Lyra Hamilton is not a quitter and not even a incurable disease is not gonna stop her from having a fashion show. It’s her finals and she will get on with it.
“Don’t you have a chemo session today at St. Mary’s?” her friend Dana asks as she sees her struggling to carry five pieces of clothing. Dana took a few from her and said, “Please don’t tell me you rescheduled your session again.”
“Oh come on Dana. You know it’s a busy week and finals are days away. If I’m going to get this show on the go, I can’t afford to be stuck in bed. You know how chemo works.” Lyra replied giving Dana a pointed look.
Dana sighed and said, “I know that Lyra, but you need chemo to get better.”
“No. I need a bone marrow transplant to get better.” Lyra exclaimed. “And you know that will never happen.”
“Okay, okay I won’t push it.” Dana replied as she hangs the clothes on the racks. Lyra who is doing the same said, “I will get chemo after the finals.”
Dana nods her head and said nothing.
“Is she?”
“Very. I think she will be special.”
“I called St. Mary’s and your doctor said, you did not go to your session.” Mrs. Hamilton exclaimed giving her daughter an angry look.
Lyra pulls her brown wig off her head and said, “Hello mother and yes I did not go.”
“But why?” Mrs. Hamilton asks her daughter who walks pass her. Lyra puts her handbag on the living room table and said, “Because mom, finals.”
“You need chemo Lyra! Your finals can wait, you need to get better!” Mrs. Hamilton exclaimed looking exasperated.
Lyra who is seating down on her couch and said, “Mother you know chemo is not going to cure me. I need a bone marrow transplant.”
“And you are!” Mrs. Hamilton replied seating down in front of her mother. Lyra gives her mother a sad smile. Her mother, her dear, dear mother haven’t given up in treating her cancer. Hasn’t given up that getting a bone marrow is nil. Her own mother was not a match. Her father, who is a match, unfortunately suffers from diabetes. She is the only child so that leaves them to look elsewhere.
Her current prognosis was not good. Her doctor told her if they could not get a donor by the end of the month then it will be hopeless for her. Her chemotherapy can only do so much. She has accepted the fact that her chance of surviving is lower than 50%. Her mother is still at the grieving and denial part. Her father? Lets say both of them are on the same page.
“Mom, I know its hard for you but sooner or later you have to accept the fact that...” Lyra replied waving her hand all over her.
“That you are dying?!” Mrs. Hamiltno exclaimed. “No! I will not! The month hasn’t ended and that means there is still a chance.”
Lyra sighed. What to do with her mother and her false hope?
“Yes mother.”
Mrs. Hamilton smiles a bit and said, “So your chemo, I will reschedule it this Saturday.” Lyra wants to say no because she needs to attend the fitting of the models but arguing with her mother at this state is futile. She merely nod her head.
“So I expect you haven’t had dinner, I had cooked you one.” Mrs. Hamilton exclaimed as she walks towards the kitchen. Lyra slides back to her couch, her hands over face mumbling, “Ughhhh… I shouldn’t have given mother a copy of my apartment key.”
St. Mary’s, a hospital three hours away from her apartment. One wonders why she has to travel so far just to get chemotherapy. There is a hospital 20 minutes away from where she lives but her mother preferred for her to get her chemo at St. Mary’s, a hospital that is quite near her mother’s home.
Whenever, she goes here, her mother would send a taxi cab to pick her up in her apartment. She managed to avoid it twice but this time, her mother was with the cab driver and her plan to miss her session today was foiled.
She is now lying on a hospital bed with an IV stuck up in her arm. Her mother is currently talking to her doctor. He friend Dana is keeping her updates of the fitting. She really wants to be there right now.
Lyra sighs and closes her eyes, she knew by the time her session is done, the fitting will be over if not, she will not have the strength to go back to school and catch up. As she opens her eyes she sees this being. Despite looking a female humanoid, she knew it was not human. The elven like ears was a dead giveaway.
“Oh you can see me.” The being replied smiling.
“You…” Lyra whispered as she carefully positions herself up. For odd reason, she knows this being is.
The being walks towards her and said, “You do know what this means right?”
“I don’t have a month.” Lyra replied.
The being smiles at her pitifully and said, “I am sorry.”
“No don’t be. I knew. I knew from the very start that the doctor told me that I need a bone marrow transplant.” Lyra replied. “So when will I go?”
“Don’t worry, you still have time to finish your finals.” The being replied knowingly, she is about to leave but Lyra asks, “What is your name?”
The being looks at her and said, “You are the first to ask.”
“Keep me company will you. Sessions like this are boring.” Lyra replied almost sighing. “So… what is your name?”
“Medina. I am Medina.” The being replied smiling at her.
Lyra looks at the ceiling and said, “Tell me Medina, I want to know something.”
“I knew you are quite special.” Medina replied. She then sat herself on Lyra’s bed. “I am not in liberty to tell you why are you are still alive despite the fact you should have been dead already, the answer is quite clear to you by now.”
Lyra chuckles. She does know what Medina is implying but that’s not what she want to know. “That’s not it Medina. I want to know about you and what do you call yourself.”
Medina cocks her head to the right and said, “I am not angel just to let you know.”
“Then what do you call yourselves?” Lyra pressed on.
“Lost Souls. That’s what we are called.”
Lyra raised an eyebrow and said, “We?”
“We are many you know. He, the Angel of Death created us to help him to reap souls.” Medina answers back.
“He made you? Well you guys.”
Medina points her finger at Lyra and said, “You are curious being.”
“I have accepted my death Medina. I know my mortal time is almost over. But why do I feel like I still don’t wanna pass on.” Lyra replied.
“Are you telling me that you don’t want your soul to pass on.” Medina points out. “Lyra, if your soul remain here, it will become corrupted.”
Lyra nods her head and said, “I was just saying what I feel… “ Medina is about to say more but Mrs. Hamilton entered the room and she had to make herself scarce leaving Lyra entertaining her thoughts and Mrs. Hamilton ranting on about Lyra’s possible recovery.
Medina sighed and said, “She is just like us.”
“Indeed. Well, I am not adverse in turning her into a Lost Soul. But that is up to her.”
“Let’s see until the very time she has to pass on. Her mother still needs to let her go though.” Medina points out to the voice.
“Lyra Hamilton, are you insane? You should be at home resting. You had chemo yesterday.” Dana replied.
Lyra who is seating down on chair checking her designs and said, “Maybe… but finals are coming up.”
“Oh Lyra…” Dana replied grabbing a chair and seating besides her friend.
“I have a less than a month Dana…” Lyra replied looking at her friend.
Dana held Lyra’s hand and said, “Did you learn that from your doctor yesterday?”
“Not really, but the way my mom was trying so hard to cheer me up yesterday, rattling about that there will be a bone marrow soon but with how my doctor is giving me this look I know my mother is not telling the truth.” Lyra explained.
“But Lyra you said less than a month…” Dana points out.
Lyra sighs and said, “I know my body Dana. I know it will not last this month. The only thing that is driving me to live is this fashion show for my finals.”
Dana sighs. She grabs some of the designs off Lyra’s table and said, “Well, you are still very weak; let me at least help you.”
“You have your own show to worry about Dana.” Lyra replied.
“Hey, I was able to stand in for you yesterday at the fitting, I can help finish your finals and worry about my own.” Dana points out. “Lyra, you are my friend, if this is your last wish, then I will help you.”
Lyra smiles sadly and said, “You were the very first that was able to accept my condition even before I did. How do you do it?”
“I am still having a hard time accepting it Lyra believe me. But I know, if I wallow and allow myself to be sad as much as you are, you will not move forward. It will not help you. You needed people to be strong for you so that you can move on.” Dana explained looking at Lyra intently.
“Thank you Dana. I wish my mother will realize this soon.” Lyra replied softly.
She hears the door opening. She then sees Lyra and her friend Dana entering. She bites her tongue. She can’t really barrage her daughter in front of her friend.
“Hi mother, I see that you are here again.” Lyra replied giving her mother a look.
“Hello Mrs. Hamilton.” Dana greets.
Lyra grins and said, “Dana is helping me with my finals, so she will sleep over here for a couple of days.”
“And Lyra is helping me out with my designs for my show.” Dana quips in. Lyra then pulls Dana towards her room saying, “We will be in my room mother.”
Mrs. Hamilton sighs as she watches Lyra went into her room with Dana. Her daughter had used her friend as a shield so that she will not able to press on her. Typical of her daughter.
Dana snickered plopping herself on the bed and said, “I get it you know. Your mom can be overwhelming.”
“And pushy. You know, I tried. Doctors explained, my dad did and I did but she… she is still…” Lyra replied looking tired.
Dana motions to Lyra to take a seat and said, “She is your mother and you are her daughter. She is scared to lose you.”
“I know it’s hard on her. It is hard for me too.” Lyra replied taking off her wig. She then sat down on her bed and said, “I fear for her mental health when the day comes.”
“Yeah…” Dana replied. She gives Lyra a look and said, “I will be extremely sad… well I am now. I am losing my best friend.”
Lyra bit her cheek and said, “Me too… me too…”
Mrs. Hamilton heaved a sigh and said, “Dana I don’t get it, why is my daughter kept on pushing to make her finals. You know she just had her chemo yesterday, she should be resting today but she went to school. In fact, she doesn’t want to take chemo already.”
“Mrs. Hamilton, you do realize that Lyra wants to finish her finals because it is her last wish.” Dana remarked.
“If you are implying by last wish meaning my daughter is dying then let me tell you that she will not. The month is not over and we will find a donor.” Mrs. Hamilton exclaimed her tone rising up.
Dana held out a hand and said, “Mrs. Hamilton until when are you going to deny that Lyra will never get a bone marrow transplant? Your daughter knew. Even your husband. Even I knew.” Mrs. Hamilton is about to rebut but Dana barraged on, “Mam, it is not easy for me to accept that Lyra is dying and there is nothing I can do about it. She is my best friend and she has been part of my life not as much as yours but it is still painful.”
“My daughter IS not dying.” Mrs. Hamilton exclaimed indignantly.
“Yes she is and you are the only one around her who has not accepted that.” Dana exclaims.
Mrs. Hamilton slams her hand on the table saying, “Because I don’t want to!”
Dana raises her hands up saying, “Lyra will never able to move on quietly knowing you can’t accept it. She is already in so much pain, her body cannot take the chemotherapy anymore that you pushes her to take. She has accepted her faith and you should too.”
“And why should I?” Mrs. Hamilton demanded.
“Because it will be less painful.” Dana replied almost in a whisper. “I know, I know it’s painful Mrs. Hamilton. Lyra knows your pain. She shares it. You are not just losing her, she is going to lose you too.”
This had Mrs. Hamilton breaking into a sob. Dana approached Lyra’s mother and hugged her whispering, “I am so sorry Mrs. Hamilton but you have to let her go.”
“Please do not hover.” Lyra muttered.
Medina grins and said, “Your friend Dana… she is a great friend.”
“She is...”
“You heard their discussion.” Medina replied.
Lyra sighed and said, “My apartment is not sound proof.”
“It’s almost time you know.”
“Yeah… I guess I have to thank Dana for talking to my mother.” Lyra replied closing her eyes again.
Dana had to stay with her as the finals come nearer to help her further with it. Also to take care of her since she is now bound to a wheelchair. Lyra also has been to talking to the Reaper of Soul Medina more and more.
The night before her fashion show, she was reviewing Dana’s designs, she looks at Dana who is looking at pictures of the models she has hired for her show and asks, “Hey Dana, do you think I will go to Heaven?”
Dana drops the pictures and gives her a weird look.
“Okay, I know you don’t believe in heaven or hell. Not even in the concept of God but humor me on this will you?” Lyra exclaimed giving her friend a knowing look.
“Well, I guess you will. I mean I know you will. You are a good person Lyra.” Dana replied.
Lyra rolls her eyes and said, “Oh come on Dana. I am not a 100% good person, you know that. In high school I was a big bully, someone committed suicide because of my actions.”
“That girl survived her suicide. You apologized to her and promised to make it up to her which you did. You stopped your bullying ways, you defended her from those who still bullies her and I can’t name it all but you changed for the better. Lyra, all of us is not 100% a good person.” Dana replied pointedly.
“So do you think I will go to heaven?” Lyra asks again.
Dana sighs. She doesn’t know why her best friend is asking this. It boggles her mind.
“Hey Dana, do you think I will go to heaven?” Lyra pressed on.
“Yes, Lyra. I think you will go to heaven. If there is one.” Dana replied. Her best friend smiles at her tapping her on the shoulder and went back to work. Dana picks up the pictures she dropped and thought, “Oh Lyra...”
Lyra didn’t answer her but Medina knows what Lyra wants.
“Are you sure that is what you want? It is not easy you know.” Medina said.
“I have never assumed it will be easy but it’s what I want” Lyra replied spoke looking at Dana who is slightly snoring. “I don’t think I am ready for Heaven.”
“We are about to start Lyra.” Dana said replied who is standing behind her wheelchair. Lyra shakes her head and said, “No Dana. I am not riding that today.”
Dana frowns at her and said, “No offense dear, but you can barely walk.”
“Then please assist me because I am not going out there in a wheel chair.” Lyra replied. She then smiles at the makeup artist who approached her. Dana shakes her head and said, “You really want to dress up for this.”
Lyra grins and said, “I just want to be in theme you know. Besides it’s fitting.”
“Yeah, only you Lyra. Only you would come up a dark fantasy theme for your fashion show.” Dana remarked smiling fondly at her friend who is not getting prepped up by the make-up artist. “And yes I will assist you walk out there.”
As she said this, someone taps her from behind. She turns around and sees another make-up artist. Lyra’s grin widened and said, “If you are assisting me, then you have to look the part.”
Lyra slowly and carefully walks the catwalk waving to the crowd. She decided to have her long black hair down in a twin ponytail. She commissioned a friend to make ram horns with feathers to adorn her head. She made some feather clips to go with it. She wore this lacy top black dress that stops before her knee. She smiles at everyone. She could see everyone applauding. Her professors giving her a nod of approval. Her parents looking teary eyed and proud. As she reached the end of the catwalk, she spots Medina among the crowd. Medina taps her wrist signaling something to Lyra.
“It’s time…:” Lyra thought.
She takes a deep breath and closed her eyes.
Lyra’s eyes roams around her room and notice that she is indeed in St. Mary’s. Though she wonders why she is here and not in the hospital 20 minutes away from her apartment that is 15 minutes away from the venue of her fashion show.
“You were transferred just today. Your mom was adamant you stay here.” Dana explained. Lyra nods her head in understanding.
Dana sighs as she takes a seat on the chair near her bed and said, “You lost consciousness while on that catwalk. Good thing I was holding you.”
“Thank you Dana…” Lyra replied in a whisper.
“Your parents are talking to your doctors but I can see that even if your mom begged the doctor to save you….” Dana replied shaking her head.
Lyra smiles weakly and said, “My mother... she still hopes that there is something they could do.”
“Yeah she does but at this point I think she will realize now how late it is.” Dana replied. She bits her lower lips and said, “I was terrified you know. When you lost consciousness back there… I thought you have already died.”
Dana takes a deep breath trying so hard to hold back her tears but she could not. It’s impossible now. Her friend didn’t die back there but she is dying and with her current prognosis it is likely she pass on within the week.
“Dana, you are great friend. I know I haven’t thanked you a lot and I love you dearly for being one.” Lyra replied smiling as a tear roll down her cheek. This had Dana holding her hand tightly sobbing.
Her father has chatted her up telling her fashion show was a success. That her designs were wonderful and he is proud of her. Mr. Hamiton is exactly like Lyra. So it is no wonder why Mr. Hamilton was able to accept her daughter’s fate as Lyra has. Her father bid her goodbye to get some clothes for her and her mother.
Mrs. Hamilton looks at her. Lyra smiles and said, “Mother… you are very quiet.”
“I… I don’t really have anything to say my dear.” Mrs. Hamilton replied.
Lyra sighs and said, “Mother, yes you do.”
“What do you want me to say? You want me to say goodbye to you?” Mrs. Hamilton exclaimed avoiding her daughter’s gaze.
“No mother, I want to know how you feel all about this.” Lyra replied. “It’s inevitable. The doctor… I presume told you that I will pass away soon.”
Mrs. Hamilton faces her daughter looking distraught. Tears were falling from her eyes. She placed her hands on her waist and exclaimed, “Yes! And it hurts! It hurts that you, your dad and even your best friend Dana has accepted your death and I! I couldn’t! I could not accept it!”
Mrs. Hamilton sat down on the chair near her daughter’s bed saying, “I know Lyra. I know you are dying. The minute the doctor told us you need a bone marrow transplant and you have a month to find one, I knew the chance of you surviving is low but I refuse to give up! At first I thought you have given up but if you had, you wouldn’t push to live as you wanted it.”
“It hurts too you know… for me to die young and to leave you and dad. Even to leave Dana behind.” Lyra replied. “But you know mother… no matter how painful it was, it was a reality I need to accept so that I can accept my situation. It was not easy mother.”
“I know. I kept on holding to a lie and I was in constant denial that I have hurt you more. I should have celebrated the remaining lives you have been given but I didn’t... I didn’t...” Mrs. Hamilton replied. She touches her daughter’s hand and said, “I love you Lyra… I don’t know what will I do without you. I’m so sorry my child. ”
Lyra carefully grips her mother’s hand and said, “You have nothing to be sorry. You are the best mother I could ever have. You will know somehow, you will find a way… knowing you I know you will. It will just take some time.” She smiles and said, “Even if I pass on, I will still be in your memories and in your heart… I won’t be fully gone. I love you mother. You and father.”
Mrs. Hamilton smiles sadly at her daughter but said nothing for it was the truth.
“Hello Medina.”
“Hello Lyra.”
Lyra looks at Medina and said, “I thought you’re reaping me right there at the fashion show.”
“I thought about that but no, I cannot.” Medina replied.
“You gave me time for my mother to have at least a bit of peace about my passing.” Lyra replied.
Medina chuckles and said, “Smart mortalyou are.” She then sat down on the bed and ask, “Are you sure you want this?”
Lyra nods her head and said, “Yes I am Medina.”
“Well then, you do know why I am here now don’t you?” Medina replied smiling.
Lyra merely smiled and closed her eyes.
She watched as people went to her wake and to her funeral. She watched as her mother, father and Dana grieve for her death. A week passed, she watched as Dana finished her fashion show with much success. Her parents watched it too. She watched as her mother moved on by investing in Dana’s clothing boutique which features clothes Dana had designed and her own designs. She watched as her father was able to move on by volunteering to work in an orphanage.
She doesn’t visit that much anymore because she is now a Reaper of Souls. Her visit means someone will die. She can only watch through Chicol, her Leidon of Deceased. She is no longer called Lyra Hamilton for obvious reasons. Her name now is Lirika.
“You know, makes me wonder why you chose Lirika as your new name.” Medina asks appearing besides her.
Lirika looks at her saying, “Hello Medina.” She looks down at the people walking down the building where she is at now. “Lirika is a play on my mortal name Lyra. My father who used to be a musician named me after the word, lyrics”
“How unique.” Medina points out. “Also, did you choose to look like exactly how you were dressed during your fashion show as homage to your mortal life?”
“Yes and for Dana. She designed that look for me.” Lirika points out.
Medina sighed and said, “You have been a great reaper you know that.”
“You trained me well Medina. You and Him.” Lirika replied looking at Medina. Medina smiles and ask, “Have you heard from Him?”
Lirika nods her head and said, “I know you are here to say goodbye Medina. You have decided to pass on to Heaven.”
“You do know the reason I just stayed long enough was to make sure you are doing well.” Medina replied. Lirika takes Medina’s hand and said, “You have done well Medina. Thank you.”
Medina smiles and asks, “Have you ever felt passing on soon?”
“Not yet. So much for me to do and besides I don’t think I’m ready for Heaven.” Lirika replied winking at Medina.
The elven eared Reaper laughs and said, “I knew you are special and will continue to be one. Best of luck Lirika.” With that Medina disappears leaving Lirika watching people below.
“Be at peace Medina” Lirika whispers. She then spots Dana walking out a boutique. She smiles and her smile widens when she sees the boutique’s name. It’s called LYRA Clothings.
“Your best friend named her business after you.” Chicol replied.
Lirika grins and said, “Yeah she did. I guess that’s her own way of moving on.”
“I was wondering, what was your feather would be like? I mean your soul?” Chicol asks.
Lirika stares at the black feather on her hand. She just had reaped a soul of a man who got gunned down by a robber and said, “Medina told me I was an orange.”
“You are not a red?”
“Nope and that was a given about certain things in my life.” Lirika replied.
Chicol sighs and said, “Please don’t tell me the reason why you don’t want to pass on to Heaven because of that.”
Lirika jumps down the building. As she lands on the ground, she watches a little girl walking side by side her mother. Her mission in plain sight.
“Oi Lirika.” Chicol calls out.
“To answer your question Chicol. No. There is no way or rule that will change the color of my feather. There is something stopping me to pass on. I don’t know it yet maybe I just want to do more things. Things I haven’t done when I was among the living.” Lirika replied walking towards the mother and child. This answer had Chicol grumbling about how weird Lirika is. Lirika merely smiled.
“My name is Lirika
I am a Reaper of Souls
And I am here for yours.”
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