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12 Dawns Vol. 1: Chapter Two - Lone Wolf

The warehouse has this atrocious scent. It’s a mixture of a smell of a decaying body and dried blood. The whole warehouse has that smell. It can make anyone puke.

She raised her hand holding a flashlight to shed light on the path she walking. The electricity blew out as soon as she entered. The whole place is in pitch darkness.

“This is a fucking trap.” she thought. She knew it was a trap but her stupid chief thinks it’s not. “God, the smell.” she wanted to cover her nose but couldn’t she needed her other hand to hold a gun.

She perked her right hear. She heard soft footsteps like it’s coming from behind her. Or is it?

“Shit. I don’t like this a lot.” she thought to herself. She stopped walking and closed her eyes. She took deep breathes, trying to calm her beating heart. She lowered her flashlight a bit and opened her eyes.

There stands an apparition of a child. She has a nasty gash on her face and her throat has been cut. Her gaunt pale face with soulless black eyes stare at her. The child lifts her am and outstretch a finger at her, pointing behind her.

She nods her head and turned around. She points her gun and shoot. A loud moan was heard. She points her flashlight to where she shot and sees a man with a bleeding shoulder. The man holding a three by four plywood with nails sticking on it glared at her and attacked.

She shot again. This time hitting the man in the other shoulder. She lowered her gun and shot the man’s leg. The man stumbled down howling in pain. As the man fell down to his knees, she gave a quick kick to the head and the man was knocked out.

She grabs her radio and called in, “I got him.”

As she said this, the electricity came on. She looked around and muttered, “About fucking time.”

A police officer came running on her left saying, “Detective, are you okay?”

“Yes I am.” she exclaimed. She nudge her head forward saying, “I knocked him out. Had to shoot at him three times to disable him. He is one strong asshole.”

“You can say that. I can’t believe we got the Red Slasher.” the police officer exclaimed. He approached the unconscious body. Two more police officers arrived. On of the two bent down and handcuffed the unconscious man.

“Red Slasher. His name is Billy Loftstow. He is a serial killer who targets mothers and their children. He is no Red Slasher. He is a monster in a human body.” she exclaimed bitterly.

One of the police officer looks at her asking, “How did you manage to get him in the dark Detective deo Brado?”

The Detective merely smirked and said, “I got lucky I guess.”

“Anyway, what’s with this warehouse? It reeks of death.” one of the police officers exclaimed. He just called in an ambulance for Billy Loftstow.

“That’s because this is where he brings his victims.” The Detective replied. Her eyes looking past the police officers before her.

Behind them are souls of women and children. All them looking gaunt and pale. All of them with their throats slashed and seemingly bleeding. They all looked beyond angry and she knew that these souls will never rest in peace as long as Billy Loftstow is alive.

The Detective looked at the unconscious Billy Loftstow as the medics came rushing towards them. “It will be hell for him from this point.” she muttered knowing that the souls will definitely haunt this man until his dying day.


Detective Seomi deo Brado. That is her full name. She stands 5 foot and 5 inch tall. She has long brown hair that she usually ties in a pony tail. She has heterochromia making her eyes looking weird to most. She has green eyes on her left and blue eyes on her right. This special looking eyes of hers earned her a nickname in the force. They call her The Heterochromatic Lone Wolf.

Lone Wolf. She is the only Inspector Detective in the force who doesn’t have a partner and refuses to have one. In Seomi’s opinion, having a partner just complicates things for her.

You see, it’s not just her eyes makes her special. Seomi has a special ability that she never lets anyone knows except her father. Her father calls her a “Seer”. Someone who can see things that other people can’t. This ability of hers allows her to solve cases very quickly and it baffled a lot of people. It baffles fellow officers in the force. It also baffles the higher ups.

She do shares information and opinions on the case she is working on but she never shares her contacts. How can she? When they’re technically spirits or ghosts?

For Seomi deo Brado having a partner means a liability so no matter how her superior begs her to get a partner or a partner will be assigned to her, she will outright say no and refuse.

Working alone is better for her. It has worked fine and it will stay that way.

She watches as Billy Loftstow, both hands handcuffed on the stretcher’s railing, is being pulled into the ambulance. Two nurses and two police officers got into the ambulance as well.

Her eyes widened as the spirits of a mother an child got into the ambulance as well. As the ambulance sped off, the groups of spirits she saw inside the warehouse followed also, in a form of an invisible grayish black smoke. Seomi gulps. She has a feeling that Billy won’t live to see his sentence.

“Good job Detective deo Brado. Another case solved.”

Seomi sighed. She knows that voice. It’s hes boss. Chief Inspector Rowland.

“Chief.” Seomi replied giving a salute. Rowland nods at her saying, “You solved this case in a matter of a week. A feat. This case has been going on for months in other detective’s hands but not you deo Brado. Not you.”

Seomi could feel her face heating up. She absolutely hates getting praised like this. Out in the open where other officers and detectives can hear it.

“Everyone worked hard on this case sir. It’s not just me.” Seomi replied giving her boss a look that says, “please don’t.”

Chief Inspector Rowland just smiled at her knowingly. She smiled back knowingly also. Rowland dropped his smile immediately saying, “Congratulations is indeed in order but there is a new case and I want you to handle it deo Brado.”


“I expect you to report to my office first thing in the morning. Understood?” Rowland exclaimed in a very serious tone.

Seomi nods saying, “Yes sir.”

As Rowland turned his back, Seomi sees a faint image the same ghost child she saw inside the warehouse. The child mouthed “Thank you”.

Seomi felt tears in her eyes and nods back at the ghost child as it disappears in a wisp of smoke.

Yes this case is over and unto another one tomorrow.


Seomi strolled into the precinct with a cup of coffee in one hand. She walks towards her table sighing. She spent all night doing paperwork on the Billy Loftstow case. Her gut feeling was right. Billy won’t live to see his sentence. For some reason, he had a cardiac arrest while going to hospital. He was declared dead on arrival.

She puts her cup of joe down and looks at Chief Inspector Rowland’s office door. She could see lights from the office. Her boss is early today. It’s only 7AM.

She eased the creases on her black gray blazer jacket and fixes her bangs. She went over her boss’ door and knocked three time. She heard a muffled “Come in.”

“Good morning sir. You told me to report first thing this morning.” Seomi replied entering the room.

Chief Inspector Rowland motioned her to close the door and she did.

“Please have a seat Detective. This case I’m about to give you need some sitting down.” Rowland replied.

Seomi sat down on the plush cushioned chair that the Chief Inspector has in front of his table. The Chief Inspector pushes a folder at her and said, “This is the case of Rodney Croaker.”

“Rodney Croaker? His name sounds familiar.” Seomi replied picking up the folder opening it.

“It should be. His case was all over the news a week ago.” Rowland replied eyeing Seomi.

Seomi starts to browse the files. Rodney Croaker. 15 years old. A 10th grader at Livingston Public High School. Found dead in the school’s soccer yard with his heart cut out.

“This is gruesome. Who would do such a thing?” Seomi wondered out loud.

“That’s for you to find out. The community in Livingston are not happy with the result of the investigation. One week has passed and no lead at all.” Rowland exclaimed frowning.

Seomi scans the files again and said, “No fingerprints, no nothing. The murderer wore gloves.” Seomi replied. “They also did a rape kit to see if he was raped but no, no body fluids. Nothing.”

She frowns and said, “The murder scene was staged. He was dumped there. He wasn’t killed there.”

“Indeed. Those information is already known to us. CSI is also baffled. But according to the coroner, he was spliced open by some type of a dagger.”

“A dagger? Not a knife? It’s not easy to split open a ribcage with a dagger or even a knife. You need a bone saw for that.” Seomi replied. She looked at the pictures of the chest area of the victim provided by the coroner saying, “Definitely, whoever did this did not use a bone saw. The impressions on the bones. It was cut open very aggressively and so much force.”

She looks up the Chief Inspector saying, “No leads huh. A week now.”

“Yes. I figured giving this case to you now. Knowing you, you have a higher rate of solving this.” Rowland replied pointedly.

“Who used to handle this case?” Seomi asks.

“Detective Johnson and his partner Detective Hunter.” Rowland answered right off the bat.

Seomi let out of a sigh. “Those two won’t be too happy to know I’ll be the one handling this.” Johnson and Hunter are two Detectives in the precinct that are not too happy that someone like her is solving cases as fast as they can eat their doughnuts on a break time.

The two hates working with her and when they do work with her, refuses to shared information that leaves her working on her own to get information. To add salt, the information and leads she gets are more accurate than the ones Johnson and Hunter got.

“Don’t worry on those two. I gave them a case that will have them out of your way.” Rowland exclaimed.

Seomi closed the folder saying, “All right but if they do get in my way, I know how to handle them.”

“Good. So I expect this case to be solved?” Rowland asks almost in a demanding tone.

“It is needed to be solved sir. This is a rutualistic crime. There will be another victim.” Seomi replied her face looking grim.


Livingston Public High School is like your everyday typical public school. Big buildings, huge number of students in and out. Overworked teachers. Your usual students who are segregated by cliques.

As soon as Seomi walk through the halls in her black pants, boots and gray blazer on top of a black tanktop. Add with her shades, she has a commanding presence that had the students making a way for her or just avoiding her all together. Made her remember her high school days where she would cower at the cheerleader’s presence because of how intimidating they were. She is that intimidating presence right now. The thing is, they know she is no cheerleader but someone of authority.

A woman with a black bun and wide brimmed glasses greeted her saying, “Ah yes Detective deo Brado. I am expecting you. The name is Principal Miller.”

Seomi shakes the hand that was stretched out to her. “Good morning Principal. Sorry for the sudden call but you know, this is very important.”

“It is no problem.” Principal Miller replied. She sighed as she guides Seomi through the hall talking, “It’s been a week but everyone here even in the community are on edge. Nobody is caught and we had no idea who did this to poor Rodney.”

Seomi nods her head. The Principal continues, “We all thought that the police has given up. I’m glad that is not the case.”

“Can you tell me about Rodney? What is he like?” Seomi asks.

“Oh. Rodney is very well liked. Average student. Coming from a good family. Well good as a divorced parents get but he is a good kid. He wasn’t bullied or a bully. He never belonged to any cliques. You can say he was friends with everybody.” The Principal answered.

Seomi stops and sees the soccer field from a distance. They are no longer inside the hall but on an outside walkway. “Principal. Is the field free?”

“Ah, the soccer team is currently practicing. Why?” Principal Miller inquired.

“I need to see where his body was dumped Principal.” Seomi answered her gaze not leaving.

Principal Miller clasps her hands, “Well, I can ask Coach Brown to stop the practice for a few minutes I supposed.”

“I won’t take long. I just need to see it.” Seomi replied giving a small smile.


She stands in the middle of the soccer field. She looks at the ground right where Rodney’s body was dumped. She then turns her head towards Principal Miller who is standing besides her. The Principal looks pale even under the hot sun. She then turns her head on the soccer players currently taking a break on the bench. Their coach, Coach Brown glaring at her. He seemed annoyed that the practice session got interrupted.

“They, he or she, it, dumped Rodney in the middle of the field.” Seomi remarked as a matter of a fact.

“Yes. Coach Brown was the first to see him. He is always here first along with the janitors and security.” Principal Miller replied nervously. She seemed like she wants to throw up.

Seomi peeked at her through her shades saying, “You look uncomfortable Principal.”

Principal Miller gives a shaky laugh and said, “I saw his body too you know. It was shocking. The image of it. It’s stuck in my brain. I… I still can see it until now. It’s more… more… vivid now we are here.”

“I’m sorry.” Seomi replied looking away. “According to the files I’ve read. There were no eyewitness. The security guard didn’t see anything during the night. CCTV cameras were clear. We, well the detectives who were in this case found out that a certain part of the footage were erased. The missing time-stamp was probably the time Rodney’s body was dumped.”

“Uh yes. That is why we suspected that someone in the security did it. But all of them came clean. Even Coach Brown.” Principal Miller replied her tone a bit clipped.

Seomi raised and eyebrow and repeated, “Even Coach Brown?”

“He was interrogated. Usually, the first one to discover the body is the culprit but his alibi was strong. He was cleared.” Principal Miller replied looking indignant on the matter.

”All right. Just double checking facts Principal Miller.” Seomi replied smiling. She takes a deep breathe and closed her eyes a bit. She could not feel any presence of Rodney’s spirit. She had been standing here with the principal for a solid 20 minutes now but she can’t feel anything at all.

Seomi sighed and opens her eyes. “Where are you Rodney? Help me out here.”

“Are we done here detective?” Principal Miller asks.

“Yes, we are.” Seomi replied walking towards the benches where the soccer players and their coach are.

As soon as she reached them, Coach Brown’s glare soften a bit asking, “What can you bring into this case that the others already have?”

“I am hoping a lead. I’m hoping to solve this Coach Brown.” Seomi replied.

Coach Brown crossed his arm and in a demanding tone, “Do you have any suspects? Those two detectives suspected me, the security and even the janitors.”

Seomi smiled at him and said in a stern voice, “Right now, everyone is a suspect.” with that she walks away leaving the coach spluttering. Principal Miller gave the coach a look that says not to make a big deal of it before following Seomi.

When they were out of earshot, Seomi said, “Principal, if you may. I want to look around the school by myself.”

“Are you sure Detective? Livingston is a big school.” Principal Miller replied looking surprised.

“Don’t worry Principal. I will be fine. Besides, I don’t want to burden you anymore. Also, I have a feeling that Coach Brown will be coming to your office to discuss what I said out there.” Seomi remarked.

Principal Miller chuckles a bit saying, “Well, you did shock him a bit with that. Even I but I do know you don’t mean it.”

“That’s the thing Principal. I meant what I said. Everyone is a suspect and when I say everyone. Everyone.”Seomi replied putting her hands in her pant’s pockets.

“Why would you say that?” the principal asks looking aghast.

Seomi sighs saying, “No leads, no witness, no evidence. This type of crime for me it screams that anyone can do this.”

Principal Miller bit her lips saying, “Oh God, when you say everyone, everyone in the school or everyone in the community?”

“Both.” Seomi replied leaving the principal stunned.


Seomi decided to starts looking around from the top most floor which is the third floor all to the ground floor. It took her four hours to finish looking through the first building where the Principal met up with her. She didn’t find Rodney’s spirit.

“Why do spirits sometimes has to be sought out? This is annoying.” Seomi thought. Most of the time, spirits those who dies violently seeks her out. Like the Red Slasher case. As soon as she started investigating, visiting the places where the victims were dumped the spirits appears before her giving her clues to what happened to them. But this one is different.

She passed through the open walkway and finds herself inside the library. There were not a lot of students there. Seomi takes her sunglasses off looking around.

“I wonder where is the librarian?” Seomi wonders as she slowly walks through the library. As she passes through the occult section, she feels a cold breeze. She stops on her track. The breeze is coming from the occult section.

She turns back to the occult section. She looked through it and there is a table in the far end. It was a long table. She walks towards it and as she gets closer, a heavy feeling starts to form in her stomach.

She is a few meters away from the table when an apparition of a boy with red brown hair and freckles on his face appeared before her. His chest was ripped open and where the heart should be is grotesquely empty.

“Rodney” Seomi whispered stopping.

Rodney points his finger on the table. Seomi could feel sweat forming on her forehead. “You were killed on that table.” she exclaimed taking a step forward.

The spirit of Rodney nod his head. He then gives Seomi a hard look and said, his voice rough and croaky, “Touch!” with that he disappeared.

“Touch? Touch what? The table?” Seomi wondered.

As she stands near in front of the long table, she noticed that it’s an old oak table. It has weird markings on carved on the middle of it. She can’t make it out. It looks like symbols but what?. She takes out her smart phone and snaps a couple of photos of the markings.

She then takes a glove out of her blazer pocket and wears it. If Rodney was killed on the table she doesn’t want to leave her own fingerprints. She then placed her palm on top of the table.

As soon as her gloved palm touched the surface of the table, a vision of Rodney getting knocked out by a black handkerchief with chloroform and then the next vision is a dagger with a strange serpent marking on the hilt stabbing Rodney’s unconscious body.

Seomi closed her eyes as if trying to shut down the bloody visions but it didn’t stop. In the vision, she heard the murderer laugh, but it was distorted. But with the pitch she can tell it was a woman. This mysterious woman doesn’t have a face. But her laughter, even distorted in the vision sounds like pure evil.

The next vision had Seomi almost puking, this woman took out the heart and starts eating it, at that the visions stopped. Seomi opens her eyes, her breathing ragged. She takes off her hand off the table.

“What the fuck was that?”
Seomi thought.

“Excuse me miss?” a voice behind her says.

Seomi turns around and before her is a tall woman, taller than her stands. She has a short black bob. She is wearing a long brown dress with black lining at the bottom and on the sleeves.

“Who are you?” Seomi asks in a demanding voice.

“I am the librarian here. My name is Justine Brown.” the woman replied her voice stern.

Seomi takes a deep breath and said showing her badge, “Sorry. The name is Detective deo Brado, I’m working on the Rodney Croaker case.”

“So, you are that detective my husband talked about to me. “ the librarian replied looking at Seomi from head to toe.

Seomi carefully removes her glove and ask, “Your husband?”

“Coach Brown. He is my husband.” The librarian said. “But you can call me Miss Justine. Everyone here does.”

Seomi smiles and said, “I see Miss Justine. Sorry if I was kind of snooping around. I got fascinated with this table here you see.”

Miss Justine looks behind her and said, “Oh that old oak table?”

“Yes. There’s some strange markings on it. You know what they are?” Seomi asks. 

“I don’t know. That table has been there since I was a student here in this school. Even way before that I think. It’s antique as far as I know.” Miss Justine replied.

Seomi nods her head. “Thank you for that Miss Justine. I think I need to go now.”

“Actually, there’s some rumors about that table. Urban legend if you may say.” Miss Justine replied tapping her fore finger on her lips.

“Urban legend?” Seomi asks giving Miss Justine a disbelieving look.

Miss Justine chuckles saying, “Yes. Until now, the students are still talking about it.” she then smiles and said, “Would you like to hear it Detective?”

“Yes, please but can we not do it here?” Seomi replied. As much as she wants to hear this urban legend. She needs to get away from the table. The heavy feeling hasn’t left yet. She needs to get out of the library as as possible. 

Miss Justine nods her head, giving way to Seomi she said, “Of course detective. Let’s go to the teacher’s lounge. We can talk there.”


“Ah, we are in luck, it’s empty.” Miss Justine replied stepping into the Teacher’s Lounge.

The heavy feeling in the library dissipates as soon as she steps out of the library and now she is in the Teacher’s Lounge. So far, the aura of the place is good.

Seomi looked around the Teacher’s Lounge. It was pretty big and wide. There were Three tables. One long table with eight chairs. A few meters away is a small round coffee table with two tables. On the far end is a worn out couch that would fit four people and long rectangle shaped coffee table in front of it. A water dispenser stands next to it.

The beige wallpaper looks old and has some stains on it. There were some paintings and photos hanging on it. There is also a bookshelf near the long table. The bookshelf is filled with school books and some dictionaries.

A magazine stand stands next the round coffee table. Also, near it is a table with drawers below. On the table is a coffee pot brewing some coffee. Above the table is a pantry cabinet with clear glass window. You can see jars of teabags and ground coffee all labeled who owns them. There are also small containers for ground sugar and cubed sugar and creamer. The pantry cabinet also stores cups, saucers and glasses. Beside this, is a small refrigerator.

“I see that there’s coffee already being brewed.” Miss Justine replied. She looks at Seomi and asks, “Do you want some coffee?”

Seomi shakes her head and says, “I need water actually.”

Miss Justine takes a tall glass and hands it to her. Seomi took it and went towards the water dispenser. As she puts water in her glass, Miss Justine took a cup and saucer. She poured coffee in her cup. She opens one of her drawer and takes out a teaspoon and a small tong. She then grabs the jar of cubed sugar. Using the small tong, she takes one cube of sugar and drops it in her coffee. Miss Justine then opens the refrigerator and takes a carton of skim milk. She poured some on her coffee and starts stirring it with the teaspoon.

“Please have a sit detective.” Miss Justine remarked stretching her hand towards the couch.

Seomi sits down drinking her glass of water. Miss Justine puts the carton of skim milk back in the refrigerator and walks towards her with her coffee in a careful manner.

“So the urban legend.” Seomi replied.

“My, my, you definitely don’t beat around the bush.” Miss Justine replied taking a sip of her coffee.

Seomi gives a small smile and said, “I’m investigating a murder case here. Dilly dallying everything is not going to help this case.”

“Are you saying that this urban legend about an old oak table is going to help your case?” Miss Justine replied putting her cup and saucer down on the table.

“Maybe? It doesn’t hurt to try.” Seomi replied.

Miss Justine gives a small laugh saying, “My, my you are an odd detective.” Seomi didn’t respond to that. Miss Justine shifted a bit and said, “Anyway, the urban legend says that the table is of pagan in nature. Like it existed during the pagan times. I think that’s completely bull. I do know it’s old but not that that old. But that’s what they say. It was said that a witch used to own the table and she would cast spells on it. They say that this witch is a dark witch.”

“A… dark witch?” Seomi asks.

“Yes, someone who worships the Dark and uses dark magic. So, this dark witch I mentioned sacrificed animals and people on the table for her spells. The markings they say were carved by the witch. The story says that the marking are pagan, maybe that’s why they think the table originated during the pagan times but I digress.” Miss Justine replied, “ Now, this witch was eventually caught and burned at the stake but before that she conjured a spell that to anyone who knows her name and could read the markings on her table can summon her spirit and her spirit will grant your wishes.”

Seomi takes another gulp of her water saying, “That is some story.”

“It’s an urban legend nobody believes it. The students tell the story for fun. Daring any student to try to read the markings on the table and guess the witch’s name.” Miss Justine replied taking another sip of her coffee. “So do you think the story has anything to do with your case? With Rodney?”

“There is no proof that Rodney was killed on that table. If that is what you are implying. The only thing we know, his body was dumped on the middle of the soccer field.” Seomi replied giving the librarian a stern look.

Miss Justine merely smiled at that comment. She then says, “I wanted to mention this for awhile now detective. You have the most beautiful eyes. Very unique.”

“Hmmm. They are.” Seomi replied in a blase manner. 

“They are detective. They say eyes like yours are… special.” Miss Justine replied her voice enunciating the word special in a slow manner like she is emphasizing the importance of that word.

Seomi now suddenly felt the hairs on her back stand up. Miss Justine now for some reason feels creepy. Her eyes boring into her like it’s trying to dissect her.

“Ummm.. thanks for the story Miss Justine but I have to go now.” Seomi remarks standing up.

“Going so soon?” Miss Justine asks.

Seomi nods her head saying. “I’m afraid so. I’ve already exhausted more time here than the usual. Again, thank you. I shall see Principal Miller to say my goodbye.” with that she didn’t wait for the librarian to reply. She walks towards the door quickening her steps. As she opens it, the heavy feeling she felt in the library came back full force. She turns around and sees Miss Justine standing there at the far end of the room, simply staring at her with this weird smile on her face.


Detective Hunter is mulling over his report when he sees Detective Seomi deo Brado arrived. She looks like she saw something she shouldn’t have. Her face looks pale. He watches as the female detectives plops herself on her seat. She takes a few deep breathes as she tilts her head up with an arm covering her eyes.

He got up from his seat and carefully walks over to her cubicle.

“Detective deo Brado.” He says.

Seomi looks at him in a surprise manner. “Detective Hunter, what can I do for you?” she asks.

“I’ve heard you’ve taken over the Rodney Croaker case from us.” Hunter exclaimed knowingly.

Seomi sighs and said, “Are you going to gripe on me about that huh?”

“No. Not really. That case gave me a headache. As much I wanted to solve it, it’s a dead end for me and Johnson.” Hunter replied looking serious. He carefully looks over his shoulder to see if no one can hear him and said, “It’s no surprise you are taking over.”

Seomi raised and eyebrow on that statement.

“Look deo Brado I don’t like you. Let’s be real on that but you do well on your cases and you solve impossible ones. Dead end ones like this. If someone is going to solve this case, it’s you.” Hunter replied in a very straightforward manner.

“O-kay. Thank you? But really Hunter why are you here? Not unless you want to share information that is not in the case’s file please do so.” Seomi replied. If Hunter is going to straightforward to him, she should also do so.

Hunter sighs. He enters the detective’s cubicle saying, “Yes. I do. However, this is more of a hunch than actual data.”

“I am all ears Hunter.” Seomi replied.

“I am not one to theorize on this kind of thing because I don’t believe in such things but I think that boy was sacrificed by a witch.” Hunter replied.

Seomi clasps her hands, “This hunch of your sounds familiar with the urban legend I heard from Livingston Public High School.”

“Of course. I went to that high school you know.” Hunter exclaimed pride in his voice.

Seomi chuckles saying, “I see we have an alumni here.”

“Yes, I used to play soccer there.” Hunter replied.

“So you know Justine Brown?” Seomi asks.

Hunter’s eyes widened. “Ah yes, she and Brent well, he is known as Coach Brown now. We all three goes to the same literature class way back in high school.” he scratched his head saying, “I remember Justine being the hottest girl in class. Brent was the stud, the jock. Not surprise they end up married.”

“Well Justine Brown or should I say Miss Justine told me about the urban legend. She told me about an old oak table in the library that it was own by a witch and whoever can guess her name and read the symbols can summon the witch’s spirit and like a genie she will grant your wishes.” Seomi points out.

“With a price.” Hunter replied. “Justine didn’t tell you the whole story. The witch’s soul will grant a wish in exchange for something. Anything she demands. You have to do whatever she wants first before she grants your wish.”

Seomi shifted in her seat, “Hunter where are you going with this?”

“You see deo Brado, three murders happened during my high school days. Three students were murdered to be exact. I remember a cheerleader killed and her heart was also taken. The other one has killed with a bullet shot in the head and his eye socket empty. The last one was exsaguinated. No blood left in the body at all.” Hunter takes a deep breathe and said, “The culprit was a fellow student. Gerald Quinn. The school’s loser. He said that a witch told him to do it so that it will grant his wish. His wish to become rich and popular. He said that the old oak table in the library is where the witch lives. The only difference on this case is that Gerald left some evidence on the third victim. He got sloppy with that one.”

“So someone did believe that the story is true.” Seomi muttered. She takes a ball point pen and scribbled the name Gerald Quinn on her small notebook. She then looks at Hunter saying, “You said one of the victims had her heart carved out. That is the same a Rodney. That’s a connection.”

Detective Hunter nods his head. “That’s what I thought too. But that idea was shut down because the cheerleader victim was found dead in her home. The other two bodies were found in a dumpster far away from the school. Because of that, it was dismissed.”

“I still call it a connection Hunter. It’s a good lead. You had a good lead damn it.” Seomi exclaimed.

Hunter raised an eyebrow at that. Seomi twirls her ball point pen and continues, “After hearing this from you and what Miss Justine told me, I think someone in the school or outside the school believes that the story is true.”

“But like I said, I think a witch did it.” Hunter replied.

“A witch?”

Hunter nods his head, “The blade used to cut Rodney’s heart. It was a blade from a dagger. In the cheerleader’s case, a carving knife was used.” He clucks his tongue and said, “Don’t tell anyone, but my daughter is into this occult shit. She stumbled upon my files on Rodney’s case and when she read that the murder weapon was a dagger, she said that it could be an athame.”

“Athame. A ceremonial blade used by witches.” Seomi replied, “That makes sense because how Rodney was killed was very ritualistic.”

“As I said I don’t believe in this stuff but what my daughter spouted that night just clicked in my brain. It’s like a puzzle piece just fitting the whole thing but at the same time not.” Hunter replied snapping his fingers.

Seomi nods her head, “I know what you mean. So, Gerald Quinn is he still institutionalized?”

“Very. But the juror s thought he was insane, like mentally insane so until now he is in Hugerson Mental Institution.” Hunter replied.

“Hugerson? That’s like a 5 hour drive from here.” Seomi exclaimed dropping her pen.

Hunter points to her phone and said, “You better start calling now if you want to talk to Gerald Quinn.”

Seomi sighs. She picks up her phone and before dialling, she gives Detective Hunter a soft smile saying. “Thank you Detective. This information, it’s crucial and important. Thank you for sharing it with me.”

Detective Hunter scoffs and said, “Bah. Like I said, I want this case solved no matter what and this case is in your hands. So whatever.” with that he walks off.


Five hour drive is no joke for Seomi but sometimes necessary for an investigation. The first time she called Hugerson Mental Institution, the lead senior Psychiatrist there won’t give her permission to interview Gerald Quinn. Not only when Chief Inspector Rowland stepped in. It’s good to have back up on this case.

She managed to set a visit the next day at 2 o clock in the afternoon. She spend the rest of her day researching on the symbols on that old oak table but no leads. She needs someone who can read it, she is hoping Gerald Quinn could.

So here is Seomi now driving to Hugerson Mental Institution. She has already been driving for three hours and she could feel the fatigue of driving. She doesn’t do long driving that much. Most of her cases are within reach and seldom she has to go out this far.

Seomi spots a rest stop and decided to take a break. She left early in the office and has some time to spare for a quick bite.

She parked her car in front of the diner. She hops out of her car and walks inside. The diner didn’t have a lot of customers. Seomi parked herself on the nearest table she could find.

As soon she sat down, a waitress approached her table for her order. Seomi ordered a BLT and a cup of coffee.

“Is that all?” the waitress asks.

“Umm.. a pair of muffins to go please? I’ll probably get hungry as soon as I starts driving again.” Seomi replied.

The waitress jots that down saying, “Where you going to? We don’t get single female customers here a lot even during the day. Usually, truck drivers, families and the occasional university boys going on spring break.”

“Hugerson. I’m going to Hugerson Mental Institution.” Seomi replied candidly.

“Oh. Visiting someone?” the waitress ask.

Seomi nods her head and says, “You can say that.” showing her badge.

“Well good luck? Hugerson Mental Institution is a tough place. They send the crazy of the craziest there.” the waitress replied looking worried. With that, she walks off.

“Crazy of the craziest huh? Great.” Seomi muttered with some disdain.


Seomi wolfed down her food and drank her coffee in a good thirty minutes and she was on the road again with her muffins.

An hour has passed since she restarted her journey. She receives a phone call. She answers via blue tooth in her ear.

“Hello, Detective deo Brado here.”

“Detective. It’s me, Miss Justine. I got your number from Principal Miller.”

Seomi’s hair on her back starts to stand up. Ever since yesterday, she felt Miss Justine very odd. Especially how she talks to her.

“What can I do for you?” Seomi asks.

“I have something to confess. Its about my husband’s alibi.”

“What about that?” Seomi pressed on.

There was a long pause on the other line. About a minute.

“Miss Justine?” Seomi replied. “Are you still there?”

“I can’t do this on the phone. I need to talk to you personally.”

Seomi grips her grip on the steering wheel as the heavy feeling starts to form in her stomach again.

“Unfortunately. I am out of town. I have some lead to follow and I’ll be back around tonight.” Seomi replied.

“Tonight? I can meet tonight… I can wait for you here in the library.”

Seomi’s right eyebrow twitch. Something about how Miss Justine replied to her. She is about to say yes when suddenly a vision of gushing blood flashed before her. She pressed her breaks hard.

As her car went to full stop, she heard a voice, “Do not at meet. Danger!”

“Detective?” Miss Justine’s voice trickled through her ear. Seomi grits her teeth. She led out a gasp and said, “I am still here. Sorry, I was driving. Nearly run over a dog.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. If I… caught you while driving.”

“No. It’s okay. My fault. I answered.” Seomi exclaimed looking around. She rubs her eyes. Good thing she managed to swerve her car off road she pressed the brakes or else there would be a huge accident. She is not the only car on the highway.

“Do not meet. Seomi. Don’t” the mysterious voice was heard again.

Another vision of blood pierced her brain. Seomi closed her eyes and she held her hand by her hand as if she was in pain and continued speaking, “Miss Justine, I’m afraid I cannot meet you tonight. Tomorrow perhaps?”

“Tomorrow is just fine. Thank you. Be careful in driving okay? See you…. Detective.”

The line went dead and so is the heavy feeling in Seomi’s gut. It just disappeared like that. Seomi opens her eyes and then she sees a girl in black with ram horns on her head standing in front of her car. The girl is carrying a plastic umbrella. Seomi can’t see her face. She squints her eyes trying to make sure she is seeing it correctly.

“Be wary of her. Be wary Seomi. Be careful of she who calls herself a witch” the voice spoke again. Seomi heard in it her head but she knows that the voice is coming from the girl standing in front of her.

“Who her? Miss Justine?” She asks out loud. As she said this, the girl disappears in a blink of an eye.


Hugerson Mental Institution is big and wide. The outside walls are colored gray and looks dreary. Windows are big and wide but barred with iron. Seomi observed that despite the gloomy image of the building, they have big gardens welcoming visitors as they enter the gate. She was directed to the parking lot which was at the right side of the building.

The whole building has electric fences, she noticed as she walks towards the entrance. The institution has real tight security, Seomi was patted down thrice and her bad was searched meticulously before she could enter the lobby.

An older man with gray hair and mustache with a tight lip smile. He didn’t look happy seeing her.

“Doctor Welsh.” Seomi greeted the man giving him a nod.

“Detective deo Brado.” Dr. Welsh replied. He held up a hand saying, “As you know I only agree to this because your Chief threatened me with obstruction of justice if I didn’t do this.”

Seomi raised an eyebrow and said, “Did he?”

“I denied you at first because Gerald Quinn is extremely mentally insane. He is danger to fellow patients, nurses and even to his doctors. Just the other day, he stabbed one of the male doctors on the leg with a fork.” Dr. Welsh explained. “My rejection is for your own safety.”

“Which I am willing to risk because the same ritualistic murder that he did years ago? Happened again. I need to know some answers.” Seomi exclaimed.

Dr. Welsh sighed and said, “Good God don’t I know that. Gerald along other patients were watching the news and as soon as the news of that boy’s death flashed, he started laughing in this…. creepy almost devilish manner and started screaming that the witch is back.”

Upon hearing this, Seomi knows she is on the right tracks and what Detective Hunter and Miss Justine gave her are very good leads.

“So where is Gerald?” She asks.

“In a padded cell. We put a straightjacket on him so that we won’t hurt you. He is no biter but just to be safe, I will be there and three of my best security personnel to accompany us inside.” Dr. Welsh replied.

For some reason Seomi felt to put on her shades. Just in case. “I’m fine with that. Lead the way doctor.”


If there is one thing to describe Gerald Quinn is that he is a pitiful creature. Pitiful but deadly insane. He was quite thin, gnarly yellow teeth, the skin on his face looks pallid. He has gaunt eyes and is now bald. He didn’t look like that boy years back based on the photo Seomi found in his case file.

“Gerald. This is Detective deo Brado. She is here to talk to you.” Dr. Welsh replied.

Gerald Quinn who is sitting down in crouching position at the corner of the padded cell. Seomi noticed that there is a leather collar on his neck and on the collar is a chain. He is chained on that corner.

“You here because the witch is back.” Gerald replied giving Seomi a sinister look.

“What witch Gerald? I’m here to ask why you commit those murders years ago.” Seomi asks.

Gerald jumped up and down and said, “She asks me. She ask me. She ask me too. She demands! She wants!”

“You killed three students because she? The witch asks you to do it?” Seomi asks kneeling down to Gerald’s level.

“Hehehehe, she wants blood. Those who seek her out. Those who knows her name! Those who can read! Those who summon, hehehehe. She will ask for blood!” Gerald replied spitting spit as he speaks.

Seomi carefully takes a photo print of the symbol she has taken from the oak table and ask, “Do you know what these symbols are?”

Gerald’s eyes widened and started laughing hysterically. “Ahahahaha. Hahaha. Hahaha. That! That! It’s her language! Ahahahaha hahaha. You will never read you bitch!”

“I know. But you can Gerald. You can read it.” Seomi replied indignantly.

Gerald looked at her and bared his gnarly teeth into a grin saying, “Show me your eyes bitch. Before I tell you what it says.”

Seomi sighs. She removes her shades in a huff. She looks at Gerald. As soon as the man sees her heterochromatic eyes. Gerald lunged at her. Seomi sprang to her feet and took steps couple of back.

Because of the collar and chain on his next, Gerald was not able to reach her but Gerald snarled and screamed at her, “EYES OF A SEER! YOU SHALL BE SACRIFICED TO RAKSHA, DARK WITCH THAT HOLDS MY SOUL!”

Dr. Welsh motioned the three security to held Gerald back. Seomi held up her arm stopping one of the security saying, “No, this is important.”


“The symbols Gerald. What do they mean. You saw my eyes, keep your bargain!” Seomi exclaimed stepping forward.

Gerald smiled evilly and an eerie voice he says, “She who grants wishes. She who grants desires. I give thee my soul, I give thee my right. Hail Raksha! Hail the dark witch that here resides!”
Suddenly an evil laugh of woman was heard. Seomi looked at Dr. Welsh, she is about to ask if the good doctor also heard it but with horror on the doctor’s face revealed that he heard it too. The three security personnel looked spooked also.

Gerald starts to calm down and slowly retreats to his corner muttering, “She asks me. She asks me. She will claim me on my death.” without batting an eye he points his bony finger at Seomi saying, “You are next Seer. Raksha sees you!”


Seomi left the mental institution in a haste. As she starts driving off the institution’s property, she called up Detective Hunter.

“Hello. Hunter here. What do you need Detective deo Brado?”

“Detective Hunter, the other murdered victim during your time in your highschool. Does this person has eyes like mine?” Seomi asks.

“You mean if he has two different eye color?”

Seomi sighs. “Yes detective.”

“Actually, yeah. Carl was born with eyes like yours but his are brown and black.” Detective Hunter answered. “Why do you ask?”

Seomi takes a deep breathe and said, “I think I am the next victim. No. I know I am and I have a suspect.”


It was night when she arrived at the precinct but not too late because Chief Inspector Rowland is still in his office. Detective Hunter is still in his cubicle doing paperwork. She has driven faster than normal that the five hour drive became a four hour drive.

As soon as she got into Chief Inspector Rowland’s office, Seomi laid all what she knew. All the data and information she got from the school and from the mental institution. Her encounter with Gerald Quinn was recorded via audio recorder on her phone. She also mentioned the she got the call from Justine Brown.

“That was an odd call Chief. “ Seomi stressed.

“You are suspecting Justine Brown.” Chief Inspector said.

Seomi nods her head. “I know it sounds a long shot. She is either behind it or she knows who did it.”

“She did told you that there is something about her husband’s alibi.” Chief Inspector points out. “We might be looking at Brent Brown here as a potential suspect if there is a loophole in his alibi.”

Chief Inspector Rowland then asks, “Are you going to meet her tomorrow?”

“I have to. If I’m suspecting she is the unsub, I need concrete evidence on her. “ Seomi replied. “She wanted to meet tonight and it seemed like she wants it at night I don’t know why. So tomorrow, I will meet her in the evening.”

Chief Inspector Rowland nods his head. “I don’t see anything wrong but based on what you learned from Gerald Quinn, you might the target. I know you don’t like having partners but having a back-up is necessary.”

“I’m fine with a back-up sir. “

“Good. Detective Hunter and one squad car will accompany you.” Chief Inspector Rowland replied.

Seomi’s eyes widened and said, “Hunter? He is working on a case with his partner right?”

“He volunteered for this one. I don’t know why but he did.” Rowland replied.


Livingston Public High School gets very dark during the evening. By seven o clock, most of the teachers are gone. Not even students can be seen. Only the two security guards and maintenance are left behind.

That’s what majority of the people think. They didn’t know that there is someone in the library. That someone, lurking around the occult section. That someone holding a candle the only source of light you can see in the pitch darkness.

This someone is standing in front of an old oak table. She hold the candle over it. On her other hand, she holds as dagger with a serpent design on the hilt.

“Where… are…. my eyes?”
a haunting voice exclaimed. It seems to be coming from the old oak table.

“I will have her tomorrow night. I assure you, o great one. I will have your eyes!”

“Make sure or you will never have what you want. You will never have what… you.. desire!” The voice taunted.

Footsteps were and then someone spoke, “Miss Justine is that you?” it was the security guard.

Miss Justine turned around hiding the dagger behind her saying, “Oh yes, sorry I was just checking if all books were accounted for.”

“O-kay… what’s with the candle?” the security guard asks looking at her suspiciously.

“Ahahah well for some reason the lights were not working and I needed to find a book so I lit a candle.” Miss Justine replied walking away from the oak table. She walks pass the security guard saying, “Anyway, I will go now. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

The security guard was left scratching his head. He looks around and realized he is among the occult section. He felt his hairs on his arms and back to stand up. He gulps and hurriedly walks out of there. As he got out of the library, Miss Justine was nowhere to be found.


The next day came sooner. Chief Inspector Rowland ordered Seomi not to report in the morning and told her to rest up before meeting up with Seomi but she is not the person to follow such orders like that. She still showed up at the precinct. Chief Inspector Rowland merely shake his head when he sees her doing some paperwork inside her cubicle.

“You should be at home.” Hunter exclaimed.

“You ought to know by now that is not something I will do. There is still some digging to do on this case.” Seomi replied pointing to her computer screen.

Detective Hunter looks at the screen asking, “What are you researching about anyway?”

“Before I went to sleep last night, it dawn to me, how did Gerald Quinn learned how to translate those symbols? How did the current unsub learned how to translate it?” Seomi exclaimed.

“So you went to the net to know how?” Detective Hunter asks.

“Not just the net but the deep web.” Seomi exclaimed.

Detective Hunter gives Seomi a shocked look. “You are not supposed to go digging there without preparation deo Brado.”

“Don’t worry I didn’t. I asked help from our cyber team to do it.” Seomi replied. “They e-mailed me on their findings.”

Seomi points something on her screen and said, “According to this someone known as Obscura in the deep web do translation on this kind of symbols for a hefty price. I don’t know how Gerald do it but I am guessing the current unsub went to the deep web to look for a translator.”

“Gerald was a bit into the occult I heard when we were younger. He probably got his information from an occult community before.” Detective Hunter chimed in.

“Probably. You see, I want to know if the translation Gerald gave me yesterday is the actual translation. So I asked, our cyber team to contact Obscura. I don’t know what they did but Obscura agreed to translate and I also asked them to ask Obscura what the symbols are.” Seomi replied.

She then scrolled down and a photo of similar symbols like on the old oak table was seen but it was on a slab of stone.

“This is the Theban Alphabet also known as the Wiccan Alphabet.” Seomi replied. “Gerald mentioned that it’s HER language. The witch’s language. This is what he meant. It’s the Theban Alphabet.”

Detective Hunter scrunch up his face muttering, “Too much info…” he then shake his head saying, “Did Gerald give you the correct translation?”

Seomi nods her head exclaiming in an excited voice, “Yes! Right to the very last word. Also it’s nice to know that the witch’s name is in the writing on the old oak table. Her name is Raksha.”


“Yes. She is real. I’ve done some digging and stumbled on this old, old book in the public library before I came here in the office. It’s a book about witches and Raksha apparently is a witch that lived in Livingston a long time ago. Not a lot was written about her but it says that she is a dark witch who can grant wishes in exchange for three tasks that you need to fulfill.” Seomi replied as she picks up an old looking book on her desk.

Detective Hunter suddenly felt nauseated He didn’t like what he is hearing at the moment but he just couldn’t shut Seomi up because what she is saying right now is putting all the puzzle pieces together.

“According to here, Raksha tasks include offering a heart of a virgin, doesn’t matter if it’s a boy or girl. I assume Rodney and that cheerleader were virgins when they were killed. The second task is to offer eyes of a person with different shade. Meaning people with heterochromatic eyes or during that time is called a Seer’s Eye.”

“A what? A Seer’s Eyes?”

Seomi gives an small smile and said, “They say people with heterocromia can see things like ghosts, supernatural, you know? That’s why your schoolmate Carl was murdered. His eyes! Moving on, the third task is to bled a boy, a young boy born under the zodiac Leo, dry. The blood like the rest are to be offered to her.”

“Again too much info and jeezus, what the fuck.” Detective Hunter exclaimed running his hand through his hair. “What you told me fucking happened to those three students during my time.”

“Exactly. Also this. This text just proves that I’m the next victim.” Seomi replied almost slamming the book on her desk.

Detective Hunter sighs and ask, “Then why do you wanna meet Justine tonight? Why not in the morning?”

“Because…” Seomi trailed. She remembers the girl with the ram horns warning her not to meet Justine at night or meeting Justine again at all. That kind of confirms her feeling that Justine Brown is the unsub. If she is the unsub, she needs to do this but how to explain it to Detective Hunter.

“Is this one of your feelings?” Detective Hunter remarked.

Seomi looks at the older man before her. “Huh?”

“You know feelings? Intuition? I don’t know what you call it but whatever it is, it’s always a hit and never a miss.” Hunter exclaimed twirling his right hand in the air.

“Yes.” Seomi said softly. She wanted to say vision or sight but that is going to open a can of worms.

Detective Hunter pursed his lips and said, “Fine, fine. We better get something out tonight because I don’t want this to be a fucking waste of time.”

“Detective… why did you volunteer for tonight? Chief Rowland told me.” Seomi replied in a soft manner. It was an innocent question and she doesn’t want the old detective to think she is taunting him.

Detective Hunter gives her a long hard look and said, “Because this case bothered me a lot. When it was taken off our hands I was pissed. I was pissed because we couldn’t solve it and to think I have a good lead at that time but because of circumstantial elements, it was fucking shut down. I could not let go of it. Johnson was able to. But I couldn’t.” He looks down to pause and continued, “I have a teenage daughter who goes to that school. I could not bare the idea that she might be in danger because there is a madman loose.”

Upon hearing this, Seomi found a new respect for Detective Hunter. He is a good cop. A good detective. It’s just so happen that she has a special ability that allows her to solve crimes quicker but detectives like Hunter deserve more credit because they have to do the gritty work in a normal way. She also do a lot of work but it’s more easier for her because she taps into the supernatural.

“It will be not a waste of time Hunter. Tonight, things will unravel and if we’re lucky. This case might be solved by the end of this day.” Seomi replied her voice strong and determined.


The night came sooner than expected. Seomi parked her car right in front of Livingston Public School’s entrance. No point parking it in the parking lot. It was pretty late. She send Justine Brown a message that she will be free by 8PM.

Miss Justine was fast in her reply saying she was delighted and will be meeting her up in the library. Seomi was not surprised by this.

“This school has changed a lot from my time. “ Detective Hunter replied going out of the car, “I remember we usually practice for a game until 6PM. I’ve never seen this school at this time when I was younger.”

“You’re not that student who would sneak into the school late at night huh.” Seomi replied as she walks towards the main hall entrance.

Their two police assist followed her along with Detective Hunter. Seomi is leading them through the hall and into the open walk away. When they were at the open walkway, Seomi spoke, “It’s better I enter the library alone.”

“I knew you will say and do something like this. No shit.” Detective Hunter exclaimed in annoyed tone.

“She is expecting me alone. If she sees you, my plan on getting a confession out of her might not work. “ Seomi replied checking her gun on her holster.

Detective Hunter sighed. “Look, she doesn’t have to see me with you. She doesn’t have to. I am not allowing you inside. Alone. Period.” Detective Hunter exclaimed giving the other detective a hard look.

Before Seomi could even respond. She suddenly sees the same girl with ram horns and plastic umbrella behind Hunter and two police officers. She is not alone now. Behind her is this a figure of a tall man. She couldn’t see their faces.

“Be wary. Not alone.”

A voice exclaimed in her head.

“Hey, did you hear me? I am not allowing you in there alone.” Detective Hunter replied snapping his fingers at Seomi’s face.

Seomi’s attention went back to her fellow detective. She looks at him and said, “Fine. But make sure she doesn’t see you.” she then looked at the two police officers saying, “Stay at the entrance of the library. Any sign of distress, call for backup before going in. Got it?”

The officers nod their heads. Seomi takes a deep breath. She looks at Detective Hunter saying, “Now or never.” and with that she walks towards the entrance of the library.


“Why is the library this dark?” Seomi wondered as she reaches for her flashlight and lighting it up.

She walks through the library and she noticed a light coming through the occult section.

“Looks like that’s where she is.”

Seomi looks behind her. She gave a signal to Detective Hunter that to follow her in a distance. She then carefully walks towards the occult section. As soon as her foot steps into that area, she hears a haunting voice,

“Seeeeeerrr…. I see youuuuu….”

After that, she sees Miss Justine at the old oak table. An array of lit candles surrounding her. She is even holding a candle herself.

“You came… detective.” Miss Justine replied beaming.

“Miss Justine. What are you doing?” Seomi asks trying to look innocent though at the back of her head, she kind of knew what the woman in front of her doing.

Miss Justine giggled saying, “Oh I’m preparing for our… meeting tonight.”

“You did mention that you have information about your husband’s alibi? Something wrong with it?” Seomi replied stepping forward.

Miss Justine shakes her head, “Oh… my husband… dear Coach Brown… my dear Brent…” then a snarl formed on her lips and exclaimed spitefully, “is a liar!”

This has Seomi reaching to her gun saying, “Miss Justine, what do you mean by that?”

”He said… his alibi! He said he was on a dinner with his wife. Me! But that’s fucking bullshit! He is out with his fucking whore!” Miss Justine exclaimed almost screaming in ire.

“Okay, calm down Miss Justine.” Seomi replied holding up her left hand. “We will question Coach Brown on that.”

Miss Justine started to release this evil cackle and said, “Oh dear detective… don’t you realize? That is not my confession… I lied.” she then puts the candle she is holding on one of the shelves. She takes a step forward revealing a dagger. “Don’t you see… I need you here, so I lied.”

Seomi immediately pulled her gun out of the holster and points it at the woman before who looks nothing like the respectable librarian she met a day ago. “Miss Justine. Put that dagger down!”

“Oh you mean my athame? I can’t. I need this to carve your eyes out dear…. detective.” Miss Justine replied taking another step forward.

“I will shoot you Justine Brown. Put that dagger down! Now!” Seomi demanded.

Miss Justine raised the dagger in front of her chanting, “Rise in the name of Raksha. Rise and help me! Shadows come forth!”

From the darkness surrounding Seomi suddenly moving. Dark colored arms with clawed hands formed from the darkness reached out to Seomi. A clawed hand grabbed Seomi’s right arm and wretched the gun out of her grasp. Another clawed hand grabbed her left hand destroying the flashlight she has been holding.

Seomi found herself frozen on the spot when clawed hands came from the floor gripping her legs to death.

“Detective!” Seomi heard Detective Hunter crying out.

“Hunter! Get out of here!” Seomi exclaimed.

Miss Justine laughs sardonically saying, “I see, you bought… a friend!” she then glares at Detective Hunter and said, “I guess I just I have to dispose of you too!”

“NO! Leave him out!” Seomi screamed. “You wanted my eyes right? So leave him out!”

Miss Justine shakes her head and said, “No witnesses my dear detective.”

A loud bang is heard. Detective Hunter shot a fired Miss Justine. It hits her left shoulder. Miss Justine was taken a back that her body jerked backwards a bit.

“You bitch!” Hunter exclaimed through gritted teeth.

This actually allowed Seomi to somehow free her arms because the creepy hands disappeared as soon as the bullet hits Miss Justine. She then scrambled looking for her gun that was dropped to the floor but it still prove difficult because her legs were still immobile.

“How dare you, you pig!” Miss Justine spat. A dark colored smoke formed like a cloud behind her. It was coming from the old oak table behind her.

“Do not, interfere mortal!” a haunting harsh voice exclaimed.

The air around Seomi and Hunter started to get really dense and extremely cold at the same time. Detective Hunter suddenly starts coughing like he was being choked by something.

“Hunter!” Seomi exclaimed in panic as Detective Hunter’s cough starts to become worse, that the old detective drops his gun and is grasping for his throat.

“You will die!” Miss Justine screamed with such an ire at the old detective. She then points the dagger at Seomi crying, “I will have your eyes detective! Whether, you like it or not!”

Seomi grits her teeth, her hands wandering on the floor trying to find her gun. Miss Justine, despite getting a hit seemed like she is not hurt. As if, she couldn’t feel pain.

“Eyes of the seer! Give it to me!” the haunting voice rasped out. As Miss Justine walks towards her, the dark smoke like cloud behind her shifted and formed into a silhouette of a woman. It was the spirit of the dark witch Raksha.

Seomi finally found her gun, as she grasp for it, Miss Justine lunged at her with the dagger raised at her.

As her legs where immobile, she stumbled on her back, pointing the gut at Miss Justine. She aimed it at her and fired a shot.

Miss Justine suddenly staggered, her right leg was hit. She looked at her bleeding leg saying, “Is that all you got detective?”

“Shit!” Seomi screamed in her head. Before she could do anything. Another shot was fired. Miss Justine now got hit on her other shoulder.

This allowed the hands holding her leg disappear. Seomi looks behind her and sees one of the police officers.

“Get Hunter out of here!” She barks.

The police officer nod his head, grabbing Detective Hunter kneeling on the floor still coughing and now looks a bit blue for not being able to breathe properly.

“Back up is coming detective!” The officer exclaimed as he hauls Detective Hunter far away from the scene as much as he can for the older man is bigger than him and more heavier.

Seomi then sees the spirit of Raksha moving towards her. Miss Justine is now on the floor, knocked out. That third shot has finally knocked the crazy woman down.

However, this is not stopping the dark witch’s plan on taking her eyes. The spirit lifts the dagger in the air. It glowing green eyes glared at Seomi.

“Seer!” the dark witch exclaimed. There is ire and evil combined in her voice now. “You may eliminated my vessel but…. not me!” it hissed.

Seomi knows that her gun will not work on a evil spirit. So how will she escape this? She scrambled back to her feet, still holding her gun. As her brain is trying to formulate a plan, she starts to have a vision of the old oak table at the far end. She sees a vision of it on fire.

“I need to burn the table.” Seomi realized however, to burn the table inside the library is dangerous and she would definitely cause a bigger fire. There must be another way.

Then suddenly, she sees the girl with the ram horns. She stands behind the spirit of the dark witch. Her hand over the old oak table. She looks at Seomi and gives a small smile.

“You owe me mortal. You do the rest” the girl whispered in her mind.

As the mysterious girl places her hand on the table, the table glowed bright. The dark witch Raksha then howls in pain, she turns her head and sees the girl.

“YOU!” it screamed, “NO!”

The girl ignored the witch. She mumbled something inaudible to Seomi’s ears but it sounds like a spell or some sort but whatever is that, the spirit continued to howl and it starts to writhe. The spirit’s form shifts once more and turned into a smoke. As the light coming from the old oak table starts to get brighter, the smoke starts to dissipate and until no more.

The girl looks at Seomi, she nods her head. She looks at the unconscious body of Miss Justine Brown and said, “You will see me and you will. And when you do. It will be your time.” She then gazes at Seomi and said, “Until again… seer.” with that she disappears.

Seomi lowers her gun, she released her breathe she has been holding. She looks at the dagger that the spirit dropped upon dissipating. Then she looks at the old oak table. The table still stands there emanating an ominous feeling.

“You do the rest”

Those words rang in her head. Seomi walks towards the unconscious body of Miss Justine Brown. She kneels down beside her and checks her pulse. It’s a bit weak and she is losing blood quickly. She radioed for paramedics. She then looks at the old oak table again.

”You do the rest”

“I hope this school doesn’t miss this table and I hope the Principal will forgive me for burning it.” Seomi muttered.


Detective Hunter gulps the water given to him like a man that hasn’t drank for a week. He still feels a bit light headed. He exactly didn’t know what happened back there. All he know he was choking and couldn’t breathe. The air was very heavy and the air around him was freezing.

“Where is Detective deo Brado?” Hunter asks as he slowly stands up. The officer in front him didn’t answer him. A stretcher being carried by the paramedics is seen going out. Miss Justine Brown is on the stretcher. He is hoping to see Seomi coming out after that but no Seomi deo Brado. Hunter frowns. Where is the detective?

Hunter asks again, “Where is the detective? Answer me!”

The officer gulps and said, “Uhhh she is on the soccer field sir. She asked a couple of the officers to help her with a table.”

“What are you doing now deo Brado?” Hunter wondered as he hurried off to the soccer field.


“Detective!” Principal Miller cried out to Seomi almost running towards her. She looks horrified as Seomi pours gasoline on the table.

Seomi lit a match and throws it at the table. The table went on fire. As she did this, a screech was heard. It sounds painful that Seomi found herself covering her ears. Principal Miller and the police officers with her did the same thing.

“What is that motherfucking sound?” it was Detective Hunter. He just arrived.

The screeching eventually stopped and Seomi exclaimed, “That is the sound of evil. Dying.”

“But that table is antique!” Principal Miller exclaimed looking shaken.

“It is also where three students died along time ago. Sheila McDonald, Carl Hummer and Vincent Smith. All murdered by Gerald Quinn. Rodney Croaker was also murdered on that table by your librarian Justine Moore.” Seomi exclaimed giving the Principal a hard stare.

“J-Justine? Justine murdered Rodney Croaker?” Principal Miller sputtered.

Detective Hunter walks nearer saying, “Yes and she tried to kill Detective deo Brado too.”

“Both Gerald and Justine were influenced by something science cannot explain. It was something evil.” Seomi replied shuddering. She then points her finger at the burning oak table and with anger in her voice, “There is well was an evil residing in that table. You all heard that scream. That is the evil I am talking about.”

Detective Hunter sighs and said, “But do you really have to burn the table? It’s evidence now. Technically, its the murder scene.”

“The table has to be burned. I was lucky to get out there alive. Fire cleans and it’s the only way to stop it.” Seomi exclaimed her voice shaking a bit. “Besides, if Rodney and those three students were really killed in that area of the library… there will be evidence there. Blood splatter Detective Hunter. It goes everywhere.”

“But still, you do know you’ll be under fire for doing this right?” Detective Hunter points out.

Seomi frowns and said, “I’ll take that heat but I cannot let this table exist another day.” She then turns to Principal Miller saying, “If you want me to pay for it, I’ll god damn do it.”

“N-no… no need to detective…” Principal Miller replied weakly. “Oh God… this is horrible. How can… I….”

Detective Hunter looks at the still burning table and knowing what happened in the library, he said, “Some things happen in a way we cannot really explain but it does.” he then looks at the starless skies and said, “It’s been a fucking long night.”

“I agree.” Seomi replied exhaling.


The next few days were hell. Well not really hell but annoying and frustrating for Detective Hunter and Detective deo Brado. They were questioned and investigated as well but in the end, everything ended well for the both of them. They were not suspended bur were asked not to write what really happened in their reports. They were asked to tweak it.

Both detectives agreed because who would believe anyway? Even if there were witnesses, a story like that is still unbelievable.

As for Justine Brown, she admitted guilty immediately and was not to put on trial. When asked why she did it, Justine Brown said, she did it because she wanted beauty. She wanted her old beauty back to her so that her husband would stop dating younger girls than her. In the end Justine Brown is just one disgruntled wife who is no longer at her prime with a cheating husband.


She was deemed mentally unstable like Gerald Quinn. But she won’t be send into a mental institution. The judge sentenced her to life in prison without parole. The idea of being imprisoned for the rest of her lives broke Justine. On the day she was to put to jail, she steals a gun and blew her head off with it.

It was Friday, when Detective Hunter and Detective deo Brado was called again in Chief Inspector Rowland’s office.

“You called for us Chief?” Seomi asks as she steps into the office with Hunter.

“Yes, please sit down.” Rowland exclaimed. He look extremely happy for a reason but at the same time sad. As Hunter and Seomi sat down, Rowland gives them a big smile saying, “You two are getting a promotion.”

Hunter’s eyes widened. “What. For real?”

“Yes but this promotion is not a normal promotion.” Rowland replied. He then gives Hunter and Seomi a folder.

Seomi opens hers immediately, “I’m being relocated.”

“I’m being transferred to the Special Units Team.” Hunter replied.

Rowland nods his head. “That’s right. You, Hunter, you deserve this. You worked on two cases. The case with Johnson came out good. I’ve talked to Johnson already. Both of you are going to relocated to the Special Units Team. Your skills will be used there. That means I won’t be your boss anymore and your new office will be on the other side of the town.”

Hunter was beaming at this. “Oh wow Chief. I’m very grateful. This is something I’ve dreamed of for a long time. Special Unit!” he then gives Rowland a small smile and said, “But of course, I’ll miss you Chief. You’ve been good to me.”

“We will still each other you know but thank deo Brado here too. She told me that you gave her a great lead on the Rodney Croaker case and save her life. That pushed your promotion you know.”Rowland replied giving Seomi a look.

Seomi went red at this. She did say that but does the Chief have to tell Hunter that while she is there inside the office with him?

“Speaking of deo Brado, we won’t be seeing you starting next week. You are being relocated to Dawn City and will be working in one of the best precinct in Dawns City. Precinct 12.” Chief Inspector exclaimed.

Hunter makes a low whistle and said, “Oh wow, you’re being relocated to the big city and Precinct 12? The people there are like top notch. It’s like a special unit but not really.”

“Dawn City. That’s far.” Seomi replied her voice low.

Rowland sighs and said, “Yes it is but it is where you are needed.”

“What?” Seomi asks in surprised. That comment had her ears perking up.

“There is a case in Dawn City and Precinct 12 is going to handle it. Their chief specifically requests you because the case is deeming impossible to be solved. Information on the case is on the folder.” Rowland replied pointedly. “As much as I don’t want to let you and just promote you to Special Unit like Hunter and Johnson but upon seeing the case Precinct 12 has, I knew that you are more needed there than here.”

Seomi nods her head at this. Rowland claps his hand saying. “All right. Congratulations to the both of you and best of luck.” He then gives Seomi a serious look, “Try to finish some unfinished business here ASAP. You are needed there by next week Friday. We’ll help you moving don’t worry.”

“Thank you sir. I appreciate that.” Seomi replied.


Detective Hunter stares at Seomi who is reading the case file inside the folder she has been given to. The young detective has this determined look on her face.

“Detective.” Hunter exclaimed snapping his finger at Seomi to catch her attention.

Seomi stares up at him giving him a quizzical look.

“I will say this once. Thank you for what you said about me to the Chief. That was really nice of you.”

Seomi smiles softly and said, “I only said the truth Detective. Congratulations on making it to Special Unit. You and Johnson.”

“You too. Congratulations on to moving to Precinct 12.” Detective Hunter replied. He then smirks at her and said, “Sad, why now you have to move faraway when you are already kind of growing on me?”

“Awww Detective, yous started liking me now?” Seomi asks in a teasing tone.

Detective Hunter chuckles and said, “Whatever kid.” his tone then turned serious and said, “You, you better be careful there and stay safe. Dawn City is a huge metropolis. Crimes there are insane. I know you don’t like having a partner but think about it. You can’t work alone forever. Not in a city like Dawn.”

“I’ll try Detective.” Seomi replied. “Thank you.”

After that, Hunter leaves giving a salute to her. Seomi goes back to the file she is reading. Thousand of bodies were found under an old tree. No one knows who murdered these people. There were not trace of did it.

“A mass murder case huh…” Seomi muttered frowning. “This would be interesting.” as she closed the file. She looks at her cubicle and then her heterochromatic eyes roamed around the office. Soon, she will be starting a new life. She will be working at Precinct 12 at Dawn City. Something in her tells her that things will get more exciting and interesting as soon as she moves there. She knows in her gut that Dawn City will be teeming with the supernatural and she found herself giddy at that idea.


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