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Lost Souls: Chapter 10 - Full Circle p.2



So dark. He can’t see a thing.

”Vaz! Vaz!”

That voice. He knows that voice.

“Vaz! VAZ!"

He turned around and there he sees her.


Celia stands before him, her face and body covered in wounds and is bleeding everywhere.

“Celia... I-”

Celia grabs him on the face screaming, “WHY DIDN’T YOU SAVE ME?!”


He opens his eyes. His alarm clock blaring like no tomorrow. The sun peeking into his room. He had that nightmare again.The nightmare two days ago and it hasn’t stopped. He knew it will only stop if he has defeated the new evil that up until now is trying to kill him.

He was able to ward it off a couple of times. Even made sure it doesn’t follow him in his shop or at home. He visits the Detective’s place to make sure her place is still fully protected.

“I need to find a witch powerful enough to defeat it. I don’t think I can keep it up.” He thinks as he gets up from his bed.


Harper cracks her knuckles. She looks at her cabinet and sighs. After conjuring that amulet for Cassandra to ward off her wayward ghost, she realized she needed to restock.

“Okay. I need basil and chamomile. I also need more sages.” she muttered to herself as she takes note of her inventory. She looks at the highest shelf and frowns. “I’m out of Agrimony and Anise. Wow.” she takes those down too.

After taking notes she grabs her bag and stuff her notepad in it. She grabs her house keys and is about to go when she noticed a flyer in her bag. She takes it out and reads:

Raven Othello
For all your wiccan and magik needs

“When did I get this?” Harper wonders. “Well this looks promising, it’s just 2 kilometers away from the university. I guess, I can check it out.”


“Good morning Detective!”

Seomi smiled weakly at Everett. He and his partner Moore was smiling at her brightly. She hasn’t been sleeping well for the last two days. She has been having strange dreams about people burning up in the inside and bleeding everywhere. They were screaming in pain and they were calling out her name. It was horrifying.

She has nightmares before about the ghosts and spirits she has seen but nothing like this. Nothing.

“Morning you two.” She greets back.

Detective Markle Moore hands her a huge cup of coffee and said, “Looks like you need one.”

“Thanks Moore.” she said taking the cup.

“You look like you haven’t been sleeping.” Winston replied in a concerned voice.

Seomi takes a sip from the cup and just nodded. She then says, “I will be fine. The case is just taking a toll on me.”

“Well the case is not easy to crack. You have no suspect and it’s difficult to find a suspect. No fingerprints except for those who has gone missing.” Moore points out.

“I’m slowly accepting that this case will remain unsolved. Guess that’s going to my record now.” Seomi replied sighing.

Winston pats her on the shoulder and said, “There’s always a first but I heard you found a lead on the missing Mario Vazquez.”

“Uh yeah. I might be able to find him.” Seomi replied biting her inner cheek.

“That’s good right? Maybe he knows what happened back there especially to his friends.” Moore replied.

Seomi bit her lips and said, “Maybe. If he witnessed everything he might be traumatized or he could be really dead by now.”

“So about the case of your lead dropping dead on you? Any result?” Winston asks.

“Some unknown disease according to the lab. The CDC is still testing on it.” Seomi replied. “And no it is not contagious. If it was, I would be showing some symptoms and the people out there during that time would be in quarantine by now.” she pressed on seeing the shocked look on the two.

Moore chuckles and said, “That’s good to know. Well, Winston and I are on our way now. Get some sleep if you have some time.”

Seomi waves her hand at them saying, “Will do.”

She looks at her watch and thinks, “Time to visit Adrian.”


Nuriel spreads out his wings saying, “The wheels are in motion.”

“I’m scared Nuriel.” Lirika replied clutching her hand. She is currently on the bus seating just a few feet away from Harper. Chicol and Nuriel, standing beside her.

Chicol sighs and said, “Once they meet, things will set in place.”

“The Seer, A Warlock and a Witch. Three mortals to face a entity far more powerful than the one last year.” Lirika replied looking at Nuriel. “Any orders from Azrael?”

Azrael. The Angel of Death.

“He said we only intervene if it is needed. We can only give the blessing and the guidance.” Nuriel replied.

“He said that? Really? Three mortals against an entity that came straight from Morningstar’s domain? Those three will die.”

Lirika closed her eyes and said, “They will not.”

“Then why you are you so into all of this?” Chicol asks.

“I don’t know!” Lirika exclaimed almost angry. “I don’t know Chicol. All I know that when those three fight that entity I have to be there and make sure everything goes well.”

Nuriel gives Chicol a look and says, “Chicol, it is better we stop questioning and just focus on what is at hand.”

“Okay fine, but seriously, it’s an evil entity from Morningstar. What those three can do?” Chicol exclaimed looking frustrated.

Lirika looks at Harper who is now alighting the bus and said, “If there is one thing you should know about the living is that never underestimate them.”


Joey’s eyes smiled brightly when he sees this red-head girl entering the shop. He knows that this girl is the real thing. There were a lot of girls and women who comes into the shop and claims to be “witches” but he knows they’re the pseudo-kind. He internally thanked his boss Adrian for giving him the amulet on his neck. It not only protects him from whatever Adrian does in the Black Room but it also helps him read the customers that enters the shop.

“Good morning! May I assist you on anything?” he asks.

The girls smiles at him and says, “Hi there! I would like to buy some herbs and sages please.”

“Sages? What kind of sage?” Joey asks waking towards a cupboard.

“I need a couple of White sages. Give me 12. Also I need some Purple sages. I need, hmm.. around five only.” she replied. She then takes out a notepad and continued, “Do you have Agrimony and Anise?”

Joey frowns. Agrimony and Anise. Those two herbs are not really popular items among their customers so Adrian never really displays them.

“Yes we do but I have to get them from the storage room.” Joey replied. “You’re like the first well I think, the first to ask for Agrimony and Anise.”

“Really? Why is that?” the girls asks. Joey picks up the sages that the girl needed and said, “Well, they’re used for banishing evil spirits right?”

The girl smiles and said, “Yes they are. So you’re a warlock huh?”

Joey places all the sages on the counter and said, “Oh no. I just know stuff because it’s my job to know it. My boss Adrian is one.”

“Adrian huh?”

“Yes that’s me.”

The girl and Joey both looked to their left and in front of the shop’s door stood Adrian. Joey waved at him saying, “Hello boss, rough night again?”

Adrian just gives him a look that says “I’m not answering that” and then looks at the girl. He felt her presence even in his apartment which was a couple of blocks away from his store. He knows what she is and by far the person he needs.

“Hello, sorry, where are my manners? The name is Adrian Ecanus. I’m the owner of this shop.” Adrian replied handing his right hand towards the girl.

The girl slowly takes his hand and said, “Harper Nolan.”

Adrian then slightly grips Harper’s hand and said, “Harper, it is no coincidence you are here.”

Soft winds suddenly blows into the shop from nowhere. Harper felt a sudden surge of power coming through Adrian to her. Her eyes widened and she remembered Lirika’s words to her.

“Be strong and watch out for a man. He will be needing your help.”

Adrian is about to release her hand but Harper suddenly tightened her grip and said, “You. You need my help.”

Joey gives a cough. He has been staring at the two for two minutes now and they seemed lost in their own world. It was awkward for him. Adrian and Harper releases each others’ grips and both look kind of embarrassed.

“Joey, please take Ms. Nolan’s list and get what she needs. “ Adrian remarked motioning to Harper to give her list to Joey.

Harper gives Joey her notepad and said, “I need two bottles of Agrimony and Anise. For the rest I just need one bottle each.” Joey nods his head and immediately went to the storage room.

“You and I need to talk Harper.” Adrian replied.

Harper nods her head. She then follows Adrian into the back of the store. Adrian walks towards a door and when Harper walks near it, she slows down saying, “This room... Wow. Just from the outside I can say that there is a very strong and powerful magic inside.”

“You are correct. I call it the Black Room. I do my magic in here.” Adrian replied opening the door. “Don’t worry, nothing in here will harm you.”

Harper crossed her arms and said, “Then why is your assistant has that amulet around his neck? I felt a strong protection spell on it. It just doesn't allow him to sense people like me.”

“So you noticed huh?” Adrian said raising his eyebrow at her. “There are some magic that I conjure inside that can be powerful. Powerful enough to endanger my life. If that happens, Joey needs to go in here to dispell the spell.” he then steps inside the room and said, “The amulet is powerful enough to protect him and give him time to destroy my magic circle.”

Harper steps inside and as soon she sees the round table, the candles and the shelves, she knew that Adrian is no ordinary Warlock.

“You looked impressed.” Adrian replied sitting down on his chair.

“Well, you do have an impressive magic room.” Harper replied. “I have one too but yours is intense.”

Adrian chuckles and said, “Well, I conjure powerful spells. Please have a seat.”

Harper takes a seat, the one that faces directly at Adrian. As she sat down she said, “I met a being years before. She told me to look out for a man. I think it’s you.”

“So you’ve met Lirika.”

“You know her?”

Adrian sighs. That Reaper of Soul.

“Yes. She saved my life a year ago.”

Harper groaned and said, “Lirika. Reaper of Souls right? What she got to do with us meeting? Or why did she tell me to look out for you? Because, I’ve been looking out for you for awhile now.”

“Because I need a witch that can help me defeat an evil entity.” Adrian replied.

“Oh wow, You don’t beat around the bush.” Harper replied knowingly.

Adrian sighs and said, “I don’t see the point because I’m running out of time.”

“What is this entity you speak of?” Harper ask.

Adrian clasp his hands together and said, “It is not of here. Not a mortal soul haunting the living or a soul tainted and corrupted by evil. It is evil itself.”

“A demonic entity?” Harper stands up and said, “Are you crazy? You don’t ward that off! You destroy it!”

“I’m not gonna ward it off. I’m going to kill it.” Adrian explained.

“And pray how?” Harper demands. “Look, whoever asks you to kill this thing, tell him or her that the best thing we can do is seal it.”

“Don’t you think I know that?” Adrian exclaimed looking exasperated. “But sealing this one. This evil entity won’t cut it. It’s too powerful to be sealed off.”

Harper sits down again, she pressed her index finger on the table saying, “Then tell your client that it is impossible!”

“Don’t tell that to me.”


Adrian closed his eyes and said, “I said don’t tell that to me.”

“Huh? Adrian, what the-” Harper then paused. For a second there, flashes of memory came pouring into her brain. She gasped and said, “Oh my god! You!”

“Yes. I am the client.”

“What did you show me? The fuck! You’re a seer too?”

Adrian smirked and said, “I started of as a seer before I became a warlock and for your information, I showed you some of the things happened to me before I became who I am now.”

“You’ve encountered something like that before? And now another one is after you.” Harper replied in a soft tone. “Lirika saved you there.”

“She did.” Adrian said with a weak smile on his face. “I need your help to destroy it Harper.”

Harper gives him a look of confusion and said, “But how?”

“I need you to conjure something. There is a reason why you need Agrimony and Anise in your arsenal.” Adrian pointed out.

Harper crossed her arms and scoffed, “I conjured potions and amulets to ward off evil spirits Adrian. Me buying Agrimony and Anise is nothing new.”

“You mostly use sages for that my dear.” Adrian remarked tapping the side of his head. Harper rolled her eyes. Of course a seer. Seers can see things and even can read minds. This Adrian is one powerful seer.

“Fine! I guess this is the reason why I suddenly needed Agrimony and Anise.” Harper replied. “But those herbs are not enough, if I think what you wanted me to conjure, I need more than those two.”

Adrian, wanting to test Harper’s knowledge asks, “And what do you think I want you to conjure?”

“A Devouring Dagger.” Harper answered right of the bat.

Adrian claps his hand saying, “Amazing! You are the witch I have been looking for.” he then stands up and went towards the shelf on his right. He takes out his grimoire. It’s a cream colored book. He opens it and said, “The Devouring Dagger can weaken the entity and suck out an amount of power it has. This can allow us to conjure a Banishing spell strong enough to destroy it.”

Harper stands up from her seat and walks towards him. “It takes a warlock and a witch to conjure a Devouring Dagger, I get it but what Banishing spell can we can conjure that is strong enough to destroy a demonic entity?”

“This.” Adrian replied pointing to a spell on the book. Harper takes a look and her eyes widened. She has heard of that spell but to cast that spell it takes a lot of power.

“I think this is the reason why Lirika came into our lives.” Adrian replied in a whisper. Harper was about to comment when there was a knock on the door.

Adrian closes his grimoire. “What is it Joey?”

“Uhhh... There is a Detective Seomi deo Brado here? She wants to talk to you.”

Adrian smiles. Harper gives him a quizzical look.

“A detective? Are you involved in a crime or something?” Harper asks.

“You can say that. Anyway, you need to meet her.” Adrian replied.

Harper took a step back. She held up her hands before her and said, “Whoah and why?”

“Because she is part of this. Don’t worry, she is special too.” Adrian replied walking towards the door.

“She’s a also a witch?” Harper asks as she follows Adrian out of the room.

“No Harper. She is a seer and she is could be more powerful than me.” Adrian answered.


Seomi raised her eyebrow when she sees Adrian walking towards her with a red-head girl in tow. She looked like a university student. She is dressed in this skinny blue jeans and a peach-colored blouse topped with a vest with asymmetrical patterns. She has this beaded bracelet on her wrist. As soon as her eyes focused on it, she suddenly sees a vision of a dagger and a full moon.

“Y-you’re a witch. The witch that Adrian was looking for.” Seomi replied stepping forward.

Adrian nudged Harper by the shoulder and said, “I told you she is a powerful one.”

Seomi takes out her badge and said, “The name is Detective Seomi deo Brado. Adrian here is helping me solve this case I’m working on and it’s related to the supernatural.”

“Okay. Oh wow. Um. My name is Harper Nolan... and yeah I am a witch?” Harper exclaimed feeling uncomfortable all the sudden. She then looks at Adrian and ask, “What is her role in this?”

Adrian smiled and said, “She is my eyes.”


Coffee. She never imagined it drinking it one go. Not even an espresso. She likes to drink it slowly and feel the burn in her throat. However, the situation deemed that she needed to gulp it all up to feel sane.

“Okay. Okay.” Harper replied putting her cup down. “I have to help you conjure a Devouring Dagger and a North of Light amulet. That is a A LOT.”

Adrian scratched his head and replied, “I’m sorry. I’m helping you on the Devouring Dagger and I will even help you on the amulet.”

They were back at the diner where Seomi talked to Adrian two nights ago. Seomi who is sitting down next to Harper signaled the waitress for another cup of joe for Harper. Harper gives her a look of thanks.

“I don’t need my seer powers to see you need another one.” Seomi remarked.

Harper gives a nervous laugh. She just learned about Adrian’s past on the Curse Tree, about Seomi handling the case, her role in this three-man magic thing they’re going to do and the conjuring spells she need to do to make this all work. To be frank, she also need a good swig of beer with her coffee.

“Is it plausible Harper?” Seomi ask. “The North of Light amulet protecting me?”

Harper nods her head and said, “It can.” she then showed her bracelet. “This bracelet is actually a North of Light amulet. It has protected me from evil spirits and probably from demonic presence.”

“What do you mean probably?” Seomi asked.

Adrian takes out a cigarette and said, “It came to you didn’t it? You felt it too.”

“I’m not sure if it is the same thing but it was after I met Lirika again. I was on the bus on my way home when I felt it. It was far but it was so strong. Made me feel sick.” Harper replied nodding at the waitress who refilled her cup.

Seomi clasped her hands on the table and asks, “So, how do we go about this?”

“Well when I made this North of Light amulet on me, it took me a week. A week. That long. As for the Devouring Dagger, we need to conjure it on full moon.” Harper points out.

Adrian who has lit his cigarette takes a drag and said, “With my help, we can make that North of Light Amulet in two days. Full moon is tomorrow.”

“Do we have time?” Seomi asks.

“I hope so.” Harper replied.

They suddenly heard a scream. They all looked towards the table not far from them. A woman was convulsing. Blood was coming from her mouth, nose, ears and eyes. The child she was with was crying and screaming for help.

Harper stood up and ran towards the woman. As she touched the woman, she felt a searing burn. She lets go. Seomi takes out her cellphone and dialled 911 and started reporting what’s happening.

“It’s here!” Adrian exclaimed gritting his teeth.

Seomi nods her head. She could feel the chills. It feels heavy and it was making her sick in the stomach.


Harper eyes widened. She could feel the same ominous feeling she felt two night ago on the bus. This time, stronger like this thing was breathing down her neck. She touched her bracelet and whispered, “I beseech thee, north of light, protect me.”


She closed her eyes and whispered again, this time in a stronger tone, “I beseech thee, north of light, protect me!”

Whatever it was moved away from her and she felt it moved towards another another table. She gives out a gasp and exclaimed, “Adrian! It’s moving to another table!”

Seomi felt something goes pass her. She grabbed Adrian by the arm saying, “It’s attacking people here to get to you!”

“Fuck it!” Adrian muttered in an angry tone. He takes out a drawstring from his ponytail and started whispering words unknown to Seomi.


Harper grabbed the canister of salt on a table. She unscrewed the cap and muttered, “By the power that protects the north, I ask of thee. I am your faithful servant! Grant me! Protect!” she then threw the salt on the ground near the table where the demonic presence is at currently.

The couple seating there was startled as some of the salt hit there table. She gave them a look and exclaimed, “DO NOT MOVE! Do not move if you wanna live!”

“What? Are you crazy?” one of the couple exclaimed angrily.

“Trust me you will thank her soon enough.” Adrian exclaimed. He points his index finger where he wrapped the drawstring and cried, “SHOW YOURSELF DEMON!

A roar was heard throughout the diner. So loud and piercing that the windows inside shattered.
Some of the customers ran in fear as the windows shattered. The couple could not move and was horrified to see a black mass forming in front of them.

The black mass twisted and formed into a humanoid figure with long limbs, claws that could tear any human being and animal apart and red fiery eyes that could burn any souls.

“Don’t look!” Adrian ordered the couple. The couple immediately closed their eyes.

Harper turns to the child who was crying and said, “Don’t look darling!” she then takes out a handkerchief from her pocket. She grabbed a glass of water from the table and soaked the handkerchief muttering, “Don’t see, don’t hear, thy evil do not exist! Protect thy one’s eyes, let her not see!”

She approached the crying child and tied the handkerchief over the child’s eyes. She looks at Seomi and said, “Detective! Take my bracelet!”

Seomi nods her head. She went towards Harper and slips the bracelet off her and said, “You sure about this?”

“He needs your eyes! Go!” Harper exclaimed clutching the child to her chest. She then looks away closing her eyes.

Seomi then walks towards Adrian. She slips the bracelet into her wrist and hands it to Adrian. Adrian takes it and said, “For you shall see for me!” with that he closed his eyes and started chanting again.

The demon roared as he heard the chants. Seomi gasped. She felt the bracelet getting hot on her wrist, she wants to remove it but she knows she shouldn’t. The demon glared at her but she kept on staring at it. Whatever protecting spell Harper conjured on the bracelet, it was working because she couldn’t feel any fear. She doesn’t feel any sickness in her stomach. The chills were there but it’s not affecting her a lot.

“DEMON!” Adrian cried with his eyes closed. “I WARD YOU OFF!” with that the drawstring on his index finger burned into ashes and the demon roared again. It twisted several times before morphing into a black mass once more and disappearing all together.

Seomi lets out a breathe saying, “Oh God, it’s gone. Adrian it’s gone.”

“For now. It will be back.” Adrian replied opening his eyes.

Harper opens her eyes, she looks at the child and removed the handkerchief. The child is no longer crying and has lost consciousness. She gently lay the child on the seat and went towards the couple who are clutching each other for their dear life.

“It’s all right. You can open your eyes now. It’s gone.” Harper replied to them.

The couple opens their eyes and looked at Harper, Adrian and Seomi with fear. Seomi immediately flashed her badge saying, “I’m a detective, please stay calm. I’ve called for back up and they will be here soon.”

“What the fuck is that?!” one of the pair demanded in fear.

Seomi sighed and said, “Something not of this world.”


“Oh wow! Did you see that?! Those three!” Chicol exclaimed looking amazed.

Lirika nods her head. “I told you never to underestimate the living.”

“The evil entity is far stronger than the last time.” Nuriel replied. “They need all the help they can get.”

“I know.” Lirika walks towards Adrian and whispered, “You are running out of time.”

Adrian looks at her and merely nod his head.

“You need to hurry. That evil entity will continue to kill just to get to you.” Lirika replied. “It knows you cannot stand by as it kills innocent lives.”

“I couldn’t save Celia and the others before. I can’t let it happen again.” Adrian replied to her.

Lirika smiles and said, “You have changed a lot Vaz.” with that she walks away.


Joey was surprised to see his boss and the two girls back in the shop during the closing time. Usually, Adrian arrives in the morning and leaves three hours before closing time which is 7PM.

“Joey, I want you to take a day off tomorrow. I won’t be opening the shop.” Adrian replied.

“Oh. Cool?” Joey replied looking confused.

Adrian taps him on the shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, it will be a paid day off.”

“Cool!” Joey exclaimed. He is about to take off his necklace but Adrian stops him and said, “Don’t. Wear it tomorrow. Please.”

Joey gives his boss a concerned look and said, “Are you sure? I usually leave this in the shop before I go home.”

“For now, wear it. Just a pre-caution.” Adrian replied. Joey nods his head. He never asks whenever Adrian becomes grim like today. He just follows and he never disobeys any of his instructions. One thing he learned working in the shop is, always follow what Adrian says. He looks at the two girls before him and gives them a wave of goodbye. He grabs his bag pack and off he went.

Seomi smiles as the young man left and said, “You are very lucky to find Joey as your assistant here.”

“It’s no luck. He is a budding warlock. He just need to realize it himself.” Adrian replied, with that he bent down and started to remove the rug.

“You have a magic circle here? Near the counter?” Harper asks looking at the huge circle marking on the floor.

Adrian smirks and said, “Of course. It’s not activated but for situations like this, I usually activate it.

Seomi looks at the circle and noticed that there were some runic marks inside and outside the circle. She also noticed some markings inside the circle, they don’t looke familiar to her. She looks at Adrian and ask, “Are we conjuring the Devouring Dagger here?”

“Yes we are. The circle I have here is more powerful than the in the Black Room.” Adrian replied. “Harper, if you please, can you prep the circle up?”

Harper nod her head. Adrian dust his hands and said, “I’ll just get the grimoire from the Black Room.” with that he walks towards the end of the shop.

“What can I do?” Seomi ask.

“I was not able to get the things I purchased here. I believe it’s behind the counter. Can you get it for me? I’ll just go get the candles we need.” Harper replied.

Seomi nods her head. She goes behind the counter and sees a paper bag. She picks it up and looked inside. There were several bottles of herbs and some sages inside. She looks up and sees Harper getting white candles from one of the shelves.

“You bought a lot.” She called out.

Harper gives a short laugh and said, “Yeah. I do a lot of magic too.” She walks towards the circle and as she places the candles on their respective places she continues, “I usually help people with love spells, warding of ghosts, conjuring amulets of luck. Things like that.”

“Do you get paid?” Seomi asks handing the paper bag to Harper. The red-head shakes her head and said, “I’m not like Adrian. I don’t ask people for payments.”

“Then why does Adrian do it?” Seomi ask.

“Because I need to live? Besides the clients I have are old clients of my mentor. I’m doing it in his honor.” Adrian replied from behind Harper.

Seomi shrugs and said, “Just asking. No judgment there.” she then watches as Harper takes all the sages out of the paper bag and started lighting one of them up.

“What should I do now?” Seomi ask.

Adrian smiles at her and said, “At this point? Nothing, but I would appreciate it if you could order us some food and drinks because it’s going to be a long night.”

“Prepping up a powerful circle like this takes a long time.” Harper remarked. “The actual conjuring happens tomorrow night during full moon.”

Seomi looks at the window and asks, “Will the demon follow us here?”

“No. For now it won’t. I masked our trail when went to the precinct and here but I cannot guarantee tomorrow. The demon is getting powerful and powerful and even with the masking spell it might know soon enough where we are.”

Seomi nods her head and said, “We are indeed running out of time.”


Nuriel’s eyes widened when he sees the markings inside the circle. He points at it and said, “Those are enochian markings.”

“Language of the angels.” Chicol chirped.

“Enochian markings to be used in a conjuring session is deemed difficult. You are technically seeking powers from us Angels to conjure magic.” Nuriel pointed out. “If you do it wrong, you will seek a different angel powers.”

Chicol sighs and said, “Based on what I saw, I think they can do it.” he then looks at Lirika who is kneeling down besides Adrian and said, “Is this the reason why you are so involved in this?”

“Maybe.” Lirika replied.

“She won’t tell me anything.” Chicol grumbled.

Nuriel pats Chicol on the back and said, “I don’t either but you don’t complain about it.”

“You’re not my master why would I?” Chicol asks looking annoyed.

“Point taken.”

Lirika shakes her finger at Chicol and said, “Be patient Chicol. Let fate show us why.”


The clock in the shop ticks to 6AM. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. She has been awake since yesterday. She hasn’t slept or not even rested. She and Adrian has been prepping the magic circle the whole night.

“Is this your first time prepping a magic circle like this?” Adrian ask.

“Duh! I don’t use enochian markings as a source spell. Getting those prepped up for a conjuring spell is a fucking challenge.”

Adrian stretched his arms and said, “The last time I used it when I had to conjure a protection spell for a whole family. When I said family I mean it includes the aunts, uncles and cousins. It was fucking draining.”

“Adrian, I am scared. I am not that confident in this kind of conjuring spell. I’ve never conjured something like this using enochian markings.” Harper replied running her hand over her hair.

Adrian smiles at her and said, “Lirika didn’t choose you if she thinks you can’t do it.”

“Choose huh. Is that what it means when she showed herself to me?” Harper asks.

“Is that the reason why she also acknowledges me?” Seomi chirps in yawning.

Adrian looks at her saying, “Good morning detective.”

Seomi looks at her watch and said, “Oh wow. 6AM. You guys haven’t slept?”

Adrian and Harper shakes their head. Adrian slowly stands up and said, “We just finished and we need to rest. We need to have enough energy tonight.”

“Okay, I need to report to the station. I’ll see you guys here before dinner.” Seomi exclaims. “Come on Harper, I’ll drive you to your dorm.”

Harper stands up. She cracks her knuckles and said, “I haven’t paid for my purchases Adrian.”

“It’s on the house.” Adrian replied waving his hand at her.

“You’re not going home?” Seomi asks.

Adrian yawns and said, “Someone has to watch over the magic circle. I’ll sleep in the Black Room. Besides, a demon is after me. I need to be surrounded by magic to protect myself.” with that he staggers towards the Black Room.

“Come Harper. You look dead.” Seomi replied.

Harper scoffs and said, “So are you.”

“Ha! This is nothing new child. Let’s go. Don’t you have class?” Seomi exclaimed opening the door of the shop. As Harper goes out, she locked the door from the inside and closed it.

Harper stretched her arms towards the sky and said, “What class? I need sleep. I’m so exhausted.”

“Same but duty calls.” Seomi muttered opening her car.


Duty calls. As soon as Seomi steps into the station, Winston chased her out saying she needs to rest. Apparently, she looked like death has swarmed over her. Winston’s partner, Moore commented on the lines of covering up for her if ever the Captain ask where she is.

“Go rest Seomi.” Winston ordered.

Seomi who at that time didn’t have a lot energy already silently agreed. So she took that rest that the two told her to do. But it was a rest filled with dreams. She could not place if they were dreams, visions or even a nightmare.

She remember sleeping and then waking up sweat all over her face. She looks at her alarm clock and it was 5PM.

“Oh fuck!” her mind cursed. She looks around and she noticed that she passed out on her couch. She immediately got up muttering, “God I need a shower. A quick one.”

She is about to go to her bedroom when she felt a sudden chill. Flashes of the demonic entity appeared in her head and blood. She grabs her bag and pulled out her smartphone. She dialed a number frantically.

“Hello? Adrian! It’s me. Is Harper there? Good. Look, you guys need to get ready. I just had visions of the demon. It seemed like it’s searching and for some reason it feels near.” She exclaimed through the phone.

“That is not good but I am not surprised. Harper has started the initial spells. How soon can you get here?”

Seomi looks at her watch and said, “In two minutes.” with that she ends the call. Looks like that quick shower has to wait.


The full moon was out as early as 5PM. It gets dark easily nowadays. She parked her car in front of Raven Othello and hurriedly got out of the car. She looks around and she could feel an unease in the air.

“Fuck, it is near.” Seomi thinks as she knocks on the shop’s door.

The door opens by itself which surprised her a bit and then she internally reminded herself that there are two people inside that uses magic for real.

As she steps inside, she sees Adrian on the floor, cross legged chanting words she could not understand. Harper was also seating cross legged and is chanting along with Adrian. In the middle of the circle is a dagger and it was glowing brightly in a blue and greenish hue.

She closed the door behind her. She could feel strong power inside the shop. The energy was intense that she found herself having some difficulty breathing. Then suddenly, the room started to shake. She plants her back against the shop’s door saying, “Oh fuck!”

“It’s here Seomi deo Brado.” a girl’s voice exclaimed into her brain. She looks around the shop and spots a familiar girl standing behind Adrian but she is not alone. There are two beings beside her. She couldn’t make out how they look like. They were blurred from her sight but she could sense that the two are holy entities.

“Lirika?” Seomi exclaimed as she steps forward.

Lirika nods her head saying, “So you know my name. I’ve always been watching you Seomi deo Brado.”

“Uh thanks? But what do we do now? These two are not ready and it’s here already.” Seomi replied in a panicked voice.

Lirika looked to her right and whispered something. The being on her right suddenly moved and burst into a swarm of butterflies. It flew around the room and the shaking stopped. The butterflies were all perched throughout the room. She could feel some protective power coming from them.

“Did you just?” Seomi ask her eyes

“Chicol can only protect us as long as he can.” Lirika replied. She then looks at Adrian and said, “It will try to get in. Vaz, Harper, you need to hurry.”

Harper opens her eyes, she grabs the dagger on the middle still chanting, “Alonusahi adagita quasaba. Dalagare ome ugear! with this Adrian open his eyes too, he then grabs the dagger too and chanted, “Dalagare ome ugear, ne olepireta!

Both of them let the dagger go and it suddenly rose to the air. Harper and Adrian stands up and both cried out, “DEVOURING DAGGER BESEECH I SAY!”

The dagger glowed brightly and then it dropped to the ground. Seomi approached them asking “Is it done?”

“Yes it is.” Harper replied wiping sweat from her brow. She picks the dagger up, looking at Seomi she ask, “Are you ready?

“I am not sure if I am. “ Seomi replied. Harper chuckles nervously, “Oh I know how that feels.”

The room starts to shake again and the butterflies starts flying. Adrian cracks his knuckles and said, “Well be ready because the shield I placed in this room is going to break anytime soon.” he then looks at the butterflies and said, “Not even Lirika’s help will last long.”

“She is here?” Harper asks.

“She is.” Seomi replied looking at Lirika.

The shaking got stronger that windows shattered. Adrian takes Seomi by the arm saying, “Stay behind the circle. It will protect us.” Harper backs away, she could feel that ominous presence again but this time stronger. Adrian grabbed her from behind pulling her behind the circle saying, “Harper, focus.”

A roar was heard and the butterflies disintegrates slowly forming into a blurred humanoid form. It appeared besides Lirika again. She heard the being saying, “I’m sorry Lirika.”

“You did well Chicol.” Lirika exclaimed. The being on her left takes a step forward, it was holding a sword. Seomi internally gasp. She could not see this being well but she feels how great the presence of this being.

She is about to point it out to Adrian and Harper when the shop’s door burst open and there stood the demon entity. It was tall and looks far more nefarious than it was in the diner. It enters the shop howling.


Harper closed her eyes. She grabs Seomi by the arm and chanted, “North of Light, I beseech thee, protect her being!”

Seomi felt the bracelet on her wrist getting hotter. She stares at the demon and she knows it was working because she couldn’t feel any fear. She takes Adrian’s hand and said, “Come on Adrian. Let’s do this.”

“For you shall see for us!” Adrian exclaimed closing his eyes. “Harper now!”

Harper raised the dagger and started chanting. Adrian made signs in the air and exclaimed, “With the power of light and your being! Be with us! We beseech you with the glory of your grace! Hear us!”

The demon growled. It didn’t like what it heard.

“Demon! You shall be devoured!” Harper exclaimed with that she points the dagger at the demon. The demon growled further. It makes a step forward.

Harper takes a deep breathe and cried, “Demon! You shall be devoured!”

“Demon! You shall be devoured!” Adrian exclaimed that caused the demon to howl in pain as it continues to walks towards them.

The dagger’s blade glowed bright as the demon stepped into the magic circle. As the demon was inside the circle, Harper stabs the dagger into the demon’s chest.

The demon shrieked in agony. Seomi wants to cover her ear but couldn’t. It was such a horrible sound. A sound that could send any mortal cowering in fear. Adrian then started chanting in that language again. It’s not the same language that they were using when they were conjuring the dagger. Seomi hears Adrian using this language in the diner and in her apartment before.

“Lirika!” Adrian cried as he finished chanting.

Lirika then steps forward. The being with the sword also steps forward. Seomi now can see this being clearly. It has wings. Wings so bright. The being is an angel.

“Lirika be ready.” The angel exclaimed.

Lirika nods her head. The angel spread his wings apart. He then said, “In His name I smite you demon!” with that he pierced his sword into the demon’s heart. It created an opening and you could hear disembodied voices coming from it.

“Souls that has been devoured for centuries! Hear me! I am the Reaper of Souls and I am here for yours!” Lirika exclaimed extending her right hand. Chicol now steps forward, he transformed into a huge butterfly. “Leidon of Deceased Chicol! Heed my order! Reap the souls of the damned!”

Chicol flew into the opening. The demon twisted and continued shrieking in agony. Light started bursting out of it’s form. It didn’t take long and the demon burst open and thousands of black feathers erupted from it.

“The deed is done. Return Chicol.” Lirika ordered. Chicol emerged from the falling black feathers now in hid humanoid form.

“So many souls.” Nuriel exclaimed.

Chicol nodded saying, “All of them trapped in that entity.”

Lirika looks at the three who were now slumped on the floor looking beyond tired. She bowed down before them saying, “You did well.”

“Yeah, thanks.” Harper muttered gasping for her breathe. “What kind of demon was that?”

Lirika waves her hand and the black feathers started disappearing. She looks at Nuriel and said, “It was an agent of Morningstar. It’s role is to devour souls.”

“Morningstar? Like Lucifer? That was an agent of Lucifer?” Seomi asks frowning.

“Yes it is.” Nuriel replied. “It went rogue and started killing those who survived the Cursed Tree.”

Adrian dust his hands as he slowly gets up. He looks at Nuriel and ask, “Why? We survived. Why kill us?”

“Because it thinks your souls are damned and deserved to be punished.” Nuriel answered. He smiles and said, “You are well versed in enochian magic and you speak His tongue. Only a few of you can do the Chant of the Angels.”

Seomi who is helping Harper to get up asks, “Chant of the Angels?”

“It’s a spell in the grimoire. A powerful one. Only someone who can speak aramaic and well versed in enochian magic can successfully use it. It is a spell to call upon any of God’s agents to destroy a demonic entity.” Harper explains.

“Aramaic. You’ve been speaking in Aramaic when you chant your spells.” Seomi replied looking at Adrian. Adrian merely smiled suddenly looking shy.

Chicol looks at Lirika and said, “Okay, is this the reason why you are so invested in this?”

“Yes Chicol and now I know why I am different from other Lost Souls.” Lirika replied. Nuriel smiles at her and said, “You have the power to reap damned souls trapped in demonic entities and bring them to peace.”

Chicol whistled and said, “Oh wow. That’s tough.”

Lirika turns to the three and said, “This is not the last time you will see me but trust that you will always be safe until the time I come to reap yours.” with that she opens her plastic umbrella and disappears along with Chicol and Nuriel.

“She likes doing that huh? Just saying goodbye. Not even staying longer to answer some questions that I still have.” Harper muttered.

“Well she brought us together for a reason and this is it.” Seomi replied.

Adrian sighed and said, “Yeah but for now, I need to replace those windows.”

“I’m not helping you there. I need a shower.” Seomi replied. “I also need to report to the station and finalize this case.”

“Come on Adrian, I’ll help you.” Harper exclaimed chucking as she taps the warlock at his back. Adrian looks at Seomi and said, “Detective, about me...”

“Mario Vazquez is dead. You said that.” Seomi replied knowingly. Adrian then takes out a notebook and hands it to Seomi saying, “This is my diary. The last entry was the day I decided to become Adrian Ecanus. It says there I decided to kill myself. That is your proof that I am dead. The body? Just say I burned myself.”

Seomi takes the notebook and just nod her head.


It took three days before she could finalize her report. She made sure that Winston and Moore gets some credit after all they did help her. They managed to come up a good alibi for her when she had to go some demon kicking. In the end, she did manage to solve the massacre last year. The captain accepted the reason that it was some demonic entity who killed all of those people, including the recent death in the diner and in that building where she met her contact. Thanks to witnesses and an actual CCTV footage. She also closed the missing file case on Mario Vazquez thanks to that diary.

The whole case actually had the Captain thinking of making a division on cases that deals with the supernatural and he has Seomi leading it. The Captain still wants her to have a fellow detective as partner, though. Seomi shakes her head on it. She already have two partners in mind but they’re not police officers. One is a witch who is currently a college student and the other is a warlock who runs a mystic shop.

“So, when will you offer Nolan and Ecanus a place in this supernatural division the Captain is forming.” Winston asks.

Seomi laughs and said, “Today. We’re meeting up for dinner tonight at Adrian’s shop.” she winks at Winston and said, “Wanna join my team Winston?”

“Nah. I’m happy with my serial killers.” Winston exclaimed.

“Good thing the Captain agreed to make two civilians as honorary officers for your division Seomi.” Moore exclaimed nudging her.

Seomi smiles and said, “Well they’re like consultants really but yeah it’s a start.” she then looks outside the window and she sees Lirika looking at her. She blinks and she was gone.

“Always watching over me huh? Reaper of Souls.” Seomi thinks.


Harper grabs her paper bag filled with herbs and some candles. She gives Joey her payment saying, “I love this store is complete with all the things I need.”

“What happened to the herbs you bought last time?” Joey asks.

“I had to use it immediately.” Harper exclaimed giving Adrian a look. Adrian who just emerged from the Black Room, simply shrugs his shoulders at her. It has been two days. Both of them has been trying to recuperate their lost energy from destroying a demonic entity. Harper decided to stop making spells for awhile as for Adrian told his clients that he needed some rest and will be unavailable for a month.

“Remember, Detective Seomi is meeting us for dinner tonight here.” Adrian replied knowingly.

Harper nods her head. Seomi sends her a text about requesting for a get together. She walks towards the shop’s door saying. “This is not just an ordinary dinner isn’t it?”

“Are you sure you’re not just a witch? You sounded like a seer.” Adrian replied in jest. Harper gives him the middle finger and said, “Whatever Ecanus. I’ll see you later.” with that she exits the shop leaving Adrian grinning to himself.


Just outside the shop, stands Lirika with Chicol in his humanoid form. They both watched Harper ride a bus going back to the university.

“Their lives are now forever changed.” Chicol remarked.

Lirika smiles and said, “Something bigger is going to happen and they will need each other more. Especially Adrian and Harper.”

“Okay there you go being cryptic again.” Chicol exclaimed giving Lirika a look.

The Reaper of Souls merely smiled and looked at the sky. She hears Him calling to her. She closed her eyes and listened to His voice. As she opens them, she says, “Let’s go Chicol. Another soul awaits.”

“Is it a red?” Chicol asks.

Shevopens her plastic umbrella and said, “Maybe.”

Lirika cast one more look at Raven Othello and disappears whispering to wind, “I am Lirika, I am a Reaper of Souls and I am here for yours.”


The End


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