle of whiskey looks around muttering on how her daughter is not always home. She took a long drink of the whiskey before slumping on the bed.

She usually goes to her daughter’s bedroom to drink in peace. She does this usually when her daughter is not home. She wanted to talk to her daughter and inform her that she divorcing her father but her daughter was not there.

Her Jenny is always busy in school. It seems like her daughter doesn’t want to stay at home. Even during the weekends, her daughter is not at home. Jenny would be at her best friend’s place or at school doing work for the drama club and student council.

“Jenny.... Why are you not here? Mama needs to talk to you. “ Mrs. Brennan replied closing her eyes.


Harper let out a sigh of relief when Jenny appeared on her doorstep. She was extremely worried that something happened to her.

“Sorry, I heard someone going up so I had to go out using the window” Jenny replied as she enters the Nolan’s household.

“Come on, Mom is already sleeping. So we had to be quiet.” Harper replied motioning for Jenny to come to her bedroom.

As they enter Harper’s room, Jenny threw her bag on the bed saying, “Ugh I’m super exhausted.”

“You are stating the obvious.” Harper replied seating down on the floor. She then points to her working table and said, “Mom cooked dinner for you.”

Jenny smiles. “Your mom is the best Harper.”

“So, how was practice?” Harper asks.

“Great. I was told that I’ll be team captain next year.” Jenny replied taking a huge bite of her food.

Harper smiles and said, “That’s great Jenny! Make sure you get squad members okay? Those who are tolerable and has great attitude.”

“Oh you! You do realize I can’t kick Melissa and Paula out of the team.” Jenny remarked.

“Anyway, since you’re going to be team captain this means goodbye drama club and student council.” Harper replied frowning. She somehow didn’t like the idea of her best friend quitting the two organizations she likes in school.

Jenny notice the sour look on Harper and said, “Don’t worry your pretty head Harper. I am not quitting the drama club and the student council.”

“What?! Okay I’m happy you are not but really?” Harper exclaimed standing up. “What are you thinking? Team captain and full time members of two of the most busiest organizations in school? Plus academics!”

Jenny wave her hand at her hand and said, “I will be fine.”

”No I don’t think so. You are already exhausting yourself as of now. Jenny!” Harper exclaimed looking worried

Jenny sighed and said, “You know the reason why I am doing this.”

“God damn it Jenny! Of course I know but I don’t think by making yourself constantly busy all the time is not the answer to your problem.” Harper replied folding her arms. “We need to tell your mom what your dad has done to you.”

“NO!” Jenny exclaimed standing up. “We are not telling my mom Harper.”

“Why not?”

“Because she wouldn’t care! She only care for her about alcohol and her own fucking worries that’s why. She only cared about dad cheating, she only cared that she is no longer that beautiful woman she was before yada yada yada!” Jenny furiously exclaimed.

Harper looks at her friend forlornly. Everything fell apart for Jenny at the end of middle school. Her mom started drinking and her dad started to become aloof. What’s worst, her dad started sexually harassing her last year and she doesn’t know why. To cope, Jenny submerge herself in school activities. Literally.

“Jenny... We can tell my mom, she can help you.” Harper replied.

”No Jenny no! We’re not telling your mom! Please, just one more year and I can get out. I will be gone from that hell hole!” Jenny replied. She grabs her friend by the arm saying, “Please Harper, for me!”

Harper sighs. She envelops her best friend in a tight hug and said nothing.


“I told you they are two different girls” Lirika replied who is currently seating on the roof of the Nolan household. She opens up her clear plastic umbrella and looked up. The stars are out but only a few can be seen.

Chicol sighed saying, “Back in the days, you can see all the stars at night.”

“Those days are gone.” Lirika replied. She closes her eyes as she feels the breeze blowing through her head. She then opens her eyes and said, “In four days, all will be over.”

She then notices another Lost Soul. He is wearing this long white flowing coat and black trousers. He has white eyes and white hair. He smiles at Lirika saying, “I thought you will never see me Lirika.”

“Stor. It’s been awhile.” Lirika greeted.

Stor, a Lost Soul who is much older than her sat down beside her and said, “You waiting for your soul?”

Lirika nods her head. Stor sighed and said, “Me too.”

“Your soul, it’s her isn’t it?” Lirika asks. Stor stretched his arms upwards and said, “You got it. Who would thought that our assignment would be connected.”

“I guess fate simply works that way.” Lirika replied. Stor looks at her and said, “And fate simply is cruel.”

Lirika smiles sadly at that statement. Stor then takes out a huge black rose-like flower. He hands it to her and said, “Here, have this. I have a feeling you needed the extra energy.”

Ambrosia. Food for the Gods but technically food for Lost Souls. Entities like Angels do not need food but Lost Souls like her and Stor. They need to feed on Ambrosia at least thrice a month to restore energy. They waste energy whenever they reap and without enough energy they will be in a weakened state and that would be dangerous for a Lost Soul.

Lirika as a Lost Soul who has a Leidon of the Deceased, she needs twice the energy. She takes the Ambrosia from Stor thanking him. Stor pats her on the head and said, “I’ll be seeing you soon. I gotta go.”

“Be seeing you.” Lirika said as Stor disappears.


It was wee hours in the morning when Jenny got the call from her father. Her mother was found dead due to alcohol poisoning. Harper remembers borrowing her mother’s car keys and driving a frantic Jenny at 3 AM back to her house. She can barely recall what happens next after that. It was a blur of Jenny screaming and sobbing, of Jenny running out of the house and of her running after her making sure nothing bad happens to her and other things that involve an ambulance and the police.

It was pure chaos.

Lirika watches along the sidelines, watching it like it was part of a movie. She sees Stor walking towards her with a black feather in hand.

“My job is done here” Stor replied.

“And mine is about to start.” Lirika remarked.

Stor looks at the scene before him. He made a tsk, tsk sound and said, “This is a disaster. This family.”

Lirika didn’t say anything. She has seen similar families like this. It’s tragic, hopeless and heartbreaking. They don’t usually have a happy ending.

“I wished it was the father who has died.” Stor muttered almost spiteful. He taps Lirika on the head said, “Good luck with yours” and with that he walks away whistling a tune.

Lirika looks at Harper hugging a hysterical Jenny and smiled sadly. Yes. They don’t usually have a happy ending.


The news of Mrs. Brennan dying from alcohol poisoning spread around school like wildfire. Students were talking about it. Even the teachers. They were very shocked because the idea of Jenny Brennan’s mother dying in that manner was something no one will believe.


Jenny looks at Harper who is beside her. Her best friend has apparently grabbed her by the arm calling her name several times to get her attention.

”Jenny, what are you doing here?” Harper asks.

“I am where I should be Harper.” Jenny answered in a deadpan manner.

Harper frowns and said, “No. You should be at your mother’s wake. “

“I will be there later. I have a lot of things to do.” Jenny replied.

“Jenny... Please....” Harper begged. She is extremely worried now. Mrs. Brennan just died yesterday and now her daughter is in school trying to look okay but definitely is not.

Jenny bit her lower lip saying, “I will be fine Harper.”

“That is not enough to convince me.” Harper exclaimed her frown deepening.

Jenny smiled at her friend sadly and said, “Oh Harper... You worry wart.” she then taps her best friend’s cheek twice and said, “It will be all right soon.” with that she walks away leaving Harper looking lost.


The next day, both Jenny and Harper were absent from school. Mr. Brennan decided to cremate his late wife’s body. He didn’t want a long wake. He just want to get over it. Jenny didn’t dispute it. She was quiet the whole time her father decided on the idea.

The drive to the crematorium was dark and brooding. Jenny didn’t speak a word. Harper wanted to say comforting words but couldn’t. She merely kept quiet and held on to her best friend’s hand. Jenny squeezed her hand tighter but said nothing.

In the crematorium while waiting for Mrs. Brennan’s ashes, Jenny decided to wait outside the crematorium. The idea of waiting with her father in the waiting room didn’t appeal to her. Harper’s mom decided to accompany Mr. Brennan while Harper didn’t leave Jenny’s side.


“Yes Jenny?”

“I emailed something to you. Please save it and send it to the police.” Jenny replied almost in a whisper.

Harper’s eyes widened. Could it be?

“Do it tonight and I’ll see you tomorrow.” Jenny replied. She took her friend’s hand and said, “Promise you will do it tonight. Don’t call me or whatever. I will see you tomorrow okay?”

Harper nods her head.

“I love you Harper. Thank you for everything. You were such a great friend to me. I will never be able to survive all of this if weren’t for you.” Jenny replied hugging Harper.

For some reason Harper felt tears falling from her eyes. She doesn’t know why but she feel so sad. She never felt so much sadness before. She hugged Jenny tightly. She could not speak. She wanted to say I love you too. She wanted to thank Jenny too. She could not say all of this. She could only hug her friend tight.


That night, after dinner, Harper locked herself in her room. She stares at her laptop who seemed to be staring at her anonymously. A part of her wanted to skip the part of opening her mail and just go to Jenny’s place. Another part says to open her e-mail and download whatever Jenny sent her.

“Just do it Harper.”

Harper sat in front of her laptop and opens her mail. She sees Jenny’s email to her. She clicks it open. There is no message but an attached video.

She clicks “download” and waited. After a minute or so, she opens and it what she sees made her stomach churn. She didn’t dare finish the video which is five minutes long. She clicks stop. She closes her eyes and took deep breaths. She is trying her best to calm down because anger, pure anger is bubbling in her. She doesn’t know what to do with it.

She then grabs her cellphone and started typing a message to Jenny.

“Don’t call me or whatever. I will see you tomorrow okay?”
Jenny’s voice rang in her head.

She stopped typing. She looks at her message. All she need to do is to press SEND and the message will be send to Jenny.

“Don’t call me or whatever. I will see you tomorrow okay?”


“Please save it and send it to the police.”

Harper then looks at a flash drive on her table.

“Please save it and send it to the police.”

She picks it up and inserted it in the USB port. She then clicks COPY.

“Promise you will do it tonight.”

She then opens the flash drive and clicked PASTE.

Harper then looks at her cellphone.

“I will see you tomorrow okay?”

She takes her cellphone. She really wanted to send the message. There is this inner battle inside her. She grips her cellphone hard that her knuckles turned white.

“I will see you tomorrow okay?”

Harper sighed. She deleted her message.

“I will see you tomorrow Jenny.”


Lirika looks at Jenny who is filling the bathtub with water. She noticed a bottle of pills besides it.

“It’s time.” Chicol said.

Jenny took 10 pills from the bottle and gobbled it all up. She then went into the bathtub and laid there.

“This kind of death. Until now, breaks my heart.” Lirika replied. She watches as Jenny closes her eyes. She watches as Jenny’s breathing starts to slow down and became erratic. She watches as Jenny succumbed to the pills and finally no more.

“Leidon of the Deceased. You are Cichol, come out and I shall reap!” Lirika whispered as she taps her tattoo on her hand. The tattoo glowed and out came a huge butterfly. The butterfly went into Jenny’s body. Lirika then placed her hand over Jenny’s body and said, “Your soul is mine to keep, waiting for it for mine to reap. Jenny Brennan.”

A bright light came out of Jenny’s body and Lirika watches Jenny’s wispy soul forming in front of her.

“So I am gone.”

“You are. You have passed.”

Jenny smiled sadly and said, “I am so tired.”

“You can rest now but I’ve wished you could have lived your life.” Lirika replied.

“What’s done is done... I can’t do it anymore. I am so tired.” Jenny remarked in despair. “What have I done to deserve this kind of life? I had a mother who couldn’t handle my father’s cheating and fell into pits of depression. I had a father who sexually abuse me on certain nights and I don’t understand why!”

Lirika wanted to cry with her but couldn’t. Jenny’s soul is filled with so much despair and anger. This kind of soul can easily be corrupted by evil.

“I had a fake life! The Jenny they knew in school is a fake! I put on a smile and pretend everything is okay but deep inside I wanted to die! I wanted everything to end!” Jenny exclaimed in anger.

“And you have a best friend who loves you and will be in total despair.” Lirika replied. This had Jenny stopped crying. “Harper.... Harper loves you so genuinely.”

Jenny closes her eyes and said nothing. Lirika then felt sadness and joy in Jenny. There is no denying that Jenny loved Harper too. Harper who has been her solid rock and the only person who has understood her.

“It’s time to go Jenny.” Lirika replied handing her hand

“Harper is the only thing that is real in my life.” Jenny replied as she took Lirika’s hand. Her soul is then surrounded by light and turned into a black feather on Lirika’s palm. She looks at Jenny’s body and exclaimed, “The deed is done, return Chicol.”

Chicol in butterfly form came out of the body and returned to Lirika’s hand as a tattoo. “So time to go?” it asks.

“Not yet.” Lirika replied leaving the bathroom.


It was 9AM when she arrived at the Brennan’s doorstep. She knows it’s early for a weekend and Jenny is probably still sleeping but she need to be early here. She couldn’t sleep well last night. The unsettling feeling she felt after watching the video and saving it in the flash drive worsened as the night goes on.

She rang the doorbell. No one answers. She rang it again.

“Is Mr. Brennan home?” Harper wondered.

She takes out her cellphone and dialed Jenny’s number. She heard it ringing on the other end but Jenny was not answering.


She turned around and sees Mr. Brennan standing there. He looked like he hasn’t been home last night and only came now. The sight of the man made Harper angry again. This man, this despicable man.

“Are you visiting Jenny?” Mr. Brennan asks taking out his house keys.

“Yes sir. Jenny asked me to come over.” Harper answered. Mr. Brennan opens the house door and motioned her to come in.

As soon as she steps inside the house she walks towards the stairs saying, “I’ll go wake Jenny up Mr. Brennan.”

“Sure, sure.” Mr. Brennan replied as he walks towards the kitchen.

Harper climbs the stairs towards Jenny’s room. She feels her heart pounding. She couldn’t fathom why she is feeling this way. She also feels that the climb and walk towards Jenny’s room felt ominous. It was a heavy feeling.

“Jenny?” she calls out as she knocks on her friend’s bedroom door.

No answer.

“Jenny? Are you there? It’s me Harper.” Harper replied, knocking harder.

No answer.

She heaved a sigh. Jenny is normally a light sleeper. A knock or the house doorbell could wake her up immediately. She knocks again but no Jenny.

Harper grabs the doorknob and turns it. She pushes the door forward and sees that Jenny was not on the bed. In fact, the bed was made like it wasn’t slept on. She turns to her right and sees the bathroom door. There is light coming from it and it was slightly opened.

She grabs the bathroom door and opens it wide. What she saw had her crying.

“JENNY! OH MY GOD! Jenny!”

Jenny Brennan was lying dead in water filled bath tub.

“MR. BRENNAN!!! COME QUICK! MR. BRENNAN!” Harper screamed. She then wrapped her best friend in a hug. Tears were pouring out of her eyes. She cradled, Jenny’s face saying, “Jenny! What did you do it?! Why? Jenny!”

She noticed the bottle of pills and she immediately knew the cause of death.

“Jenny, you promised to see me today. You promised! You promised!” Harper sobbed loudly. She turns her head and screamed, “MR. BRENNAN!”

It took another minute of screaming before Mr. Brennan came running into Jenny’s bedroom and witnessing the scene in the bathroom.

The next few scenes was pure chaos in Harper’s eyes. Mr. Brennan breaking down in tears and agony. He pulled Harper away from Jenny to hug her daughter. Harper wanted to scream at him to get away from Jenny because she knew what she did to her but couldn’t. So, what she did is call the police to report what happened.

She didn’t know how she managed to describe the situation over the phone because she was kind of hysterical already. When she got off the phone, she slumped on the floor almost chocking on her sob. She watches as Mr. Brennan cries in pain that her daughter committed suicide.

“I love your Harper. Thank you for everything. You were such a great friend to me. I will never be able to survive all of this if weren’t for you.”

“I will see you tomorrow okay?”

“JENNY!” she screamed.

That day at the crematorium. Those were her last words to her. That video she sent her was her suicidal note.

Why didn’t she call yesterday? She should have. She should have sent that message. She should have gone and went to Jenny that night. Why? Why?

She didn’t know what time the police came. All she knew that once they arrived, they had her and Mr. Brennan out of the room. As she was being led away, she sees a long-haired girl with ram horns on her head sitting on Jenny’s bed staring at her. She rubs her eyes and when she looks again, she was gone.

She didn’t think of it after that since her attention went on the police investigator asking her details of what happened in the living room. She tried her best to be clear in her story of she found Jenny and why she was there. She remembers the video and the flash drive.

“Officer... Jenny sent me this last night. She told me to save it and give it to the police.” Harper said in a whispered tone. She gets the flash drive from her pocket and hands it to the police officer.

“What is this?” the police asked as he takes the flash drive.

Harper grits her teeth. She looks at Mr. Brennan being questioned by the police. It is now or never. She should have done this a long time ago.

“Evidence of Mr. Brennan sexually abusing her daughter.” Harper exclaimed in a loud voice. So loud, that everyone in the living room went quiet. She then looks at the police and said bitterly, “Saved in that flash drive is a video of Mr. Brennan, sexually harassing her own daughter.”

Mr. Brennan lunged at Harper screaming, “THAT IS A LIE!” the police officer questioning him, grabbed him by the upper torso to stop the man before he could harm Harper.

“No! Jenny sent it to me! She sent it to me on the day of your wife’s cremation! She asked me to download and save it. She asked me to turn it to the police.” Harper spat standing up. “You despicable scum! You piece of fucking trash! YOU DON’T DESERVE TO LIVE!” she screamed.

The police office who is holding on to the flash drive grabs her by the arm saying, “Mam, please sit down. I need to ask you more questions.”

Harper gave the police officer a harsh look and said, “What you need to do now is view that video and arrest this man! He is the reason why Jenny committed suicide.”

“I AM NOT!” Mr. Brennan shouted.

Harper shakes her head, “Well, both of you. You and Mrs. Brennan are at fault and you know it!”

”YOU LIE!” Mr. Brennan screamed.

Harper clenched her fist and exclaimed, “I am not. That video file in that flash drive will prove it!”

“Okay this is getting out of hand, both of you have to come to the precinct.” one of the police officer remarked frowning at them.

“I will gladly come.” Harper exclaimed with indignation. Mr. Brennan suddenly went pale at that idea. “No...” he muttered.

The police officer behind him spoke, “I’m sorry sir but you have to.”

“Coward. You are obviously guilty!” Harper spat. Mr. Brennan’s eyes widened and exclaimed, “You fucking bitch!” he tried to break free from the police officer’s hold but couldn’t.

“That’s it. Mr. Brennan, you are coming with us now!” The police officer exclaimed. “Please, don’t make us handcuff you.”

The police officer who said this looked at Harper and said, “I suggest you call your parents young lady because you have to come with us too.”

“That is no fucking problem.” Harper replied taking out her phone and dialed her mother’s phone number. As her mom picks up, she gave a short version of what happened. Mrs. Nolan in a calm voice told her to try to calm herself and told her to hand in the phone to speak to the police officer.

She did was she was told. As she hands the phone, she sees the long haired girl with ram horns once more but this time, coming down the stairs. The girl was holding a clear plastic umbrella.

“What the fuck?”


Harper broke her gaze at the stair and looked at the police officer handing her phone. “Your mother will meet you at the station. She is on her way.” the officer remarked. She takes her phone muttering, “Thank you.”

“Come on now, we better get this going.” the officer remarked.

Mr. Brennan was the first one to be led out of the house and into a police car. Harper followed suit. She slowly looks at the paramedics who are now coming downstairs with Jenny’s body in a stretcher.

Tears starts to fall down again from her eyes.

“Jenny...” she sobbed. The officer tapped her by the shoulder. He gives her a very sad look and said, “I’m so sorry. She was your best friend.”

Harper bit her lips and said nothing.


When they arrived the police station, Harper was asked to wait for her mother before she could release any statement regarding her accusation. Mr. Brennan was already led into an interrogating room immediately.

Sense of time has left her that day, she didn’t even notice that her mother has arrived and was already giving her a tight hug. She sobbed so hard when she realized it was her mother hugging her.

“I knew for a long time mom. I knew what Mr. Brennan was doing to Jenny. I knew but I didn’t do anything!” Harper sobbed.

Mrs. Nolan hugged her daughter tight and whisper, “Shhh Harper... It’s not your fault.”

“I wished I pushed harder mom! I wished I told you about it because I knew! I know, you can help her. Mom!”

Mrs. Nolan never saw her daughter like this. She knew Harper loved her best friend so dearly. To carry such a secret and to share her best friend’s burden for a year was such a heavy thing and now this?

“Harper, listen baby. It is not your fault. You did what you think was right.” Mrs. Nolan replied looking at her daughter’s eyes.

Harper took a deep breath and said, “I wanted to send her a message last night when I saw the video but I didn’t. I didn’t because she asked me too. I wished I didn’t listen to her. My gut was telling me to contact her that night but I didn’t!”

“Oh Harper baby.” Mrs. Nolan exclaimed sounding heartbroken like her daughter.

A police officer came breaking their moment. The officer mentioned that Harper’s accusation was true. They have viewed the video on the flash drive. Harper spoke the truth. Mr. Brennan is now being interrogated about the situation but they still need to get Harper’s statement regarding how she knew everything and such.

Harper nods her head. She clutches her mother’s hand as her mother spoke, “Please let me be with her as you take her statement. I don’t think I can leave her alone.”

“No problem ma’am. Please this way.” The office said as he lead them to another interrogation room.


The news of Jenny’s suicide, like Mrs. Brennan’s death spread has spread like wildfire. People were talking about it the whole day. Harper kept quiet about the whole thing. She locked herself in her room after giving her statement to the police. She didn’t dare go out until Jenny’s wake.

It was a short one. It was arranged by her mother and Mrs. Brennan’s sister, Jenny’s aunt. Jenny was also cremated like her mother. She cried the whole time when they put her to rest. She felt crying forever. It hurts so much she feels like dying.

Jenny’s aunt forbade Mr. Brennan to attend the funeral. He was even banned from the wake. Harper was informed that Mr. Brennan will be going to jail for what he did. That news somehow made her feel happy even a little bit. Nevertheless, she still feels like she wants to die.

After the funeral, Harper locked herself in her room again. She slumped down on the side of her bed. Her eyes feels so tired. She feels so tired.


“If you are thinking about it. Please don’t”

Harper’s eyes widened. There is someone in the room with her.

She turned around there sat on her table is the long haired girl with ram horns.


.“Don’t be afraid. I am not here to harm you” the girl said.

Harper gulps. She is supposed to be afraid because the being in front of her is definitely human. It’s something else. She spotted her in the Brennan’s household and now in her own home. There is no fear but solemness coming the girl before her.

“You saw me in the Brennan Household.” the girl replied. “I am a Reaper of Soul. I was there to reap your best friend’s soul.”

“You what?” Harper exclaimed in shock.

The girl gives her a look that says she is not going to repeat what she said.

“If you say who you are, why are you here?” Harper asks.

“Because of your Harper Nolan.” the girl replied.

Harper slowly stands up. She points her index finger to her herself and said, “Me?”

“Yes. I am here to say that what you are thinking right now is not the answer. You cannot follow Jenny.” the girl replied.

This had Harper crying again.

“Survivor’s guilt. What you feel is survivor’s guilt.” the being said.

“What do you know of how I feel?!” Harper demanded.

The being smiles sadly and said, “I won’t be here if you were not thinking about it. I would have left after reaping her soul but I heard a whisper. A whisper from Him. He says, to look out for you.”

The girl hops down the table and said, “Jenny ended her life but you shouldn’t too. You will be leaving your mother so dearly and above all else, Jenny will never approve of it.”

“How dare you! How dare you say that?! You wouldn’t know what Jenny will approve or not!” Harper exclaimed taking a step forward.

The girl procured a black feather from her hand. Harper stared at it. The black feather glowed a bit and she heard Jenny’s voice.

“I’m so sorry Harper....”

Harper gasped.

“I’m so sorry Harper. I’m so sorry if I left you. I’m so sorry that you had to suffer too. Please don’t waste your life to follow me.”


”No Harper. This is the last time I ask you to follow my wishes. Don’t. I want you to live, live for me...”

Harper then clutches her chest and nod her head.

“I love you Harper.”

“I love you too Jenny” Harper replied back as she closes her eyes. The being steps forward and whispered in her ear, “Be strong and watch out for a man. He will be needing your help.”

Harper opens her eyes and the being was gone. She then finds herself sitting on her bed. She still feels awful and dreadful but the idea and feeling of wanting to die is gone.

“Be strong and watch out for a man. He will be needing your help.”

“I wonder what did she mean by that?” Harper whispered. She then hears a knock. Her bedroom door opens and there stands Mrs. Nolan with a tray of food.

Harper looks at her mom. She smiles sadly. Mrs. Nolan returned that sad smile back and said, “I know it’s going to be hard. It will be difficult. To lose someone like that.” she then placed the tray on her table.

“I feel you baby. I was like that too when your father died.” Mrs. Nolan replied.

Harper found herself hugging her mother from behind and said, “Mom!”

Mrs. Nolan pats her daughter’s arm lovingly and said, “You will be fine. I know you will because you are a strong girl Harper. You are a fighter. So be strong.”

Harper Nolan nods her head.

“I want you to live, live for me...”

“Yes. I will. I will Jenny.”


Two weeks has passed before Harper could go back normally to school. Well, as normal as she can muster. It feels weird walking along the corridors without hearing Jenny calling out her name. The seat besides her remained empty. She finds herself staring at it longingly from time to time. She even found herself passing by the drama club and the student council room only to realize that the person she usually hangs out with there is gone. The dynamic duo of Jenny and Harper is now one. Just Harper.

“Oh hey Harpy.” Melissa calls out.

Harper ignores her.

“She ignored you Melissa.” Paula replied in a sing-song voice. Melissa frowns . She lunges at Harper grabbing her by the arm saying. “I said Harpy!”

Harper turns around. She wrung Melissa’s hand off her arm saying, “Look here bitch, if you think you can fucking bully me because Jenny is gone now, you can just fuck off!”

The response had Melissa in shock. Harper is known to be tough but she never lash out like that. It’s usually Jenny who does. Even Paula was shocked. This Harper Nolan in front of them feels different.

“Both of you, pathetic. You live your day by making other people feel so miserable. You think your awesome just because your pretty and popular? BULLSHIT!” Harper exclaimed angrily.

“Why you-” Melissa exclaimed looking angry.

“What? Come one Melissa. You are all words no fucking bite. You can piss off!” Harper spat as she walks away.

The people who witnessed this clapped their hands cheering on Harper. Harper kept on walking ignoring the cheers and clapping. She doesn’t know what gotten over her. She normally keep to herself and acts shady towards Melissa and her posse.

A fellow student suddenly taps her on the shoulder saying, “Harper Nolan?”

“Yes? What do you want?”

“I just saw what you did out there. That was amazing. I thought, now Jenny is gone, no one will have the guts to stand up to those two but seeing what you did, I guess it’s not true.” the student replied.

Harper felt her jaw dropping. She could not utter a word.

The student walks away thanking her again.

Harper gives a small smile, a smile she usually gives only to Jenny.

“You will be fine. I know you will because you are a strong girl Harper. You are a fighter. So be strong.”

She steps into the classroom. She sits down on her usual seat. She looks at the empty seat besides and her smiles.

“Don’t worry Jenny... I will be fine now on.”


“I love you Jenny Brennan,
You are my best friend and
I thank you for everything. Rest in peace”


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